Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: STANDARD CVSS - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: STANDARD CVSS

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: STANDARD CVSS

  • Evaluation of Low Temperature Properties of Rubberized Asphalt Mixtures

    The paper presents low-temperature test results of asphalt mixtures designed with use of bitumen modified by crumb rubber and also SBS polymer. Laboratory tests were conducted on two types of asphalt mixtures for wearing course – stone matrix asphalt (SMA 8) and porous asphalt (PA 8). This paper presents results of the following laboratory tests at low temperatures: TSRST test, three point bending creep test, fracture toughness...

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  • Comparison of state feedback and PID control of pressurizer water level in nuclear power plant

    The pressurizer water level control system in nuclear power plant with pressurized water reactor (PWR) is responsible for coolant mass balance. The main control goal is to stabilize the water level at a reference value and to suppress the effect of time-varying disturbances (e.g. coolant leakage in primary circuit pipeline system). In the process of PWR power plant operation incorrect water level may disturb pressure control or...

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  • Blood Pressure Estimation Based on Blood Flow, ECG and Respiratory Signals Using Recurrent Neural Networks


    The estimation of systolic and diastolic blood pressure using artificial neural network is considered in the paper. The blood pressure values are estimated using pulse arrival time, and additionally RR intervals of ECG signal together with respiration signal. A single layer recurrent neural network with hyperbolic tangent activation function was used. The average blood pressure estimation error for the data obtained from 21 subjects...

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  • Local electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in dynamic mode of galvanic coupling


    A novel method that combines local electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and mapping in dynamicmode is proposed. Method was validated over two galvanic couplings, namely zinc/copper and cad-mium/copper. Impedance spectrum response for all measuring points was obtained by means ofsimultaneous implementation of selected range of frequencies. Proposed method allows the measure-ment in a more time-efficient manner, at the same time...

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  • A concept for reducing PM 10 emissions for car brakes by 50%

    • G. Perricone
    • V. Matějka
    • M. Alemani
    • G. Valota
    • A. Bonfanti
    • A. Ciotti
    • U. Olofsson
    • A. Söderberg
    • J. Wahlström
    • O. Nosko... i 3 innych

    - WEAR - Rok 2018

    With regard to airborne particles with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 μm (PM10), in countries in the European Union, the mass of brake emissions equals approximately 8–27% of the total traffic-related emissions. Using a research methodology combining tests at different scale levels with contact mechanics simulations and PM10 chemical characterization, the REBRAKE EU-financed project had the following aims: i) to demonstrate...

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  • Paweł Szalewski mgr inż.

    Absolwent Politechniki Gdańskiej Wydziału Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa specjalność Zarządzanie i Marketing w Gospodarce Morskiej oraz Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii specjalność Zarządzanie Systemami Produkcyjnymi. Certyfikowany auditor wiodący systemu jakości. Auditor systemu środowiskowego. Obecnie zatrudniony jako wykładowca na Politechnice Gdańskiej na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa w Katedrze Technologii Obiektów...

  • Systemy graficzne NST 2022

    Kursy Online
    • M. Szwoch

    Celem kursu jest zapoznanie z systemami tworzenia grafiki komputerowej 2D i 3D z wykorzystaniem bibliotek graficznych i standardów (OpenGL, Vulkan, Direct3D, WebGL), języków cieniowania (GLSL i HLSL), modeli oświetlenia i materiałów.

  • Systemy graficzne 2022

    Kursy Online
    • M. Szwoch

    Celem kursu jest zapoznanie z systemami tworzenia grafiki komputerowej 2D i 3D z wykorzystaniem bibliotek graficznych i standardów (OpenGL, Vulkan, Direct3D, WebGL), języków cieniowania (GLSL i HLSL), modeli oświetlenia i materiałów.

  • Systemy graficzne 2023

    Kursy Online
    • M. Szwoch

    Celem kursu jest zapoznanie z systemami tworzenia grafiki komputerowej 2D i 3D z wykorzystaniem bibliotek graficznych i standardów (OpenGL, Vulkan, Direct3D, WebGL), języków cieniowania (GLSL i HLSL), modeli oświetlenia i materiałów.

  • Influence of mesh density on 2D viscous flutter in a turbomachinery cascade

    In this study numerical simulations of 2D viscous flutter were performed and compared with available experimental results for various mesh densities and flow parameters. Calculations were carried out for the bending oscillations of an Eleventh Standard Configuration cascade. ANSYS CFX code was used for the SST, SA and k-ω turbulence model calculations.

  • Praktyczne problemy zagospodarowania wód opadowych


    - Rok 2010

    Pojęcie standardu usługi. Filozofia minimalnego komfortu. Problem oceny ilościowej - brak polskich tradycji. Norma, konflikty, gwałowność zjawisk. Dynamika zmian.

  • Application of Web-GIS for Dissemination and 3D Visualization of Large-Volume LiDAR Data


    The increasing number of digital data sources, which allow for semi-automatic collection and storage of information regarding various aspects of life has recently granted a considerable rise in popularity to the term “Big data”. As far as geospatial data is concerned, one of the major sources of Big data are Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) scanners, which produce high resolution three-dimensional data on a local scale. The...

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  • Przygotowanie Produkcji Okrętowej (O:098850)_Lato 2023 _Projekt

    Kursy Online
    • M. Behilil

    Student na podstawie wiedzy zdobytej w trakcie zajęć w ramach projektu i studiów literaturowych na bazie wzorcowych standardów, instrukcji i normatywów stoczniowych opracuje podstawowe rodzaje dokumentacji technologiczno-kalkulacyjnej dla wybranej sekcji płaskiej.

  • Przygotowanie Produkcji Okrętowej (O:098850)_Lato 2023

    Kursy Online
    • M. Behilil

    Student na podstawie wiedzy zdobytej w trakcie zajęć w ramach projektu i studiów literaturowych na bazie wzorcowych standardów, instrukcji i normatywów stoczniowych opracuje podstawowe rodzaje dokumentacji technologiczno-kalkulacyjnej dla wybranej sekcji płaskiej.

  • Chromium FTW dataset

    Dane Badawcze

    This dataset contains the results of chromium and nutrients (N and PO4-P) removal in floating treatment wetland microcosm experiment with two cosmopolitan species of parennials: Phragmites australis and Iris pseudacorus.

  • Application of Impedance Spectroscopy for Bi1−xNdxFeO3 Ceramics Characterization



    In the present paper the synthesis conditions for fabrication of Bi1−xNdxFeO3 ceramics are reported. The single phase polycrystalline samples of Bi1−xNdxFeO3 were prepared by standard solid state reaction method from the mixture of oxides viz.: Bi2O3, Fe2O3 and Nd2O3. The samples were characterized by impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range 10Hz – 1MHz at room temperature.

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  • Experimental investigation into surface texture effect on journal bearings performance



    The aim of this study was to analyse the performance of journal bearings with specially created dimples on the sliding surface and operating under various conditions. The texture was created on the bearing surface that co-acted with the smooth journal; moreover, the variation of the textured surface of the journal mating with the smooth bearing was tested, and the results were compared to those obtained with the standard smooth...

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  • Simulation investigation of perovskite-based solar cells

    Three models of thin-layer lead-halide perovskite solar cells with different electron-transport layers (TiO2,SnO2,ZnO) were investigatedby the simulation method. The perovskite layer thickness was optimized for all the systems. The analysis of the standard photovoltaic cell performanceparameters at various operating temperatures was performed. The best performance was achieved for the system with theSnO2conductive layer.

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  • Zastosowanie MusicXML do wymiany danych oraz wizualizacji partytur


    - Rok 2008

    W rozdziale przedstawiono krótki opis standardu MusicXML. Pokazano możliwość jego zastosowania do wymiany danych pomiędzy bazą danych cyfrowych dokumentów muzycznych, a innymi aplikacjami czy bibliotekami. Zwrócono uwagę na problem wizualizacji wydobytych z bazy danych partytur cyfrowych w formacie MusicXML. Wskazano możliwość wykorzystania XML-owego standardu grafiki wektorowej SVG do wizualizacji partytur w środowisku internetu....

  • Residual current devices in electric vehicles charging installations


    The main requirements of national regulations and international standards regarding protection against electric shock in electric vehicle charging installations are presented. The principles of using residual current devices (RCDs) in such installations are discussed. It is pointed out that RCDs are mandatory equipment for safe charging of electric vehicles. It is noted that the standards require the use of RCDs having an appropriate...

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  • Measurement of the tram rail profile during a year of operation

    Dane Badawcze
    • J. Szmagliński
    • J. Stroynowski

    The aim of the work was to analyze the wear of rails during operation and to analyze the supplementation of heavy metals in the soil around the tram route, originating from wearing out rails and tram wheels.The dataset contains measurements of rail head coordinates in 9 research sections made in 8 measurement series. The wear of the rails in selected...

  • Robert Bogdanowicz dr hab. inż.

    Robert Bogdanowicz received his Ph.D. degree with honours in Electronics from the Gdansk University of Technology. He worked as a post-doc researcher in Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald Institut für Physik. He has initiated optical emission imaging of muti-magnetron pulsed plasma and contributed to the development of antibacterial implant coatings deposited by high-power impulse magnetron sputtering. He moved back to...

  • Nierówności pionowe toru kolejowego


    - Logistyka - Rok 2014

    Ocena jakości geometrycznej toru kolejowego wymaga od zarządców infrastruktury stosowania jednolitych metod pomiarów, obliczania i interpretacji wyników. W tym zakresie należy stosować się do norm europejskich i technicznych specyfikacje interoperacyjności. W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe zagadnienia związane z pomiarem i oceną nierówności pionowych toru kolejowego. Zapisano odchyłki dopuszczalne nierówności pionowych według...

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  • Szkolenie z bazy Knovel


    17-05-2018 13:00 - 17-05-2018 14:30

    Biblioteka zaprasza na szkolenie z bazy Knovel. Więcej informacji na stronie Biblioteki.

  • Research Platform for Monitoring, Control and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems


    Sustainable operation of Critical Infrastructure Systems (CISs) is of a major concern to modern societies. Monitoring, control and security of such systems plays a key role in guaranteeing continuous, reliable and above all secure access to the resources provided by these systems. Development of adequate software and hardware structures, as well as algorithms to perform such functions cannot be done apart from the operational conditions...

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  • Filozoficzne aspekty pracy inżyniera 22/23

    Kursy Online
    • W. Migda

    Elementy pracy inżyniera nie będące technicznymi aspektami. Sposób postępowania z inwestorami/zleceniodawcami. Ryzyka związane z przyjęciem zlecenia. Odpowiedzialność zawodowa i moralna. Strategia prowadzenia prac projektowych. Zarządzanie czasem przy projektach. Metodologia wyceny pracy. Budowanie własnej renomy. Ocena ryzyka realizacji danego zlecenia. Ocena indywidualnego sukcesu lub porażki.

  • Systemy graficzne 2024

    Kursy Online
    • M. Szwoch

    Celem kursu jest zapoznanie z systemami tworzenia grafiki komputerowej 2D i 3D z wykorzystaniem bibliotek graficznych i standardów (OpenGL, Vulkan, Direct3D, WebGL), języków cieniowania (GLSL i HLSL), modeli oświetlenia i materiałów.

  • Soxhlet Extraction and New Developments Such as Soxtec in: Comprehansive Sampling and Sample Preparation


    - Rok 2012

    Soxhlet extraction is one of the most popular techniques for extraction of analytes from solid materials. Since its discovery in 1879, the standard Soxhlet technique has been routinely applied in almost every analytical laboratory. Up to this day, Soxhlet extraction technique remains a standard technique to which the performance of modern extraction techniques is compared.Over the years, an intensive research on different modifications...

  • Analysis of abrasive particle trajectories during single-sided lapping process with driven conditioning ring

    In this paper new kinematics systems were studied for a single lapping process. In order to ensure the constant profile wear of the tool a standard kinematic system can be changed. Lapping is carried out by applying loose abrasive grains between two surfaces and causes a relative motion between them. The result is a finish of multi-directional lay. During process, the mechanism of surface formation are decisively affected by a...

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  • Arterial cannula shape optimization by means of the rotational firefly algorithm

    The article presents global optimization results of arterial cannula shapes by means of the newly modified firefly algorithm. The search for the optimal arterial cannula shape is necessary in order to minimize losses and prepare the flow that leaves the circulatory support system of a ventricle (i.e. blood pump) before it reaches the heart. A modification of the standard firefly algorithm, the so-called rotational firefly algorithm,...

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  • A Model-Order Reduction Approach for Electromagnetic Problems With Nonaffine Frequency Dependence


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2021

    The aim of this paper is to present a novel model-order reduction (MOR) technique for the efcient frequency-domain nite-element method (FEM) simulation of microwave components. It is based on the standard reduced-basis method, but the subsequent expansion frequency points are selected following the so-called sparsied greedy strategy. This feature makes it especially useful to perform a fast-frequency sweep of problems that lead...

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  • Advanced Modeling of Management Processes in Information Technology


    This book deals with the issues of modeling management processes of information technology and IT projects while its core is the model of information technology management and its component models (contextual, local) describing initial processing and the maturity capsule as well as a decision-making system represented by a multi-level sequential model of IT technology selection, which acquires a fuzzy rule-based implementation...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with standing - hands resting on the device - Woman 27 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with elbows in the air - Woman 27 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Man 29 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the armrests of the chair - Woman 27 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the armrests of the chair - Woman 49 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with standing - hands resting on the device - Man 29 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Woman 27 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with elbows in the air - Man 29 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with elbows to the body - Man 29 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with elbows to the body - Woman 27 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with standing - hands resting on the device - Woman 49 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with elbows to the body - Woman 49 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the armrests of the chair - Man 29 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Woman 49 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with elbows in the air - Woman 49 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with standing - hands resting on the device - Man 30 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with elbows to the body - Man 53 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...

  • ECG measurement from the hand with elbows in the air - Woman 30 age

    Dane Badawcze

    The data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...