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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: optd method
A Goal-Oriented Error Estimator for Reduced Basis Method Modeling of Microwave Devices
PublikacjaThis letter proposes a novel a-posteriori error estimator suitable for the reduced order modeling of microwave circuits. Unlike the existing error estimators based on impedance function residuals, the new one exploits the residual error associated with the computation of the scattering matrix. The estimator can be effectively used in the Reduced Basis Method (RBM) to automatically generate reduced-order models. The results of numerical...
Modified dynamic time warping method applied to handwritten signature authenticity verification
PublikacjaA signature verification system based on static features and time-domain functions of signals obtained using a tablet has been presented in the paper. The signature verification method, based mainly on dynamic time warping coupled with some signature image features, has been described. The FRR measures reflecting the method’s efficiency have been evaluated for verification attempts performed directly after obtaining model signatures...
Heuristic Method of Safe Manoeuvre Selection Based on Collision Threat Parameters Areas
PublikacjaThis paper is a continuation of papers dedicated to a radar-based CTPA (Collision Threat Parameters Area) display designed to support safe manoeuvre selection. The display visualizes all the ships in an encounter and presents situational overview from the own ship’s point of view. It calculates and displays information on unsafe or unrealistic own ship’s course & speed allowing a user to select a safe manoeuvre. So far only the...
GPU-Accelerated 3D Mesh Deformation for Optimization Based on the Finite Element Method
PublikacjaThis paper discusses a strategy for speeding up the mesh deformation process in the design-byoptimization of high-frequency components involving electromagnetic field simulations using the 3D finite element method (FEM). The mesh deformation is assumed to be described by a linear elasticity model of a rigid body; therefore, each time the shape of the device is changed, an auxiliary elasticity finite-element problem must be solved....
A method to assess transverse vibration energy of ship propeller shaft for diagnostic purposes
PublikacjaThe article discusses a key problem of ship propulsion system vibration diagnostics, which concerns assessing this part of mechanical energy transmitted from the main engine to the ship propeller which is dissipated due to propeller shaft vibration. A simplified calculation model is proposed which allows the total energy of the generated torsional vibration to be assessed from the shaft deflection amplitude measured at the mind-span...
A new method of presosns identification based on comparative analysis of 3D face models
PublikacjaThe article presents the use of modern close range photogrammetry for possessing highly accurate 3D models of the human face (including the ears). Modern methods used to obtain precise data describing the construction of a human face, and even the whole human body, should allow to get finished measurement material in a very short time. Those features belong to the optical scanning technology. Comparative analysis of models of the...
Development Of Dynamic Method For Evaluation Of Corrosion Rate On The Example Of Organic Corrosion İnhibitor
PublikacjaMeasurements of the corrosion rate belong to the most important aspects of materials science. In order to reduce material loss corrosion inhibitors are used. However selection of proper inhibitor should be based on evaluation of its mechanism and effective concentrations. Mechanism of inhibition usually has dynamic character so physicochemical parameters are changing in time. Most of actually used methods...
Effective method for determining environmental loads on supporting structures for offshore wind turbines
PublikacjaThis paper presents a description of an effective method for determining loads due to waves and current acting on the supporting structures of the offshore wind turbines. This method is dedicated to the structures consisting of the cylindrical or conical elements as well as (truncates) pyramids of polygon with a large number of sides (8 or more). The presented computational method is based on the Morison equation, which was originally...
A Simplified Method of Trend Removal to Determine Noise Observed During a Supercapacitor’s Discharging
PublikacjaIn this paper, new method of trend removal is proposed. This is a simplified method based on Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). The method was applied for voltage time series observed during supercapacitor discharging process. It assured the determination of an additive noise component after subtracting the identified trend component. We analyzed voltage time series observed between the terminals of the supercapacitor when discharged...
Influence of Selected Saccharides on the Precipitation of Calcium-Vaterite Mixtures by the CO2 Bubbling Method
PublikacjaCalcium carbonate is a compound existing in living organisms and produced for many biomedical applications. In this work, calcium carbonate was synthesized by a CO2 bubbling method using ammonia as a CO2 absorption promotor. Glucose, fructose, sucrose, and trehalose were added into the reaction mixture to modify characteristics of precipitated calcium carbonate particles. To determine the polymorphic form of produced calcium carbonate...
PublikacjaThe paper presents studies on the influence of probability distributions on the expanded uncertainty of the resistance measurement. Choosing the correct probability distribution is very important to estimate of measurement uncertainty. The most commonly used distribution is the rectangular distribution. The paper presents the results of analysis of the resistance measurement uncertainty using the technical method of two resistances:...
Verification of a Novel Method of Detecting Faults in Medium-Voltage Systems with Covered Conductors
PublikacjaThis paper describes the use of new methods of detecting faults in medium-voltage overhead lines built of covered conductors. The methods mainly address such faults as falling of a conductor, contacting a conductor with a tree branch, or falling a tree branch across three phases of a medium-voltage conductor. These faults cannot be detected by current digital relay protection systems. Therefore, a new system that can detect the...
Optimizing the process of railway geometrical layout designing with multi-criteria assessment method
PublikacjaThe paper presents the main assumptions of the Multi-criteria assessment method used in process of upgrading the railway geometrical layout. The advantages of metaheuristic search were described. The criteria influencing the investment were defined. The fitness function used in the analysis was described. The example of using the optimization algorithm with the help of self developed computer software was described.
Utilization of the zero unitarization method for the building of a ranking for diagnostic marine engine parameters
PublikacjaChanging some of the parameters of the engine structure affects the emission of harmful components in the exhaust gases This primarily concerns damage in the cargo exchange system as well as in the fuel system and engine boost system. Changes in emissions of harmful compounds are often ambiguous, depending largely on the parameters that shape the combustion process. An additional problem is that often simple but undesired interactions...
Detection of inter-turn faults in transformer winding using the capacitor discharge method
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of an analysis of inter-turn fault effects on the voltage and current waveforms of a capacitor discharge through transformer windings. The research was conducted in the frame of the Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research project which goal is to build a new international accelerator facility that utilizes superconducting magnets. For the sake of electrical quality assurance of the superconducting magnet...
Experimental validation of the rolling resistance measurement method including updated draft standard
PublikacjaThe main objective of ROSANNE is the harmonisation and standardisation of the measurement of skid resistance, noise emission and rolling resistance of road pavements. Regarding rolling resistance characterisation, a draft for standardization of a harmonized procedure for classification of road surfaces across Europe has been prepared within WP3 (deliverable 3.5). The procedure deals with the direct measurement on real roads of...
AgileSafe – a method of introducing agile practices into safety-critical software development processes
PublikacjaThis article introduces AgileSafe, a new method of incorporating agile practices into critical software development while still maintaining compliance with the software assurance requirements imposed by the application domain. We present the description of the method covering the process of its application and the input and output artefacts.
Observation of sub-bottom sediment in the southern baltic by means of onlinear acoustics method
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań struktury osadów dennych Bałtyku Południowego metodami akustyki nieliniowej.
Modeling of a rock fall using the discrete element method and study of the seismic signal
PublikacjaMechanizm dużego spadającego bloku skalnego lub lawiny pozostaje nadal słabo rozpoznany zarówno w zakresie pęknięć jak i procesów propagacji. Jedynie ilościowe dane, które aktualnie są mierzone i uchwytne podczas spadania skały, zarejestrowane są jako sejsmiczne sygnały przez szereg sejsmografów. Właściwości sygnału (amplituda, trwanie, częstotliwość) są wyraźnie powiązane z cechami spadania (masa, wysokość spadania, odległość...
[Chapter III] Influence of chip transport method on effects of cutting with circular saw
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono analizę transportu wiórów ze strefy skrawania na zewnątrz materiału obrabianego w procesie przecinania drewna piłami tarczowymi. Przedstawiono również przykłady zużycia pił tarczowych spowodowanych niewłaściwym transportem wiórów.
Fast method for IEEE 802.16-2004 standard-based networks coverage measuring
PublikacjaThis paper presents the time and cost efficient method for measuring effective coverage of IEEE 802.16-2004 standard-based networks. This is done by performing a series of continuous measurements on the grid basis. Due to this kind of signal quality surveying, estimationof the probable coverage area can be made. It is significant that themethod is fast and is uses a standard customer equipment which makes it more accessible for...
Problems of PAH quantification by GC-MS method using isotope-labelled standards.
PublikacjaChromatografia gazowa w połączeniu ze spektromerią mas (GC-MS) jest obecnie rutynowo stosowaną metodą w analityce środowiskowej do oznaczania śladowych ilości zanieczyszczeń organicznych. Stosowanie detektora mas sprawia, że wygodnym wzorcem wewnętrznym są stabilne izotopowo analogi oznaczanych związków. Związki te są wykorzystywane do śledzenia i kompensacji strat analitów podczas wykonywania określonych operacji związanych z...
Interior Point Method Evaluation for Reactive Power Flow Optimization in the Power System
PublikacjaThe paper verifies the performance of an interior point method in reactive power flow optimization in the power system. The study was conducted on a 28 node CIGRE system, using the interior point method optimization procedures implemented in Power Factory software.
“Shadow” vs. “Phase 3D” method within endoscopic examinations of marine engines
PublikacjaA visual investigation of surfaces creating internal, working spaces of marine combustion engines by means of specialized view-finders so called endoscopes is at present almost a basic method of technical diag-nostics. The surface structure of constructional material is visible during investigations like through the magnifying glass (usually with a precisely determined magnification), which makes possible a detection, recognition...
Noninvasive method for rotor fault diagnosis in inverter fed induction motor drive
PublikacjaThis article presents a proposal, simulation and experimental results of a noninvasive rotor fault diagnosis method for the inverter fed induction motor drive. Comparing to reported methods the proposed one does not require any load, rotor brake, slip, mechanical or electrical system physical modification e.g. machine disassembly and can be applied regardless the rotor speed measurement or estimation method.
Receiver-side fingerprinting method for color images based on a series of quaternion rotations
PublikacjaThe proposed method is a new Joint Fingerprinting and Decryption (JFD) method that uses a cipher based on quaternion rotation to encrypt color images that are then sent to all users via multicast transmission. Individual encryption keys depend on the users’ fingerprints, so that a unique fingerprint is introduced into the image during decryption for each decryption key. A simulation-based research was conducted to examine the method’s...
Structural reliability of overhead power lines by means of Monte Carlo Method and RSM
PublikacjaThe article discusses the issue of reliability assessment of overhead power lines by means of both Monte Carlo Method and Response Surface Method. The suspension tower OS24 ON150+10 is considered, as the weakest element of the line. A comparison is made between deterministic and probabilistic approaches to wind and icing loading. The PDFs for wind and icing loads are proposed. Reliability is assessed for both critical atmospheric...
Reliability assessment of truss towers using Monte Carlo Method, PEM and RSM
PublikacjaThe paper discusses the reliability assessment of simple random truss structures using three different probabilistic methodologies: the Monte Carlo method, the Point Estimate Method and the Response Surface Method. A benchmark truss structure example is analyzed. A set of numerical calculations of critical load is performed and the results are taken as the basis of advanced probabilistic calculations. Using the samples, numerical...
Web Questionnaire as Construction Method of Affect-annotated Lexicon - Risks Reduction Strategy
PublikacjaThe paper concerns credibility of construction methods for affect-annotated lexicons, specifically a web questionnaire is explored and evaluated. Web-based surveys are susceptible to some risks, which might influence credibility of the results, as some participants might perform random clicks or intentionally falsify the responses. The paper explores the risks and proposes some strategies to reduce them. The strategies are supported...
Silver-doped TiO2 prepared by microemulsion method: surface properties, bio- and photoactivity
PublikacjaOtrzymane fotokatalizatory typu Ag-TiO2 wykazywały wyższą aktywność w reakcjach fotodegradacji fenolu w obecności promieniowania z zakresu UV oraz światła widzialnego w porównaniu z komercyjnym katalizatorem Degussa P25 oraz czystym niedomieszkowanym TiO2, otrzymanym w mikroemulsji woda-AOT-cykloheksan. Powierzchnia właściwa (BET) otrzymanych katalizatorów wynosiła od 100 do 160 m2/g. Na podstawie analizy rentgenowskiej (XRD) stwierdzono,...
A method of RTS noise identification in noise signals of semiconductor devices in the time domain
PublikacjaIn the paper a new method of Random Telegraph Signal (RTS) noise identification is presented. The method is based on a standardized histogram of instantaneous noise values and processing by Gram-Charlier series. To find a device generating RTS noise by the presented method one should count the number of significant coefficients of the Gram-Charlier series. This would allow to recognize the type of noise. There is always one (first)...
Influence of accelerometer signal pre-processing and classification method on human activity recognition
PublikacjaA study of data pre-processing influence on accelerometer-based human activity recognition algorithms is presented. The frequency band used to filter-out the accelerometer signals and the number of accelerometers involved were considered in terms of their influence on the recognition accuracy. In the test four methods of classification were used: support vector machine, decision trees, neural network, k-nearest neighbor.
GPU Acceleration of Multilevel Solvers for Analysis of Microwave Components With Finite Element Method
PublikacjaThe letter discusses a fast implementation of the conjugate gradient iterative method with ${rm E}$-field multilevel preconditioner applied to solving real symmetric and sparse systems obtained with vector finite element method. In order to accelerate computations, a graphics processing unit (GPU) was used and significant speed-up (2.61 fold) was achieved comparing to a central processing unit (CPU) based approach. These results...
Application of extended Finite Element Method to cracked concrete elements - numerical aspects
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia zastosowanie rozszerzonej metody elementów skończonych do zarysowanych elementów betonowych. Obliczenia wykonano dla elementów poddanych zginaniu i mieszanemu ściskaniu - rozciąganiu. Wyniki porównano z doświadczeniami.
A model for performance assessment of damaged ships when usig the risk-based method
PublikacjaArtykuł prezentuje elementy badań związanych z rozwojem metody i modelu do oceny bezpieczeństwa statków i obiektów oceanotechnicznych w stanie uszkodzonym. Przedsawiono podejście do oceny bezpieczeństwa statków i obiektów oceanotechnicznych,składające się z dwóch części: oceny zachowania się obiektów oraz oceny ryzyka. Głównym problemem zaprezentowanym w arytkule jest ocena ocena zachowania się statków i obiektów oceanotechnicznych...
Analysing the potential for application of the phase shift method in endoscopic examination of marine engines
PublikacjaThe article presents theoretical principles of image processing in digital endoscopy which makes use of a miniaturised spectral scanner “PhaseProbe” designed by General Inspection Technologies LP, the producer of the measuring videoendoscope Everest XLG3. The technology of optoelectronic 3D mapping of the examined surface, which consists in measuring the phase shift between the emitted and reflected light waves, is briefly described....
The method of analysis of damage reinforced concrete beams using terrestial laser scanning
PublikacjaThe authors present an analysis of the possibility to assess deformations and mechanisms of destructing bent reinforced concrete beams using the terrestrial laser scanning. As part of the experiments carried out at the Regional Laboratory of Construction of the Concrete Structures Division of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty at Gdansk University of Technology, the reinforced concrete beams were subjected to destruction...
Novel method for metal-oxide glass composite fabrication for use in thermoelectric devices
PublikacjaA novel method for thermoelectric materials fabrication using a reduction of oxide precursors in hydrogen was reported. On the example of Bi-Sb, Bi-Sb-Te and Te-Ag-Ge-Sb compounds it was shown that this simple and easy method is suitable for fabrication of two-, three- and even multicomponent thermoelectric materials. It allows controlling a composition, microstructure and even type a of electrical charge carriers. As a result...
PublikacjaIn this paper, a novel method of bearing estimation in a passive sonar system with a towed array is introduced. The classical approach of bearing estimation based on the spatial spectrum [1] is extended by using the synchrosqeezing method that is a part of the reassignment method introduced by Kodera et al. [2]. Using this method leads to a precise bearing estimation. The proposed method requires a relatively small amount of computation,...
PublikacjaThe authors present the experience and results of field studies carried out at the technical acceptance of Forest Opera (name in Polish: Opera Leśna) in Sopot (Poland). An unusual design of covering made in the form of “Sheerfill I” technical fabric membrane required spanned in the form of sails, required the use of terrestrial laser scanning. Such approach allowed for the fast and accurate record of the surface of individual panels...
PublikacjaThe authors present an analysis of the possibility to assess deformations and mode of failure of R-C beams using terrestrial laser scanning. As part of experiments carried out at the Regional Laboratory of Construction (at Gdansk University of Technology), reinforced concrete beams were subjected to destruction by bending and by shear. The process of press impact on the reinforced concrete beam was recorded using terrestrial laser...
Discrete Green's function approach to disjoint domain simulations in 3D FDTD method
PublikacjaA discrete Green’s function (DGF) approach to couple 3D FDTD subdomains is developed. The total-field/scattered-field subdomains are simulated using the explicit FDTD method whilst interaction between them is computed as a convolution of the DGF with equivalent current sources measured over Huygens surfaces. In the developed method, the DGF waveforms are truncated using the Hann’s window. The error varies in the range -65 to -40...
PublikacjaIn the article a new training and testing method of endoscopic video analysis algorithms is presented. Classical methods take into account only eciency of recognizing objects on single video frames. Proposed method additionally considers stability of classiers output for real video input. The method is simple and can be trained on data sets created for other solutions. Therefore, it is easily applicable to existing endoscopic video...
PublikacjaThe presence of diffusible hydrogen in welded joints is one of the causes of formation the welding imperfections. Improvement of weldability can be achieved by reducing the hydrogen amount in welded joints. This requires, among others, the finding of sources of hydrogen. For high hydrogen processes the commonly used method of determining the diffusible hydrogen amount is the glycerin method. This paper concerns issues related to...
A method of determining and visualizing safe motion parameters of a ship navigating in restricted waters
PublikacjaThe paper presents a method of displaying ship collision avoidance information which is based on an unconventional Collision Threat Parameters Area (CTPA) technique. The solution presented here extends CTPA's functionality from past works by supporting navigation in restricted waters and handling ship domains analytically instead of numerically. It visualizes potential navigational threats as well as possible collision avoidance...
Parametrical Method for Determining Optimal Ship Carrying Capacity and Performance of Handling Equipment
PublikacjaThe paper presents a method of evaluating the optimal value of the cargo ships deadweight and the coupled optimal value of cargo handling capacity. The method may be useful at the stage of establishing the main owners requirements concerning the ship design parameters as well as for choosing a proper second hand ship for a given transportation task. The deadweight and the capacity are determined on the basis of a selected economic...
Coastline change-detection method using remote sensing satellite observation data
PublikacjaCoastal zones are not only the fundaments for local economics based on trade, shipping and transport services, but also a source of food, energy and resources. Apart from offering diverse opportunities for recreation and tourism, coastal zones provide protection against storms and other meteorological disturbances. Environmental information is also essential because of the direct influence on a country’s maritime zones, which are...
Verification of the new viscoelastic method of thermal stress calculation in asphalt layers of pavements
PublikacjaThe new viscoelastic method of thermal stress calculations in asphalt layers has been developed and published recently by the author. This paper presents verification of this method. The verification is based on the comparison of the results of calculations with results of testing of thermal stresses in Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test. The calculations of thermal stresses according to the new method were based on rheological...
Velocity measurement using the fdoa method in ground-based radio navigation system
PublikacjaVelocity is one of the main navigation parameters of the moving objects. However some systems of position estimation using radio wave measurements cannot provide velocity data due to limitation of their performance. In this paper a velocity measurement method for DS-CDMA radio navigation system is proposed, which doesn’t require full synchronization of reference stations carrier frequencies. The article presents basics of FDOA...
PublikacjaThe paper is focused on adaptation of an isochrone method necessary for application to a weather routing system with evolutionary approach. Authors propose an adaptation of the isochrone method with area partitioning assuring that the route found by the adopted method would not cross land. In result, when applied to a weather routing system with evolutionary approach, this proposal facilitates creation of initial population, resulting...