Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES

  • CAD. 3D modelling (2022/2023) BSc Arch, sem 2

    Kursy Online
    • D. Cyparski

    Conducting unit: Faculty of ArchitectureField of the study: ArchitectureAcademic year: 2022/2023 Summer TermDuration:  15 weeks (30 hours laboratory per term) Subject objectives: The course aim is to demonstrate the application of Computer Aided Design in preparation of architectural 3D models and project presentations. No previous CAD experience is necessary. Using hands-on exercises, students explore how to create project presentations...

  • Flexural behavior of composite structural insulated panels with magnesium oxide board facings

    The current report is devoted to the flexural analysis of a composite structural insulated panel (CSIP) with magnesium oxide board facings and expanded polystyrene (EPS) core, that was recently introduced to the building industry. An advanced nonlinear FE model was created in the ABAQUS environment, able to simulate the CSIP’s flexural behavior in great detail. An original custom code procedure was developed, which allowed to include...

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  • Quality of Cryptocurrency Mining on Previous Generation NVIDIA GTX GPUs

    Currently, there is a lot of previous generation NVIDIA GTX graphical processing units (GPUs) available on the market, which were ousted from by next-gen RTX units. Due to this fact, numerous fully-operational devices remain underused, which are available at an affordable price. First, this paper presents an analysis of the cryptocurrency market. Next, in this context, the results of research on the performance of NVIDIA graphics...

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  • Driver’s Condition Detection System Using Multimodal Imaging and Machine Learning Algorithms

    To this day, driver fatigue remains one of the most significant causes of road accidents. In this paper, a novel way of detecting and monitoring a driver’s physical state has been proposed. The goal of the system was to make use of multimodal imaging from RGB and thermal cameras working simultaneously to monitor the driver’s current condition. A custom dataset was created consisting of thermal and RGB video samples. Acquired data...

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  • How personality traits, sports anxiety, and general imagery could influence the physiological response measured by SCL to imagined situations in sports?

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The data were collected to understand how individual differences in personality (e.g. neuroticism), general imagery, and situational sports anxiety are linked to arousal measuring with skin conductance level (SCL) in situational imagery (as scripted for sport-related scenes). Thirty persons participated in the study, aged between 14 and 42 years, with...

  • Poczucie samoskuteczności a nadmierne zaangażowanie w działaniach przedsiębiorców: Model teoretyczny

    Artykuł przedstawia model teoretyczny wyjaśniający wpływ poczucia samoskuteczności na eskalację zaangażowania wśród przedsiębiorców. Autorzy postulują, że rozbieżność pomiędzy poziomem przekonań dotyczących własnej skuteczności a faktyczną skutecznością tworzy lukę skuteczności. Początkujący przedsiębiorcy w związku z ich niewielkim doświadczniem są szczególnie narażeni na ryzyko eskalacji zaangażowania, gdyż cechują się ograniczonymi...

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  • Filozofować z głębi człowieczeństwa. O fenomenologii Andrzeja Półtawskiego.


    Dokonując krytyki tradycji nowożytnego empiryzmu i kartezjańskiego dualizmu Półtawski tworzy realistyczną i dynamiczną interpretację bytu ludzkiego. Przeżywanie, odczuwanie zmysłowe nie jest poślednią odmianą poznania jak i operacją dostarczania jedynie elementów, budulca poznaniu, ale odrębnym sposobem bycia w świecie, jest symbiotycznym kontaktem z otoczeniem, formą życia. Zrywa on radykalnie z tradycją brentanowsko-husserlowską...

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  • Thermodynamic analysis of the Compressed Air Energy Storage system coupled with the Underground Thermal Energy Storage


    - E3S Web of Conferences - Rok 2019

    Improvement of flexibility is one of the key challenges for the transformation of the Polish Power System aiming at a high share of renewable energy in electricity generation. Flexible and dispatchable power plants will contribute to this ongoing transformation process as they compensate for fluctuations in electricity generation from renewable energy sources such as wind and photovoltaics. In this context, CAES storage tanks are...

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  • Michał Wasilczuk prof. dr hab. inż.

    Michał Wasilczuk, absolwent Wydziału Budowy Maszyn Politechniki Gdańskiej (1986), a obecnie profesor zwyczajny na Wydziale Mechanicznym PG i kierownik Katedry Konstrukcji Maszyn i Pojazdów od początku swojej działalności naukowej zajmuje się hydrodynamicznymi łożyskami wzdłużnymi oraz, szerzej inżynierią łożyskowania, w ramach zespołu naukowego stworzonego przez doc. Olgierda Olszewskiego. Od kilkunastu lat zespół specjalizuje...

  • Urban Mentoring as a new polish management technique in participatory planning


    A decade of experience in implementation of numerous urban modernization projects in Poland resulted in a lively debate on socialization of the planning process, in which the matter of the public space quality has become the center of gravity. In those years, transformation from the classic administrative model of „bureaucracy planning” to the model of „management planning” has not been complete. The socialist primacy of the public...

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  • Współczesny Word of Mouth – dylematy pojęciowe


    Przekaz ustny (Word of Mouth) jest obecnie jednym z najważniejszych czynników, które mają wpływ na klientów podczas podejmowania decyzji o zakupie, a także na zarządzanie ich zachowaniami w procesie dokonywania zakupów. Szczególne znaczenie ma on w przypadku dóbr niematerialnych, o wysokim ryzyku zakupu, jakim są usługi. Rosnąca liczba jego nowych form i coraz bardziej skomplikowana natura, związana głównie z umieszczaniem opinii...

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  • Wybrane aspekty zachowań internautów oraz rozwój komunikacji marketingowej w Internecie - Polska na tle innych krajów europejskich


    Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie różnic w zachowaniach klientów on-line oraz rozwoju komunikacji marketingowej w Internecie. W opracowaniu powołano się na wyniki badań internautów przeprowadzonych w Polsce i w innych krajach Europy. Przybliżono w nim najbardziej charakterystyczne cechy i zachowania użytkowników Internetu. Oprócz tego, w artykule ukazano istotę podejścia inbound marketing w kreowaniu wartościowych treści z punktu...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Ergonomic Aspects of Development of Architecture in the Context of Sanitary and Hygiene Safety

    Abstract Ergonomics answers the need of safe development of space by creating spatial forms which help to implement the safety procedures and limit the threats involved both in ordinary use of the spaces and in case of unforeseen events. Using the knowledge of ergonomics and architecture on the basis of defining the routes of germ transmission, allows to limit the spread of those organisms. Ergonomics of developing architectural...

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    The aim of this paper is to show the numeric representation of experimental studies concerning the behaviour of exterior wall models of a timber-frame house under harmonic loading. A single wall model according to traditional technology of timberframe house walls (filling with mineral wool) was tested. The analysis was conducted for the following frequencies: 0.5 Hz, 1.0 Hz, 2.0 Hz and 5.0 Hz for various values of the specified...

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  • Loudness Scaling Test Based on Categorical Perception

    The main goal of this research study is focused on creating a method for loudness scaling based on categorical perception. Its main features, such as: way of testing, calibration procedure for securing reliable results, employing natural test stimuli, etc., are described in the paper and assessed against a procedure that uses 1/2-octave bands of noise (LGOB) for the loudness growth estimation. The Mann-Whitney U-test is employed...

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  • Emotions and Their Relation with Knowledge Risks in Organizations


    - Rok 2023

    The aim of this chapter is to analyze and present knowledge risks from the perspective of emotions. Every year, new studies are published, where novel aspects of knowledge management field are examined and tested. One of such aspects that is worth examination and exploration is the role of emotions (both positive and negative) experienced by employees and managers that can contribute to their behaviors concerning knowledge risks...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    Aerodynamic phenomena that occurs around building developments exert a significant impact on the quality of climate in cities. Environmental wind engineering is a dynamically developing field of knowledge that offers a chance to study and, in consequence, regulates the air flow around buildings and complexes of building developments. The following paper discusses the issue of wind conditions that may be experienced on pedestrian...

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  • Abilities, Motivations, and Opportunities of Furloughed Employees in the Context of Covid-19: Preliminary Evidence From the UK


    - Frontiers in Psychology - Rok 2021

    The Covid-19 global pandemic is a crisis like no other, forcing governments to implement prolonged national lockdowns in an effort to limit the spread of the disease. As organizations aim to adapt and remain operational, employers can suspend or reduce work activity for events related to Covid-19 and claim government support to subsidize employee wages. In this way, some employees are placed on furlough (i.e., temporary unemployment)...

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  • High-efficiency mini and micro heat exchangers for dispersed power generation


    - Rok 2019

    Taking into account the dispersed systems technologies and their development, the ORC systems seem to be promising technology amongst various micro-CHP domestic units (electrical power production below 10 kWe), however practical realization of the ORC cycle in a micro-scale is technically challenging. The system consists in devices such as the vapour generation unit (boiler), expansion device and heat exchangers. Each of them should...

  • Bicycle Traffic Model for Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning


    Modelling tools and transport models are required to assess the impact of measures for the effective planning of cycling routes in cities. This paper presents the methodology for developing a four-stage macroscopic model of bicycle traffic for the city of Gdynia, and its use in planning new bicycle routes, considering a modal shift. The model presented in this paper allows for the evaluation of the influence of the characteristics...

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  • Extending GQM by Argument Structures


    - Rok 2008

    Effective methods for metrics definition are of particular importance, as measurement mechanisms are indispensable in virtually any engineering discipline. The paper describes how the well known Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) method of systematic metrics derivation from measurement goals can be extended by applying argument structures. The proposed approach is called Goal-Argument-Metric (GAM). The general ideas of GQM and GAM are...

  • Experimental study on steel columns subjected to impact load under earthquake conditions


    - Rok 2011

    Earthquakes affecting urbanized regions cause exceptional loads to load bearing structural elements such as columns. Such a boost in the load conditions can lead to severe damages which, in a worst case scenario, can lead to a total collapse of a building. This boost is caused by the horizontal ground movement generating a rise in the internal forces due to considerable large displacement between the top and bottom support of columns....

  • Integration of brood units in game universe


    - Rok 2011

    An access to a great number of various services allows for decomposition of complex problems Developing a game universe usually involves creation of various units which can be encountered by a player. Those can be lonely or organized in broods animals and monsters wandering around the game world. In order to provide natural gaming experience those units should behave variously depending on the world situation. Those behaviours...

  • Extending GQM by argument structures


    - Rok 2007

    Effective metrics definition methods are of particular importance, as measurement mechanisms are indispensable in virtually any engineering discipline. The paper describes how the well known Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) method of systematic metrics derivation from measurement goals can be extended by applying argument structures. The proposed approach is called Goal-Argument-Metric (GAM). We briefly introduce general ideas of GQM...

  • Hospital chaplains facing the pandemic. A qualitative study

    The article explores hospital chaplains perspective on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the provision of spiritual care in Poland. Semi-structured interviews with sixteen hospital chaplains providing spiritual care in hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic were performed. Six main themes emerged during the interviews: chaplains' experience of the pandemic, chaplaincy during the outbreak, patients' needs, health professionals...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    The concept of the “Integrated System of Transport Safety” in Poland is a novel solution, built upon the best practices available from only a handful of countries in the world. In the last few decades, the extent of applying integrated transport safety systems to improve transport safety systems has varied; nevertheless, studying the experience of the safest countries in the world we can say that enormous progress has been achieved...

  • Structural and Temporal Topic Models of Feedbacks on Service Quality – A Path to Theory Development?


    - Rok 2020

    There is growing interest in applying computational methods in analysing large amount of data without sacrificing rigour in Information Systems research. In this paper, we demonstrate how the use of structural and temporal topic modelling can be employed to produce insights of both theoretical and practical importance from the analysis of textual comments on the quality of services in hospitals. As a first step, we revealed the...

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  • Molywood: streamlining the design and rendering of molecular movies


    - BIOINFORMATICS - Rok 2020

    Motivation High-quality dynamic visuals are needed at all levels of science communication, from the conference hall to the classroom. As scientific journals embrace new article formats, many key concepts – particularly in structural biology – are also more easily conveyed as videos than still frames. Notwithstanding, the design and rendering of a complex molecular movie remain an arduous task. Here, we introduce Molywood, a robust...

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  • Attempt to a Video-Transmission Capability in MV Mine Cable Network Using BPL-PLC Technology

    • G. Debita
    • P. Falkowski-Gilski
    • M. Habrych
    • B. Miedziński
    • G. Wiśniewski
    • P. Jedlikowski
    • B. Polnik

    - Rok 2020

    This article presents and discusses the attempt to transmit video content using the BPL-PLC (Broadband over Power Line - Power Line Communication) technology. It includes simulation results of a specially developed digital transmitter and receiver, dedicated to a given predefined 6 kV mining power cable. The effect of two different transmission modes (2-7 MHz and 3-7.5 MHz) and two types of coupling (capacitive-inductive and induction-inductive),...

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  • What Is Troubling IT Analysts? A Survey Report from Poland on Requirements-Related Problems

    Requirements engineering and business analysis are activities considered to be important to software project success but also difficult and challenging. This paper reports on a survey conducted in Polish IT industry, aimed at identifying most widespread problems/challenges related to requirements. The survey was targeted at people performing role of analyst in commercial IT projects. The questionnaire included 64 pre-defined problems...

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    Nowadays the issue of electric energy saving in public transport is becoming a key area of interest which is connected both with a growth in environmental awareness of the society and an increase in the prices of fuel and electricity. It can be achieved by improving the usage of regenerative breaking. In 2016 the Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Trolejbusowej (PKT, Trolleybus Transport Company) in Gdynia began practical implementation...

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  • Using Synchronously Registered Biosignals Dataset for Teaching Basics of Medical Data Analysis – Case Study


    - Rok 2022

    Medical data analysis and processing strongly relies on the data quality itself. The correct data registration allows many unnecessary steps in data processing to be avoided. Moreover, it takes a certain amount of experience to acquire data that can produce replicable results. Because consistency is crucial in the teaching process, students have access to pre-recorded real data without the necessity of using additional equipment...

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  • Enhancing Product Innovation Through Smart Innovation Engineering System


    - Rok 2017

    This paper illustrates the idea of Smart Innovation Engineering (SIE) System that helps in carrying the process of product innovation. The SIE system collects the experiential knowledge from the formal decisional events. This experiential knowledge is collected from the set of similar products having some common functions and features. Due to the fact that SIE system collects, captures and reuses the experiential knowledge of all...

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  • Subjective and Objective Comparative Study of DAB+ Broadcast System

    Broadcasting services seek to optimize their use of bandwidth in order to maximize user’s quality of experience. They aim to transmit high-quality digital speech and music signals at the lowest bitrate. They intend to offer the best quality under available conditions. Due to bandwidth limitations, audio quality is in conflict with the number of transmitted radio programs. This paper analyzes whether the quality of real-time digital...

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  • From structures to landscapes – towards re-conceptualization of the urban condition


    - Rok 2017

    This paper presents an original approach towards the phenomena of re-naturalization of cities and indicates its possible consequences for the urban design and planning strategies. It focuses on the ongoing shift “from structures to landscapes” in understanding urban conditions. While modern architecture introduced geomet-ric compositions against the background of nature, early modern theories of architects and sociologists started...

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  • Relationships between Trust and Collaborative Culture in The Context of Tacit Knowledge Sharing

    The literature review presents a lot of theoretical and empirical evidence that Trust affects Collaborative Culture. The opposite also proves to be true: Collaborative Culture influences Trust. The main hypothesis presented in this paper says that both these factors are strongly correlated and modify each other. This study examines the mutual relationship of the said variables in the context of Tacit Knowledge Sharing based on...

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  • The interplay between Disinhibition and Present-Hedonistic time perspective in the relation between Borderline Personality Organization and depressive symptoms

    • A. Zajenkowska
    • I. Nowakowska
    • I. Kaźmierczak
    • J. Rajchert
    • M. Bodecka-Zych
    • A. Jakubowska
    • J. L. Anderson
    • M. Sellbom


    The purpose of the current study was to examine the moderating effect between borderline personality organization (BPO) and depressive symptoms of factors associated with impulsive behavior – Present-Hedonistic time perspective and Disinhibition. The research sample consisted of 720 adults from Poland (518 females), who participated in a survey through the research panel. In the case of low levels of Disinhibition, the positive...

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  • Theory vs. practice. Searching for a path of practical education

    The introduction of a three-tier model of higher education (the Bologna model) has led to considerable changes in the 1st- and 2nd-tier technical courses at universities. At present, a student with a bachelor’s degree can be employed in his / her profession after completing only 7 semesters of study. A search is under way for methods of combining theoretical knowledge taught at universities with practical knowledge gained afterwards....

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  • To Work or Not to Work… in a Multicultural Team?

    The main goal of the article is to present research findings regarding student’s attitude to working in a multicultural team (MCT). Research participants of different cultural background completed the research survey. Their willingness to work in MCT was measured together with factors that influence it. These include factors related to both team members and the task structure. Research findings indicate that the respondents preferred...

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  • Semantics for an Interdisciplinary Computation


    - Rok 2013

    Semantics for an interdisciplinary computation is becoming increasingly difficult to capture while dealing with multi-domain problems. Expertise from Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and other disciplines merges as engineering challenges in modern systems, such as, Cyber-Physical Systems, Smart Cities, and Bionic Systems must be tackled in a methodological manner. In this paper, a paradigm for formalization...

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  • Performance of Noise Map Service Working in Cloud Computing Environment

    In the paper a noise map service designated for the user interested in environmental noise subject is presented. It is based on cloud computing. Noise prediction algorithm and source model, developed for creating acoustic maps, are working in cloud computing environment. In the study issues related to noise modeling of sound propagation in urban spaces are discussed with a special focus on road noise. Examples of results obtained...

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  • Polyurethanes


    - Rok 2021

    Handbook of Thermoset Plastics, Fourth Edition provides complete coverage of the chemical processes, manufacturing techniques and design properties of each polymer, along with its applications. This new edition has been expanded to include the latest developments in the field, with new chapters on radiation curing, biological adhesives, vitrimers, and 3D printing. This detailed handbook considers the practical implications of using...

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  • Collaborative planning? Not yet seen in Poland. Identifying procedural gaps in the planning system 2003–2023


    Collaborative planning aims to increase the legitimacy of decision-making in spatial development. In this approach, planning involves debate and engagement in discourse, and participation and interaction between actors are thus at the heart of the planning process. This article examines whether the planning system in Poland as defined for the period 2003–2025 provides a level of participation and deliberation and other qualities...

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  • The resilient city in architectural engineering education: a joint design studio between Gdańsk and Chalmers universities of technology

    Challenges to society, such as those posed by climate change require a new approach to the education of the engineer-architect. Contemporary solutions should serve future generations and that is why the idea of the resilient city should be discussed and implemented, both in theory and in practice. It is necessary to teach students to design urban structures in such a way that they are resilient to dynamically changing conditions....

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  • Antecedents to Achieve Kanban Optimum Benefits in Software Companies

    • M. Ahmad
    • A. Rohunen
    • P. Raulamo-jurvanen

    - Rok 2019

    In 2004, Kanban successfully entered into the Agile and Lean realm. Since then software companies have been increasingly using it in software development teams. The goal of this study is to perform an empirical investigation on antecedents considered as important for achieving optimum benefits of Kanban use and to discuss the practical implications of the findings. We conducted an online survey with software professionals from...

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  • Key success factors for small design offices in the bidding process

    Competition in the design office market is high, therefore it is important to be aware of the conditions determining the competitive advantage, thus increasing the bidding effectiveness. For this reason, the aim of the article is to identify key success factors (KSF) increasing successful bidding of a small design office. The factors were identified and then analysed based on a literature review, expert interviews and using Group...

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  • Joanna Żukowska dr hab. inż.

    Joanna Żukowska (ur. w Kwidzynie) – specjalista w dziedzinie transportu, inżynierii drogowej i bezpieczeństwa. Prowadzi badania w zakresie polityk transportowych, aktywnego transportu, zarządzania bezpieczeństwem, a także zdrowia publicznego. Głównymi obszarami jej zainteresowań naukowych są: modelowanie ryzyka w ruchu drogowym, prognozowanie trendów bezpieczeństwa oraz programowanie i wdrażanie systemów zarządzania bezpieczeństwem...

  • Automatic Watercraft Recognition and Identification on Water Areas Covered by Video Monitoring as Extension for Sea and River Traffic Supervision Systems


    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2018

    The article presents the watercraft recognition and identification system as an extension for the presently used visual water area monitoring systems, such as VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) or RIS (River Information Service). The watercraft identification systems (AIS - Automatic Identification Systems) which are presently used in both sea and inland navigation require purchase and installation of relatively expensive transceivers...

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  • Paradoxes in the engineering change management process

    Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to conceptualize and operationalize paradoxes that are significant in the engineering change management (ECM) process. The following research question was stated: What are the paradoxes that influence the ECM process, and how can they be measured? Design/methodology/approach: The study is divided into two parts: conceptualization and operationalization. Conceptualization involved a literature...

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  • Theoretical and Architectural Framework for Contextual Knowledge Bases

    The paper presents the approach aimed at building modularized knowledge bases in a systematic, context-aware way. The paper focuses on logical modeling of such knowledge bases, including an underlying SIM metamodel. The architecture of a comprehensive set of tools for knowledge-base systems engineering is presented. The tools enable an engineer to design, create and edit a knowledge base schema according to a novel context approach...