Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FILTR FRM - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FILTR FRM

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FILTR FRM

  • Aquaporin-2 water channel in the kidney of farm animals: An overview

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  • Vasopressin and Its Analogues: From Natural Hormones to Multitasking Peptides

    • M. Glavaš
    • A. Gitlin-Domagalska
    • D. Dębowski
    • N. Ptaszyńska
    • A. Łęgowska
    • K. Rolka

    - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - Rok 2022

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  • Spectroscopic investigation of hydrothermally synthesized zeolites from expanded perlite

    • M. Król
    • W. Mozgawa
    • J. Morawska
    • W. Pichór

    - Microporous and Mesoporous Materials - Rok 2014

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  • From evil demiurge to caring hero: images of geneticists in the movies


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  • Methods of data extraction from sub-bottom profiler's signal

    Data obtain during sounding Gdansk Bay with SES-2000 Standard parametric sub-bottom profiler has two types of information: envelope and pure signal. First is used to plot echograms in real time and contain envelope of echo. The second one is stored during sounding and can be processed after recording data. Comparison of results will be shown and discussed. First step in investigation was proper configuration of small measurement...

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  • Prognozowanie upadłości firm przy wykorzystaniu miękkich technik obliczeniowych


    Artykuł ten dotyczy prognozowania upadłości przedsiębiorstw w Polsce. W artykule tym porównano siedem różnych metod sztucznej inteligencji prognozowania zagrożeń firm upadłością. Jest to pierwsza próba weryfikacji skuteczności tak szerokiego wachlarza metod miękkich technik obliczeniowych w prognozowaniu upadłości firm w Polsce. Opracowane przez autora modele charakteryzują się wysoką skutecznością.

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  • Wieloczynnikowy system wczesnego ostrzegania firm przed ryzykiem upadłości


    Artykuł dotyczy prognozowania upadłości przedsiębiorstw w Polsce. Porównano w nim dwie metody prognozowania zagrożeń firm upadłością: wieloczynnikowy system wczesnego ostrzegania oparty na działaniu sztucznej inteligencji oraz analizę dyskryminacyjną.

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  • Application of H2O2 to optimize ammonium removal from domestic wastewater



    The paper presents the results of application of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for the optimization of the effects of ammonia nitrogen removal from domestic wastewater. The investigations were carried out at a model wastewater treatment plant consisting of a preliminary sedimentation tank and a sand filter with a horizontal flow of wastewater at a constant hydraulic load of 1.44 L/day. The efficiency of ammonia nitrogen removal was...

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  • Alternative Methods of Preparation of Soluble Keratin from Chicken Feathers

    Huge amount of keratinous waste, especially birds’ feathers, demands more value-added application instead of dumping. The present work reports the results of experiments aimed at preparing soluble keratin useful for novel bioproduct formation. The effect of thermo-chemical treatments with various reducing agents, i.e. 2-mercaptoethanol, dithiothreitol, sodium m-bisulphite, and sodium bisulphite, as well as sodium hydroxide, on...

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  • Barcelona - from the province to Metropolis.The cogent strategy of branding the city


    - Rok 2016

    The phenomenon of rebranding Barcelona's image, called the Barcelona effect or 'Barcelona Model', is exampled as one of the most spectacular transformations of the city perception in the last decade. Why has Barcelona been successful? Is it the effect of the recently intensified revitalization practice, or has the city of Barcelona built its brand market value for years? The aim of the research is to name these transition...

  • The accuracy of pulse rate estimation from the sequence of face images


    - Rok 2016

    The goal of this paper is to analyze the accuracy of pulse rate estimation from the sequence of face images. Simulated and real signals were used to evaluate two pulse rate estimators; one for frequency domain and the second one for time domain using the autocorrelation function. The results show that the mean difference between the reference measurements and estimated pulse rate values are about 2bpm. In the analysis of short...

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  • Normal-form preemption sequences for an open problem in scheduling theory



    Structural properties of optimal preemptive schedules have been studied in a number of recent papers with a primary focus on two structural parameters: the minimum number of preemptions necessary, and a tight lower bound on shifts, i.e., the sizes of intervals bounded by the times created by preemptions, job starts, or completions. These two parameters have been investigated for a large class of preemptive scheduling problems,...

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  • A method of selecting light sources from night satellite scenes


    Satellite images carries a lot of data. Very sophisticated methods of analyses may reveal very complicated nature of the observed objects. In case of night images, lights play the role of information sources. In this paper we would like to present results of the research aimed to describe light sources from satellite night images by providing description of their luminosity. The authors point source imaging data from the satellite...

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  • Crystallization of space: Space-time fractals from fractal arithmetic


    Fractals such as the Cantor set can be equipped with intrinsic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) that map the fractal into itself. The arithmetics allows one to define calculus and algebra intrinsic to the fractal in question, and one can formulate classical and quantum physics within the fractal set. In particular, fractals in space-time can be generated by means of homogeneous spaces associated...

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  • Osoby starsze wobec innowacyjnych form świadczenia usług ubezpieczeniowych

    Przedmiotem zainteresowania badawczego w niniejszym tekście są usługi ubezpieczeniowe świadczone z wykorzystaniem innowacyjnych środków komunikacji: Internetu lub telefonu. W artykule skoncentrowano się na osobach powyżej 50 roku życia, szczególnie narażonych na zjawisko wykluczenia cyfrowego. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury sformułowano hipotezę badawczą: Cechy społeczno – demograficzne osób powyżej 50 roku życia wpływają na ich...

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  • Expression of a GDSL esterase from Pseudomonas sp. S9 in Pichiapastoris

    Cold active lipolytic enzymes are promising to replace the conventional enzymes processes of biotechnological industries. One of the most important feature of the cold-active lipases and esterases is that they offer economic benefits through energy saving. In general, they exhibit high activity at low temperatures and low thermostability at moderate temperatures. Lipolytic enzyme EstS9 was isolated from Pseudomonas sp. S9. A multiple...

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  • Determinants of Firm Innovation in Indonesia: The Role of Institutions and Access to Finance


    - Economics and Finance of Indonesia - Rok 2015

    This paper investigates the determinants of firm innovation in Indonesia. Using quality of local regulations index constructed by the Indonesia’s Regional Autonomy Watch (KPPOD) as measure of institutions, We found that better institutional quality at the local level was associated with more innovation and that firms experiencing major obstacle in access to finance were less likely to innovate. Access to finance is more critical...

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  • Effect of mesh deformation on the accuracy of 3D FEM electromagnetic analysis


    In this paper, the accuracy of 3D FEM electromagnetic simulations in parametric analysis using mesh deformation techniques is discussed. Mesh deformation techniques allow one to preserve the mesh topology while the geometry is changed. It is shown that the application of mesh deformation can provide accurate simulation results even for very large deformations. On the other hand, it is also shown that the technique has to be used...

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  • Thermoplastic polyurethanes with glycolysate intermediates from polyurethane waste recycling



    The polyol is a major component in polyurethane formulations and therefore introducing to the formulation recycled polyol (obtained during decomposition process) allows decreasing the usage of pure petrochemical components. In this work, thermoplastic polyurethanes were prepared using various mixtures of a petrochemical macrodiol poly(ethylene-butylene adipate)diol (PEBA) and a recycled glycolysate intermediate, called glycolysate...

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  • Hydrogen production from wood waste by mean of dark fermentation


    - Rok 2016

    The utilization of wood wastes in clean and green chemistry method like by mean of dark fermentation, is a highly desired solution of waste management. In the article model for the estimation hydrogen potential of wood waste is given. The model has been used to calculate the potential theoretical hydrogen mass that can be produced from wood wastes in Pomerania and Silesia: pine, spruce, fir, beech and oak. In the introduction,...

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  • Mechanical Properties of a Dike Formed from a Soil-ash Composite


    The paper presents the research results on application of composite soils for dike construction. The composite soil is produced by mixing bottom ash (by-product of energetics) with dredged material (sand) taken from the mouth of The Vistula river. The optimum composite for dike core was chosen with respect to mechanical parameters: high internal friction angle, good compaction and reduced hydraulic conductivity. The test dike was...

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  • Determination of Local Corrosion Current from Individual Harmonic Components

    Harmonic analysis has been used in corrosion measurements for several decades. During this period the method has been refined and developed. Nevertheless, the technique has not been applied to properties determination in local scale yet. This paper is focused on local corrosion current measurements based on harmonic analysis. For this purpose, a non-linear nature of electrode processes is used and measured in local scale applying...

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  • Assembly of 1D Granular Structures from Sulfonated Polystyrene Microparticles

    • A. Mikkelsen
    • A. Kertmen
    • K. Khobaib
    • M. Rajnak
    • K. Juraj
    • Z. Rozynek

    - Materials - Rok 2017

    Being able to systematically modify the electric properties of nano- and microparticles opens up new possibilities for the bottom-up fabrication of advanced materials such as the fabrication of one-dimensional (1D) colloidal and granular materials. Fabricating 1D structures from individual particles offers plenty of applications ranging from electronic sensors and photovoltaics to artificial flagella for hydrodynamic propulsion....

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  • From structures to landscapes – towards re-conceptualization of the urban condition


    - Rok 2017

    This paper presents an original approach towards the phenomena of re-naturalization of cities and indicates its possible consequences for the urban design and planning strategies. It focuses on the ongoing shift “from structures to landscapes” in understanding urban conditions. While modern architecture introduced geomet-ric compositions against the background of nature, early modern theories of architects and sociologists started...

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  • Pluralist View on Inequality from Luxemburg Income Study (LIS)


    - Rok 2023

    The authors start by reviewing the history of the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), originating from an interdisciplinary project involving economists, sociologists, and political scientists, centered on the cross-country perspective in inequality analysis. They then conduct a meta-analysis of the papers produced by scholars who have taken advantage of the data availability, showing how the theme of income/wealth inequality has been...

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  • Enhanced supercapacitor materials from pyrolyzed algae and graphene composites

    • M. Szkoda
    • M. Skorupska
    • J. P. Lukaszewicz
    • A. Ilnicka

    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2023

    This study focuses on the synthesis and characterization of supercapacitor materials derived from pyrolyzed natural compounds. Four compounds were investigated: methylcellulose with lysine (ML), methylcellulose with lysine-graphene composite (MLG), algae (A), and algae-graphene composite (AG). The pyrolysis process was utilized to convert these natural compounds into carbon-based materials suitable for supercapacitor applications....

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  • Microplastics removal from aqueous environment by metal organic frameworks


    - BMC Chemistry - Rok 2023

    This paper provides an overview of recent research performed on the applications of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) for microplastics (MPs) removal from aqueous environments. MPs pollution has become a major environmental concern due to its negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems and human health. Therefore, developing effective and sustainable methods for removing them from aqueous environments is crucial. In recent years, MOFs...

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  • Charge Distribution and Hyperfine Interactions in GdBa2Cu3O7 from First Principles


    - Rok 2012

    W rozdziale przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń "z zasad pierwszych" (''ab initio'') struktury elektronowej, rozkładu ładunku i struktury nadsubtelnej, w szczególności gradientu pola elektrycznego (EFG) i składnika kontaktowego pola nadsubtelnego (HFF), nadprzewodnika wysokotemperaturowego o wzorze GdBa2Cu3O7 (Gd123). Do obliczeń wykorzystano metodę FP-LAPW (full-potential linearized augmented plane wave). Efekty związane z oddziaływaniami...

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  • Isolation and identification of Mycobacterium avium subspecies silvaticum from a horse



    Po raz pierwszy opracowano metodę identyfikacji Mycobacterium avium subsp. silvaticum na podstawie analizy sekwencji DNA alfa antygenu. Zastosowanie enzymu HhaI do trawienia produktu PCR z uzyskanego z udziałem starterów specyficznych wobec genu kodującego alfa antygen pozwoliło na identyfikację Mycobacterium avium subsp. silvaticum. Opracowana nowa metoda pozwala na prowadzenie badań epidemiologicznych bezpośrednio z próbek pochodzących...

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  • A cross-disciplinary User Experience (UX) evaluation of a CRM system


    - Rok 2012

  • Functional Thin Films Resulting from Parylene-Vinyl Copolymerization

    W publikacji zawarto wyniki obliczeń kwantowych i kinetycznych dotyczących struktury 1-szo rzędowej kopolimerów uzyskiwanych w czasie CVD parylenu na cieczach.

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  • Systematic Literature Review for Emotion Recognition from EEG Signals


    Researchers have recently become increasingly interested in recognizing emotions from electroencephalogram (EEG) signals and many studies utilizing different approaches have been conducted in this field. For the purposes of this work, we performed a systematic literature review including over 40 articles in order to identify the best set of methods for the emotion recognition problem. Our work collects information about the most...

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  • Diamond investments – Is the market free from multiple price bubbles?

    The following study aims to investigate whether multiple price bubbles, in which the quoted market price of diamonds significantly deviates from their fundamental value, exist in the diamond market. It was conducted using ADF, SADF and GSADF tests, with the latter found to be an optimal form of evaluating the analysed issue. The presented results support the conclusion that the diamond market is not free from periods defined as...

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  • Fragmentomic analysis of biopeptides in silico released from milk proteins


    The fragmentomic-assisted method was employed to predict the biological potential of peptides derived from milk proteins hydrolyzed by papain and bromelain. Firstly, protein sequences were acquired from the BIOPEP-UWM database and then hydrolyzed by the above enzymes using a BIOPEP-UWM tool called “Enzyme(s) action”. The released peptides were defined as parent peptides and further analyzed for the presence of shorter peptidic...

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  • Systematic Literature Review for Emotion Recognition from EEG Signals


    Researchers have recently become increasingly interested in recognizing emotions from electroencephalogram (EEG) signals and many studies utilizing different approaches have been conducted in this field. For the purposes of this work, we performed a systematic literature review including over 40 articles in order to identify the best set of methods for the emotion recognition problem. Our work collects information about the most...

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  • Energy and valuable organic products recovery from anaerobic processes


    - Rok 2022

    Chapter 8 contains: Introduction, Energy balance in wastewater treatment plants and potential energy recovery, Potential valuable products recovery, Anaerobic processes focused on liquid products recovery; Anaerobic digestion (AD) processes focused on gaseous products recovery, Processes enhancing energy and valuable organic products recovery, Conclusions and perspectives. Anaerobic processes offer different pathways for the recovery...

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  • Bell-Type Inequalities from the Perspective of Non-Newtonian Calculus


    A class of quantum probabilities is reformulated in terms of non-Newtonian calculus and projective arithmetic. The model generalizes spin-1/2 singlet state probabilities discussed in Czachor (Acta Physica Polonica:139 70–83, 2021) to arbitrary spins s. For s → ∞ the formalism reduces to ordinary arithmetic and calculus. Accordingly, the limit “non-Newtonian to Newtonian” becomes analogous to the classical limit of a quantum theory

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  • Review of Shoreline Extraction Methods from Aerial Laser Scanning


    - SENSORS - Rok 2023

    Autonomous technologies are increasingly used in various areas of science. The use of unmanned vehicles for hydrographic surveys in shallow coastal areas requires accurate estimation of shoreline position. This is a nontrivial task, which can be performed using a wide range of sensors and methods. The aim of the publication is to review shoreline extraction methods based solely on data from aerial laser scanning (ALS). This narrative...

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  • Estimation of the Ultimate Strength of FRP Strips-to-Masonry Substrates Bond


    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Rok 2023

    Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRP) were developed as a new method over the past decades due to their many beneficial mechanical properties, and they are commonly applied to strengthen masonry structures. In this paper, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN), K-fold Cross-Validation (KFCV) technique, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline (MARS) method, and M5 Model Tree (M5MT) method were utilized to predict the ultimate strength of...

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  • Electromagnetic Simulations with 3D FEM and Intel Optane Persistent Memory


    - Rok 2022

    Abstract—Intel Optane persistent memory has the potential to induce a change in how high-performance calculations requiring a large system memory capacity are conducted. This article presents what this change may look like in the case of factorization of large sparse matrices describing electromagnetic problems arising in the 3D FEM analysis of passive highfrequency components. In numerical tests, the Intel oneAPI MKL PARDISO was...

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    The cooperation between enterprises and universities varies in terms of character and intensity. Bearing in mind the potential represented by both parties, its low intensity is still noticed, and consequently, the lack or incomplete use of opportunities resulting from this cooperation. Current factors of industry-university cooperation were identified from the perspective of companies from biotechnology and pharmaceutical...

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  • Nanoparticles and nanofiltration for wastewater treatment: From polluted to fresh water



    Water pollution poses significant threats to both ecosystems and human health. Mitigating this issue requires effective treatment of domestic wastewater to convert waste into bio-fertilizers and gas. Neglecting liquid waste treatment carries severe consequences for health and the environment. This review focuses on intelligent technologies for water and wastewater treatment, targeting waterborne diseases. It covers pollution prevention...

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    It is acknowledged that achieving product-based competitive advantage is a key task for a company. However, there is still a research gap in determining those specific actions in the process of developing new products that arise from companies' efforts to achieve product-based competitive advantage. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the specific actions in the new product development (NPD) process that result from...

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  • Within- and between-firm wage inequalities and trade integration in GVC

    This paper examines between- (inter) and within- (intra) firm wage inequality using rich employer-employee data for 12 European countries. We confirm that much overall wage inequality is observed within sectors and within occupations. The share of the within- and between-firm components in overall wage inequality varies across countries. We estimate the link between involvement in global value chains (GVCs) and wages differentiating...

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  • The impact of institutions on innovation networks: empirical evidence from Poland


    - Technological and Economic Development of Economy - Rok 2022

    Innovation networks may accelerate and improve the innovation process, while institutional pathologies may hamper it. This study employs the Kruskal-Wallis H test and regression analysis to determine if the relationship between institutions and innovation networks does exist among the investigated variables. The purpose of the study was to find out whether cooperation with special local institutions influences the innovative behaviour...

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  • Chemical Pressure Tuning Magnetism from Pyrochlore to Triangular Lattices

    • R. S. Dissanayaka Mudiyanselage
    • T. Klimczuk
    • D. Ni
    • R. J. Cava
    • W. Xie


    Geometrically frustrated lattices combined with magnetism usually host quantum fluctuations that suppress magnetic orders and generate highly entangled ground states. Three-dimensionally (3D) frustrated magnets generally exist in the diamond and pyrochlore lattices, while two-dimensionally (2D) frustrated geometries contain Kagomé, triangular, and honeycomb lattices. In this work, we reported using chemical pressure to tune the magnetism...

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  • Dependent self-employed individuals: are they different from paid employees?


    - Employee Relations - Rok 2023

    This study focuses on dependent self-employment, which covers a situation where a person works for the same employer as a typical worker while on a self-employment contractual basis, i.e., without a traditional employment contract and without certain rights granted to "regular" employees. The research exploits the individual-level dataset of 35 European countries extracted from the 2017 edition of the European Labour Force Survey...

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  • The Crowd as a Source of Knowledge - From User Feedback to Fulfilling Requirements


    - Rok 2024

    Crowd-based and data-intensive requirements engineering (RE) strategy is an approach for gathering and analyzing information from the general public or the so-called crowd to derive validated user requirements. This study aims to conceptualize the process of analyzing information from a crowd to achieve the fulfillment of user requirements. The created model is based on the ADO framework (Antecedents-Decisions-Outcomes). In the...

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  • Managing knowledge in a tourism crisis: case study from Poland


    - Rok 2024

    Purpose: This study deals with a tourism organisation from Poland, which experienced not only the COVID-19 pandemic, but also the close war situation in Ukraine which caused a significant decrease in tourist traffic and revenues. Since, based on the literature, knowledge management can be useful for crisis management, this study aims to explore the role and usefulness of KM during crisis situations in tourism. Methodology: Qualitative...

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  • On the FEM implementation of the large rotation shell theory for elasticanisotropic shells.


    - Rok 2002

    W pracy przedstawiono problemy implementacji MES teorii powłok o dużych obrotach w statycznej, geometrycznie nieliniowej analizie konstrukcji warstwowych. Zwrócono uwagę na właściwą interpretacje rotacyjnych stopni swobody w algorytmie MES. Omówiono wariant dużych i skończonych obrotów. Przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń dla znanego w literaturze przykładu analizy paneli kompozytowej w zakresie dużych obrotów.