Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NETWORKED SYSTEMS - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NETWORKED SYSTEMS

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NETWORKED SYSTEMS

  • Models of Information Systems Integration in CompaniesW : Information Systems Architecture and Technology : IT Models in Management Process


    This work indicates the need for supporting IT organizations with incident and change management IT tools. The work presents tche characteristics of a computer system for the comprehensive management of projects, wich can be used to resolve the issues of version management, releases and incidents.

  • Application, design and operation of constructed wetland systems: case studies of systems in the Gdańsk region, Poland

    Differences in operation result from physical, chemical and biological conditions, which directly influence transformations in the whole aquatic-matrix-plants environment. Depending on the quantity of inflowing organic matter load and the rate of biochemical processes, the contaminations could be removed or/and retuned in the system. From this point of view the facility should be designed and operated in such way that the highest...

  • The Environmental Benefits of Photovoltaic Systems: The Impact on the Environment in the Production of Photovoltaic Systems: With a Focus on Metal Recovery


    Greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane, trap heat and energy, thus preventing solar radiation from escaping back into space. As the quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases so does the trapped heat and corresponding global temperature. As a result, storms become more violent, droughts more prevalent, glaciers melt, and sea levels rise, to name but a few effects of a rapidly changing...

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  • Network analyses with the use of spatial databases

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  • Evolutionary Algorithms in MPLS network designing


    - Rok 2008

    MPLS technology become more and more popular especially in core networks giving great flexibility and compatibility with existing Internet protocols. There is a need to optimal design such networks and optimal bandwidth allocation. Linear Programming is not time efficient and does not solve nonlinear problems. Heuristic algorithms are believed to deal with these disadvantages and the most promising of them are Evolutionary Algorithms....

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  • Universal Augmentation Schemes for Network Navigability

    • P. Fraigniaud
    • C. Gavoille
    • A. Kosowski
    • E. Lebhar
    • Z. Lotker


    Rozważano problem uzupełniania grafu (reprezentującego np. sieci społeczne) poprzez dodanie w każdym węźle jednego dodatkowego skierowanego połączenia (długodystansowego). Dokładniej, dla każdego węzła definiuje się listę prawdopodobieństw istnienia połączenia wychodzącego z danego węzła do wszystkich pozostałych węzłów; wartości tych prawdopodobieństw muszą sumować się do jedności. Routing zachłanny w takiej sieci polega na przekazywaniu...

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  • Organization of BBMRI.pl: The Polish Biobanking Network

    • M. Witoń
    • D. Strapagiel
    • J. Gleńska-Olender
    • A. Chróścicka
    • K. Ferdyn
    • L. Kalinowski
    • J. Pawlikowski
    • B. Marciniak
    • M. Pasterk
    • A. Matera-Witkiewicz
    • Ł. Kozera

    - Biopreservation and Biobanking - Rok 2017

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  • Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing


    - Rok 2012

    Zaprezentowano system BOINC (ang. Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) jako interesujące rozwiązanie integrujące rozproszone moce obliczeniowe osobistych komputerów typu PC w Internecie. Przedstawiono zasadę działania opisywanej platformy. W dalszej części zaprezentowano kilka wybranych projektów naukowych wykorzystujących BOINC, które są reprezentatywne w zakresie zastosowania systemu w ujęciu założonego paradygmatu...

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  • Software Agents for Computer Network Security


    - Rok 2012

    The chapter presents applications of multi-agent technology for design and implementation of agent-based systems intended to cooperatively solve several critical tasks in the area of computer network security. These systems are Agent-based Generator of Computer Attacks (AGCA), Multi-agent Intrusion Detection and Protection System (MIDPS), Agent-based Environment for Simulation of DDoS Attacks and Defense (AESAD) and Mobile Agent...

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  • Resource constrained neural network training


    Modern applications of neural-network-based AI solutions tend to move from datacenter backends to low-power edge devices. Environmental, computational, and power constraints are inevitable consequences of such a shift. Limiting the bit count of neural network parameters proved to be a valid technique for speeding up and increasing efficiency of the inference process. Hence, it is understandable that a similar approach is gaining...

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  • Delamination Identification Using Global Convolution Networks


    - Rok 2023

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  • Cost minimisation in unbounded multi-interface networks


    - Rok 2008

    W pracy badano problem odłączania niektórych urządzeń komunikacyjnych w wielointerfejsowych sieciach bezprzewodowych w taki sposób, by zapewnić realizację wymaganego grafu połączeń przy jednoczesnej minimalizacji zużycia energii. Sformułowano problem optymalizacyjny, podano wyniki dotyczące jego trudności i zaproponowano algorytmy optymalizacyjne dla wariantu, w którym liczba interfejsów komunikacyjnych jest potencjalnie nieograniczona...

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  • Quality of service in optical burst switched networks

    In the paper analytical models of two service differentiation schemes for optical burst switched network: extended offset time based and PPS (Preemptive Priority Scheme) are revised. Also accordance of analytical models for those schemes is studied when complete class isolation is assumed. Furthermore authors introduce an analytical model which describes an effective degree of isolation when burst switched network employs both...

  • Cluster-Dependent Feature Selection for the RBF Networks


    - Rok 2015

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  • Rearrangeability in multicast Clos networks is NP-complete


    Przestrajalność w polach Closa z połączeniami jeden do jeden jest problemem wielomianowym. W pracy pokazano, że w polach z połączeniami jeden do wiele problem ten jest NP zupełny.Three-stage elos networks are commutation networks with circuit switching. So far, graph theory has been very useful tool for solving issues related to these networks with unicast connections. This is so because if elos network is represented as a bipartite...

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  • RSVP-TE as a reservation protocol for optical networks


    In this paper, we consider the reservation of optical resources problem. We implement extensions for RSVP-TE (Resource ReSerVation Protocol with Traffic Engineering Extension) to achieve the new functionality for optical resources reservation. Based on ASON/GMPLS architecture we examine an open source implementation KOM RSVP-Engine and extend its functionality according to ITU-T and IETF recommendations. The transport plane consists...

  • Applying artificial intelligence for cellular networks optimization

    • O. Semenova
    • A. Semenov
    • O. Bisikalo
    • V. Kucheruk
    • P. Kulakov
    • R. Romaniuk
    • P. Komada
    • K. Nurseitova
    • R. S. Romaniuk

    - Rok 2019

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  • Traffic Modeling in IMS-based NGN Networks

    In the modern world the need for accurate and quickly delivered information is becoming more and more essential. In order to fulfill these requirements, next generation telecommunication networks should be fast introduced and correctly dimensioned. For this reason proper traffic models must be identified, which is the subject of this paper. In the paper standardization of IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) concept and IMS-based NGN...

  • Performance Evaluation of Preemption Algorithms in MPLS Networks

    Preemption is a traffic engineering technique in Multiprotocol Switching Networks that enables creation of high priority paths when there is not enough free bandwidth left on the route. Challenging part of any preemption method is to select the best set of paths for removal. Several heuristic methods are available but no wider comparison had been published before. In this paper, we discuss the dilemmas in implementing preemption...

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  • Cooperative Data Transmission in Wireless Vehicular Networks


    - Rok 2017

    The paper presents issues related to the cooperative transmission in wireless vehicular networks. Cooperative transmission involves the use of mobile terminals as relay stations to improve the transmission quality, improve network performance and reduce energy consumption. The paper presents the methods used to implement cooperative transmission and the types of cooperative networks.

  • Annual signals observed in regional GPS networks

    • J. Bogusz
    • M. Figurski

    - Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia - Rok 2014

    Abstract: This paper describes analyses concerning annual signals in GPS-derived coordinates. The data was processed in the Military University of Technology Local Analysis Centre with Bernese 5.0 software. We used observations from 129 permanent GPS stations which belong to the Polish Active Geodetic Network (ASG-EUPOS), for the period of GPS weeks 1465-1729, corresponding to about 5 years. The annual signals have been estimated...

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  • Application of wavelength division multiplexing in sensor networks


    - Rok 2012

    Over the past few years the need to acquire data on various parameters from a number of sensors grew. The need that led to the development of a network of sensors which enables simultaneous control and measurement in a wide range of applications. The aim of this article is to discuss a possibility of connecting a variety of sensors in a network that would utilize WDM technology. Wavelength Division Multiplexing is commonly used...

  • Minimization of label usage in (G)MPLS networks


    - Rok 2009

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  • Comparison of centralized and decentralized preemption in MPLS networks


    - Rok 2007

    Preemption is one of the crucial parts of the traffic engineering in MPLS networks. It enables allocation of high-priority paths even if the bandwidth on the preferred route is exhausted. This is achieved by removing previously allocated low-priority traffic, so as enough free bandwidth becomes available. The preemption can be performed either as a centralized or a decentralized process. In this article we discuss the differences...

  • Service restoration in survivable networks under attacks

    W artykule dokonano porównania jakości odtwarzania usług w przeżywalnych sieciach optycznych, uszkadzanych w wyniku awarii fizycznych oraz na skutek ataków. Przeanalizowano wariant ochrony ścieżek ('path protection') poprzez wyznaczane zawczasu ścieżki zabezpieczające. Z uwagi na NP-zupełność problemu optymalizacji doboru tras w przeżywalnych sieciach optycznych, zaproponowano efektywny algorytm heurystyczny SCNDP. Autorski symulator...

  • Quality of service in optical burst switched networks


    In the paper analytical models of two service differentiation schemes for optical burst switched network: extended offset time based and PPS (Preemptive Priority Scheme) are revised. Also accordance of analytical models for those schemes is studied when complete class isolation is assumed. Furthermore authors introduce an analytical model which describes an effective degree of isolation when burst switched network employs both...

  • Region protection/restoration scheme in survivable networks


    - Rok 2005

    W artykule zaproponowano nowe podejście do zabezpieczania/odtwarzania obszarowego, gdzie scieżka zabezpieczająca chroni pewien obszar ścieżki aktywnej. Wykazano, że ta metoda utrzymuje zarówno czasy odtwarzania, jak i współczynnik wykorzystania zasobów w rozsądnych granicach. Ze względu na fakt, że zadanie znalezienia ścieżek aktywnych i ścieżek zabezpieczających jest NP-zupełne, autorzy stworzyli algorytm heurystyczny i pokazali,...

  • The Transmission Protocol of Sensor Ad Hoc Networks


    - Rok 2015

    This paper presents a secure protocol for a radio Ad Hoc sensor network. This network uses the TDMA multiple access method. The transmission rate on the radio channel is 57.6 kbps. The paper presents the construction of frames, types of packets and procedures for the authentication, assignment of time slots available to the node, releasing assigned slots and slots assignment conflict detection.

  • Overview of Scalability and Reliability Problem in SDN Networks

    In the paper an overview of scalability and reliability in the SDN (Software Defined Networks) networks has been presented. Problems and limitations for guaranteeing scalability and reliability in SDN networks have been indicated. Known methods for assuring scalability and reliability in SDN networks have been described. Projects from research communities for resolving issues with scalability and reliability in SDN networks have...

  • Topology recognition and leader election in colored networks


    Topology recognition and leader election are fundamental tasks in distributed computing in networks. The first of them requires each node to find a labeled isomorphic copy of the network, while the result of the second one consists in a single node adopting the label 1 (leader), with all other nodes adopting the label 0 and learning a path to the leader. We consider both these problems in networks whose nodes are equipped with...

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  • Primary role identification in dynamic social networks


    - Rok 2011

    Identyfikacja ról w sieci społecznej jest jednym z podstawowych zagadnień analizy takich sieci. W artykule przedstawiamy nowe podejście do tego zagadnienia. Pokazujemy w jaki sposób można dokonać identyfikacji ról poprzez wykorzystanie zaproponowanego modelu zachowań aktorów. Model taki tworzą podgrafy wzorcowe oraz diagramy stanów okreslające sekwencje aktywności w zachowaniu aktorów. Na bazie wyznaczonych modeli zachowań oraz...

  • Ship Resistance Prediction with Artificial Neural Networks


    - Rok 2015

    The paper is dedicated to a new method of ship’s resistance prediction using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). In the initial stage selected ships parameters are prepared to be used as a training and validation sets. Next step is to verify several network structures and to determine parameters with the highest influence on the result resistance. Finally, other parameters expected to impact the resistance are proposed. The research utilizes...

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    The problem of determining displacements of objects is an important and current issue, in particular in terms of operational safety. This is a requirement that covers geodetic, periodic control measurements in order to determine horizontal and vertical displacements. The paper is focused on the analysis of vertical displacements. Geodetic measurements and their interpretation allow to reduce the risk of possible structural catastrophes....

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    The research problem considered in this paper is how to protect wireless sensor networks (WSN) against cyber-threats by applying trust management and how to strengthen network resilience to attacks targeting the trust management mechanism itself. A new method, called WSN Cooperative Trust Management Method (WCT2M), of distributed trust management in multi-layer wireless sensor networks is proposed and its performance is evaluated....

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  • Statistical significance of displacements in heterogeneous control networks


    - Geodesy and Cartography - Rok 2013

    This paper proposes a modification of the classical process for evaluating the statistical significance of displacements in the case of heterogeneous (e.g. linear-angular) control networks established to deformation measurements and analysis. The basis for the proposed solution is the idea of local variance factors. The theoretical discussion was complemented with an example of its application on a simulated horizontal control...

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  • Service-based Resilience for Embedded IoT Networks


    - Rok 2020

    Embedded IoT networks are the backbone of safety-critical systems like smart factories, autonomous vehicles, and airplanes. Therefore, resilience against failures and attacks should be a prior concern already in their design stage. In this study, we introduce a service-based network model as an MILP optimization problem for the efficient deployment of a service overlay to the embedded network by meeting QoS and resilience requirements....

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  • Robustness in Compressed Neural Networks for Object Detection


    Model compression techniques allow to significantly reduce the computational cost associated with data processing by deep neural networks with only a minor decrease in average accuracy. Simultaneously, reducing the model size may have a large effect on noisy cases or objects belonging to less frequent classes. It is a crucial problem from the perspective of the models' safety, especially for object detection in the autonomous driving...

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  • Trust Management Method for Wireless Sensor Networks


    - Rok 2017

    A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, pressure, etc. and to cooperatively pass their data to the main location. The first wireless network that bore any real resemblance to a modern WSN is the Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS), developed by the United States Military in the 1950s to detect and track Soviet...

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  • Traffic Remapping Attacks in Ad Hoc Networks


    Ad hoc networks rely on the mutual cooperation of stations. As such, they are susceptible to selfish attacks that abuse network mechanisms. Class-based QoS provisioning mechanisms, such as the EDCA function of IEEE 802.11, are particularly prone to traffic remapping attacks, which may bring an attacker better QoS without exposing it to easy detection. Such attacks have been studied in wireless LANs, whereas their impact in multihop...

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    - Rok 2017

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  • Photovoltaic energy systems - recycling or utilization?


    - Rok 2008

    W ostatnich latach obserwuje się znaczny wzrost produkowanej ilości modułów fotowoltaicznych (do 40% rocznie), przy czym 90% światowej produkcji ogniw do zastosowań naziemnych stanowią ogniwa z krystalicznego krzemu. Wskutek tak znacznego wzrostu produkcji pojawił się problem zaopatrzenia producentów w odpowiednią ilość krzemu odpowiedniej jakości. Dodatkowo za parę lat trzeba będzie dokonać wymiany modułów, pracujących od lat...

  • Concept of the mobile monitoring system for chemical agents control in the air


    - Rok 2006

    W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję mobilnego systemu monitoringu związków chemicznych zanieczyszczających powietrze. Nowością w przedstawionej koncepcji monitoringu jest pomiar zanieczyszczeń powietrza wzdłuż ciągów komunikacyjnych, co do tej pory nie jest realizowane. W tym celu przedstawiono propozycję rozwiązania stosunkowo małego, bezobsługowego modułu do pomiarów związków chemicznych, który z łatwością będzie montowany na...

  • Stanisław Czapp prof. dr hab. inż.

  • Networkig activities of general judiciary - from theory to practice


    - e-mentor - Rok 2018

    Over the last three decades, networks - as a field of research - have acquired a significant place among management sciences. Unfortunately, in the judiciary they have become a subject of more careful analyses only recently, which resulted in a large discrepancy of knowledge - both in theory and in its practical adaptation for the needs of the courts. In order to fill this cognitive gap, an attempt was made to identify levels of...

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  • Application examples of wide area monitoring for system operators withinh UCTE = Zastosowanie technologii WAMS w systemie UCTE



    Rozrost geograficzny systemów elektroenergetycznych zwiększa prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia słabo tłumionych kołysań elektromechanicznych. W artykule omawia się zastosowanie systemu WAMS w celu wykrywania tego typu zjawisk i dalej w celu ich eliminacji.

  • Waldemar Korłub dr inż.


    Waldemar Korłub uzyskał tytuł inżyniera w 2011 roku, tytuł magistra w 2012 roku oraz stopień doktora w dyscyplinie informatyki w 2017 roku na Wydziale Elektroniki Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jego zainteresowania naukowe obejmują: systemy rozproszone ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem systemów typu grid i chmur obliczeniowych, systemy autonomiczne zdolne do samodzielnej optymalizacji, zarządzania zasobami, ochrony...

  • The Conception of Decision-Making Support System for ComplexEnergetic System on Example of Ship Propulsion System


    In paper, the conception of decision-making support system for complex energetic system on example of ship propulsion system has been presented. Diversity of conditions, information overload and very often contradiction of decision-making criteria and time constraints result in difficulties in making right (rational) decision without using more or less expanded information processing systems (eg. database systems, expert systems,...

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  • A novel method based on adaptive cuckoo search for optimal network reconfiguration and distributed generation allocation in distribution network

    • T. Nguyen
    • A. Truong
    • T. Phung


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  • Rejestracja korespondencji w systemie EZD


    10-01-2024 09:00 - 10-01-2024 11:00

    Centrum Obiegu Dokumentów zaprasza na szkolenie przypominające z zakresu rejestracji tradycyjnej korespondencji wychodzącej w systemie EZD.