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  • Smart Karyotyping Image Selection Based on Commonsense Knowledge Reasoning



    Karyotyping requires chromosome instances to be segmented and classified from the metaphase images. One of the difficulties in chromosome segmentation is that the chromosomes are randomly positioned in the image, and there is a great chance for chromosomes to be touched or overlap with others. It is always much easier for operators and automatic programs to tackle images without overlapping chromosomes than ones with largely overlapped...

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  • Monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in atmospheric air. Part I. On-line gas analyzers

    The paper reviews the subject literature concerning the analytical instruments routinely used for monitoring volatile organic compounds in atmospheric air. The analyzers are classified as stationary or mobile according to their ease of transport. Stationary DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) analyzer is characterized, as are MIMS (Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry), MESI (Membrane Extraction with Sorbent...

  • Nowe substancje psychoaktywne Cz. III. Syntetyczne katynony-charakterystyka, metody oznaczania i wyzwania analitycznje


    Syntetyczne katynony to druga co do liczebności (po syntetycznych kannabinoidach) grupa nowych substancji psychoaktywnych będących składnikiem dopalaczy zabezpieczanych przez policję w nielegalnym handlu. Substancje te po raz pierwszy wykryto w Europie w 2004 r., a do końca roku 2015 zidentyfikowano aż 103 nowe związki z tej grupy. Możliwość wprowadzania dodatkowych grup funkcyjnych w strukturę katynonu pozwala na niezwykle wiele...

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  • Społeczny wymiar adaptacji do zmian klimatu w środowisku miejskim na przykładzie Gdańska



    Kwestie zmian klimatycznych przestały być przedmiotem zainteresowania jedynie wąskich grup specjalistów, a stały się problemem społecznym angażującym szerszą opinię publiczną. Wobec wzrastającego znaczenia problemów środowiskowych w społeczeństwach, głównie na przełomie XX i XXI wieku, władze centralne we współpracy z samorządami miejskimi zaczęły podejmować działania na rzecz wsparcia tzw. środowiskowej (zielonej) polityki. Artykuł...

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  • Początek Gdyńskiego Systemu Wodociągowego Wodociąg wiejski w gminie Oksywie w latach 1911 – 1929. Część I.

    Przedmiotem badań był wodociąg wiejski na Oksywiu z początku XX wieku, jako najstarszy na ziemiach polskich pod zaborami. Po przeprowadzeniu żmudnej kwerendy odtworzono przebieg procesu decyzyjnego jego budowy i eksploatacji. Szczególnie ważkie informacje odkryto w protokołach z posiedzeń Rady Gminnej Oksywia napisanych w języku staroniemieckim w latach 1911 – 1920. W rezultacie ustalono parametry techniczne sieci i urządzeń wodociągowych...

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  • XII Krajowe Sympozjum KSUPS'17


    04-09-2017 00:00 - 07-09-2017 23:59

    KSUPS jest odbywającą się co dwa lata krajową konferencją poświęconą przeglądowi aktualnych osiągnięć naukowych, technologicznych oraz trendów rozwojowych z zakresu badań wykorzystujących promieniowanie synchrotronowe.

  • Asocjacje – jak gdyby, tak jakby…


    - Rok 2022

    Krzysztof Wróblewski prezentuje „In Touch / Anonymous”. (Twarz – jako maska, dłoń – jako dotyk i ślad) – dwa obrazy (olej na płótnie, wymiary: 146x228 cm) wraz z komentarzem: „W kuratorskim tekście do wystawy Asocjacje – jak gdyby, tak jakby zainteresował mnie cytat z teorii umysłu: jesteśmy świadomi umysłów innych ludzi i to ma wpływ na nasze poczynania i procesy umysłowe. Sztuka jako jedno z narzędzi komunikacji jest wysyłaniem...

  • Development and validation of a GC–MS/MS method for the determination of 11 amphetamines and 34 synthetic cathinones in whole blood


    - Forensic Toxicology - Rok 2020

    Purpose Psychoactive compounds that contain a phenylethylamine structure (such as amphetamine-type stimulants and synthetic cathinones) are one of the major classes of stimulants on the recreational drug market. Approximately 670 new psychoactive substances (NPS) are monitored only in Europe; however, new psychoactive compounds are being developed for illicit trade each year. In this context, the development of new analytical procedures...

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  • Data augmentation for improving deep learning in image classification problem


    These days deep learning is the fastest-growing field in the field of Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Neural Networks (DNN). Among many of DNN structures, the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are currently the main tool used for the image analysis and classification purposes. Although great achievements and perspectives, deep neural networks and accompanying learning algorithms have some relevant challenges to tackle. In this...

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    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2021

    T his study is dedicated to investigations of the working process in a dual-fuel low-emission combustion chamber for a floating vessel’s gas turbine. As the object of the research, a low-emission gas turbine combustion chamber with partial premixing of fuel and air inside the outer and inner radial-axial swirls was chosen. The method of the research is based on the numerical solution of the system of differential...

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  • The Employment of Ukrainians as an Opportunity to Fill the Labour Market in Poland – Selected Issues

    The labour market in Poland has undergone signifi cant transformations over the past two decades. The observed changes have been infl uenced by various factors related to, among other things, the possibility of free movement of the population resulting from membership of EU structures, demographic changes, technological changes, and the automation and robotisation of production processes. Demographic change is becoming a signifi...

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  • Emulsification alters simulated gastrointestinal proteolysis of β-casein and β-lactoglobulin


    - SOFT MATTER - Rok 2009

    We have studied the effect of the adsorption of milk proteins at the oil-water interface on their digestibility in simulated gastrointestinal environment. The investigations aimed to characterize how both the breakdown of the adsorbed proteins and the interactions with physiological surfactants, phosphatidylcholine (PC) and bile salts (BS), influence structural transformations of model, protein-stabilized food emulsions in the...

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  • Pealizacija inicjatiw wostocznogo partnerstwa w Azerbajdżane

    Azerbaijan established political relations with the EU during the implementation of TACIS Programme projects and signed the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the EU in 1996. It joined the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2004 and the Eastern Partnership programme in 2009. Despite the sceptical attitude taken by Azerbaijan's government towards the Eastern Partnership initiative, the EU earmarked further funds for Azerbaijan for 2011 – 2014 as part of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. During the third Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius in November 2013, Azerbaijan signed only an agreement concerning visa facilitations and readmission. However, it also undertook certain measures as part of the five Eastern Partnership initiatives. In the framework of the Integrated Border Management Programme, Azerbaijan implemented projects connected with improving the access of resettled people to the judicial system, creation of electronic border control systems, social protection, increasing public awareness to eliminate domestic violence, improving assimilation of asylum - seekers and immigrants, and supporting occupational health organisations. Activities aimed at supporting SMEs included training for entrepreneurs, promotional conferences and loans to the SME sector. Recommendations of the initiative promoting the creation of regional electrical and renewable energy markets were implemented by Azerbaijan in the form of 33 projects as part of the INOGATE Programme. With respect to environmental management, Azerbaijan developed a digital regional atlas of natural disasters, and with respect to natural disaster mitigation it planned population protection measures. Azerbaijan was ranked last but one in the evaluation presented in the annual report prepared by the EU. The transformation process in this country has been slow and illusory in certain aspects. Nevertheless, the EU has continued its Eastern Partnership initiative activities, allocating between EUR 252,000 and 308,000 for transformations in Azerbaijan

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  • Drug-drug interaction potential of antitumor acridine agent C-1748: The substrate of UDP-glucuronosyltransferases 2B7, 2B17 and the inhibitor of 1A9 and 2B7

    Background The compound 9-(2′-hydroxyethylamino)-4-methyl-1-nitroacridine (C-1748), the promising antitumor agent developed in our laboratory was determined to undergo phase I metabolic pathways. The present studies aimed to know its biotransformation with phase II enzymes – UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) and its potential to be engaged in drug-drug interactions arising from the modulation of UGT activity. Methods UGT-mediated...

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  • ICTP concentration in cervical-vaginal fluid as a potential marker of membrane collagen degradation before labor

    • M. Kolak
    • J. Gorecka
    • M. Radon-Pokracka
    • M. Piasecki
    • A. Cierniak
    • A. Micek
    • A. Horbaczewska
    • A. Jaworowski
    • H. Huras

    - Ginekologia Polska - Rok 2023

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  • Kształtowanie nowej tożsamości regionalnej w przestrzeniach dominacji wody na Żuławach Delty Wisły


    - Rok 2022

    Celem naukowym rozprawy jest sformułowanie kierunku zagospodarowania przestrzennego regionu Żuław Delty Wisły. To unikatowy w skali europejskiej region, który jest fenomenem cywilizacji hydraulicznej i dominacji wody. Proces polderyzacji, który rozpoczął się już w XIII wieku doprowadził do utworzenia historycznych układów urbanistycznych. W roku 1945 nastąpiło przerwanie ciągłości kulturowej. Współcześnie na obszarze Żuław istnieją...

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  • Enriching the Context: Methods of Improving the Non-contextual Assessment of Sentence Credibility


    - Rok 2019

    This paper presents several methods of automatic context enrichment of sentences that need to be evaluated, tagged or fact-checked by human judges. We have created a corpus of medical Web articles. Sentences from this corpus have been fact-checked by medical experts in two modes: contextually (reading the entire article and evaluating sentence by sentence) and without context (evaluating sentences from all articles in random order)....

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  • Spatio-temporal filtering for determination of common mode error in regional GNSS networks


    - Central European Journal of Geosciences - Rok 2015

    The spatial correlation between different stations for individual components in the regional GNSS networks seems to be significant. The mismodelling in satellite orbits, the Earth orientation parameters (EOP), largescale atmospheric effects or satellite antenna phase centre corrections can all cause the regionally correlated errors. This kind of GPS time series errors are referred to as common mode errors (CMEs). They are usually...

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  • On the Role of Polarimetric Decomposition and Speckle Filtering Methods for C-Band SAR Wetland Classification Purposes

    Previous wetlands studies have thoroughly verified the usefulness of data from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors in various acquisition modes. However, the effect of the processing parameters in wetland classification remains poorly explored. In this study, we investigated the influence of speckle filters and decomposition methods with different combinations of filter and decomposition windows sizes on classification accuracy....

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  • Intelligent Decision Forest Models for Customer Churn Prediction

    • F. E. Usman-Hamzah
    • A. O. Balogun
    • L. F. Capretz
    • H. A. Mojeed
    • S. Mahamad
    • S. A. Salihu
    • A. G. Akintola
    • S. Basri
    • R. T. Amosa
    • N. K. Salahdeen

    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Rok 2022

    Customer churn is a critical issue impacting enterprises and organizations, particularly in the emerging and highly competitive telecommunications industry. It is important to researchers and industry analysts interested in projecting customer behavior to separate churn from non‐churn consumers. The fundamental incentive is a firm’s intent desire to keep current consumers, along with the exorbitant expense of gaining new ones....

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  • RAGE as a Novel Biomarker for Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    • C. C. Applegate
    • M. B. Nelappana
    • E. A. Nielsen
    • L. Kalinowski
    • I. T. Dobrucki
    • L. W. Dobrucki

    - Cancers - Rok 2023

    The receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) has been implicated in driving prostate cancer (PCa) growth, aggression, and metastasis through the fueling of chronic inflammation in the tumor microenvironment. This systematic review and meta-analysis summarizes and analyzes the current clinical and preclinical data to provide insight into the relationships among RAGE levels and PCa, cancer grade, and molecular effects....

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  • Machine Learning-Based Wetland Vulnerability Assessment in the Sindh Province Ramsar Site Using Remote Sensing Data

    • R. W. Aslam
    • H. Shu
    • I. Naz
    • A. Quddoos
    • A. Yaseen
    • K. Gulshad
    • S. Saud Alarifi

    - Remote Sensing - Rok 2024

    Wetlands provide vital ecological and socioeconomic services but face escalating pressures worldwide. This study undertakes an integrated spatiotemporal assessment of the multifaceted vulnerabilities shaping Khinjhir Lake, an ecologically significant wetland ecosystem in Pakistan, using advanced geospatial and machine learning techniques. Multi-temporal optical remote sensing data from 2000 to 2020 was analyzed through spectral...

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  • Assessment of Connectivity-based Resilience to Attacks Against Multiple Nodes in SDNs

    • D. Santos
    • A. de Sousa
    • C. Mas-Machuca
    • J. Rak

    - IEEE Access - Rok 2021

    In Software Defined Networks (SDNs), the control plane of a network is decoupled from its data plane. For scalability and robustness, the logically centralized control plane is implemented by physically placing different controllers throughout the network. The determination of the number and placement of controllers is known as the Controller Placement Problem (CPP). In the regular (i.e., failure-free) state, the control plane...

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  • A facile structural manipulation strategy to prepare ultra-strong, super-tough, and thermally stable polylactide/nucleating agent composites

    • T. Kuang
    • J. Ju
    • T. Liu
    • A. Hejna
    • M. Saeb
    • S. Zhang
    • X. Peng

    - Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials - Rok 2022

    Polylactide (PLA) is a biodegradable thermoplastic widely used in diferent felds, but it should be adequately modifed considering high-performance applications. However, the current processes for developing PLA materials achieve high strength at the expense of toughness or ductility of the materials. Therefore, there is need to develop new strategies for generation of PLA materials with high strength, great toughness, good ductility,...

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  • Wykorzystanie rejestracji przebiegów szybkozmiennych do weryfikacji modeli dynamicznych KSE


    - Rok 2011

    W referacie przedstawiono koncepcję narzędzia pozwalającego na weryfikowanie parametrów modeli dynamicznych elementów KSE. Narzędzie wykorzystuje program obliczeniowy PSLF, stosowany powszechnie przez operatora systemu przesyłowego. Nowatorstwo polega na wykorzystaniu dodatkowej aplikacji (programu w systemie MS Windows), która steruje pracą programu obliczeniowego. Powstaje w ten sposób tandem wygodnego interfejsu użytkownika...

  • Hat problem on the cycle C4

    The topic of our paper is the hat problem. In that problem, each of n people is randomly tted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultanously his own hat color looking at the hat colors of the other people. The team wins if at least one person guesses his hat color correctly and no one guesses his hat color wrong, otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of win. In this version every...

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  • Wykorzystanie rejestracji przebiegów szybkozmiennych do weryfikacji modeli dynamicznych KSE


    W referacie przedstawiono koncepcję narzędzia pozwalającego na weryfikowanie parametrów modeli dynamicznych elementów KSE. Narzędzie wykorzystuje program obliczeniowy PSLF, stosowany powszechnie przez operatora systemu przesyłowego. Nowatorstwo polega na wykorzystaniu dodatkowej aplikacji (programu w systemie MS Windows), która steruje pracą programu obliczeniowego. Powstaje w ten sposób tandem wygodnego interfejsu użytkownika...

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  • On the hat problem, its variations, and their applications

    The topic of our paper is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of a win. There are known many...

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  • The hat problem on a union of disjoint graphs

    The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning. In this version every player...

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  • Low frequency of itraconazole resistance found among avian Aspergillus fumigatus isolates


    Aspergillus fumigatus is the most frequent etiological factor of invasive aspergillosis in human as well as animals, including birds. Aspergillosis caused by drug-resistant strains poses a significant therapeutic issue, especially if resistance pattern includes insensitivity to triazoles, i.e. drugs recommended for the primary therapy purposes. Majority of resistant isolates hold the TR34/L98H...

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  • Driving the Image of an Electricity Supplier through Marketing Activities


    - Forum Scientiae Oeconomia - Rok 2023

    The aim of this study is to determine how marketing actions undertaken within the marketing mix by electricity providers influence their image. Referring to the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) theory, research hypotheses were formulated, and a regression model was constructed, assuming positive impacts of selected marketing actions of electricity providers on their image. A quantitative approach was employed to test the research...

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  • Nowa definicja przestrzeni publicznej dla dzielnic poosiedlowych


    - Rok 2005

    Miasto postsocjalistyczne charakteryzuje istnienie rozległych modernistycznych dzielnic mieszkaniowych. Wielkie osiedla wchodzą w okres silnej krytyki. Są one środowiskiem zamieszkania nie odpowidającym współczesnym trendom kulturowym. Jednym z ważniejszych kierunków transformacji tych struktur jest dążenie do reurbanizacji blokowisk. Nie można zawracać koła historii tylko tworzyć nową definicję przestrzeni publicznej, która powstanie...

  • Izabela Mironowicz dr hab. inż. arch.

  • A Systematic Review for Establishing Relevant Environmental Parameters for Urban Lighting: Translating Research into Practice


    - Sustainability - Rok 2022

    The application of lighting technologies developed in the 20th century has increased the brightness and changed the spectral composition of nocturnal night-time habitats and night skies across urban, peri-urban, rural, and pristine landscapes, and subsequently, researchers have observed the disturbance of biological rhythms of flora and fauna. To reduce these impacts, it is essential to translate relevant knowledge about the potential...

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  • Elsa Estevez dr


    Elsa Estevez jest kierownikiem Katedry UNESCO ds. Społeczeństw Opartych na Wiedzy i Cyfrowego Państwa w Narodowym Uniwersytecie Południa, niezależnym badaczem w Krajowej Radzie Badań Naukowo-Technicznych (CONICET) oraz profesorem zwyczajnym na Narodowym Uniwersytecie w La Plata, wszystko w Argentynie. Jest także konsultantem Między-Amerykańskiego Banku Rozwoju (IADB) w kwestiach administracji cyfrowej, szczególnie w Ameryce Łacińskiej,...



    Współczesna architektura obiektów służby zdrowia podlega dynamicznym przeobrażeniom formalnym wynikającym zarówno z rozwoju technologii medycznych, zmian zachodzących w podejściu wobec pacjenta. Narastający w naukach medycznych kierunek holistyczny ustawia pacjenta jako użytkownika w trzech wymiarach: biologicznym, społecznym i psychologicznym. Stąd pojawiające się w procesie projektowym dotyczącym szpitali czy przychodni nowe...

  • Poprawa jakości klasyfikacji głębokich sieci neuronowych poprzez optymalizację ich struktury i dwuetapowy proces uczenia


    - Rok 2024

    W pracy doktorskiej podjęto problem realizacji algorytmów głębokiego uczenia w warunkach deficytu danych uczących. Głównym celem było opracowanie podejścia optymalizującego strukturę sieci neuronowej oraz zastosowanie uczeniu dwuetapowym, w celu uzyskania mniejszych struktur, zachowując przy tym dokładności. Proponowane rozwiązania poddano testom na zadaniu klasyfikacji znamion skórnych na znamiona złośliwe i łagodne. W pierwszym...

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  • The hat problem on cycles on at least nine vertices


    The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning. In this version every player...

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  • A more colorful hat problem

    The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning. We consider a generalized hat...

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  • Occurrence and Levels of Biogenic Amines in Beers Produced by Different Methods

    The concentration of biogenic amines (BAs) in beer depends, among other factors, on the activity of microorganisms, in particular lactic acid bacteria. In this work an analytical method based on derivatization with tosyl chloride and high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) was used to determine 17 BAs in samples of commercially available beers, and to monitor the changes in concentration of...

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  • Pesticide residues levels in honey from apiaries located of Northern Poland

    Concentration levels of 30 pesticide residues were measured in honey samples collected from apiaries in northern part of Poland (Pomerania) using method based on the QuEChERS extraction followed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with electron spray ionization (LC-ESI-MS/MS). In 29% of the samples were found positive for at least some of the target compounds. Concentration of bifenthrin, fenpyroximate, methidathion,...

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  • Individual investors willingnes to invest in ESG in Poland survey results

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    This dataset encompasses Polish citizens, including those being retail investors, attitude toward climate change and ESG investment. Dataset of two waves of the omnibus survey which provides representative database for Poland for  February 2021. A specialized polling institute, was subcontracted to conduct the survey using Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing...

  • Exploring the impact of cultural context on eye-tracking studies of architectural monuments in selected European cities: Sustainable heritage management.

    Sustainable management of architectural heritage requires conducting an inclusive diagnosis of users’ opinions, considering both residents and tourists as the recipients of urban space. Given the cultural diversity within these groups, proposing the use of eye-trackers (ET) as an alternative to traditional public consultation prompts the need to assess the method’s advantages and disadvantages. It remains uncertain whether individuals...

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  • Economic vitality of Polish suburbs


    - GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology - Rok 2016

    Since 1989, Poland has been undergoing major political, social and economic transformations. The effects of these changes are visible on several levels, including the field of urban planning, where they manifested themselves as the birth of the suburbanization process. In the field of economics, it could be noticed that since 1989, the SME sector has been awakening very dynamically. Correlation of the parallel development of these...

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  • Street Art and Urban Regeneration. Case Study Gdansk and Rome.


    - Rok 2016

    Street art plays an important role in urban planning as a transforming engine to regenerate the public spaces and in the processes of participation. The article analyzes two main topics. The first one focuses on the urban serving as a support for spatial and cultural strategies in urban redevelopment projects. The second one is related to the potential of micro urban interventions as a strategy for a wider involvement of inhabitants...

  • Art and Healthcare - Healing Potential of Artistic Interventions in Medical Settings


    The stereotype of a machine for healing seems to be well rooted in common thinking and social perception of hospital buildings. The technological aspect of healthcare architecture has been influenced for several years by three major factors. The first is linked to the necessity of providing safety and security in the environment of elevated epidemiological risk. The second concerns the need for incorporating advanced technology...

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  • Applications of Tensor Analysis in Continuum Mechanics


    - Rok 2018

    A tensor field is a tensor-valued function of position in space. The use of tensor fields allows us to present physical laws in a clear, compact form. A byproduct is a set of simple and clear rules for the representation of vector differential operators such as gradient, divergence, and Laplacian in curvilinear coordinate systems. The tensorial nature of a quantity permits us to formulate transformation rules for its components...

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  • Epoxy/Ionic Liquid-Modified Mica Nanocomposites: Network Formation–Network Degradation Correlation

    • M. Jouyandeh
    • V. Akbari
    • S. M. R. Paran
    • S. Livi
    • L. Lins
    • H. Vahabi
    • M. Saeb

    - Nanomaterials - Rok 2021

    We synthesized pristine mica (Mica) and N-octadecyl-N’-octadecyl imidazolium iodide (IM) modified mica (Mica-IM), characterized it, and applied it at 0.1–5.0 wt.% loading to prepare epoxy nanocomposites. Dynamic differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was carried out for the analysis of the cure potential and kinetics of epoxy/Mica and epoxy/Mica-IM curing reaction with amine curing agents at low loading of 0.1 wt.% to avoid particle...

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  • ‘The Urban Walk Architecture Talk’— Bridging Socially Engaged Art, Urban Processes and Cultural Development


    - Rok 2019

    “Urban Walk—Architecture Talk” is a project based on an elective seminar under the same title organized at the Faculty of Architecture of Gdańsk University of Technology. It aims at getting familiar with the topic of multi-layer and multi-sensory reception of public space, mainly by recognizing the needs of its users. Additionally, it deals with the consequences of such perception and the use of space in order to build more complete...

  • The Contemporary aspects of revitalization of the buildings and the port areas


    - Rok 2017

    Port cities are the forefront of globalization. The continued growth of international trade of goods and services has now played a major role in shaping the economic and social world. Strategies for mutual cooperation and follow-up between countries, cities and regions are increasingly complex. On the one hand it brings profits, on the other leads to destabilization and the need for transformation and constant modernization. Port...

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