Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ZAOPATRZENIE W ENERGIE - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ZAOPATRZENIE W ENERGIE

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ZAOPATRZENIE W ENERGIE

  • Wpływ długoterminowych prognoz zapotrzebowania na energię elektryczną na rozwój sieci rozdzielczej


    - Rok 2005

    W referacie przedstawiono czynniki wpływające na niepewności w długoterminowym planowaniu rozwoju systemu dystrybucji energii elektrycznej. Wskazano na powszechność zjawiska nierównomiernego rozwoju rejonów zasilanych przez jedną spółkę dystrybucyjną. Podjęto próbę usankcjonowania stosowania mobilnych źródeł mocy rezerwowej lub szczytowej jako sposobu na zaradzenie zapóźnieniom inwestycyjnym.

  • Uwarunkowania ekonomiczne wykorzystania silników gazowych do produkcji energii elektrycznej i ciepła


    - Rok 2005

    Przedstawiono podstawowe przesłanki techniczne i ekonomiczne do zastosowania silników produkujących energię elektryczną i ciepło z wykorzystaniem jako paliwa sieciowego gazu ziemnego. Omówiono uwarunkowania funkcjonowania źródeł małej mocy na lokalnych rynkach energii. Przedstawiono problemy współpracy silników gazowych z systemami energetycznymi oraz uwarunkowania ekonomiczne rozwoju tych źródeł.

  • Marcin Jewartowski dr inż.

  • DLC coating doped with W in ring-on-ring sliding with saline solution (0.9% wt.) lubrication 20MPa/0.1m/s

    Dane Badawcze

    Wear tests in sliding friction of 1% W (tungsten) doped DLC coating on 1.4021 (EN 10088-1) heat treated stainless steel. Ring - on - ring contact in unidirectional sliding, DLC-W over DLC-W. Mean contact stress: 20MPa. Sliding velocity: 0,1 m/s. Mean friction radius: 9.5mm. Lubricant: SALINE SOLUTION (0.9% wt.). Tribometer: PT-3. Overall test time >15h....

  • DLC coating doped with W in ring-on-ring sliding with saline solution (0.9% wt.) lubrication 10MPa/0.1m/s

    Dane Badawcze

    Wear tests in sliding friction of 1% W (tungsten) doped DLC coating on 1.4021 (EN 10088-1) heat treated stainless steel. Ring - on - ring contact in unidirectional sliding, DLC-W over DLC-W. Mean contact stress: 10MPa. Sliding velocity: 0,1 m/s. Mean friction radius: 9.5mm. Lubricant: SALINE SOLUTION (0.9% wt.). Tribometer: PT-3. Overall test time >15h....

  • Wychowanie w rodzinie


    ISSN: 2082-9019 , eISSN: 2300-5866

  • Chemia w Szkole


    ISSN: 0411-8634

  • Jerzy Buriak dr inż.


  • Comprehensive modernization of local heating system using cogeneration and renewable energy sources


    - Rok 2006

    Przedstawiono przeprowadzoną kompleksową modernizację lokalnego systemu grzewczego z wprowadzeniem gospodarki cieplno-elektrycznej opartej na paliwie gazowym LNG, oraz z zastosowaniem odnawialnych źródeł energii w posatci energii słónecznej i geotermicznej.

  • Energy, water detailed usage. Living lab testing for sustainable urban food-water-energy cycle.

    Data set contains detailed, continuous measurements of the usage of water and electrical energy (AC power) in an experimental facility set up in a scientific laboratory (Laboratorium im. B.Niemkiewicza) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ocean Technology of the Gdansk University of Technology.  The test bed was established in co-operation...

  • Potential energy curves of LiCs dimer

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    This data presents potential energy curves of LiCs dimer in Hund's case (a). Calculated using Born-Oppenheimer approximation with scalar relativistic effects are included via large effective core potentials. Custom basis sets, core polarization potentials and MRCI method are used to accurately describe electron correlation. Dataset consists of 22 potential...

  • Poland’s energy dependence - economic context

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Poland does not have vast resources of non-renewable energy and no nuclear power plant, therefore the issue of the energy dependence of the state, which affects the level of energy security of the country, is an extremely important factor. It depends on both the volume of imports of energy raw materials and the policy of diversification of sources of...

  • Electron energy-loss spectra of isoxazole

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The data set contains numeric values ​​of electron energy-loss spectra measured in isoxazole in the excitation energy range 3.5−10 eV. The data have been published in graphical form (figure 3 and figure 4) in the following paper:Ireneusz Linert, Mariusz Zubek "Excited states of isoxazole molecules studied by electron energy-loss spectroscopy"Journal...

  • Electron energy-loss spectra of pyridazine

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The data set contains numeric values ​​of electron energy-loss spectra measured in pyridazine in the excitation energy range 2.5−10 eV. The data have been published in graphical form (figures 3 - 6) in the following paper:

  • Potential energy curves of NaRb dimer

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    This data presents potential energy curves of NaRb dimer in Hund's case (a). Calculated using Born-Oppenheimer approximation with scalar relativistic effects are included via large effective core potentials. Core polarization potentials and MRCI method is used to describe electron correlation. Dataset consists of 18 potential energy curves of ground...

  • Problemy gospodarczego wykorzystania dolnej Wisły

    W pracy omówiono historię i aktualny stan zagospodarowania dolnej Wisły oraz najistotniejsze argumenty na rzecz gospodarczego wykorzystania jej potencjału. Wskazano, że najlepszym sposobem kompleksowego i integralnego rozwiązania problemów związanych z zagrożeniem niesionym przez dolną Wisłę i wykorzystaniem istniejących możliwości jest powrót do idei budowy kaskady stopni wodnych. Takie podejście umożliwi kompleksowe rozwiązanie...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Energetyka – Społeczeństwo – Polityka


    ISSN: 2450-0704 , eISSN: 2450-2545

  • Laboratorium Źródeł Energii w Katedrze Konwersji i Magazynowania Energii


  • Struktura źródeł wytwórczych na miejskim rynku ciepła


    - Rok 2007

    Omówiono strukturę i główne parametry miejskich systemów zaopatrzenia w ciepło w Polsce, kładąc nacisk na możliwe zmiany udziału różnych źródeł w pokrywaniu potrzeb cieplnych odbiorców. Zwrócono uwagę na wpływ przedsięwzięć modernizacyjnych, ograniczających emisje zanieczyszczeń oraz na wpływ procedury handlu emisjami na rozwój systemów zaopatrzenia w ciepło. Podkreślono istotną rolę systemów ciepłowniczych w pokrywaniu potrzeb...

  • Machine Learning- and Artificial Intelligence-Derived Prediction for Home Smart Energy Systems with PV Installation and Battery Energy Storage


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2023

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Reducing of energy consumption in public transport - results of experimental exploitation of super capacitor energy bank in Gdynia trolleybus system


    - Rok 2014

    Paper presents the result of test exploitation supercapacitor energy bank in Gdynia trolleybus system. In the first part of the article the basics of the regenerative breaking are presented and the construction and control strategy of the supercapacitor bank are described. The area of research and method of measurement are explained. In the second part of paper the results of tests and measurements are described. Emphasis was placed...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Ekoenergia

    Kursy Online
    • E. Klugmann-Radziemska

    1.Energetyka konwencjonalna. Paliwa naturalne i ich zasoby. 2.Wpływ zużycia paliw nieodnawialnych na środowisko naturalne. 3.Odnawialne źródła energii - wprowadzenie. 4.Energia promieniowania słonecznego. 5.Kolektory słoneczne. 6.Ogniwa fotowoltaiczne. 7.Możliwości wykorzystania energii słonecznej w Polsce i na świecie. 8.Biomasa i biopaliwa. 9.Biogaz. 10.Energetyka wodna. 11.Energetyka wiatrowa. 12.Energia geotermalna....

  • The Energy of Finance in Refining of Medical Surge Capacity


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    The availability of resources and their concentration in the place of greatest need, will not allow us to successfully overcome a medical surge without the energy required to activate these resources and activities, and increase their quantities if necessary, that is why the staff and management of healthcare institutions are forced to making ethical crisis decisions about who wins and who loses. This study highlights the versatility...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Improvements and Spatial Dependencies in Energy Transition Measures


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    This article aims to improve one of the newest energy transition measures—the WorldEconomic Forum WEF Energy Transition Index (ETI) and find its driving forces. This paper proposesa new approach to correct the ETI structure, i.e., sensitivity analysis, which allows assessing theaccuracy of variable weights. Moreover, the novelty of the paper is the use the spatial error modelsto estimate determinants of the energy transition on...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu


    Recent advances in graphene-based supercapacitor technology for energy storage application were summarized. The comparison of different types of electrode materials in such supercapacitors was performed. The supercapacitors with graphene-based electrodes exhibit outstanding performance: high charge-discharge rate, high power density, high energy density and long cycle-life, what makes them suitable for various applications, e.g....

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Research of energy efficiency of laboratory photovoltaic installation


    - Journal of Civil Engineering, Environment and Architecture - Rok 2014

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • High-efficient, zero-emission energy production


    - Rok 2013

    This paper presents innovative thermodynamiccycles with high-efficient, zero-emission energy production. The main aim of this work is to show the role of nano-phenomena in the enhancement of the power of thermodynamic cycles. For that purpose, the cycles using oxy-combustion and spray ejected condensation are first studied and, secondly hybrid cycles using fuel cells and gas turbines are presented. The role of nano-phenomena in...

  • Losses and energy efficiency of drive motors and systems


    Losses and energy efficiency of every drive motor must be presented as functions of physical quantities independent of losses in the motor. Such quantities are speed and load required by the machine or device driven by the motor, changing in the drive operating field. Speed and load of the motor decide of the instantaneous useful power of the motor and also in a differentiated way of kinds and values of losses occurring in the...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Losses and energy efficiency of drive motors and systems


    - Rok 2013

    Losses and energy efficiency of every drive motor must be presented as functions of physical quantities independent of losses in the motor. Such quantities are speed and load required by the machine or device driven by the motor, changing in the drive operating field. Speed and load of the motor decide of the instantaneous useful power of the motor and also in a differentiated way of kinds and values of losses occurring in the...

  • Water needs of production of biomass for energy in Poland


    Przedstawiono polskie zamierzenia polityczne dotyczące rozwoju produkcji biomasy do celów energetycznych. Produkcja biomasy wymagać będzie zwiększonego zużycia wody przez rośliny. Wprawdzie w Polsce potrzeby wodne roślin energetycznych będą 2-3 krotnie niższe niż w krajach śródziemnomorskich, tym niemniej opady atmosferyczne w Polsce będą niewystarczające i potrzeby wodne wymagać będą nawodnień na poziomie 50% aktualnych opadów...

  • Numerical simulation of energy buoy motion in wave


    W pracy przedstawiono opis numerycznej metody modelowania ruchu boi energetycznej na fali. Wyniki obliczeń porównano z wynikami otrzymanymi z badań modelowych przeprowadzonych w basenie hydromechanicznym.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Energy levels in CaWO4:Tb3+ at high pressure

    • S. Mahlik
    • E. Cavalli
    • M. Amer
    • P. Boutinaud


    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Mechanism for Damage to DNA by Low-Energy Electrons



    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • LattE- first-principles lattice energy calculations


    - Rok 2011

    Crystal engineering is currently attracting much interest. Its aim is to create materials of predefined properties fulfilling the requirements imposed by the applications. There are several parameters describing crystal structures, but the most important one is probably the energy of a crystal lattice. It is the energy released by the system when crystalline solid is formed out of molecules or ions in gaseous phase. Approximate...

  • Multiaspect measurement analysis of breaking energy recovery


    Nowadays the issue of electric energy saving in public transport is becoming a key area of interest, which is connected both with a growth of environmental awareness in the society and an increase in the prices of fuel and electricity. That is why the reduction of energy consumption by increasing electrified urban transport, such as trams, trolleybuses, light rail and underground is becoming an increasingly important issue. Energy...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Advanced Potential Energy Surfaces for Molecular Simulation

    • A. Albaugh
    • H. Boateng
    • R. Bradshaw
    • O. Demerdash
    • J. Dziedzic
    • Y. Mao
    • D. Margul
    • J. Swails
    • Q. Zeng
    • D. Case... i 10 innych


    Advanced potential energy surfaces are defined as theoretical models that explicitly include many-body effects that transcend the standard fixed-charge, pairwise-additive paradigm typically used in molecular simulation. However, several factors relating to their software implementation have precluded their widespread use in condensed-phase simulations: the computational cost of the theoretical models, a paucity of approximate models...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Energy Consumption Modeling in SPMD and DAC Applications


    - Rok 2016

    In this chapter, we show a study of energy consumption during execution of SPMD and DAC application – the same applications which time of execution we modeled in the previous two chapters. We measured an average power usage at a single node of the GALERA+ cluster during application execution and then we modeled the total energy consumption by the application. Next we simulated the applications using MERPSYS and we compared the...

  • Stirling engines powered by renewable energy sources


    - Rok 2015

    Stirling engine is a device that produces mechanical energy using heat from any source of energy, without the need of combustion of any fuel inside the device. Renewable energy sources, which are mostly low-temperature energy sources, can be used to produce mechanical and electrical energy in Stirling engines. The paper presents an overview of the existing prototype Stirling engines designed for using of low-temperature energy...

  • Reactive Energy Billing in Operator Tariffs in Poland


    The paper describes the current method of reactive energy billing in the tariffs of distribution grid operators in Poland. The current solutions are subject to critical assessment. Issues related to the motivation effect of the current solutions on consumers are analysed. Problems that occur in relation with connecting distributed generators to the distribution grid and challenges related to prosumer billing are indicated.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • If Gravity is Geometry, is Dark Energy just Arithmetic?

    Arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), as well as the calculus they imply, are non-unique. The examples of four-dimensional spaces, R^4 and (−L/2,L/2)^4, are considered where different types of arithmetic and calculus coexist simultaneously. In all the examples there exists a non-Diophantine arithmetic that makes the space globally Minkowskian, and thus the laws of physics are formulated in terms...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Energy efficient beam control for 5G antennas

    The rapid development of 5G and beyond systems demands improvement in communication speed, latency and safety to maintain the required quality of service. This paper presents an overview of different concepts of energy-efficient antenna systems, which offer beam-shaping and beam-steering functionalities, that enhance connectivity performance and can be used in 5G applications. Different designs for 5.9 GHz, 39 GHz and 60 GHz frequency...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    The following article is an attempt to assess Poland's energy independence in the years 1993-2020. The main aim of the paper is to present Poland's dependence on raw materials from foreign partners - in the field of imports of electricity, natural gas, crude oil, non-renewable energy resources, i.e., hard coal and lignite, and the country's dynamics in the amount of imports. In addition, the aim of the work is to answer research...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Energy of change in commercial, innovative and inteligent spaces


    - Rok 2012

    W artykule miasto zostanie zakwalifikowane do przestrzeni komercyjnych, które charakteryzuje ciągłe dążenie do atrakcyjności. Napędza to wykorzystywanie rozwiązań innowacyjnych w zakresie kształtowania przestrzeni, będących nowym źródłem miejskiej energii. W artykule uwaga skupi się innowacyjności przestrzeni, wynikającej z udziału technologii informacyjnych, które na styku z architekturą i sztuką czynią tą przestrzeń inteligentną....

  • Energy Security of Polish Consumers in 2004-2021

    Theoretical background: Energy security is one of the most important components of economic security. It is influenced not only by access to energy sources and the economic situation of the state and the individual consumer. The authors adopted the definition of energy security of an individual consumer as included in the UN report. It states that energy security of an individual consumer is guaranteed when the average consumer...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Clean energy in the European Union: Transition or evolution?


    In this paper, we analyse two phenomena. First, the relationship between greenhouse gases emission and effectiveness of the European Union energy policies and second the transition from the fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. We run two-step data analysis concerning 25 European Union member states in the period from 1990 to 2018. We use information on greenhouse gases emission, introduction of new energy policies, source...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Renewable and Sustainable Energy: Current State and Prospects


    The last two decades of the twentieth century represented a period of above-average, systematic growth of formal and informal interdependencies between economies of different countries and between world markets. The intensity, magnitude, and diversity of these interdependencies have never been recorded before in economic history, and the market transformations taking place have been referred to in the literature as the process...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • The investment risk forecasting in a local energy market

    The paper considers the general problems faced when evaluating the risk of investing in a local energy market by computer tools. The proposal formulated for the emerging local energy markets suggests broadening the method of evaluating investment risk so as to include elements of cluster analysis. The paper also discusses the significance of estimating investment risk in market terms and the importance and range of the local energy...

  • Analysis of the interfacial energy of GaAs-Si hetrostructures

    • A. Zdyb
    • J. M. Olchowik
    • D. Szymczuk
    • J. Mucha
    • K. Zabielski
    • M. Mucha
    • W. Sadowski


    Przeprowadzono obliczenia numeryczne energii powierzchni heterogranicy GaAs-Si z zastosowaniem półempirycznego modelu czteroparametrycznego Acklanda. Pokazano zależność energii heterogranicy od orientacji podłoża Si. Minima energetyczne otrzymano dla orientacji Si równych (011), (133), (112) i (113) co wskazuje ich zastosowanie do epitaksjalnego wzrostu warstw GaAs.

  • Low-energy electron-hexafluoropropene (C3F6) scattering

    Zmierzono przekrój czynny na rozproszenie elektronów na drobinie C3F6 a zakresie energii 0.5 - 30 eV. Zaobserwowano dwa maksima o charakterze rezonansowym dla energii 3.2 eV oraz 9.5 eV. Wykazano wyraźny wpływ fluoryzacji na otrzymywane zależności energetyczne przekroju czynnego.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Adiabatic potential energy surfaces of the vinoxy radical


    - Rok 2005

    Zostały obliczone powierzchnie energetyczne stanu podstawowego i dwóch najniższych stanów wzbudzonych.