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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: OWL API
Olgun Aydin dr
OsobyOlgun Aydin finished his PhD by publishing a thesis about Deep Neural Networks. He works as a Principal Machine Learning Engineer in Nike, and works as Assistant Professor in Gdansk University of Technology in Poland. Dr. Aydin is part of editorial board of "Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science" Dr. Aydin served as Vice-Chairman of Why R? Foundation and is member of Polish Artificial Intelligence Society. Olgun is...
The sources of financing for raising qualifications of Gdańsk University of Technology graduates – years 2013-2016
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates from the years 2013-2016 on the sources of financing for raising qualifications. The survey was conducted in the period from 2015 to 2018, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 8281 respondents. To summarize, Gdańsk...
Improvement of Thrust Bearing Calculation Considering the Convectional Heating within the Space between the Pads
PublikacjaA modern thrust bearing tool is used to estimate the behavior of tilting pad thrust bearings not only in the oil film between pad and rotating collar, but also in the space between the pads. The oil flow in the space significantly influences the oil film inlet temperature and the heating of pad and collar. For that reason, it is necessary to define an oil mixing model for the space between the pads. In the bearing tool, the solutions...
Sterowanie systemu elektroenergetycznego zasilanego układem kombinowanym silnik spalinowy - turbina gazowa = Control of electric power system suplied with combined diesel engine and gas turbine
PublikacjaPoddano badaniom symulacyjnym układ sterowania automatyc znego elektroenergetycznego systemu wydzielonego, zasilanego prądnicami napędzanymi przez wysokoprężny silnik spalinowy oraz turbinę gazową. Przebieg procesów symulacyjnych zależy głównie od nastawień regulatora częstotliwości systemu elektroenergetycznego. Od ustawień regulatora silnika tłokowego zależy mniej niż w przypadku turbiny gazowej. Nie odgrywa istotnej roli sposób...
Marine traffic risk modelling – an innovative approach and a case study
PublikacjaThis paper presents a model to analyse the risk of two common marine accidents: collision and grounding. Attention is focused on oil tankers since they pose the highest environmental risks. A case study in selected areas of the Gulf of Finland in ice-free conditions is presented. The model utilizes a formula for risk calculation that considers both the probability of an unwanted event and its consequences. The model can be decomposed...
Testy platformy SAN dla sektora elektroenergetycznego
PublikacjaWspółczesna infrastruktura elektroenergetyczna jest narażona na zagrożenia związane z dużą liczbą nowych luk i słabo- ści architektonicznych wynikających z szerszego wykorzystania technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych (ang. Information and Communication Technologies – ICT). Połączenie infrastruktury elektroenergetycznej z Internetem naraża ją na nowe rodzaje ataków, takie jak ataki typu APT (ang. Advanced Persistent Threats)...
Composite Polyurethane-Polylactide (PUR/PLA) Flexible Filaments for 3D Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) of Antibacterial Wound Dressings for Skin Regeneration
Publikacjahis paper addresses the potential application of flexible thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) and poly(lactic acid) (PLA) compositions as a material for the production of antibacterial wound dressings using the Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D printing method. On the market, there are medical-grade polyurethane filaments available, but few of them have properties required for the fabrication of wound dressings, such as flexibility...
The role of structural factors in the kinetics of cellular uptake of pyrazoloacridines and pyrazolopyrimidoakridines. Implications for overcoming multidrug resistance towards leukaemia K562/DOX cells.
PublikacjaOtrzymano dwie grupy związków: pyrazoloakrydony (PAC) i pyrazolopirymidoakrydony (PPAC). Zbadano molekularne podstawy różnic w aktywności cytotoksycznej otrzymanych związków na poziomie komórkowym wobec komórek opornych linii ludzkiej erytroleukemii K562/DOX z nadekspresją P-glikoproteiny. Zastosowano spektrofluorymetryczną metodę badania transportu związków, która pozwala obserwować zarówno dyfuzję fluoryzujących cząsteczek związku...
The carbohydrate glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor chain under mechanical stress
PublikacjaCarbohydrates have quite complicated micro heterogenic structure which may undergo different structural transitions. Due to their extreme flexibility it is very difficult to investigate such structural changes experimentally. In these studies we want to predict what structural and conformational changes are possible in the carbohydrate
Distributed Operation of CHP and Hybrid PV Using Consensus Protocol
Publikacja -
Extending Expressiveness of Knowledge Description with Contextual Approach
PublikacjaIn the paper we show how imposing the contextual structure of a knowledge base can lead to extending its expressiveness without changing the underlying language. We show this using the example of Description Logics, which constitutes a base for a range of dialects for expressing knowledge in ontologies (including state-of-the-art OWL). While the contextual frameworks have been used in knowledge bases, they have been perceived as...
The potential of enhancing denitrification in the activated sludge process with by-products from the alcohol production
PublikacjaIn this study, by-products from the alcohol production were examined in terms of their potential application as external carbon sources for enhancing denitrification in biological nutrient removal systems. Three kinds of experimental assays were used to compare the effects of the by-products with other external carbon sources (ethanol and acetic acid) and the settled wastewater. Based on the results obtained, it appears that one...
A novel method for drop in drop edible oils encapsulation with chitosan using a coaxial technique
PublikacjaThe presented work concerns a novel one step method for oil encapsulation. In this coaxial system the oil constitutes the core of the capsule, while the chitosan solution is the polymer shell surrounding the core to provide separation of the core from the external environment. The paper contains a diagram of the encapsulation equipment and explains the principle of its operation. The experimental results showed the impact of the...
Frequency Diagnostics of Transformer Insulating Parameters
PublikacjaIn the article is presented experimental analysis and diagnostics of insulating system oil-paper for power transformers, mainly by progressive frequency method – dielectric spectroscopy. In the 1-st part of the article is described base theory about measurement and diagnostics insulating part (oil and paper) of power transformers. In the 2-nd part of article is described measuring method of insulating frequency diagnostics - frequency...
Evaluation of possibilities in identification and susceptibility testing for Candida glabrata clinical isolates with the Integral System Yeast Plus (ISYP)
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to evaluate possibilities of correct identification and susceptibility testing of C. glabrata clinical isolates with Integral System Yeast Plus (ISYP). For species identification, as the reference method, API Candida test and species-specific PCR reactions were used. The potential of antifungal susceptibility testing by the ISYP test was compared with the Sensititre Yeast One. Whilst the reference methods...
Assessment of OpenMP Master–Slave Implementations for Selected Irregular Parallel Applications
PublikacjaThe paper investigates various implementations of a master–slave paradigm using the popular OpenMP API and relative performance of the former using modern multi-core workstation CPUs. It is assumed that a master partitions available input into a batch of predefined number of data chunks which are then processed in parallel by a set of slaves and the procedure is repeated until all input data has been processed. The paper experimentally...
thestats: An Open-Data R Package for Exploring Turkish Higher Education Statistics
PublikacjaThere are open datasets available for official statistics, finance, education, and a variety of other domains. The open datasets are published by third-party vendors as well as official authorities. For example, The Turkish Higher Education Council maintains a web portal dedicated to higher education in Türkiye. Detailed datasets about universities, faculties, and departments can be obtained from the portal. Using the data provided...
Rynki finansowe AGI zima 22/23
Kursy Online -
Badania marketingowe, AGI, SST, 2024/2025
Kursy Online -
Organizacja Procesów Inwestycyjnych OPI 2022/2023
Kursy Online -
Badania marketingowe, AGI, SST, 2023/2024
Kursy Online -
Rynki finansowe AGI lato 2024 stac
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PublikacjaW dobie globalnej cyfryzacji i rosnącej roli technologii telekomunikacyjnych coraz więcej osób pada ofiarą oszustw związanych z fałszywymi połączeniami telefonicznymi, wiadomościami SMS oraz oszustwami internetowymi. Przestępcy posługują się zaawansowanymi metodami socjotechnicznymi, a wraz z rozwojem sztucznej inteligencji (AI) ich techniki stają się coraz bardziej wyrafinowane i trudniejsze do wykrycia. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia...
Design of a compact planar transmission line for miniaturized rat-race coupler with harmonics suppression
PublikacjaThis paper presents an elegant yet straightforward design procedure for a compact rat-race coupler (RRC) with an extended harmonic suppression. The coupler’s conventional λ/4 transmission lines (TLs) are replaced by a specialized TL that offers significant size reduction and harmonic elimination capabilities in the proposed approach. The design procedure is verified through the theoretical, circuit, and electromagnetic (EM) analyses,...
Parallelisation of genetic algorithms for solving university timetabling problems
PublikacjaAlgorytmy genetyczne stanowią ważną metodę rozwiązywania problemów optymalizacyjnych. W artykule skupiono się na projekcie równoległego algorytmu genetycznego pozwalającego uzyskiwać uniwersyteckie rozkłady zajęć, spełniające zarówno twarde jak i miękkie ograniczenia. Czytelnika wprowadzono w niektóre znane sposoby zrównoleglenia, przedstawiono również podejście autorów, ykorzystujące MPI. Przyjęto strukturę zarządzania opartą...
Stanowisko monitoringu odbieraków prądu w warunkach ruchowych
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono strukturę i zasadę działania opracowanego i wdrożonego na linii kolejowej PKP stanowiska monitoringu stanu technicznego odbieraków prądu w warunkach ruchowych. Funkcjonowanie systemu nie stwarza ograniczeń prędkości pociągów ani natężenia ruchu. Działanie systemu opiera się na kontroli dynamicznego oddziaływania ślizgacza na sieć trakcyjną, w celu wykrycia odbieraków o niewłaściwej sile nacisku. Omówiono...
Fitting the mobile device characteristics to the user's hearing preferences
PublikacjaA method for fitting the mobile computer audio characteristics to the user's hearing preferences is proposed. The process consists of two stages: calibration and dynamics processing. During the calibration phase the user performs a loudness scaling test giving their response regarding the perceived loudness. The dynamics processing made on above basis sets the loudness to the most comfortable level. The processing accounts both...
A Comprehensive Framework for Measuring Governments’ Digital Initiatives Including Open Data
PublikacjaDigital innovation and digital initiatives are generally recognized and considered to be the driving forces behind firm survival and success in the market. This is not the case in the public sector, where digital initiatives have suffered not only from a lack of research trying to explain them but also from a major lack of recognition of their importance. The government’s eagerness to introduce more digital initiatives for better...
A comprehensive review of open data platforms, prevalent technologies, and functionalities
PublikacjaOpen data can play a crucial role in different sectors of the world,such as government, science, research, technology, culture, andfinance. There are several necessary measures that every organiza-tion needs to consider before opening data. There are three majorsteps to opening the data: (1) Preparation stage, and (2) launchingthe open data initiative (3) In this case, the feedback mechanismstudy such as expand and sustain stage,...
PublikacjaSustainability and value-creation are considered important parameters to measure the success of an open data system. Unfortunately, existing open data systems are not meeting their promises to achieve a sustainable and value-based open data system. Van Loenen et al. (2021) proposed a sustainable and value-creating open data ecosystem. According to their study, the open data ecosystem needs to be user-driven, inclusive, circular,...
A mathematical model of rheological behavior of novel bio-based isocyanate-terminated polyurethane prepolymers
PublikacjaIn this paper, the results of rheological study on isocyanate-terminated polyurethane prepolymers, containing modified soybean oil residues incorporated into the chemical structure are described. Isocyanate-terminated prepolymers were synthesized from 4,4′-diphenylmethane diisocyanate and the mixture of hydroxylated soybean oil and commercial polyether. The measurements were performed by using rotary rheometer R/S-CPS+ (Brookfield,...
Improvement of the thrust bearing calculation considering the convectional heating within the space between the pads
PublikacjaA modern thrust bearing calculation tool should consider not only the oil film between pad and rotating collar but also the space between the pads. The oil flow in the space has a significant influence on the oil film inlet temperature, the convectional cooling of pad and collar and should be included in the bearing calculation methods. The authors use a tool developed at Clausthal University of Technology in cooperation with the...
Effect of different crystalline structures on W/O and O/W/O wax emulsion stability
PublikacjatThe possibility of emulsion stabilization using mineral and vegetable wax particles only (without sur-factant) was investigated. Mineral waxes, paraffin wax and ceresin, and a vegetable wax, carnauba wax,were used. The content of the wax particles and the water to oil proportion were found crucial for thestability of all emulsions. Some emulsions were also produced with a liquid wax (i.e. jojoba oil). Themultiple light scattering...
Psychometric assessment of the Internet Gaming Disorder diagnostic criteria: An Item Response Theory study
PublikacjaInternet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has been recognized by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) as a tentative disorder in the latest fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). In order to advance research on IGD, the APA has suggested that further research on the nine IGD criteria to investigate its clinical and empirical feasibility is necessary. The aim of the present study was to...
Optical properties of polyazomethine with oxygen atom in the backbon
PublikacjaPurpose: The aim of this paper is to show results of optical measurement performed on poly –(1-(4-methylenephenoxy-1)phenylene-4-methylene-1.4-phenylnenitrylomethylene) (PPI2) polyazomethine thinfilms and to compare with poly - (1.4-phenylenemethylenenitrilo-1.4 phenylenenitrilomethylene) (PPI).Design/methodology/approach: Influence of oxygen atom in the polymer chain on optical properties ofpolyazomethine was investigated....
Structural and dynamic changes adopted by EmrE, multidrug transporter protein—Studies by molecular dynamics simulation
PublikacjaEmrE protein transports positively charged aromatic drugs (xenobiotics) in exchange for two protons and thus provides bacteria resistance to variety of drugs. In order to understand how this protein may recognize ligands, the monomer and asymmetric apo-form of the EmrE dimer embedded in a heterogeneous phospholipid (POPE + POPG) membrane were studied by molecular dynamics simulations. Dimer is regarded as a functional form of the...
Psychometric assessment of the Internet Gaming Disorder diagnostic criteria: An Item Response Theory study
PublikacjaInternet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has been recognized by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) as a tentative disorder in the latest fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). In order to advance research on IGD, the APA has suggested that further research on the nine IGD criteria to investigate its clinical and empirical feasibility is necessary. The aim of the present study was to develop...
Misje i misjonarska retoryka w zarządzaniu platformami mediów
PublikacjaTrudno o bardziej znane i poruszające zbiorową wyobraźnię przekazy cyfrowych platforma, niż zapisy ich misji. Nie tylko łatwo wyjaśniają one rolę organizacji, ale zapewniają racjonalizację tego, kto lub czym jest coś lub jak działa. Dla Facebooka, Google i wielu innych organizacji pragnących „zmienić świat na lepszy” są elementem samonapędzającego się mechanizmu utwierdzającego w słuszności obranej drogi. W przypadku cyfrowych...
Highly selective impedimetric determination of Haemophilus influenzae protein D using maze-like boron-doped carbon nanowall electrodes
PublikacjaThis study reports a novel impedimetric immunosensor for protein D detection in purified and bacterial (Haemophilus influenzae, Hi) samples. The detection was based on antigen recognition by anti-protein D antibodies (apD) immobilised at the maze-like boron-doped carbon nanowall electrodes (B:CNW). The B:CNW electrodes were synthesised, and their surface was characterised by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron...
BeesyCluster: Architektura systemu dostepu do sieci klastrów przez WWW/Web Services.
PublikacjaNiniejsza praca prezentuje system BeesyCluster, który integruje rozproszone klastry poprzez łatwy w użyciu interfejs WWW oraz Web Services. W wersji pilotowej system uruchomiony zostanie w charakterze portalu dostępowego do klastrów gdańskiej sieci TASK wykorzystując 128-procesorowy klaster galera oraz 256-procesorowy 64-bitowy klaster holk jak również laboratoria badawcze Wydziału ETI Politechniki Gdańskiej. System, oparty o technologię...
Modelowanie sieci wodociągowych - podejście do problemu szkieletyzacji
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiona została propozycja podejścia do upraszczania schematu sieci wodociągowych nazywanego szkieletyzacją (ang. skeletonization). Istota szkieletyzacji sprowadza się do zastąpienia określonego rzeczywistego fragmentu struktury sieci wybraną strukturą zastępczą. Uproszczony drogą szkieletyzacji schemat sieci jest podstawą budowy modeli matematycznych wykorzystywanych w zadaniach podejmowania decyzji, sterowania...
Modeling of the internal combustion engine cooling system
PublikacjaThe article concerns computer modelling of processes in cooling systems of internal combustion engines. Modelling objectives and existing commercial programs are presented. It also describes Author’s own method of binding graphs used to describe phenomena in the cooling system of a spark ignition engine. The own model has been verified by tests on the engine dynamometer. An example of using a commercial program for experimental...
Transport i towaroznawstwo produktów spożywczych
Kursy OnlineTransport i towaroznawstwo produktów spożywczych
Managerial Energy in Sustainable Enterprises: Organizational Wisdom Approach
PublikacjaThe circular economy (CE) as an idea involves applying the concept of sustainable development that has been gaining worldwide support. This shift in perception of energy and resource-use from its linear to circular forms creates a specific business environment, which constitutes the subject of this research. This article aims to analyze the impact of a manager’s energy on organizational wisdom, focusing on its circular business...
Water Solubilization Using Nonionic Surfactants from Renewable Sources in Microemulsion Systems
PublikacjaIn this study the effect of temperature, NaCl andoils (hydrocarbons: C8-C16) on the formation and solubilizationcapacity of the systems of oil/monoacylglycerols(MAG):ethoxylated fatty alcohols (CEO20)/propylene glycol(PG)/water was investigated. The effects of the surfactantmixture on the phase behavior and the concentration ofwater or oil in the systems were studied at three temperatures(50, 55, 60 C) and with varied NaCl solutions...
A distillery by-product as an external carbon source for enhancing denitrification in mainstream and sidestream treatment processes
PublikacjaThe use of fusel oil as an 'alternative' carbon source for denitrification in the mainstream and sidestream treatment processes was studied. Research comprised two kinds of batch experiments as well as acclimation of process biomass to external carbon sources. In the conventional nitrate utilization rate (NUR) measurements (one-phase experiments with non-acclimated biomass), the NUR with fusel oil was 1.4-1.7 g N/(kg VSS•h which...
Wykorzystanie wymiennych kart pamięci Flash w mikroprocesorowych rejestratorach danych pomiarowych
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono możliwość wykorzystania kart pamięci Flash w mikroprocesorowych urządzeniach rejestracji danych pomiarowych. Dokonano przeglądu najpopularniejszych kart oraz omówiono ich właści-wości. Na przykładzie kart MMC i SD opisano sposób odczytu i zapisu danych przy wykorzystaniu interfejsu SPI. Rozważono różne struktury zapisu danych. W oparciu o wykonany prototyp rejestratora oszacowano zapotrzebowanie na zasoby...
Struktura i role zespołowe w realizacji projektu badawczego
PublikacjaRozdział prezentuje specyfikę zarządzania projektem badawczym w kontekście realizowanych celów, podziału zadań i struktury grupy, która sprzyja ich wykonaniu. Główny nacisk położono na charakterystykę ról zespołowych wg koncepcji M. Belbina, odniesiono je do zadań realizowanych przez członków zespołów badawczych wskazując na konieczność ich optymalnego dopasowania. Szczególne znaczenie przypisano roli lidera zespołu, wzorując się...
Ontologie w systemach informatycznych
PublikacjaZakres monografii obejmuje wybór majważniejszych zagadnień inżynierii wiedzy opartej na podejściu ontologicznym. Omawiane są ramy Minsky'ego, sieci semantyczne, standardy RDF, OWL i SPARQL. Prezentowane są też podstawy teoretyczne nowoczesnych technologii semantycznych, w szczególności rozstrzygalny fragment logiki pierwszego rzędu zwany logiką opisową (ang. Description Logics, DL). Omawia sie algorytmy wnioskowania z ontologii...
Ontologies vs. Rules — Comparison of Methods of Knowledge Representation Based on the Example of IT Services Management
PublikacjaThis text provides a brief overview of selected structures aimed at knowledge representation in the form of ontologies based on description logic and aims at comparing them with their counterparts based on the rule-based approach. Due to the limitations on the length of the article, only elements associated with the representation of concepts could be shown, without including roles. The formalisms of the OWL language were used...