Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BREATH ANALYSES - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BREATH ANALYSES

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BREATH ANALYSES

  • Fate and analysis of pharmaceutical residues in the aquatic environment.

    Obecność pozostałości farmaceutyków w poszczególnych elementach środowiska stanowi nowe wyzwanie zarówno z punktu widzenia technologii oczyszczania wód i ścieków, jak i dla analityków, których zadaniem jest opracowanie nowych metodyk analitycznych. Wiele stosowanych leków nie jest w organizmie całkowicie rozkładanych. Często są one wydalane po nieznacznym przekształceniu,lub nawet w niezmienionej postaci. Opisano drogi...

  • The new tool of inverse analysis applied in geotechnics.


    - Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica - Rok 2003

    W pracy przedstawiono przykład prostego zastosowania analizy wstecznej do tzw. Współoddziaływującego Układu Projektowania (Systeme Interactif de Conception -SIC). Zastosowanie analizy wstecznej w tym układzie oparte jest na procedurze zaproponowanej przez Gens´a i innych. W omawianej pracy ograniczono się do określenia liniowej odkształcalności wartości modułowej ośrodka ciągłego. Wykorzystano algorytm minimalizujący funkcje...

  • General analysis of braodband signal spatial filtration.

    Przedstawiono ogólną metodę wyznaczania charakterystyk kierunkowych filtrów przestrzennych dla hydroakustycznych sygnałów przestrzennych. Omówiono wpływ szerokości widma odbieranych sygnałów na szerokość wiązki i poziom listków bocznych. Pokazano skutki oszczędnych metod filtracji przestrzennej stosowanych przy odbiorze sygnałów wąskopasmowych, gdy odbierane są sygnały szerokopasmowe.

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  • Analysis of bandwidth reservation algorithms in HIPERLAN/2.


    - Rok 2004

    Zaprezentowano metody alokacji zasobów (pasma) w systemie HIPERLAN/2. Przedyskutowano efektywność funkcjonowania typowych algorytmów pracy podwarstwy MAC oraz zaproponowano modyfikację jednego z algorytmów, polegającą na wstępnej rezerwacji pasma i okresowym uaktualnianiu przydziału zasobów. Dokonano weryfikacji symulacyjnej zaproponowanych rozwiązań.

  • Fractal analysis and modelling of gas bubble formation.


    - Rok 2004

    Przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych generowania pęcherzyków powietrznych z dysz o różnej średnicy, umieszczonych pod powierzchnią wody. Sygnał rejestrowany przez układ laser-fotodioda poddano analizie fraktalnej.

  • Strenght analysis of the floating dock-ship system.


    Omówiono krytycznie wymagania przepisów towarzystw klasyfikacyjnych dotyczące wytrzymałości doków pływających. Przedstawiono wyniki analizy MES sił wewnętrznych i naprężeń w kadłubie doku o długości podporowej 255m, obciążonego ciężarem masowca o długości między pionami 252m i masie 20900 ton. Pokazano wpływ na wartość sił redukcji w kilblokach i naprężenia takich czynników jak: rozłożenie balastu wyrównwczego w zbiornikach doku,...

  • A method of software project risk identyfication and analysis


    - Rok 2005


  • Wavelet analysis of frequency of air bubble departure


    - Rok 2006

    Przedstawiono wyniki nieliniowej analizy częstotliwośći generowania pęcherzyków powietrza z dysz o średnicy 0.75 mm, 1.61 mm oraz 2.76 mm umieszczonych 15 cm poniżej poziomu wody.

  • Alternative methods for dark fermentation course analysis

    Dark fermentation course analysis is crucial, as complexed matrix of gaseous components may be formed and revealed during the process. The paper considers key issues related to the microbiological process in which complex organic substances are transformed into hydrogen. For the purposes of hydrogen generation, the application of wastewater mixed sludge pre-treated according to Faloye method (Faloye et al. in Int J Hydrog Energy...

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  • Analysis of Properties of an Active Linear Gesture Sensor

    Basic gesture sensors can play a significant role as input units in mobile smart devices. However, they have to handle a wide variety of gestures while preserving the advantages of basic sensors. In this paper a user-determined approach to the design of a sparse optical gesture sensor is proposed. The statistical research on a study group of individuals includes the measurement of user-related parameters like the speed of a performed...

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  • Game Theory Analysis of Bidding for a Construction Contract


    The authors are concerned with a bidding problem. There are two companies (P1 and P2) bidding for a highway construction project. In order to be more competitive, P1 considers buying a new gravel pit near the construction site. The basic cost of the pit is known to both companies. However, there is also an additional, hidden, cost (C) known only to P1. P2 is uncertain whether the hidden cost is C = 0 or C = x. P1 plans to bid for...

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  • Engineering Analysis with ANSYS Software Second Edition


    - Rok 2018

    The best way to learn complex systems is by means of hands-on experience. With an innovative and clear tutorial based approach, this powerful book provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental areas of engineering analysis needed on research or commercial engineering projects. With its detailed step-by-step explanations and sample problems, this book will develop the reader's understanding of FEA and their ability to...

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  • New concept and analysis of the multicell piezoelectric motor


    - Rok 2018

    This work presents the design, modeling and tests of the prototype multicell piezoelectric motor (MPM). A new concept of the electromechanical structure of the considered prototype is based on three rotating-mode actuators. The electromechanical structure of each actuator has been considered as an independent one - referred to as a ”single cell” (single actuator). Combined three resonant actuators generate three traveling waves...

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  • Informal employment in Poland: an empirical spatial analysis

    The main goal of our article is to bridge the gap in the regional analysis of informal employment in Poland and in particular to indicate the propensity for informal work in the working-age population, to test if informal activities are typical for marginalized people (less educated, unemployed, older) and to identify the regional and spatial heterogeneity in the propensity. We use data from the ‘Human Capital Balance 2010–2014’...

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    The analyzes were aimed at demonstrating the influence of parameters describing the deformation of the structure on the uncertainty of critical force, and the impact of technological imperfections on stress uncertainty in compression conditions. In a linear buckling analysis, the problem is considered only for the initial, permanent state of the stiffness matrix. In the case of demonstrating the influence of initial deformations...

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  • Application of Multivariate Analysis Methods in Welding Engineering

    Phenomena and processes taking place during welding are usually very complex and, for this reason, should be described using multivariate methods. The article discusses the methodological basis and selected application areas as regards the solving of welding problems using statistical multivariate methods. In addition, the article presents exemplary applications of the design of experiment, multiple regression analysis, cluster...

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  • Digital Photogrammetry in the Analysis of the Ventricles' Shape and Size


    - Rok 2017

    This article presents spatial analyzes conducted to assess the potential of ReMake software to be used for medical purposes, with emphasis on the analysis of the shape and dimensions of the ventricles. To achieve this goal, the length of the sections measured with the ReMake and Image Master programs have been compared. RMS error was on the level of 1.2 mm. In addition to indicating the appropriateness of using this software, there...

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  • Storing Matter’technique in SIMS depth profile analysis

    Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is a very useful technique for the analysis of layered systems. It is based on the primary ion beam sputtering of solids and mass analysis of the emitted secondary ions. A main limitation of this technique results from the direct quantitative analysis, since the ionization efficiency of a given atom is highly influenced by the neighbouring atoms at the surface. This phenomenon is known as...

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  • Instrumental techniques used in the analysis of exhaled air

    Exhaled air composition changes depending on the health status of the patient, making it possible to use breath analysis for diagnosis and monitoring purposes. Despite the fact that it is not yet used in every day medical practice, it potential application could facilitate the diagnostics of various diseases such as metabolic disorders, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal diseases. Described in this paper are different application...

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  • Stability analysis of a dike constructed of anthropogenic materials


    - Rok 2017

    Numerical analyses of stability are presented for a hypothetical dikes constructed of dredged materials and bottom ash, in varying proportions. The paper is related to the international research project DredgDikes, which focused on the use of anthropogenic materials in dikes construction and flood protection. The aim of this project was to investigate the possibility of using anthropogenic materials from rivers and sea dredging...

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  • Analysis of Position Calculating Methods in Indoor Environment


    - Rok 2013

    In the paper a modified gradient method has been proposed for position calculation on basis of distance measurement in indoor environment. It is shown that the well-known Chan method of position calculation is inefficient in indoor circumstances. Author presents Chan and modified gradient methods and achieved results for each one for real measurements.



    - Rok 2013

    Paper presents an analysis of the shear failure mechanism which occurs from the punching of a working platform layer in relation to its thickness, grain size arrangement and mechanical properties, taking into consideration the interaction with soft subgrade. The study is based on the observations of performance of natural scale structures (Streefkerk) and the results of model investigations numerically represented with the use...

  • Interoperability analysis of sensor interface in ubiquitous environments


    - Rok 2010

    Systemy przetwarzania wszechobecnego pozwalają na integrację różnorodnych sensorów monitorujących i dostarczających informacje dotyczące środowiska oraz jego kontekstu.Fakt, że sensory te implementowane są przez niezależnych dostawców skutkuje problemami integracyjnymi. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy interfejsów sensorów w trzech warstwach: fizycznej, protokołów oraz usług sensorów.Usługa sensora implementuje interfejs...

  • Analysis of IPv6 Handovers in IEEE 802.16 environment

    Zaprezentowano pełną analizę wpływu poszczególnych faz procesu przełączania w warstwie drugiej i trzeciej na przerwy w transmisji wynikające ze zmiany stacji bazowej BS przez przemieszczający się węzeł ruchomy MN. Zaproponowano i przebadano symulacyjnie 10 scenariuszy przełączania, w tym 8 różnych algorytmów stanowej autokonfiguracji węzłów MN, wspierających protokół IPv6 w środowiskach sieci WiMAX. W badaniach wskazano na możliwości...

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  • Analysis of Asymmetrical Rolling Process of Multilayer Plates


    - Solid State Phenomena - Rok 2010

    W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań numerycznych asymetrycznego procesu walcowania blach wielowarstwowych M1E-Al99,8-AlMg5. Modelowanie numeryczne procesu walcowania blach wielowarstwowych przeprowadzono w programie Forge 2D, którego obliczenia bazują na metodzie elementów skończonych. Przedstawione w pracy wyniki umożliwiły przeprowadzenie analizy procesu walcowania blach wielowarstwowych.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Integrated functional safety and cyber security analysis


    - IFAC-PapersOnLine - Rok 2018

    The chapter is devoted some important issues of the functional safety analysis, in particular the safety integrity level (SIL) verification of safety functions to be implemented within the distributed control and protection systems with regard to security aspects. A method based on quantitative and qualitative information is proposed for the SIL (IEC 61508, 61511) verification with regard of the evaluation assurance levels (EAL)...

  • Analog modelling in qualitative analysis of vibration propagation

    The theory of dynamic systems is usually used to model the real systems. The models are based on solving ordinary differential equations, partial or difference, which enable obtaining the relation between input signal and the system response (output signal). The analogy between those models and generalized dynamic systems or control systems can be practically used. Vibration propagation can be described in a similar way as the...

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  • The analysis of turbine propulsion systems in nuclear submarines


    The article systematises submarines, which are presently in service, according to their propulsion types (both conventional and nuclear), power output, and submersion depth. Contemporary types of propulsion systems installed and used in submarines are discussed. Calculations were performed for the PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor) type nuclear propulsion system and the supercritical turbine propulsion system (supercritical reactor...

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  • Extending Service Selection Algorithms with Interoperability Analysis

    Application development by integration of existing, atomic services reduces development cost and time by extensive reuse of service components. In Service Oriented Architecture, there exist alternative versions of services supplying the same functionality but differing in Quality of Service (QoS) attributes, which enables developers to select services with optimal QoS. Existing algorithms of service selection focus on the formal...

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  • Knowledge management in the processes of project requirements analysis

    Authors, based on one of popular software project management methods as RUP fo-cused on one of most important discipline in project management as requirements management. Authors decomposed the role of the business analyst and present methodological and realizational processes of knowledge managament in traditional and applied sources of knowledge tied with this role. An experiment was conducted in four project teams of all sizes,...

  • Analysis of balancing of four stroke V6 engines


    Analysis of balance of V6 engines with a common-pin crankshaft depending on a cylinder bank angle and the crank radius to connecting rod length ratios , based on the relations derived, is presented in the paper. The bank angles providing the lowest moment of inertia forces in reciprocating motion, for selected  values, were determined. The position of the plane of the main counterweights in order to maximum balance of the moment...

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  • Corrosion monitoring by harmonic analysis in aqueous environments

    This paper presents tests concerning the rate of corrosion in non-alloy steel (type S235JR) in an aqueous environment, with an additive of sodium chloride by means of polarization resistance measurements and harmonic analysis. The tests have been carried out for steel samples exposed to the testing environment for six weeks, in order to obtain a constant rate of corrosion in the function of time. The measurements have aimed at...

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  • Usage of concentrated spectrogram for analysis of acoustical signals


    A novel precise method of signal analysis in the time-frequency domain is presented. A signal energy distribution is estimated by discard and displacement of energy parts of the classical spectrogram. A channelized instantaneous frequency and a local group delay are used in order to energy replacement. Additionally, newly introduced representations such as: a channelized instantaneous bandwidth and a local group duration are used...

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  • Analysis of wave propagation in a bolted steel joint


    - Rok 2016

    The paper presents results of numerical and experimental investigations of elastic wave propagation in a bolted single-lap joint. The research was carried out for both symmetric and antisymmetric Lamb wave modes. In experimental studies the PZT transducers were used to excite and register wave propagation signals. The controlled value of the torque during measurements was ensured by the use of high precision torque wrenches. Numerical...

  • Macromodeling techniques for accelerated finite element analysis


    - Rok 2016

    This paper deals with the Model Order Reduction applied locally in the Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis. Due to the reduction process, blocks of FEM system matrices associated with selected subregions of the computational domain are projected onto the subspaces spanned by the vectors of suited orthogonal projection basis. In effect, large and sparse FEM matrices are replaced with small and dense ones, called macromodels. This...

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  • Multiaspect measurement analysis of breaking energy recovery


    Nowadays the issue of electric energy saving in public transport is becoming a key area of interest, which is connected both with a growth of environmental awareness in the society and an increase in the prices of fuel and electricity. That is why the reduction of energy consumption by increasing electrified urban transport, such as trams, trolleybuses, light rail and underground is becoming an increasingly important issue. Energy...

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  • Analysis of resistive and inductive heating of railway turnouts

    Elektryczne ogrzewanie rozjazdów kolejowych jest istotnym problemem technicznym i ekonomicznym. Z tych względów potrzebne są badania w celu optymalizacji systemu ogrzewania rozjazdów kolejowych. W artykule przedstawiono analizę porównawczą strat energii podczas ogrzewania rozjazdów kolejowych z wykorzystaniem dwóch różnych metod. Analiza ogrzewania rozjazdów przeprowadzono w programie ANSYS.(Analiza oporowego i indukcyjnego nagrzewania...

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  • An Industrial Survey on Business Analysis Problems and Solutions

    The paper focuses on the problems reported by business analysts which have a negative impact on their work and on the applicability of available business analysis (BA) techniques as solutions to such problems. A unified set of BA techniques was developed on the basis of 3 industrial standards associated with IIBA, REQB and IREB certification schemes. A group of 8 business analysts was surveyed to list problems they encounter in...

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  • Buckling Analysis of Cold Formed Silo Column

    The paper is devoted to stability analysis of different models of steel cold formed silo column. The steel cylindrical silos are often composed of corrugated walls and vertical open-sectional columns uniformly placed along the silo circumference. Both the whole 3D silo, a simplified model consisting of one column with a part of the silo walls, and a single column resting on elastic foundation provided by the silo walls were analyzed....

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  • Analysis of Historic Brick Walls' Strengthening Methods

    Analysis of the behavior of historical brick walls is difficult and complicated. However, computer calculations are being increasingly used in the evaluation of cultural heritage buildings and some of their elements. The aim of this paper is to analyze the historic brick walls reinforcement. Different methods of strengthening are compared and discussed. Numerical analysis, based on finite element method, was conducted on the assumption...

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  • Analysis of Signalized Intersections in the Context of Pedestrian Traffic

    Gdynia is a city in the Pomeranian Voivod e ship of Poland with a population of about 250,000. It faces a growing motorization rate th at needs to be addressed. Car ownership in Gdynia now exceed s 500 vehicles per 1000 residents. Travel by public transport is decreasing and the rate of walking and cycling remains low. It is necessary to reverse these negative trends by implementing solu tions based...

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  • Wisłoujście Fortress. Architectural investigation and analysis (2013)


    - Rok 2015

    In 2013, as part of archaeological and architectural reserch conducted in the Area of Wisłoujście Fortress, an inventory and architectural studies of the rooms of tenement houses in the Ring, serving as kitchen, were performed. Work consisting in preparing measurement documentation, drawings and descriptive documentation was the first such study conducted inside buildings at Fort Carre. The article presents preliminary results...

  • Functional Safety Analysis including Human Factors

    In this paper selected aspects of human factors are discussed that should be taken into account during the design of safety-related functions for a complex hazardous installation and its protections. The layer of protection analysis (LOPA) methodology is used for simplified risk analysis based on defined accident scenarios. To control the risk the safety instrumented functions (SIFs) are identified and their safety integrity levels...

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  • Analysis of Mapping within S-module Framework

    W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki prac na podejściem konglomeratowym. Podejście to polega na semantycznym opisywaniu zawartości modułów ontologicznych z wykorzystaniem zdefiniowanej algebry modułów. Głównym osiągnięciem zaprezentowanym w pracy jest opis procesu przekształcania bazy wiedzy DDL w zbiór konglomeratów. Jako że te dwie metody prezentują różne podejścia do modularyzacja, analiza procesu stanowi podstawę do dyskusji na...

  • Numerical analysis of crack propagation in silicone nitride


    The properties of ceramics, specifically low density, high hardness, high temperature capability and low coefficient of thermal expansion are of most interest to rolling element manufacturers. The influence of ring crack size on rolling contact fatigue failure has been studied using numerical fracture analysis. Such cracks are very often found on ceramic bearing balls and decrease fatigue life rapidly. The numerical calculation...

  • Analysis and Evaluation of the Working Cycle of the Diesel Engine


    The paper presents a proposal to apply a quantitative evaluation of the diesel engine with regard to the phenomena occurring during of a working cycle. The proposed procedure when analyzing test results from diesel engine is an attempt to transfer an engine activity evaluation methods in the operational time scale (exploit time), eg. in hours, to the micro-scale (dynamic time) relating only to the execution time of one (several)...

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  • Concentration in ICTs sector - cross country analysis


    - Rok 2010

    In the chapter below, the author present inequalities in sector of new information and communication technologies. Having in mind inequalities we can also discuss concentration issues, and the concentration itself is a problem to which the author refers on first place. The paper is organized as following: first basic measures of concentration are defined, after we can read a discussion referring to concentration in ICTs sector...

  • An automated aystem for analysis of mouse movement activity


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  • User authentication based on keystroke dynamics analysis


    - Rok 2011

    W pracy przedstawiono kilka metod, które można wykorzystać do uwierzytelniania użytkowników na podstawie rytmu pisania na klawiaturze. Dwie z opisanych metod wykorzystują miarę odległości zdefiniowaną do porównywania wpisywanych tekstów, natomiast trzecia analizuje parametry rozkładów cech wydobytych z wpisywanych tekstów. Algorytmy te zostały przetestowane na dwóch zbiorach danych. Ponadto oceniona została efektywność metody powstałej...

  • Mesoscopic impedance analysis of solid materials surface

    Several techniques have been developed in order to characterize electrical properties of surfaces in micrometer/nanometer scale. Obtaining of the spatial distribution of sample resistance, capacitance or potential requires separate measurements performed in different scanning modes. On the other hand, analysis of the frequency response of investigated system enables determination of several physical quantities in single measurement...