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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CHIRAL ANALYSIS

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CHIRAL ANALYSIS

  • Analysis of Excavation-induced Deformation with Different Soil Models


    - TASK Quarterly - Rok 2010

    Monitorowany wykop budowlany w centrum Warszawy poddano symulacjom numerycznym z wykorzystaniem metody elementów skończonych. Wykop zrealizowany został w pre-konsolidowanych utworach spoistych z zastosowaniem ścian szczelinowych i metody stropowej. Szczególnie ważny w symulacjach tego rodzaju zagadnień jest wybór modelu zachowania się gruntu w warunkach małych odkształceń przed osiągnięciem zniszczenia. Opis aktualnej sztywności...

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  • The Point Estimate Method in a Reticulated Shell Reliability Analysis


    The objective of this paper is to present an application of the point estimate method (PEM) to determine the probabilistic moments for engineering structures. Reliability analysis is illustrated by two examples: an estimation of the critical force in linear elastic buckling analysis and a reticulated shell limit load determinations. Calculations were also made using Monte Carlo method. It has been shown the practical usefulness...

  • Parametrization and Correlation Analysis Applied to Music Mood Classification .

    The paper presents a study on music mood categorization. First, a review of music mood models is presented. Then, the preparation of a set of music excerpts to be used in the experiments and music parametrization is described. Next, some listening tasks performed to obtain mood descriptors are introduced. Finally,the correlation between mood descriptors and features extracted from parameters is discussed. The paper concludes with...

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  • Multidimensional Scaling Analysis Applied to Music Mood Recognition


    The paper presents two experiments aimed at categorizing mood associated with music. Two parts of a listening test were designed and carried out with a group of students, most of whom where users of online social music services. The initial experiment was designed to evaluate the extent to which a given label describes the mood of the particular music excerpt. The second subjective test was conducted to collect the similarity data...

  • The reasons of considarable deflections of roof trusses in engineering analysis


    - Rok 2013

    The aim of the paper is to present an unconventional analysis of deformations of roof trusses of an exhibition pavilion. Structure of the main hall of the pavilion consists of repeatable span frames with steel pillars made of I-sections, fastened in the foundations and hinged supporting roof girders. The roof trusses, completed in steel construction, have undergone considerable permanent deflections. Deformations of the lower chord...

  • Knowledge management strategies in KIBS companies: A preliminary analysis


    - Rok 2017

    Purpose – The aim of this paper is to perform a preliminary analysis concerning the detection and examination of two possible opposite approaches to KM planning which will be referred to as deliberate and emergent KM strategies. The goal is to enhance our understanding of the variety of features KM strategies possess and, accordingly, to formulate categorisations that are in line with such characteristics. Design/methodology/approach...

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  • An Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Water Hammer Phenomenon in Slurries

    The analysis of slurry transportation in pressure pipelines is important both from practical and theoretical point of view. Due to the nature of the medium, the number of problems arising in the course of design, operation, measurements and mathematical modeling is much higher compared to the cases where the flowing liquid is homogeneous. The equations describing the flow are more complex, and higher number of the parameters is...

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  • Stress analysis of the bridge hangers in terms of the fatigue verification


    - Rok 2018

    The paper presents the results of numerical stress analysis of the bridge rod hangers. Two types of hangers were taken into account, i.e. the bolted hanger and the welded hanger. A detailed FEM shell models of the connection area between the hanger and the bridge span have been developed. Local stress concentration effects have been investigated in terms of fatigue verification.

  • Analysis of the design development of the sliding table saw spindles


    - Mechanik - Rok 2017

    Producers of sliding table saws constantly strive for improvement in sawing accuracy. One of the method is an upswing in a spindle behavior, since, it affects to a large degree sawing effects. The design development of sliding table saw spindles during the last quarter-century is presented. The spindle system of the modernized spindle of the sawing machine Fx550 is described.

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  • An analysis of the characteristics of Indonesian industrial sectors: 2005-2010

    The purpose of the current study is to analyze the characteristics of Indonesian industrial sectors from 2005 through 2010. The study employs the analysis instruments from the Input-Output (IO) analysis, namely the indices of the power of dispersion, and the sensitivity of dispersion. For 2005 and 2010, the study focuses on nine and seventeen industries, respectively. The results show that industry 3, manufacturing, placed the...

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  • Analysis of the Impact of Galileo Observations on the Tropospheric Delays Estimation


    - Rok 2017

    In this study we present analysis of the impact of Galileo observations on the ZTD and tropospheric gradients estimation. The tropospheric parameters were obtained in various scenarios, which differ from each other only in used satellite systems: Galileo-only, GPS-only, GPS/Galileo, GPS/GLONASS and GPS/GLONASS/Galileo. Then, comparative analysis between Galileo-only solution and the other ones, was carried out. As a reference,...

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  • SACAM A Model for Describing and Classifying Sentiment Analysis Methods


    In this paper we introduce SACAM — a model for describing and classifying sentiment analysis (SA) methods. The model focuses on the knowledge used during processing textual opinions. SACAM was designed to create informative descriptions of SA methods (or classes of SA methods) and is strongly integrated with its accompanying graphical notation suited for presenting the descriptions in diagrammatical form. The paper discusses applications...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Analysis of allophones based on audio signal recordings and parameterization

    The aim of this study is to develop an allophonic description of English plosive consonants based on recordings of 600 specially selected words. Allophonic variations addressed in the study may have two sources: positional and contextual. The former one depends on the syllabic or prosodic position in which a particular phoneme occurs. Contextual allophony is conditioned by the local phonetic environment. Co-articulation overlapping...

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  • Semantic Analysis and Text Summarization in Socio-Technical Systems


    - Rok 2018

    In this chapter the authors present the results of the development the methodology for increasing the reliability of the functioning of the Socio-Technical System. The existed methods and algorithms for processing unstructured (textual) information were studied. Taking into account noted above strengths and weaknesses of Discriminant and Probabilistic approaches of Latent Semantic Relations analysis in of the summarization projection...

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  • Analysis of economical lighting of highways in the environment of SMOL language

    The paper puts forward and implements a method of designing and creating a modelling simulation environment for eztensive and complete analysis of economical lighting on highways. From a general design viewpoint, the proposed solution explores the concept of a network description language (SMOL), which has been designed to describe the necessary network functions, mechanisms, and devices; for the purpose of their computer simulation...

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  • When digital government matters for tourism: a stakeholder analysis


    - Information Technology and Tourism - Rok 2017

    Despite the importance of governance processes for destination management and the impact of digital technology on such processes, surprisingly little academic research has explored the use of digital technology to transform public governance in the tourism sector. This conceptual paper fills this gap by conducting a digital government stakeholder analysis for the tourism sector using the digital government evolution model as its...

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  • Advanced polarization sensitive analysis in optical coherence tomography


    The optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an optical imaging method, which is widely applied in variety applications. This technology is used to cross-sectional or surface imaging with high resolution in non-contact and non-destructive way. OCT is very useful in medical applications like ophthalmology, dermatology or dentistry, as well as beyond biomedical fields like stress mapping in polymers or protective coatings defects detection....

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  • Human Factors and Cognitive Engineering in Functional Safety Analysis


    - Rok 2018

    Human factors and cognitive engineering are considered nowadays as important multidisciplinary domains that focus on improving the relations between humans, technology and systems to be supervised and operated. The industrial automation and control systems (IACS) in hazardous plants are increasingly computerized and perform various safety functions. These are usually designed and implemented according to the functional safety requirements....

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  • Study Analysis of Transmission Efficiency in DAB+ Broadcasting System


    - Rok 2018

    DAB+ is a very innovative and universal multimedia broadcasting system. Thanks to its updated multimedia technologies and metadata options, digital radio keeps pace with changing consumer expectations and the impact of media convergence. Broadcasting analog and digital radio services does vary, concerning devices on both transmitting and receiving side, as well as content processing mechanisms. However, the biggest difference is...

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  • Stability analysis of multilayered composite shells with cut-outs

    W pracy analizowana jest stateczność ściskanej osiowo kompozytowej powłoki warstwowej. Badany jest wpływ usytuowanego centralnie w powłoce kwadratowego otworu na stateczność konstrukcji. Obliczenia wykonano w programie NX-Nastran (wersja 6.0). Poziom obciążeń krytycznych wyznaczony został w rozwiązaniu liniowym (liniowy problem własny) oraz na drodze analizy przyrostowej z uwzględnieniem dużych przemieszczeń (statyka nieliniowa)....

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  • Structural changes in the polish economy- the analysis of input-output


    - Rok 2011

    this paper analyses the structure of polish economy using three input-output tables for years 1995, 2000 and 2004. applying the traditional methods proposed by rasmussen the sector's backward and forward linkages are identified. industries with large backward and forward linkages are named "key sectors" and play an important role in the development strategy of a country, so the outcome of the paper may be used for the development...

  • On elasto-plastic analysis of thin shells with deformable junctions


    - Rok 2011

    Przedstawiono nieliniowe warunki równowagi nieregularnej cienkiej powłoki w oparciu o zasadę prac wirtualnych. Wyprowadzono dwu-wymiarowe zależności konstytutywne w zakresie sprężysto-plastycznego zachowania sie powłoki poprzez podzial powłoki na n warstw oraz całkowanie trój-wymiarowych zależności konstytutywnych po wszystkich warstwach. Jako przykład przeanalizowano ciśnieniowe urządzenie pomiarowe z uwzględnieniem odkształcalności...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Analysis of microstructured optical fibers using compact macromodels

    W niniejszym artykule zaproponowano nową technikę analizy światłowodów fotonicznych. Zaprezentowany algorytm jest kombinacją metody redukcji rzędu modelu oraz techniki dyskretnych rozwinięć funkcyjnych i pozwala w znaczącym stopniu zmniejszyć liczbę zmiennych (nawet do 85%), redukując (nawet 16 krotnie) czas symulacji.

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  • Analysis of the Suitability of Selected Data Tranmission Systems in RSMAD

    This paper analyses the suitability of the selected radio communication systems currently used for data transmission, or usable in the future, in Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of Data from Traffic Enforcement Cameras (in short RSMAD). The paper also presents the advantages and disadvantages of each systems, paying particular attention to features that directly affect the suitability of the solution in the RSMAD system....

  • Analysis of correlation between heart rate and blood pressure


    - Rok 2011

    W artykule przedstawiono analizę korelacji pomiędzy częstością akcji serca (HR) i ciśnieniem krwi (BP). Wykorzystano rzeczywiste pomiary ciśnienia skurczowego i rozkurczowego krwi zmierzonego metodą inwazyjną w tętnicy promieniowej. Ze względu na możliwe zaszumienie sygnału przeanalizowano także dane po filtracji filttrem uśredniającycm oraz wykonano analizę trendów sygnałów. Wyniki analizy zarówno danych pomiarowych jak i filtrowanych...

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  • Two-dimensional vertical analysis of dam-break flow


    - TASK Quarterly - Rok 2007

    W artykule przedstawiono matematyczne modelowanie przepływów ze swobodną powierzchnią w kanałach otwartych. Do symulacji przepływu użyto dwuwymiarowy pionowy model RANS. Wchodzące w skład modelu równania Naviera-Stokesa rozwiązano stosując algorytm SIMPLE dla metody różnic skończonych. Do śledzenia zmian swobodnego zwierciadła wody zastosowano metodę MAC. Analizie poddano szybkozmienny przepływ po poziomym, gładkim dnie wywołany...

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  • Testing the Weibull distribution in road traffic losses analysis


    The paper presents an attempt of applying the Weibull distribution for the purpose of analysing road traffic losses (fatalities). The question it asks is whether reliability engineering methods can be applied for the analyses. If this is the case, what should be the interpretation of the numbers and terms? It was assumed that the losses generated by a malfunctioning road transport system are fatalities. Risk exposure to these losses...

  • Specialization and inequality along the development path: an interindustry analysis.


    - Rok 2008

    Celem niniejszej rozprawy doktorskiej jest przeprowadzenie empirycznej analizy procesów zwišzanych ze zmianami w strukturze specjalizacyjnej państw w procesie rozwoju ekonpmicznego oraz zwišzanych z nimi efektami dystrybucyjnymi dotyczšcymi rozkładu płac i dochodu. Rozprawa składa się z czterech częci: I. Employment and export specialization patterns versus GDP per capita performance - unifying approach; II.Determinants of export...

  • Human capital an analysis for firms from Wielkopolska and Pomorze


    - Rok 2008

    Rozdział analizuje zasoby ludzkie w Wielkopolsce oraz na Pomorzu, na podstawie danych statystycznych oraz badań empirycznych przeprowadzonych w tych dwóch regionach. Przebadano i opisano zasoby ludzkie w oparciu o liczbę i jakość pracowników w badanych firmach oraz zmiany obu wielkości jakie zaszły w nich w ostatnich latach. Analiza ta jest częścią składową miernika opracowanego przez zespół badawczy, pozwalającego zmierzyć tkankę...

  • An analysis of a measurement probe for a high impedance spectroscopy analyzer


    W artykule przedstawiono sondę będącą obwodem wejściowym analizatora do spektroskopii wysokoimpedancyjnej. Sonda umożliwia pomiar impedancji jednym zaciskiem uziemnionej w zakresie od 100ohm do 100Gohm. Sonda umożliwia wydzielenie dwóch sygnałów proporcjonalnych do prądu i napięcia na impedancji mierzonej w szerokim zakresie częstotliwości od 100uHz do 100MHz.Przeprowadzono analizę sondy w której uwzględniono najważniejsze czynniki...

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  • Dimensionless Analysis of Stirling Engine using of Optimization Methods


    - Rok 2009

    W pracy zaprezetowano wyniki analizy wpływu parametrów konstrukcyjnych silnika Stirlinga na jego wskaźniki jakości.Analizę przeprowadzono na modelu bezwymiarowym wykorzystując metody optymalizacji parametrycznej.

  • Computer analysis of dynamic phenomena in PWK-type pumps


    - Rok 2009

    Referat przedstawia wstępne wyniki analizy CFD dynamicznych zmian ciśnienia zachodzących w komorze cylindrowej pompy z rozrządem krzywkowym PWKZ-95. Analizy prowadzono dla pompy wyposażonej w elastyczną komorę kompensacyjną oraz dla pompy bez kompensacji.

  • Contribution to the capacity analysis of the classic composite girder of Möller

    The analysis (brief history, experiments, numerical method) of the classic composite girder of Moller has been presented.

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  • Analysis of changeability of operational loads of main engines on dredgers


    Artykuł przedstawia analizę zmienności eksploatacyjnych obciążeń silników głównych i głównych odbiorników energii na trzech podstawowych typach pogłębiarek. Sformułowano zasady przetwarzania wyników pomiarów, jakie powinny być stosowane przy analizie statystycznej eksploatacyjnych obciążeń silników głównych i głównych odbiorników energii na pogłębiarkach

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  • Polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography with spectroscopic analysis

    Optyczna tomografia koherentna (OCT) jest nieinwazyjną, nieniszczącą i bezkontaktową metodą obrazowania wewnętrznej struktury obiektów i materiałów rozpraszających. Dodatkowo w połączeniu z analizą stanu polaryzacji metoda ta umożliwia badanie lokalnych zmian optycznej anizotropii występującej w badanym obiekcie. W artykule przedstawiono zalety oraz ograniczenia metody oraz przedstawiono propozycję rozszerzenia analizy o badanie...

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  • Spectroscopic analysis for polarization sensitive optical coherent tomography

    W artykule przedstawiono właściwości oraz ograniczenia optycznej tomografii koherentnej z analizą stanu polaryzacji promieniowania optycznego. Zaproponowano nową spektroskopową metodę analizy sygnału pomiarowego w PS-OCT oraz przedstawiono i omówiono zalety nowego rozwiązania na bazie uzyskanych wyników pomiarowych.

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  • Improving AFM images with harmonic interference by spectral analysis

    Przedstawiono sposób usunięcia zakłóceń pojawiających się na obrazach uzyskiwanych z mikroskopu sił atomowych (AFM). Przybliżono kilka metod stosowanych do redukcji zakłóceń w obrazach. Następnie opisano zidentyfikowane zakłócenia harmoniczne oraz zaproponowany sposób ich znaczącej redukcji. W pracy zamieszczono szereg obrazów uzyskanych z mikroskopu AFM ilustrujących efekty powodowane zakłóceniami oraz skuteczność zaproponowanej...

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  • Application of superelements in static analysis of thin-walled structures.


    W pracy omówiono koncepcję zastosowania superelementów MES w statycznej analizie konstrukcji cienkościennych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem belek cienkościennych wzmocnionych stężeniami oraz węzłów ram zbudowanych z elementów cienkościennych. W zamieszczonych przykladach numerycznych rozwiazania uzyskane z pomoca superelementów porównano z wynikami otrzymanymi przy gestej dyskretyzacji MES całej konstrukcji elementami powłokowymi.

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  • A surface panel method for hydrodynamic analysis of pod propulsors

    Praca przedstawia zastosowanie metody elementów brzegowych do analizy hydrodynamicznych pędników azymutalnych, czyli do wyznaczania rozkładu ciśnienia i wielkości sił hydrodynamicznych dla pędnika o znanej geometrii i o znanych parametrach pracy.

  • A method for the analysis of methylmercury and total Hg in fungal matrices



    The aim of the study was to develop an efficient method for the determination of monomethyl-mercury (MeHg) and total mercury (THg) content in materials such as fungal sporocarps and sclerotia. Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) with the assigned values of MeHg and THg as well as the control materials (dried mushrooms) with known content of THg were evaluated for method validation. Recovery of MeHg from reference materials was...

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  • Analysis of Impulse Responses Measured in Motion in a Towing Tank


    - Electronics - Rok 2022

    The growing interest in developing autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and creating underwater sensor networks (USNs) has led to a need for communication tools in underwater environments. For obvious reasons, wireless means of communication are the most desirable. However, conducting research in real conditions is troublesome and costly. Moreover, as hydroacoustic propagation conditions change very significantly, even during...

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  • The scope of fiscal decentralisation in EU countries: a comparative analysis


    Motivation: Decentralization is one of the main challenges in public sector reform. In democratic countries the level of decentralisation in individual countries is not identical. The varying scope of decentralization affects the quality, quick and efficient decision-making by public leaders. Aim: Comparison of the extent of fiscal decentralisation in EU Member States; creation of groups of states with similar levels of decentralisation;...

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  • Corrosion Monitoring in Petroleum Installations—Practical Analysis of the Methods


    - Materials - Rok 2024

    This paper presents the most typical corrosion mechanisms occurring in the petroleum industry. The methods of corrosion monitoring are described for particular corrosion mechanisms. The field and scope of the application of given corrosion-monitoring methods are provided in detail. The main advantages and disadvantages of particular methods are highlighted. Measurement difficulties and obstacles are identified and widely discussed...

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  • Analysis of Impulse Responses Measured in Motion in a Towing Tank


    - Rok 2023

    The growing interest in developing autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and creating underwater sensor networks (USNs) has led to a need for communication tools in underwater environments. For obvious reasons, wireless means of communication are the most desirable. However, conducting research in real conditions is troublesome and costly. Moreover, as hydroacoustic propagation conditions change very significantly, even during...

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  • Comparative analysis of switched reluctance motor control algorithms

    • G. Demidova
    • Y. Derbikov
    • F. Petrikov
    • D. Lukichev
    • R. Strzelecki
    • A. Anuchin

    - Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics - Rok 2023

    Предмет исследования. Развитие микропроцессорной техники и силовой электроники позволило создавать недорогие и эффективные системы управления различными электромеханическими объектами, которые ранее широко не использовались из-за сложности управления. К таким устройствам можно отнести вентильно-индукторные электрические машины. Данные машины широко применяются в различных практических разработках, например, в тяговом электроприводе,...

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  • The Application of Cluster Analysis in the Assessment of the Weldability of Unalloyed Steels

    Non-alloy steels constitute a large group of steels characterised by diversified chemical composition, structural morphology and a wide range of mechanical properties (determining weldability). The paper presents results of multidimensional analyses (based on cluster analysis) of 110 selected unalloyed steel grades. Properties adopted as diagnostic features included the chemical composition, mechanical properties (yield point)...

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  • Analysis of the impact of wastewater discharge on recipients: synergistic approach


    - Rok 2023

    The dissertation presents the analysis of chemical and microbial composition of wastewater and examines the impact of wastewater discharge on the environment. Various case studies were analysed: from small settlements in a pristine European Arctic, to large municipal wastewater treatment plants in areas subjected to greater anthropogenic pressure. In order to comprehensively analyse the impact of wastewater discharge on the receiving...

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  • Assessing Industry 4.0 Features Using SWOT Analysis


    - Communications in Computer and Information Science - Rok 2020

    This paper assesses some features of industry 4.0 by using SWOT analysis that affects the adoption and implementation of industry 4.0. The paper identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to industry 4.0. By the consideration of these four groups of factors, the industrial practitioners can understand how to implement industry 4.0. Moreover, industrial practitioners can use the strengths/opportunities...

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  • An Analysis of Neural Word Representations for Wikipedia Articles Classification



    One of the current popular methods of generating word representations is an approach based on the analysis of large document collections with neural networks. It creates so-called word-embeddings that attempt to learn relationships between words and encode this information in the form of a low-dimensional vector. The goal of this paper is to examine the differences between the most popular embedding models and the typical bag-of-words...

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  • Analysis of energy efficiency of suburban railway transport network


    Rising numbers of agglomeration residents cause increased need for people movement on daily basis. Because of congestion of local roads, air pollution and limited parking space, providing mass transit based on electric traction is reasonable. While the electric rail vehicles are considered highly efficient in themselves, they need to be analyzed as a part of a transport network, because energy consumption depends on operating conditions...

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