Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: place zabaw - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: place zabaw

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: place zabaw

  • The image of the City on social media: A comparative study using “Big Data” and “Small Data” methods in the Tri-City Region in Poland


    “The Image of the City” by Kevin Lynch is a landmark planning theory of lasting influence; its scientific rigor and relevance in the digital age were in dispute. The rise of social media and other digital technologies offers new opportunities to study the perception of urban environments. Questions remain as to whether social media analytics can provide a reliable measure of perceived city images? If yes, what implication does...

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    - Rok 2022

    Chapter presents common causes of fires in industrial places

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  • Agnieszka Lang dr hab. inż.


  • Tuning the work function of graphite nanoparticles via edge termination

    • M. P. Mercer
    • A. Bhandari
    • C. Peng
    • J. Dziedzic
    • C. Skylaris
    • D. Kramer


    Graphite nanoparticles are important in energy materials applications such as lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), supercapacitors and as catalyst supports. Tuning the work function of the nanoparticles allows local control of lithiation behaviour in LIBs, and the potential of zero charge of electrocatalysts and supercapacitors. Using large scale density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we find that the surface termination of multilayer...

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  • Lossless Compression of Binary Trees with Correlated Vertex Names


    - Rok 2016

    Compression schemes for advanced data structures have become the challenge of today. Information theory has traditionally dealt with conventional data such as text, image, or video. In contrast, most data available today is multitype and context-dependent. To meet this challenge, we have recently initiated a systematic study of advanced data structures such as unlabeled graphs [1]. In this paper, we continue this program by considering...

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  • CIP Security Awareness and Training: Standards and Practice


    - Rok 2016

    These are critical infrastructure employees who have access to the critical cyber assets in the first place. This situation is well recognised by international and national standardisation bodies which recommend security education, training and awareness as one of the key elements of critical infrastructure protection. In this chapter the standards are identified and their relevant areas are described. A practical implementation...

  • CIP Security Awareness and Training: Standards and Practice


    - Rok 2018

    These are critical infrastructure employees who have access to the critical cyber assets in the first place. This situation is well recognized by international and national standardization bodies which recommend security education, training and awareness as one of the key elements of critical infrastructure protection. In this chapter the standards are identified and their relevant areas are described. A practical implementation...

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    - TRIBOLOGIA - Rok 2022

    Paper presents the results of shear stress measurements of a commercial magnetorheological fluid using a plate-plate type geometry with a modified working surface. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of changing the roughness of the measuring plate on the obtained shear stress results. Controlled shear rate tests and Magneto Sweep measurements were carried out for three MR fluid layer heights. The tests were...

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  • Direct shear stress vs strain relation for fiber reinforced composites


    The majority of fiber reinforced composites exhibit strong non-linear behavior in in-plane shear state. The effect is attributed to the micro-cracks appearing in the matrix and can be modeled on the micro and macro level. In this work the author proposes constitutive laws describing the non-linear in-plane shear response, which can be alternative for the relations commonly considered in the literature. The proposed equations are...

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  • Marzena Starnawska dr


  • Blackout initial disturbances in electric Power System searching


    The paper contains short survey of the blackouts that took place in the last few years. The sources and initial disturbances are discussed. The typical scenario of the disturbance, leading to blackout in the electrical power system are presented.Next, models of a power system eligible to considered topic are discussed. Finally the algorithm of the blackout initial disturbances in power system searching is presented.The consideration...

  • Analysis and assessment of the acoustic emission suitability for determination of the energy states of a tribological system in the form of a four-ball tester friction node


    The present operating safety and cost reduction requirements of the compression ignition engines make it necessary to search for new methods of detecting their defects, e.g. by the analysis of acoustic emission signals coming from the slide bearings. The paper presents non-destructive measurements of acoustic emission (AE) in order to obtain information on the processes taking place in a tribological system under the continuously...

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  • Wykorzystanie metod symulacyjnych w modelowaniu morsko – lądowych łańcuchów dostaw na przykładzie DCT


    - Logistyka - Rok 2014

    Artykuł jest kolejnym etapem badań w zakresie modelowania lądowo – morskich łańcuchów dostaw. Badania miały na celu sprawdzenie płynności operacyjnej w terminalu kontenerowym na podstawie symulacji ruchu jednostek w założonym czasie z wykorzystaniem metody Monte Carlo. Płynność operacyjna terminalu była badana w oparciu o wskaźnik zajętości placu składowego przy założonych początkowych poziomach wypełnienia placu oraz zapotrzebowanie...

  • Biofilm Production and Presence of ica and bap Genes in Staphylococcus aureus Strains Isolated from Cows with Mastitis in the Eastern Poland


    - Polish Journal of Microbiology - Rok 2012

    The aim of the study was phenotypic and genotypic analysis of 132 S. aureus strains isolated from mastitis in eastern Poland in respect to their biofilm formation ability. The analysis of the size polymorphism of fragment X in the gene encoding protein A (spa) revealed high genetic differentiation of the analyzed group of isolates. The ability of biofilm formation by the isolates was tested using two phenotypic methods. The Congo...

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  • Experimental Testbed of ASON/GMPLS architecture

    The paper presents the ASON/GMPLS architecture realized in the Department of Teleinformation Networks at Gdansk University of Technology based on the FSP 3000R7 ADVA Optical Networking platform. The FSP 3000R7 is a high-performance WDM networking system with GMPLS control plane for bidirectional transmission of optical signals. The system uses a modular structure which enables a flexible upgrade of capacity and functionality. The...

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  • On analytical solution of stationary two dimensional boundary problem of natural convection


    Approximate analytical solution of two dimensional problem for sta- tionary Navier-Stokes, continuity and Fourier-Kirchho equations describ- ing free convective heat transfer from isothermal surface of half innite vertical plate is presented. The problem formulation is based on the typ- ical for natural convection assumptions: the uid noncompressibility and Boussinesq approximation. We also assume that orthogonal to the plate component...

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  • Investigation of Microbes in the Stratosphere – Stardust Project

    The stratospheric microbiota has been investigated many times using the methods of classical microbiology. In this research a few modern methods, including NGS sequencing and multiple displacement amplification of DNA, were in use. The analysis of metagenome helped to determine the content of various species of bacteria in the sample collected in the stratosphere by a hydrogen-filled balloon holding...

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  • The Drawing Paradigm between Representation and Interaction with Virtual Image


    - Tribelon - Rok 2024

    Traditional drawing involves drawing on some surface, often a plane, e.g. a sheet of paper, a school board or a wall. This type of drawing therefore takes place in two dimensions of this surface. Transferring this activity to a computer, or rather to the surface of its screen, did not change the two-dimensional nature of this action. Practically all applications today, from Paint to sophisticated computer-aided design tools, still...

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  • Ekspertyza techniczna w sprawie uszkodzeń nawierzchni drogi wojewódzkiej nr 434, odcinek Śrem-Rawicz


    Ze względu na postępujący proces degradacji nawierzchni (warstwy ścieralnej) drogi wojewódzkiej nr 434 na odcinku Śrem-Rawicz Wykonawca przebudowy drogi zwrócił się do Katedry Inżynierii Drogowej Politechniki Gdańskiej o ustalenie mechanizmu i przyczyn zniszczenia nawierzchni. W ramach prowadzonych prac wykonano analizę następujących zagadnień: 1. Ocena zgodności prac z projektem i dokumentacją kontraktu. 2. Ocena stabilności wbudowanej...

  • Progress in targeting tumor cells by using drug-magnetic nanoparticles conjugate.



    To limit the cytotoxicity of anticancer drugs against healthy cells, an appropriate carrier should be synthesized to deliver the drug to the tumor tissue only. A good solution is to anchor a magnetic nanoparticle to the molecule of the drug and to use a properly directed external magnetic field. We have shown that the improved by us synthesis of the conjugate of doxorubicin with iron-oxide magnetic nanoparticles allows a substantial...

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  • Public Lighting in a Context of Regeneration Processes in Polish Cities


    The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the role of electric lighting design in urban regeneration processes. The landscape of the modern city is the result of an accumulation of the various physical, economic, social and cultural layers over the centuries. Urban lighting may be described as one of the physical layers which due recent developments in the technology of efficient light sources overcomes a major evolution. With...

  • The Effect of Openings’ Size and Location on Selected Dynamical Properties of Typical Wood Frame Walls


    The wooden frame constructions are now popular in many developed countries of the world. Many of these locations where such buildings are constructed are exposed to seismic and other shocks which are generated by human activities. This paper discusses the effect of the size and location of openings in the wooden frame walls under dynamic loadings. Natural frequencies of such frames with and without openings have been determined....

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  • Rewitalizacja elektrowni wodnych na rzece Raduni

    Prawie cała, obecnie istniejąca, zabudowa hydrotechniczna Raduni powstała w latach 1908-1937. Wykorzystując spad 102 m, zbudowano 8 elektrowni, tworząc kaskadę stopni energetycznych o łącznej mocy 14MW i średniej rocznej produkcji około 35 GWh. Prace renowacyjne prowadzone w ostatnich latach objęły kilka elektrowni. Podjęte prace przedstawiono na przykładzie EW Rutki.


    SDN is the approach in telecommunication networks that separates control plane from data forwarding plane by specifying a single network entity as a controller that defines rules (called flows) of traffic forwarding for the switches connected to it. The time that is required for installation of these rules might be a hindrance for the overall performance of SDN network. In the paper, a model for testing and evaluating the influence...

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  • Realization, programming and controlling of the Stewart-Gough platform

    This paper presents realizaon, programming, and controlling of a low cost Stewart-Gough plaorm (SGP) with rotary actuators. The realized SGP is applied in a ball & plate control system. Developed dedicated software consists of embedded and applicaon soware for both the SGP posioning system and the ball & plate control. system. A ball posion is being obtained using computer vision. The paper contains tests results for both an SGP...

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  • Piotr Dominiak prof. dr hab.


    Urodził się w Radomiu 29 czerwca 1948 r. Jest absolwentem studiów ekonomicznych na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim (1971), tam też obronił doktorat (1976) i uzyskał habilitację (1989). Tytuł naukowy profesora uzyskał w 2005 r. Na PG pracuje od 1971 r. W latach 1991–1993 dyrektor Instytutu Nauk Ekonomicznych i Humanistycznych PG. Dziekan Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii w latach 1993–1999 i 2005–2012. Kierownik Katedry Nauk Ekonomicznych...

  • Semantic Driven Table Understanding in Born-Digital Documents


    - Rok 2014

    This paper presents a new approach to table understanding, suitable for born-digital PDF documents. Advance beyond the current state of the art in table understanding is provided by the proposed reverse MVC method, which takes advantage of only partial logic structure loss (degradation) in born-digital PDF documents, as opposed to unrecoverable loss (deterioration) taking place in scan based PDF documents.

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  • Self-refraction of acoustic pulses with shock fronts in some nonequilibrium media


    The nonlinear self-refraction of acoustic pulsed beams, which include shock fronts, is studied. The medium of sound propagation is a gas where thermodynamically nonequilibrium processes take place, such as exothermic chemical reaction or excitation of vibrational degrees of a molecule’s freedom. Comparative analysis of the features of sound propagation over gases where pure nonlinear attenuation of the shock wave occurs, and gases...

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  • Informal practices in urban planning and governance. Examples from Polish cities


    - Planning Practice and Research - Rok 2023

    Planning has a formal, legally defined component and an informal component developed in response to deficiencies in the planning system. Informal practices can contribute to the development of tools that would improve urban governance, especially in areas related to space. This article presents an overview of informal practices that have taken place in Polish cities and towns in recent years and offers an assessment of their impact...

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  • On-line Search in Two-Dimensional Environment

    We consider the following on-line pursuit-evasion problem. A team of mobile agents called searchers starts at an arbitrary node of an unknown network. Their goal is to execute a search strategy that guarantees capturing a fast and invisible intruder regardless of its movements using as few searchers as possible. We require that the strategy is connected and monotone, that is, at each point of the execution the part of the graph...

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  • Logistyka robót budowlanych. Projektowanie i realizacja zgodne z systemem zarządzania jakością ISO 9000

    Projektowanie i zarządzanie w budownictwie dotyczy nie tylko samej realizacji określonego obiektu inżynierskiego, ale jest też ściśle związane z planowaniem logistycznym. Logistyka przedsięwzięcia budowlanego polega na zaprojektowaniu m.in. placu budowy, planu transportu zamówień oraz sposobu przemieszczania na terenie budowy zarówno pojazdów, materiałów, jak i pracowników. W artykule przedstawiono ideę systemu zarządzania jakością...

  • Novel Coplanar-Strip-Based Excitation Technique for Design of Broadband Circularly Polarization Antennas with Wide 3-dB Axial Ratio Beamwidth

    In this paper, a novel excitation technique for design of a single-point-fed compact low-profile wide-slot antennas with broadband circular polarization (CP) and wide 3 dB axial ratio (AR) beamwidth is presented. Two inverted L-shape parasitic strips placed coplanar to the microstrip line of an asymmetric CPW, and a horizontal strip that protrudes from the vertical edge of the backside ground plane of the substrate are used for...

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  • A vertical subway, namely, an internal transport system in a 1200 m tall building,


    This article deals with the topic of designing an efficient internal transport system in a 1200 m tall multifunctional building called the “World’s Tower” due to its symbolism and specific architectural form. The building comprises four towers whose bases are 75 m/75 m long each and whose height is 1200 m. Two of the towers are located along the north-south axis while the two others along the east-west one. The towers are joined...

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  • Galerkin formulations with Greville quadrature rules for isogeometric shell analysis: Higher order elements and locking

    • T. Hughes
    • Z. Zou
    • M. Scott
    • R. Sauer
    • E. Savitha

    - Rok 2022

    We propose new Greville quadrature schemes that asymptotically require only four in-plane points for Reissner-Mindlin (RM) shell elements and nine in-plane points for Kirchhoff-Love (KL) shell elements in B-spline and NURBS-based isogeometric shell analysis, independent of the polynomial degree of the elements. For polynomial degrees 5 and 6, the approach delivers high accuracy, low computational cost, and alleviates membrane and...

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  • Wiktor Sieklicki dr inż.

    Tytuł magistra oraz inżyniera uzyskał w specjalności Automatyka i Robotyka w Katedrze Mechaniki i Wytrzymałości Materiałów Wydziału Mechanicznego Politechniki Gdańskiej (2006). Tytuł doktora nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie Budowa Maszyn uzyskał w 2010 roku na Wydziale Mechanicznym PG (2010). Od 2010 roku zatrudniony na stanowisku Adiunkta w Katedrze Mechaniki i Mechatroniki Wydziału Mechanicznego PG. W latach 2011-2013 zatrudniony...

  • Art Workshop I

    Kursy Online
    • E. Urwanowicz

    The subject of drawing exercises in the semester is a study of a still life and a study of figures made in black and white on the basis of observation of the arrangement of forms in space. In these exercises, particular emphasis is placed on the issues of composition and light.

  • Ryszard F. Sadowski dr hab. prof. uczelni


    ZATRUDNIENIE: Ks. prof. Ryszard Sadowski jest od roku 2004 zatrudniony na Wydziale Filozofii Chrześcijańskiej (WFCh) w Uniwersytecie Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie. Jest członkiem zespołu badawczego Centrum Ekologii i Ekofilozofii (dawnej Instytut Ekologii i Ekofilozofii) UKSW. Od roku 2020 jest kierownikiem Katedry Ekofilozofii w Instytucie Filozofii na Uniwersytecie Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie. Od roku...

  • The topography of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides measured with SEM method

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The topography of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides was measured by SEM. 

  • Strongly anisotropic surface elasticity and antiplane surface waves

    Within the new model of surface elasticity, the propagation of anti-plane surface waves is discussed. For the proposed model, the surface strain energy depends on surface stretching and on changing of curvature along a preferred direction. From the continuum mechanics point of view, the model describes finite deformations of an elastic solid with an elastic membrane attached on its boundary reinforced by a family of aligned elastic...

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  • Photogrammetry image-based approach for imperfect structure modelling and FE analysis


    This study aims to model and analyse imperfect tructures using real measurements, employing photogrammetry technique commonly used in the geodesy. The study highlights the capability of the photogrammetry in aiding the structural analysis of imperfect engineering objects. Firstly, the photogrammetry measurements of a stiffened plate are carried out using a specially designed for the purpose experimental stand. Then, the plate surface...

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  • Design of experiments approach for ultimate strength assessment of corroded stiffened plates


    - Rok 2021

    The impact of corrosion degradation on the ultimate strength of stiffened plates subjected to compressive loading is investigated. The DoE technique is used considering different plate and column slenderness ratios and corrosion severity. The FE method, considering geometrical and material nonlinearities, is employed. A two-stage corrosion degradation model is adopted. Firstly, a uniform thickness loss is adopted to reflect the...

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  • Wyznaczanie stref efektywności kanałów dystrybucji na przykładzie wybranego producenta artykułów


    - Logistyka - Rok 2015

    Wybór kanału dystrybucji zalicza się do decyzji strategicznych, ponieważ pod uwagę należy wziąć zarówno aspekty ekonomiczne, jak i te, które są związane z obsługą klienta. We współczesnych kanałach dystrybucji, które cechuje duża różnorodność wynikająca ze sposobu przepływu towarów z miejsca ich produkcji do miejsca konsumpcji, istotne znaczenie będzie miał sprawny i szybki przepływ strumieni finansowych, materiałowych i informacyjnych....

  • Research on Tool Temperature Dependence on Lapping Grains Size


    - Solid State Phenomena - Rok 2013

    Commonly used as a finishing operation, lapping has been used for achieving ultra-high finishes and close tolerances between mating pieces. Its carried out by applying loose abrasive grains between work and lap surfaces, and causing a relative motion between them resulting in a finish of multi-directional lay. The grains activity (sliding and rolling) in the working gap causes not only the material removal but also the temperature...

  • Assessment of Connectivity-based Resilience to Attacks Against Multiple Nodes in SDNs

    • D. Santos
    • A. de Sousa
    • C. Mas-Machuca
    • J. Rak

    - IEEE Access - Rok 2021

    In Software Defined Networks (SDNs), the control plane of a network is decoupled from its data plane. For scalability and robustness, the logically centralized control plane is implemented by physically placing different controllers throughout the network. The determination of the number and placement of controllers is known as the Controller Placement Problem (CPP). In the regular (i.e., failure-free) state, the control plane...

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  • Agata Siemaszko mgr inż.

  • Anti-Aging Massage: Role Of Clinical Massage In Aging Processes

    • D. Furnari
    • N. Khan
    • M. Delaney
    • M. Cerna
    • K. Hamlaoui
    • S. Lagree
    • A. Peace

    - Journal of Neurological Sciences and Research - Rok 2021

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  • Dynamic fracture of brittle shells in a space-time adaptive isogeometric phase field framework


    - Rok 2022

    Phase field models for fracture prediction gained popularity as the formulation does not require the specification of ad-hoc criteria and no discontinuities are inserted in the body. This work focuses on dynamic crack evolution of brittle shell structures considering large deformations. The energy contributions from in-plane and out-of-plane deformations are separately split into tensile and compressive components and the resulting...

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  • Aleksander Jarzębowicz dr inż.

  • DEKSTOP 1.0, wystawa indywidualna


    - Rok 2024

    Na wystawie zaprezentowane zostały prace malarskie średnio i wielkoformartowe ( akryl, lakier na płótnie )

  • Barcelona. Akwarela 46x21cm


    - Rok 2015

    Międzynarodowa Wystawa Akwareli. Prace 150 artystów z Polski, Niemiec, Włoch, Hiszpanii i Ukrainy.

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