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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Coastal flows
Estuaries and Coasts
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Anthropocene Coasts
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Normalized Method for Land Surface Temperature Monitoring on Coastal Reclaimed Areas
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Application of Square Msplit Estimation in Determination of Vessel Position in Coastal Shipping
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Mercury in the zoobenthos of the coastal zone of the Puck Bay (southern Baltic Sea)
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The influence of cold season warming on the mercury pool in coastal benthic organisms
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Impact of intense rains and flooding on mercury riverine input to the coastal zone
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Wave-induced bedload transport – a study of the southern Baltic coastal zone
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Assessment of the cell biovolume of phytoplankton widespread in coastal and inland water bodies
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Monitoring of organic pollutants in coastal waters of the Gulf of Gdańsk, Southern Baltic.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono zmiany zawartości zanieczyszczeń organicznych (np. VOC, PAH, PCB, chlorofenoli) w wodach Zatoki Gdańskiej na przestrzeni 5-ciu lat. Zawartość VOX i VOC zmieniała się od kilku ngdm-3 do kilkuset ngdm-3, podczas gdy zawartość chlorofenoli fenoksykwasów była na poziomie kilku ngdm-3. W większości próbek nie wykryto PCB.
Interactions between river catchments and the coastal zone: the EuroCat-VisCat Project
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono: założenia oraz schemat organizacyjny projektu finansowanego przez Wspólnotę Europejską (EuroCat); program badań projektu VisCat realizowanego przez zespoły z UMK oraz PG. Omówiono również prace związane z tworzeniem bazy danych nt. stanu rzeki Wisły i Zatoki Gdańskiej.
Sea to air transport of trace gases in the coastal zone: a literature review
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono informacje i dane liczbowe dotyczące zjawiska wymiany składników śladowych (CO2, N2O, CH4, DMS, COS, NH3, metyloaminy, lotne związki halogenoorganiczne, CO) pomiędzy powierzchnią morza i powietrzem atmosferycznym w strefie przybrzeżnej. Dokonano oceny ogólnej emisji tych związków oraz podano informacje o stężeniach i o strumieniach (w skali rocznej).
A Reduction Method for Bathymetric Datasets that Preserves True Coastal Water Geodata
PublikacjaWater areas occupy over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface and are constantly subject to research and analysis. Often, hydrographic remote sensors are used for such research, which allow for the collection of information on the shape of the water area bottom and the objects located on it. Information about the quality and reliability of the depth data is important, especially during coastal modelling. In-shore areas are liable...
Prediction of manoeuvring abilities of 10000 DWT pod-driven coastal tanker
PublikacjaThis paper aims to present a new approach in the prediction of manoeuvring abilities of pod-driven ships. A new mathematical model of motions based on MMG methodology was developed and a new type of description of forces acting on azimuth drives is presented. Captive model tests of medium-size coastal tanker and pod open water tests were carried out in CTO S.A. (Ship Design and Research Centre S.A.) to obtain hull hydrodynamic derivatives...
A new approach of coastal cliff monitoring using Mobile Laser Scanning
PublikacjaThe article proposes a new approach of coastal cliff monitoring which bases on a new comprehensive monitoring system, being a combination of mobile scanning from the sea with the geotechnical stability analysis. Mobile laser scanning is an innovative solution for 3D data collection which allows the monitored object geometry to be precisely measured, thus providing opportunities for series of analyses contributing to the development...
Stormwater runoff in the urbanized coastal basin of Gdańsk Urbanized basin of Gdańsk
PublikacjaAnthropopressure strongly affects the primal water cycle. Alternation of the natural basins imposes changes of drainage patterns, reduction of bioretention, infiltration and base flow. As a result the overland flow predominates and greater runoff rates flow into storm water collection systems and reservoirs. Moreover changing climatic conditions increase the frequency of rapid extreme weather events. Infrastructures of urban areas...
Coastal Cliffs Monitoring and Prediction of Displacements Using Terrestial Laser Scanning
PublikacjaCoastal cliffs are very sensitive to degradation caused by erosion and abrasion. Thus, it is very important to monitor susceptibility of the cliffs in terms of slope angles and ground fall resulting from vertical morphology of the cliffs. The results could be used for example to establish the boundaries of the safe investments zone or retreat infrastructure buildings in case of real threat such as degradation of the objects of...
Typology of towns in the peripheries of Polish coastal regions: conclusions for urban policy
PublikacjaPeripheries means the land outside metropolitan areas. One of the main problemsin these areas is a lack of growth factors. Some towns can contribute to the developmentof these regions, because there are few such factors, and it is easier to create the newones, especially in urban policy.The subject of this paper is a typology of towns within the Polish peripheral coastalregions, limited to towns with more than 5 thousand inhabitants....
Coastal zone monitoring using Sentinel-1 SAR polarymetry data
PublikacjaIn recent years the role of the surveillance and security of Polish boundaries has significantly increased. Polish coastal zone monitoring requires various approaches using various technological means in order to ensure the protection of Polish boundaries. In this paper, the authors discuss and present alternatives to underwater surveillance methods of coastal area analysis and monitoring using data retrieved from the newly developed...
Environmental aspects of coastal earth structures made of soil-ash composites
PublikacjaThis paper presents an innovative technology of building the coastal dams with the use of soil-ash composites. A natural- scale test stand and results of the performed environmental tests are presented ; they have been compared with standards for purity of soils and waters. Also, an analysis of the obtained results and discussion of trends and anomalies in the observations, are given.
Complex Monitoring of the Coastal Cliffs on the Example of Cliff in Jastrzebia Gora, Poland
PublikacjaThe cliff coasts, which are in total about 100 km long, are especially vulnerable to abrasion. The mean regression of the studied object which is the seacliff in Jastrzebia Gora depends on time. For example, from 1875 to 1937 the cliff regress 90 m in mean pace of 1.4 meter a year. Besides of natural factors causing the degradation, there is also an anthropogenic activity, which speeds up the abrasion process. Based on these informations,...
Atmospheric deposition of microplastics in the coastal zone: Characteristics and relationship with meteorological factors
PublikacjaThe quantitative and qualitative compositions of microplastics (MPs) deposited from the atmosphere in the coastal zone were analysed. Moreover, links between MP deposition and meteorological factors (air humidity, wind speed, precipitation height, and air mass trajectories) were investigated
The Workshop on Multi-Phase Flows
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono ideę warsztatów ''Modelowanie przepływów wielofazowych w układach termochemicznych'' - organizowanych corocznie - od 2000 roku, przez Podsekcję Przepływów Wielofazowych Komitetu Mechaniki PAN. Omówiono tematykę VI Warsztatów, które były poświęcone głównie metodom eksperymentalnym.
Knowledge Flows in Cluster Organizations
PublikacjaThis paper aims to identify knowledge flows in cluster organizations (COs). On the basis of a literature analysis on knowledge flows and cluster organizations, the following research question was formulated: What kind of knowledge flows can be identified in cluster organizations and what is their main characteristics? The paper is based on a literature analysis and Grounded Theory methodology, examining four purposefully selected...
Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow
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Coastal zone critical infrastructure protection using dedicated geographical information system
PublikacjaW pracy przeanalizowano kilka infrastruktur krytycznych dla Trojmiasta z wykorzystaniem CARVER2. Wyniki zostale poddane analizie z wykorzystaniem systemu GIS.
Sustainable Knowledge Base Waterfront Development for Increasing Coastal City Competitiveness - WOTCOM
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono koncepecję zrównoważonego i opartego na wiedzy rozwóju waterfrontów w kierunku zwiększenia konkurencyjności miast morskich - WOTKOM
Bringing Bathymetry LiDAR to Coastal Zone Assessment: A Case Study in the Southern Baltic
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Coastal cliff erosion as a source of toxic, essential and nonessential metals in the marine environment
PublikacjaDue to the rising environmental awareness, emissions and releases of pollutants, including metals, have been considerably reduced in the last decades. Therefore, the remobiliza-tion of natural and anthropogenic contaminants is gaining importance in their biogeochemical cycle. In the marine coastal zone, this process occurs during the erosion of a shore, especially the most vulnerable cliffs. The research was conducted in the...
Therapeutic Qualities and Sustainable Approach to Heritage of the City. The Coastal Strip in Gdańsk, Poland
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Surf Zone Currents in the Coastal Zone of the Southern Baltic Sea – a Modelling Approach
PublikacjaNearshore currents in a multi-bar non-tidal coastal zone environment located in the Southern Baltic Sea are studied. Spatiotemporal seaward-directed jets – so-called rip currents – are an important part of the nearshore current system. In previous research, Dudkowska et al. (2020) performed an extended modelling experiment to determine the wave conditions that are conducive to the emergence of rip currents. In this paper, the...
The impact of land use and season on the riverine transport of mercury into the marine coastal zone
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Coastal erosion as a source of mercury into the marine environment along the Polish Baltic shore
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Coastal erosion—a “new” land-based source of labile mercury to the marine environment
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Numerical Analysis of the Influence of 2D Dispersion Parameters on the Spread of Pollutants in the Coastal Zone
PublikacjaThe transport of pollutants with flowing waters is one of the most common processes in the natural environment. In general, this process is described by a system of differential equations, including the continuity equation, dynamic equations, pollutant transport equations and equations of state. For the analyzed problem of pollutant migration in wide rivers and the coastal zone, a two-dimensional model is particularly useful because...
Airborne microorganisms fluctuations over the gulf of Gdańsk coastal zone (Southern Baltic)
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki kilkuletnich badań (1998-2002) mikrobiologicznych powietrza w rejonie Zatoki Gdańskiej. Pomiary obejmowały oznaczanie ogólnej liczby bakterii mezofilnych i psychrofilnych oraz zarodników grzybów pleśniowych.
Stability Assessment of Coastal Cliffs Incorporating Laser Scanning Technology and a Numerical Analysis
PublikacjaWe investigated the cli coast in Jastrzebia Gora, Poland. The measurements that were taken between 2014 and 2018 by applying terrestrial, mobile, and airborne laser scanning describe a huge geometric modification involving dislocations in a 2.5 m range. Dierential maps and a volumetric change analysis made it possible to identify the most deformed cli’s location. Part of the monitoring of coastal change involved the measurement...
Comparison of direct and inverse methods of satellite observations downscaling for the coastal zone area
PublikacjaThe Earth observation satellite imaging systems have known limitations, especially regarding their spatial and temporal resolution. Therefore, approaches which aim to combine data retrieved from sensors of higher temporal and lower spatial resolution with the data characterized by lower temporal but higher spatial resolution are of high interest. This allows for joint utilization of the advantages of both these types of sensors....
Public Participation practice versus economic pressure: transformation of the Gdansk Coastal Strip
PublikacjaThe paper focuses on the issue of public participation in the areas that are particularly sensitive to the transformation processes based on the case study of Gdańsk Coastal Strip. Moreover the article presents the outcome of an innovative attempt at promotion of public participation introduced in university education that was built on the experiences gathered during elaboration of the pro publico bono project of the Coastal Strip...
The Sea And The Beach As Composition Elements Of The Coastal Gardens In West Prussia In The 19th Century
PublikacjaThe melancholic and changeable character of the Baltic Sea has often been used in the painting of the romantic period. The sea and its beaches were also an important composition element as well as a supplement of Baltic coastal gardens which were founded in West Prussia in the 19th century. Gardens set up on the coast used various moods of nature, as well as extensive and beautiful sea landscapes, often leading to nostalgia. The...
Aspects of pollution in Gdansk and gdynia Harbours at the coastal zone of the South Baltic Sea
PublikacjaOrganotin compounds (OTC), as well as metals, are toxic to many organisms. Even at very low concentrations OTC and metals can have several negative effects. The paper discusses key issues relating to the location of harbours in the coastal zone (including near the river mouths and semi-closed access to the sea) and the pollution of harbour sediments with heavy metals (e.g. zinc, copper, nickel and lead) and organotin derivatives...
Using EO satellite data in Safe City and Coastal Zone web-GIS
PublikacjaThe paper presents a novel design of a web-based Safe City & Coastal Zone GIS (SCCZ-GIS) which integrates data acquired from different remote sensing and geospatial data sources for monitoring the security of the coastal zone, its inhabitants and Critical Infrastructure. The system utilizes several innovative technologies and directly co-operates with different remote sensing data sources and services, like a satellite ground station...
Nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in coastal aquifers in Puck municipality area (northern Poland)
Publikacja1. Groundwater study shows local variations in chemical composition of selected aquifers caused by human impact The diversity is mainly manifested in • time variation of groundwater chemical composition of all analyzed parameters especially in shallow aquifers (Q1) • relationship between t he ground water chemical composition and depth of the aquifer where an inverse concentration distribution occurs higher concentrations are observed...
Bringing Bathymetry LiDAR to Coastal Zone Assessment: A Case Study in the Southern Baltic
PublikacjaOne of the major tasks in environmental protection is monitoring the coast for negative impacts due to climate change and anthropopressure. Remote sensing techniques are often used in studies of impact assessment. Topographic and bathymetric procedures are treated as separate measurement methods, while methods that combine coastal zone analysis with underwater impacts are rarely used in geotechnical analyses. This study presents...
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Hydraulic loss coefficients in 1D Flows
PublikacjaWyniki pomiarów pokazują, że współczynniki strat energii mechanicznej dla przepływów niejednostajnych i nieustalonych przyjmują wartości zdecydowanie większe, niż tradycyjnie przyjmowane dla ruchu jednostajnego. W pracy przedstawiono ananizę możliwych przypadków ruchu oraz wyniki obserwacji laboratoryjnych.Wykazano, że wzrost wartości współczynników jest uzasadniony fizykalnie.Zaproponowano robocza metodą ich korygowania.
The biotic and abiotic mercury at the coastal zone of Gulf of Gdańsk
Dane BadawczeConcentration of neurotoxin Hg (mercury) was determined monthly form 01.2012 to 05.2013 (total and suspended) in the surface microlayer and the surface water as well as in: phytoplankton, zooplankton, epilithon, epifithon, phytobenthos (macroalgae and angiosperms), zoobenthos, and in the sediment. The study was conducted in the coastal zone of the Puck...
The site at the cape Zidine in Lopar in the context of coastal residential and commercial complexes of Rab Island
PublikacjaSince 2013, the “Archaeological topography of the island of Rab” project has approached the island’s archaeology holistically and interdisciplinary, tackling all periods and archaeological evidence present on the island. Nevertheless, mostly due to a large amount of new data, a significant segment of research is devoted to Roman residential and production complexes, located either in the island’s fields or along the coast. Thus,...
Seasonal variation in accumulation of mercury in the benthic macrofauna in a temperate coastal zone (Gulf of Gdańsk)
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Mercury in marine fish, mammals, seabirds, and human hair in the coastal zone of the southern Baltic