Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: METODA TRANSMISYJNA - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: METODA TRANSMISYJNA

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: METODA TRANSMISYJNA

  • Tire/road noise measuring principles according to the Close Proximity Method

    W pracy podano metody badania hałasu opon samochodowych. Omówiono przyczepy pomiarowe zbudowane w Politechnice Gdańskiej oraz systemy pomiarowe stosowane do pomiaru hałasu opon zgodnie z metodą CPX.

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  • Efficient methods for radio location service in cellular communication networks

    W artykule przedstawiono dwie oryginalne metody lokalizowania terminala ruchomego w sieciach komórkowych trzeciej generacji. Metody te podczas estymacji położenia terminala nie wymagają znajomości różnicy czasów w synchronizacji poszczególnych stacji bazowych, przez co są tanie w implementacji. Przedstawiono wyniki badań symulacyjnych zaproponowanych metod.

  • Extending GQM by Argument Structures


    - Rok 2008

    Effective methods for metrics definition are of particular importance, as measurement mechanisms are indispensable in virtually any engineering discipline. The paper describes how the well known Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) method of systematic metrics derivation from measurement goals can be extended by applying argument structures. The proposed approach is called Goal-Argument-Metric (GAM). The general ideas of GQM and GAM are...

  • New methods for location service in the WCDMA system

    Opracowano dwie nowe metody lokalizowana terminala ruchomego w sieciach komórkowych opartych o szerokopasmowy interfejs radiowy WCDMA. Przedstawiono szczegółowy ich opis działania. Zaprezentowano model symulacyjny oraz wyniki badań symulacyjnych przydatności opracowanych metod dla potrzeb europejskiego systemu bezpieczeństwa E112.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • "Shadow" method application within endoscopic examinations of marine engines


    The paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of the working spaces within marine diesel and gas turbine engines. In the beginning, the endoscopy apparatus being on the laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology in Poland has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially...



    ISSN: 1046-2023 , eISSN: 1095-9130

  • A method for predicting propeller-hull interaction, applicable to preliminary design of inland waterways ships


    W pracy przedstawiono propozycje metody parametrycznej służącej do prognozowania charakterystyk strumienia nadążającego i ssania kadłuba okrętu o zanurzeniu bliskim głębokości akwenu. Metoda umożliwia uwzględnienie wpływu małej głębokości akwenu przy wstępnym doborze parametrów układu napędowego statków przeznaczonych do eksploatacji na wodach płytkich, np. statków śródlądowych. Model matematyczny zagadnienia wyznaczono uwzględniając...

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  • Chapter 32. Method to predict the critical micelle concentration of ionic liquids from the molecular volume


    - Rok 2008

    Amfifilowość wielu imidazoliowych cieczy jonowych powoduje, że zjawiska powierzchniowe mają znaczny wpływ na właściwości układów zawierających te związki. Dotychczas przeprowadzono wiele badań w celu wyznaczenia krytycznego stężenia micelizacji cieczy jonowych o różnej budowie. Ze względu na możliwość modyfikacji budowy kationu i wyboru anionu oraz ich kombinacji, podjęto próbę opracowania empirycznego równania pozwalajacego na...

  • Ireneusz Kreja dr hab. inż.


    Absolwent klasy matematycznej I Liceum Ogólnokształcącego w Gdańsku im. Mikołaja Kopernika (1974). Absolwent Wydziału Budownictwa Lądowego Politechniki Gdańskiej (1979). Od 1979 pracuje na PG. W 1989 uzyskał doktorat (z wyróżnieniem), na Wydziale Budownictwa Lądowego, a w 2008 habilitował się (również z wyróżnieniem) na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska PG. Od 2011 jest profesorem PG. Na Politechnice Gdańskiej pełnił funkcje:...

  • Jacobi and gauss-seidel preconditioned complex conjugate gradient method with GPU acceleration for finite element method


    In this paper two implementations of iterative solvers for solving complex symmetric and sparse systems resulting from finite element method applied to wave equation are discussed. The problem under investigation is a dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) discretized by FEM with vector elements of the second order (LT/QN). The solvers use the preconditioned conjugate gradient (pcg) method implemented on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)...

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  • Method development and validation for optimized separation of the major polyphenolics in propolis extracts using GC-MS method

    • K. Siemionow
    • M. Tomczyk
    • U. Czyzewska
    • W. Miltyk

    - PLANTA MEDICA - Rok 2016

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  • Methods in Ecology and Evolution


    ISSN: 2041-210X , eISSN: 2041-2096

  • Low-coherence method of hematocrit measurement


    During the last thirty years low-coherence measurement methods have gained popularity because of their unique advantages. Low-coherence interferometry, low-coherence reflectometry and low-coherence optical tomography offer resolution and dynamic range of measurement at the range of classical optical techniques. Moreover, they enable measurements of the absolute value of the optical path differences, which is still an unsolved problem...

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  • On a Method of Efficiency Increasing in Kaplan Turbine

    This paper presents a method of increasing efficiency in Kaplan-type turbine. The method is based on blade profile optimisation together with modelling the interaction between rotor and stator blades. Loss coefficient was chosen as the optimisation criterion, which is related directly to efficiency. Global optimum was found by means of Genetic Algorithms, and Artificial Neural Networks were utilised for approximations to reduce...

  • Low-coherence method of hematocrit measurement

    W artykule opisano niskokoherencyjna metodę pomiaru hematokrytu krwi.

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  • The modelling method of discrete-continuous systems


    The paper introduces a method of discrete-continuous systems modelling. In the proposed method a three-dimensional system is divided into finite elements in only two directions, with the third direction remaining continuous. The thus obtained discrete-continuous model is described by a set of partial differential equations. General difference equations of discrete system are obtained using the rigid finite element method. The limit...

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  • The methods of technological machines’ rotors balance

    • P. Yurii
    • M. Tat'yana
    • S. Vadim
    • L. Dmitrii
    • Z. Anastasiya
    • B. Anna
    • K. Aleksandr
    • P. Natal'ya

    - Obrabotka Metallov-Metal Working and Material Science - Rok 2016

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  • The method of quantitative automatic metallographic analysis

    • N. Martyushev
    • V. Skeeba

    - Journal of Physics : Conference Series - Rok 2017

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  • Melody Harmonization with Interpolated Probabilistic Models


    - Journal of New Music Research - Rok 2013

    Most melody harmonization systems use the generative hidden Markov model (HMM), which model the relation between the hidden chords and the observed melody. Relations to other variables, such as the tonality or the metric structure, are handled by training multiple HMMs or are ignored. In this paper, we propose a discriminative means of combining multiple probabilistic models of various musical variables by means of model interpolation....

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  • Locking effects in finite elemnt method


    - Rok 2014

    In the present paper a short survey of the locking effect literature is given. As this area of scientific research is still developing, the author of the paper restricted it to about 70 papers. This study is proposed as an introduction to the comprehensive investigation of locking effects.

  • Diver Observations by Means of Acoustic Methods


    Searching for objects, especially small ones, moving under water near its the free surface, is always not an easy task. Designing tools for the detection of such targets is a real challenge when the possibility of a terrorist attack is a real threat. This paper presents some aspects of diver detection by means of acoustics methods, both active (side scan sonar) and passive ones (linear receiving antenna). This approach is quite...

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  • Monitoring of metal structures with the dynamic methods

    • A. Beskopylny
    • A. Veremeenko
    • E. Kadomtseva
    • H. Anysz

    - Rok 2019

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  • Theoretical methods in thermodynamics of condensed phases

    • J. Błażejowski
    • J. Rak
    • P. Skurski

    - Journal of Thermal Analysis - Rok 1995

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  • Computational intelligence methods in production management


    This chapter presents a survey of selected computational intelligence methods used in production management. This group of methods includes, among others, approaches based on the artificial neural networks, the evolutionary algorithms, the fuzzy logic systems and the particle swarm optimization mechanisms. From the abovementioned methods particularly noteworthy are the evolutionary and the particle swarm algorithms, which are successfully...

  • Data acquisition methods for GEM detectors


    - Rok 2014

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  • Methods Used for the Eradication of Staphylococcal Biofilms


    - Antibiotics-Basel - Rok 2019

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  • Developments in Methods of Analysis for Naphthalene Sulfonates


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  • New method for personalization of avatar animation


    The paper presents a method for creating a personalized animation of avatar utilizing fuzzy inference. First the user designs a prototype version of animation, with keyframes only for important poses, roughly describing the action. Then animation is enriched with new motion phases calculated by the fuzzy inference system using descriptors given by the user. Various degrees of motion fluency and naturalness are possible to achieve....

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  • Approximate methods for functional differential equations


    - Rok 2009

    W pracy przedstawione są dwie klasy przybliżonych metod rozwiązywania równań różniczkowo funkcyjnych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem równań różniczkowych z opóźnieniem. Do pierwszej klasy należą metody bezpośrednie reprezentowane w przedkładanej rozprawie przez dwukrokowe metody Rungego-Kutty. Należą one do klasy ogólnych metod liniowych rozwiązywania równań różniczkowych. Druga klasę przybliżonych metod rozwiązywania równań różniczkowo...

  • Integrating Optical Spectroscopy and Chemometric Methods

    • K. Jagiełło
    • A. Sosnowska
    • J. Mazerski
    • T. Puzyn

    - Rok 2014

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  • An integrated method for security protocols analysis

    • M. (. Olszewski

    - Rok 2008

  • Problemy jakości w metodach Agile


    - Rok 2021

    Zwinne metody wytwarzania osiągnęły w zawrotnym tempie niebywały sukces. Według różnych doniesień od 50 do 70% firm IT stosuje metody zwinne na stałe lub okazjonalnie . Jednak znaczna część firm stosuje wybiórczo praktyki zalecane przez Agile . Jakie to praktyki? Jakie problemy występują przy ich stosowaniu i jak firmy radzą sobie z tymi problemami? Jak wpływają na jakość wytwarzanego oprogramowania? Jakie są warunki krytyczne...

  • Methods of Tire Rolling Resistance Measurements


    Tire rolling resistance is one of the factors related to tire/road interaction that has important influence on road vehicles performance. Raising fuel price and increased concern related to the environmental changes result in growing interest in reduction of tire rolling resistance that influences fuel consumption, especially in free-flowing highway traffic with moderate speeds. There are several methods of tire rolling resistance measurements....

  • Metodyka obliczeń i sporządzania świadectw


    - Rok 2010

    W pracy omówiono metodykę obliczeń i sporządzania świadectw charakterystyki energetycznej budynków.

  • GPU-accelerated finite element method


    In this paper the results of the acceleration of computations involved in analysing electromagnetic problems by means of the finite element method (FEM), obtained with graphics processors (GPU), are presented. A 4.7-fold acceleration was achieved thanks to the massive parallelization of the most time-consuming steps of FEM, namely finite-element matrix-generation and the solution of a sparse system of linear equations with the...

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  • Wideband Macromodels in Finite Element Method

    This letter proposes a novel projection technique for accelerating Finite Element Method simulations. The algorithm is based on the Second-order Arnoldi Method for Passive Order Reduction (SAPOR). It involves generation of two projection bases and thanks to this it is applicable to the systems of equations, which contain the quadratic frequency-dependence in the input term, that arise when projection is applied locally in the selected...

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  • The OptD-multi method in LiDAR processing



    New and constantly developing technology for acquiring spatial data, such as LiDAR (light detection and ranging), is a source for large volume of data. However, such amount of data is not always needed for developing the most popular LiDAR products: digital terrain model (DTM) or digital surface model. Therefore, in many cases, the number of contained points are reduced in the pre-processing stage. The degree of reduction is determined...

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  • Agile Methods In Formation of Metropolis Neighbourhood


    - Rok 2017

    A study of the zone adjoining the metropolis area of Tricity (Poland) was conducted on the basis of analyses of changes in spatial development, outline planning decisions and local plans of spatial development. Localities placed at several dozen kilometres from strongly urbanized areas do not constitute metropolis outskirts. The vicinity of large urban centres is an obstacle to the development of localities as self-sufficient units...

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  • Energy Consumption Analysis Methods in Industry


    This paper overviews applied methods to evaluate energy consumption in Industry. The most important law regulations are presented, which decide on the necessity to conduct an effec - tive energetic economy. Basic assumptions are defined to calculate direct and cumulative energy consumption. The pros and cons of using each method are presented.

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  • Data Mining Applications and Methods in Medicine


    In this paper we describe the research area of data mining and its applications in medicine. The origins of data mining and its crucial features are shortly presented. We discuss the specificity of medicine as an application area for computer systems. Characteristic features of the medical data are investigated. Common problems in the area are also presented as well as the strengths and capabilities of the data mining methods....



    - Rok 2014

    In the paper dierent approaches of predicting blood pressure values are presented. Basically, two methods and theirs modifications are considered. In total, seven algorithms have been examined. Tests have been conducted using both synthetic and clinical data. From our study it follows that none of the examined methods is superior to other.

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  • Study on Methods to Control Interstory Deflections


    - Geosciences - Rok 2020

    One of the possibilities to prevent building pounding between two adjacent structures is to consider appropriate in-between separation distance. Another approach might be focused on controlling the relative displacements during seismic excitations. Although the majority of building codes around the world recommend the use of some equations of various distances between structures to avoid pounding; a lot of reports after earthquakes...

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  • The Dynamical Projectors Method Hydro and Electrodynamics


    - Rok 2018

    The dynamical projectors method proves to reduce a multicomponent problem to the simplest one-component problem with its solution determined by specific initial or boundary conditions. Its universality and application in many different physical problems make it particularly useful in hydrodynamics, electrodynamics, plasma physics, and boundary layer problems. A great variety of underlying mechanisms are included making this book...

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  • An improved scalable method of isolating asphaltenes

    A new, improved and scalable procedure of asphaltene fraction isolation is presented and compared to standard test methods. The new procedure uses 1:40 feedstock to solvent (n-heptane) ratio (g/mL), filtration through a cellulosic thimble and extensive washing in a Soxhlet type extractor. The group type composition and purity of the asphaltene fractions have been examined using thin-layer chromatography with flame-ionization detection....

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  • The Optimum Dataset method – examples of the application


    - Rok 2018

    Data reduction is a procedure to decrease the dataset in order to make their analysis more effective and easier. Reduction of the dataset is an issue that requires proper planning, so after reduction it meets all the user’s expectations. Evidently, it is better if the result is an optimal solution in terms of adopted criteria. Within reduction methods, which provide the optimal solution there is the Optimum Dataset method (OptD)...

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  • TSR method for burns investigation approach


    - Rok 2018

    The article presents the possibilities of applying the TSR method for the diagnosis of burn wounds. The wound area is stimulated by cold gas and a sequence of thermograms of heating the tissue is recorded. Next, TSR algorithms are used to determine the parameters that allow the wound to be classified into one of the classes: the wound heals within three weeks, the wound will not heal in three weeks. The method was...

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  • Analytical design method of reverse curves


    The paper deals with a new approach relating to the design of the region of railway track direction alteration adapted to Mobile Satellite Measurements technique. The method may be particularly useful in situations when both the straights of the route directions cannot be connected in an elementary way using a circular arc with transition curves; this also refers to the application of a compound curve. Thus the only solution becomes...

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    - Rok 2024

    Structural mechanics is a key issue to study for engineers. A high rank and high social responsibility profession requires both a high graded and intuitive approach. The evolution of learning / teaching methodology follows the novel technical achievements of every decade. The aim remains the same: to produce a professional to perform advanced relevant analysis and safe, optimal structural design

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  • A comparison method for ordinary differential systems


    Praca dotyczy problemów istnienia i jednoznaczności rozwiązań oraz ciągłej zależności dla układów równań różniczkowych w tym i z opóźnionymi argumentami z warunkami początkowymi oraz brzegowymi typu okresowego. Przy odpowiednich założeniach, stosując teorię nierówności różniczkowych, pokazano, że odpowiednia funkcja porównawcza może być ujemna, co ma istotne znaczenie w dalszych badaniach. Pokazano, że konstruowany ciąg iteracji...

  • Methods for the characterizing hydrogen degradation of materials

    Dokonano przeglądu różnych metod szacowania podatności na niszczenie wodorowe materiałów metalowych. Zaprezentowano charakterystyki warunków środowiskowych: standardowe składy środowisk ciekłych i gazowych, temperatury, warunki polaryzacji elektrochemicznej. Omówiono metody mechaniczne szacowania niszczenia wodorowego różniące się stanem naprężeń, w tym badania: przy stałym obciążeniu, stałym odkształceniu i stałej niskiej szybkości...