Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: EXECUTION ENGINE - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: EXECUTION ENGINE

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: EXECUTION ENGINE

  • Constructive Controllability for Incompressible Vector Fields


    - Rok 2022

    We give a constructive proof of a global controllability result for an autonomous system of ODEs guided by bounded locally Lipschitz and divergence free (i.e. incompressible) vector field, when the phase space is the whole Euclidean space and the vector field satisfies so-called vanishing mean drift condition. For the case when the ODE is defined over some smooth compact connected Riemannian manifold, we significantly strengthen...

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  • The saga of a fish: from a survival guide to closing lemmas


    In the paper by D. Burago, S. Ivanov and A. Novikov, “A survival guide for feeble fish”, it has been shown that a fish with limited velocity can reach any point in the (possibly unbounded) ocean provided that the fluid velocity field is incompressible, bounded and has vanishing mean drift. This result extends some known global controllability theorems though being substantially nonconstructive. We give a fish a different recipe...

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  • Tax preferences in CIT in numbers 2009-2015

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    These data contain information prepared by the Ministry of Finance on the value of tax preferences by areas of support in Corporate Income Tax (CIT) between 2009-2015.

  • General Provisioning Strategy for Local Specialized Cloud Computing Environments


    The well-known management strategies in cloud computing based on SLA requirements are considered. A deterministic parallel provisioning algorithm has been prepared and used to show its behavior for three different requirements: load balancing, consolidation, and fault tolerance. The impact of these strategies on the total execution time of different sets of services is analyzed for randomly chosen sets of data. This makes it possible...

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  • Sprachtheorie und germanistische Linguistik. Eine internationale Zeitschrift


    ISSN: 1218-5736 , eISSN: 2365-8584

  • On the Possibility of Increasing Ship Energy Efficiency Through Improved Propulsion Control System


    - Rok 2023

    This paper summarizes the analyses conducted to assess the impact of the ship's propulsion control system on energy efficiency in calm, manoeuvre, and sea wave conditions, where the goal of the investigation is to develop new strategies for controlling the ship's motion while considering the interactions between the hull, engine, and propeller.

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  • Selected Problems of Cogeneration Energy Systems Designing, Fueled with Landfill Biogas


    The article discusses the impact of the quality of biogas fuel for operation of generating sets with internal combustion engines. There are presented selected investigation results of landfill biogas fueled gensets operation. The article includes also discussion of the possibility of increasing the efficiency of biogas fuelled cogeneration systems. It also presents guidelines for the optimal design of landfill biogas fueled engines,...

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  • Some Optimization Methods for Simulations in Volunteer and Grid Systems


    In this chapter, some optimization methods have been presented for improving performance of simulations in the volunteer and grid computing system called Comcute. Some issues related to the cloud computing can be solved by presented approaches as well as the Comcute platform can be used to simulate execution of expensive and energy consuming long-term tasks in the cloud environment. In particular, evolutionary algorithms as well...



    - Rok 2015

    The dissertation focuses on the augmentation of proactive document - agents with built-in intelligence to recognize execution context provided by devices visited during a business process, and to reach collaboration agreement despite conflicting requirements. The proposed solution, based on intelligent bargaining using neural networks to improve simple multi-issue negotiation between the document and thedevice, requires practically...

  • Installation of CMC columns in overconsolidated clays


    - Rok 2017

    During rigid inclusions execution in the subsoil some monitoring data are registered by a drilling rig for quality control. The use of these data can improve the design procedure of soil improvement as they can provide some information about the position of bearing strata and the energy necessary to install the column in the ground. In this paper the parameters registered in a drilling machine are described, the installation...

  • Karolina Sobieraj mgr inż.


    Mgr inż. Karolina Sobieraj w 2018 r. ukończyła dwustopniowe studia na kierunku Odnawialne Źródła Energii i Gospodarka Odpadami w specjalności Gospodarka Odpadami, z wyróżnieniem w postaci stypendium Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego dla studentów za wybitne osiągnięcia naukowe w roku akademickim 2017/2018. Od października 2019 r. podjęła studia w Szkole Doktorskiej UPWr w dyscyplinie inżynieria środowiska, górnictwo i energetyka....

  • Analysis of the instantaneous power signal for bearing diagnostics - bearing undamaged

    Dane Badawcze

    The attached dataset contains the measurement results of the instantaneous values of current and voltage, recorded during the diagnostics of an undamaged bearing. Bearing diagnostics can be carried out based on the method, which relies on the measurement and analysis of the variability of the signal instantaneous power, defined as the product of instantaneous...

  • Testing impedance analyzer with potentiostat using RC model with Si diode at 200 mV

    The dataset presents impedance spectrum non-linear RC model with diode presented in the figure below. This model was used as a test engine of the impedance analyzer with potentiostat described in the referenced paper. When changing the DC polarisation of the model the non-linear phenomena could be observed. Thanks to this, the model can be used as a...

  • Testing impedance analyzer with potentiostat using RC model with Si diode at 0 V

    The dataset presents impedance spectrum non-linear RC model with diode presented in the figure below. This model was used as a test engine of the impedance analyzer with potentiostat described in the referenced paper. When changing the DC polarisation of the model the non-linear phenomena could be observed. Thanks to this, the model can be used as a...

  • Testing impedance analyzer with potentiostat using RC model with Si diode at 600 mV

    The dataset presents impedance spectrum non-linear RC model with diode presented in the figure below. This model was used as a test engine of the impedance analyzer with potentiostat described in the referenced paper. When changing the DC polarisation of the model the non-linear phenomena could be observed. Thanks to this, the model can be used as a...

  • Testing impedance analyzer with potentiostat using RC model with Si diode at 400 mV

    The dataset presents impedance spectrum non-linear RC model with diode presented in the figure below. This model was used as a test engine of the impedance analyzer with potentiostat described in the referenced paper. When changing the DC polarisation of the model the non-linear phenomena could be observed. Thanks to this, the model can be used as a...

  • HILS for the Design of Three-Wheeled Mobile Platform Motion Surveillance System with a Use of Energy Performance Index


    - Solid State Phenomena - Rok 2013

    Current tendency in mechatronic design requires the use of comprehensive development of an environment, which gives the possibility to prototype, design, simulate and integrate with dedicated hardware. The paper discusses the Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulations (HILS) mechatronic technique, used during the design of the surveillance system based on energy performance index. The presented test configuration (physical controller – emulated...

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  • Marek Blok dr hab. inż.


    Marek Blok w 1994 roku ukończył studia na kierunku Telekomunikacja wydziału Elektroniki Politechniki Gdańskiej i uzyskał tytuł mgra inżyniera. Doktorat w zakresie telekomunikacji uzyskał w 2003 roku na Wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. W 2017 roku uzyskał stopień naukowy dra habilitowanego w dyscyplinie telekomunikacja. Jego zainteresowania badawcze ukierunkowane są na telekomunikacyjne...

  • Simplified method of water cooled exhaust system design.


    - Journal of Polish CIMEEAC - Rok 2016

    The water cooled exhaust systems are not often used onboard ships. Prime goal is to lower temperature of exhaust gas from main propulsion and auxiliary engines to the defined limit. The design of such systems require detailed analysis of propulsion system operational parameters to meet designer expectations. The paper outlines the cooled exhaust system design problems in specific application. The simplified method of evaluation...

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  • comparison of circular and rectangular narrow esps with longitudinal wire electrode


    - Rok 2012

    Diesel engines emit fine particles, which are harmful to human and animal health. There are several methods for decrease particulate emission from a diesel engines, but up to now, these methods are not enough effective or very expensive. An electrostatic precipitation was proposed as an alternative method for control of a diesel particulate emission. Therefore, narrow electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) have become a subject of...

  • The realization of ASON/GMPLS control plane


    ASON (Automatic Switched Optical Network) is a concept of optical network recommended in G.8080/Y.1304 by ITU-T. Control Plane of this network could be based on GMPLS (Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching) protocols like RSVP-TE, OSPF-TE, LMP. This solution is named ASON/GMPLS. In this chapter we present the control plane problems and proposes ASON/GMPLS network realization that are tested on testbed consists of three and...

  • Zdzisław Kowalczuk prof. dr hab. inż.

    W 1978 ukończył studia w zakresie automatyki i informatyki na Wydziale Elektroniki Politechniki Gdańskiej, następnie rozpoczął pracę na macierzystej uczelni. W 1986 obronił pracę doktorską, w 1993 habilitował się na Politechnice Śląskiej na podstawie pracy Dyskretne modele w projektowaniu układów sterowania. W 1996 mianowany profesorem nadzwyczajnym, w 2003 otrzymał tytuł profesora nauk technicznych. W 2006 założył i od tego czasu...

  • FEX a Fingers Extending eXoskeleton for Rehabilitation and Regaining Mobility


    - Rok 2018

    This paper presents the design process of an exoskeleton for executing human fingers’ extension movement for the rehabilitation procedures and as an active orthosis purposes. The Fingers Extending eXoskeleton (FEX) is a serial, under-actuated mechanism capable of executing fingers’ extension. The proposed solution is easily adaptable to any finger length or position of the joints. FEX is based on the state-of-art FingerSpine serial...

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  • Benchmarking Performance of a Hybrid Intel Xeon/Xeon Phi System for Parallel Computation of Similarity Measures Between Large Vectors

    The paper deals with parallelization of computing similarity measures between large vectors. Such computations are important components within many applications and consequently are of high importance. Rather than focusing on optimization of the algorithm itself, assuming specific measures, the paper assumes a general scheme for finding similarity measures for all pairs of vectors and investigates optimizations for scalability...

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  • Parallelization of large vector similarity computations in a hybrid CPU+GPU environment


    The paper presents design, implementation and tuning of a hybrid parallel OpenMP+CUDA code for computation of similarity between pairs of a large number of multidimensional vectors. The problem has a wide range of applications, and consequently its optimization is of high importance, especially on currently widespread hybrid CPU+GPU systems targeted in the paper. The following are presented and tested for computation of all vector...

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  • Emotional experiences of family caregivers of children with Dravet syndrome


    Background: Since the psychosocial implications of Dravet syndrome (DS) are much more serious and far-reaching than in other types of epilepsy, caring for a DS child seriously affects the entire family. This study describes the emotional experiences of family caregivers of DS children and evaluates the way caregiving affects their perceived quality of life. Methods: An anonymous, self-administered...

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  • Podpis kwalifikowany w EZD – powtórne szkolenie online


    05-07-2022 10:00 - 05-07-2022 11:30

    DOAD zaprasza osoby, które nie mogły uczestniczyć w pierwszym szkoleniu online, mającym na celu poszerzenie wiedzy w zakresie obsługi modułu podpisów kwalifikowanych, na powtórne szkolenie z tej tematyki.

  • Obsługa modułu ePUAP w EZD – szkolenie online


    07-06-2022 10:00 - 07-06-2022 12:00

    DOAD zaprasza osoby, które odbyły szkolenie podstawowe z systemu EZD PUW, na spotkanie online mające na celu poszerzenie wiedzy w zakresie obsługi modułu ePUAP w EZD.

  • „Rozpocznij karierę z firmą Terma” - SPOTKANIE ONLINE


    29-03-2022 12:00 - 29-03-2022 13:00

    29 marca br. Biuro Karier PG wraz z przedstawicielami firmy Terma zapraszają na spotkanie „Rozpocznij karierę z firmą Terma”.

  • Podpis kwalifikowany w EZD – powtórne szkolenie online


    26-10-2022 10:00 - 26-10-2022 11:30

    COD zaprasza osoby, które nie mogły uczestniczyć w poprzednich szkoleniach online, mających na celu poszerzenie wiedzy w zakresie obsługi modułu podpisów kwalifikowanych, na powtórne szkolenie z tej tematyki.

  • „Rozpocznij karierę z firmą Aptiv” – SPOTKANIE ONLINE


    24-03-2022 12:00 - 24-03-2022 13:00

    Biuro Karier PG wraz z przedstawicielami firmy Aptiv zaprasza na spotkanie ”Rozpocznij karierę z firmą Aptiv”.

  • Szkolenie online dla promotorów w Szkole Doktorskiej


    22-02-2023 16:00 - 22-02-2023 18:00

    Dn. 22.02.2023 r. o godz. 16.00 odbędzie się szkolenie dla promotorów (obecnych i potencjalnych) w Szkole Doktorskiej prowadzonej wspólnie z IMP PAN i IBW PAN.

  • „Rozpocznij karierę z firmą Deloitte” – spotkanie online


    12-05-2022 12:00 - 12-05-2022 13:33

    12 maja br. Biuro Karier PG zaprasza studentów i absolwentów PG na spotkanie online z przedstawicielami firmy Deloitte.

  • ”Rozpocznij karierę z firmą Marion” – spotkanie online


    05-04-2022 12:00 - 05-04-2022 13:00

    5 kwietnia br. Biuro Karier PG wraz z przedstawicielami firmy Marion zapraszają na spotkanie „Rozpocznij karierę z firmą Marion”.

  • Spotkanie online z promotorami w Szkole Doktorskiej


    19-04-2022 15:00 - 19-04-2022 17:00

    Spotkanie informacyjne z obecnymi i potencjalnymi promotorami w Szkole Doktorskiej na Politechnice Gdańskiej, prowadzonej wspólnie z Instytutem Maszyn Przepływowych PAN i Instytutem Budownictwa Wodnego PAN.

  • GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies


    ISSN: 1675-8021

  • Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology


    ISSN: 2146-7242

  • Analysis of the possibilities of using of DME fuel in motor boat drive systems

    The characteristics of alternative fuel for diesel: dimethyl ether (DME) and an analysis of the potential to reduce emissions of toxic compounds by the engines when running on this fuel have been presented in this work. Basic types of design solutions of gas supply and control systems, possible for use in internal combustion engines with DME supply have been also presented. The paper presents a study of the legislation and an analysis...

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  • Julita Wasilczuk dr hab.

    Urodzona 5 kwietnia 1965 roku w Gdańsku. W latach 1987–1991 odbyła studia na Wydziale Ekonomiki Transportu Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego (obecnie Wydział Ekonomii). Od 1993 roku zatrudniona na nowo utworzonym Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii, Politechniki Gdańskiej, na stanowisku asystenta. W 1997 roku uzyskała stopień doktora nauk ekonomicznych na WZiE, a w 2006 doktora habilitowanego nauk ekonomicznych w dyscyplinie nauki o zarządzaniu,...

  • Towards more inclusive qualitative research: the practice of interviewing neurominorities

    Management scholars increasingly focus their efforts on the development of neurodivergent human capital and the promotion of inclusive employment and decent work. However, it may be argued that existing research still suffers from the lack of a comprehensive appreciation of what neurominorities may find difficult in the research process or how they interpret what the researchers are doing. In the light of only fragmented advice...

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  • Observation value analysis - integral part of Bayesian diagnostics


    Detailed subject of the research is to analyse the value of the observation, which is a part of preposterior analysis. For the presented network, the main objective was to determine, conducting of which of three tests is the most valuable from the perspective of determining possible need or possibility to omission expensive technical expertise. The main advantage of preposterior analysis is answering the question which of the considered...

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  • WIKI-WS as a C2 NIWA Web Service Management Platform


    - TASK Quarterly - Rok 2015

    The Wiki-WS platform was implemented within the C2 NIWA project for production purposes. Wiki-WS stands for developing, managing and maintaining web services. The production deployment needed implementation of several functional improvements and establishing a strong security 7 safety policy. The WikiWS platform has to be used as an educational environmement for developing web sevices and production environment for execution of...

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  • Application of Support Vector Machine for Determination of Impact of Traffic-Induced Vibrations on Buildings

    The aim of the article is to present an algorithm of Support Vector Machine created to forecast the impact of traffic-induced vibrations on residential buildings. The method is designed to classify the object into one of two classes. The classification into the first class means that there is no impact of vibrations on the building, while classification to the second class indicates the possible influence and suggests the execution...

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  • Automatic system for optical parameters measurements of biological tissues

    In this paper a system allowing execution of automatic measurements of optical parameters of scattering materials in an efficient and accurate manner is proposed and described. The system is designed especially for measurements of biological tissues including phantoms, which closely imitate optical characteristics of real tissue. The system has modular construction and is based on the ISEL system, luminance and color meter and...

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  • An Efficient Framework For Fast Computer Aided Design of Microwave Circuits Based on the Higher-Order 3D Finite-Element Method

    In this paper, an efficient computational framework for the full-wave design by optimization of complex microwave passive devices, such as antennas, filters, and multiplexers, is described. The framework consists of a computational engine, a 3D object modeler, and a graphical user interface. The computational engine, which is based on a finite element method with curvilinear higher-order tetrahedral elements, is coupled with built-in...

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  • Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska dr inż.

    Since 2021 visiting assistant professor in Dioscuri Centre in Topological Data Analysis (Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, IMPAN)  Since 2016   assistant professor at Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Applied Physics and                      Mathematics, Department of Differential Equations and Mathematics Applications  2020 - 2023  Principal Investigator in "SONATA" grant “Challenges of low-dimensional...

  • Systems Engineering Requirements for Rotating Machines (PG-00060237)

    Kursy Online
    • J. Szwedowicz

    Turbiny wiatrowe, gazowe, mikroturbiny, silniki lotnicze, turbosprężarki i inne systemy mechaniczne to przykłady maszyn wirujących, które wymagają wysoko wykwalifikowanych inżynierów. Powinni oni zrozumieć złożoność procesów projektowania i produkcji, w tym wytwarzania przyrostowego, oraz konserwacji prognostycznej opartej na inżynierii cyfrowej dla bezawaryjnej pracy silnika. Wind, gas, micro turbines, aircraft engines, turbochargers,...

  • Investigation of Narrow Electrostatic Precipitator with Wire Multi-Electrode


    - Rok 2012

    Diesel engines emit fine particles, which are harmful to human and animal health. There are several methods for decrease particulate emission from a diesel engines, but up to now, these methods are notenough effective or very expensive. An electrostatic precipitation was proposed as an alternative method for control of a diesel particulate emission. Therefore, narrow electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) have become a subject of interest...

  • A graph coloring approach to scheduling of multiprocessor tasks on dedicated machines with availability constraints

    We address a generalization of the classical 1- and 2-processor unit execution time scheduling problem on dedicated machines. In our chromatic model of scheduling machines have non-simultaneous availability times and tasks have arbitrary release times and due dates. Also, the versatility of our approach makes it possible to generalize all known classical criteria of optimality. Under these stipulations we show that the problem...

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  • Augmenting digital documents with negotiation capability


    Active digital documents are not only capable of performing various operations using their internal functionality and external services, accessible in the environment in which they operate, but can also migrate on their own over a network of mobile devices that provide dynamically changing execution contexts. They may imply conflicts between preferences of the active document and the device the former wishes to execute on. In the...

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