Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: EMI PREDICTION - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: EMI PREDICTION

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: EMI PREDICTION

  • Prediction of Deflagrative Explosions in Variety of Closed Vessels

    • W. Rudy
    • A. Pekalski
    • D. Makarov
    • A. Teodorczyk
    • V. Molkov

    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

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  • Dynamic Bankruptcy Prediction Models for European Enterprises

    This manuscript is devoted to the issue of forecasting corporate bankruptcy. Determining a firm’s bankruptcy risk is one of the most interesting topics for investors and decision-makers. The aim of the paper is to develop and to evaluate dynamic bankruptcy prediction models for European enterprises. To conduct this objective, four forecasting models are developed with the use of four different methods—fuzzy sets, recurrent and...

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  • Prediction of coking dynamics for wet coal charge


    - Chemical and Process Engineering : New Frontiers - Rok 2015

    A one-dimensional transient mathematical model describing thermal and flow phenomena during coal coking in an oven chamber was studied in the paper. It also accounts for heat conduction in the ceramic oven wall when assuming a constant temperature at the heating channel side. The model was solved numerically using partly implicit methods for gas flow and heat transfer problems. The histories of temperature, gas evolution and internal...

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  • Ship Resistance Prediction with Artificial Neural Networks


    - Rok 2015

    The paper is dedicated to a new method of ship’s resistance prediction using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). In the initial stage selected ships parameters are prepared to be used as a training and validation sets. Next step is to verify several network structures and to determine parameters with the highest influence on the result resistance. Finally, other parameters expected to impact the resistance are proposed. The research utilizes...

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  • A Stand for Measurement and Prediction of Scattering Properties of Diffusers


    In this paper we present a set of solutions which may be used for prototyping and simulation of acoustic scattering devices. A system proposed is capable of measuring sound field. Also a way to use an open source solution for simulation of scattering phenomena occurring in proximity of acoustic diffusers is shown. The result of our work are measurement procedure and a prototype of the simulation script based on FEniCS - an open source...

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  • On Bayesian Tracking and Prediction of Radar Cross Section

    We consider the problem of Bayesian tracking of radar cross section. The adopted observation model employs the gamma family, which covers all Swerling cases in a unified framework. State dynamics are modeled using a nonstationary autoregressive gamma process. The principal component of the proposed solution is a nontrivial gamma approximation, applied during the time update recursion. The superior performance of the proposed approach...

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  • Akaike's final prediction error criterion revisited


    When local identification of a nonstationary ARX system is carried out, two important decisions must be taken. First, one should decide upon the number of estimated parameters, i.e., on the model order. Second, one should choose the appropriate estimation bandwidth, related to the (effective) number of input-output data samples that will be used for identification/ tracking purposes. Failure to make the right decisions results...

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  • Creep failure prediction of pipelines in elevated temperature


    W pracy omówiono zastoswanie modelu konstytutytwnego pełzania pozwalającego na analizę trwałości metalowych ruruciągów pracujących w wysokich temperaturach. Zaprezentowano wyniki obliczeń opartych na metodzie elementów skończonych (MES) wykonanych z wykorzystaniem procedur użytkownika w komercyjnym programie MES. Porównano wyniki dla dwóch typów 4-węzłowych elementów powłokowych.

  • Pitch etection enhancement employing music prediction.


    - Rok 2005

    W artykule przedstawiono przegląd metod detekcji częstotliwości podstawowej we frazach muzycznych. Wskazano też główne problemy występujące w procesie estymacji dźwięków muzycznych. W celu zmniejszenia błędów oktawowych zaproponowano uwzględnienie w systemie predyktora neuronalnego. Opracowana przez Autorów metoda predykcji zdarzeń muzycznych wykorzystywana jest jako moduł wspomagający pracę systemu. Proponowane podejście pozwala...

  • Prediction of Weld Deformations by Numerical Methods - Review


    The welding process is the basic technique of joining in the shipbuilding industry. This method generates welding distortions that cause a lot of problems during the manufacturing process due to both the time and cost of straightening as well as their influence on later stages of production. Proper preparation of welding processes plays a growing role in the shipbuilding industry and the development of calculating tools is being...

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  • Akademia ETI : Cztery lata współpracy Wydziału ETI ze szkołami ponadgimnazjalnymi regionu


    - Rok 2012

    Sprawozdanie z pierwszych czterech lat istnienia Akademii ETI (2008-2012).

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  • Motor Cable Influence on the Conducted EMI Emission of the Converter Fed AC Motor Drive. - Vol. 1


    - Rok 2011

    Investigation of conducted electromagnetic interference in AC motor drives fed by pulse width modulated voltage converters requires considering parasitic capacitances in converters, motor windings and feeding cables to be taken into account. Motor voltage transients and related conducted electromagnetic emission are significantly correlated with resonance effects occurring in load circuits. The levels of intensity of these phenomena...

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  • Animal Production Science


    ISSN: 1836-0939 , eISSN: 1836-5787



    ISSN: 0301-6226



    ISSN: 1064-668X

  • Production and Manufacturing Research


    eISSN: 2169-3277

  • Machinery and Production Engineering


    ISSN: 0024-919X



    ISSN: 0953-7287 , eISSN: 1366-5871



    ISSN: 1059-1478 , eISSN: 1937-5956



    ISSN: 1343-943X , eISSN: 1349-1008

  • Animal Production Research


    ISSN: 2252-0872 , eISSN: 2538-6107

  • SPE Production & Operations


    ISSN: 1930-1855 , eISSN: 1930-1863

  • Drugie Igrzyska Akademii ETI


    W sobotę 2 lutego 2013 r. odbyły się drugie Igrzyska Akademii ETI zorganizowane przez Wydział Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej dla uczniów szkół ponadgimnazjalnych regionu. Celem Igrzysk było zwiększenie zainteresowania informatyką młodzieży szkół ponadgimanzjalnych i promocja studiów na Wydziale ETI PG. W tegorocznych Igrzyskach udział wzięli uczniowie z 7 szkół województwa pomorskiego.

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  • Theoretical pKa prediction of O-phosphoserine in aqueous solution


    Sprawdzono zdolność modelu polaryzowalnego kontinuum (PCM) do przewidywania wartości pKa w roztworze wodnym dla O-fosfoseryny (P-Ser). Obliczenia przeprowadzono w ramach teorii funkcjonału gęstości (DFT) przy użyciu funkcjonałów B3LYP i M06-2X oraz baz 6-31+G(d) and 6-31+G(d,p). Obliczenia na poziomie B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) przy użyciu modelu solwatacji SMD zapewniają doskonałą zgodność z doświadczeniem, pod warunkiem uwzględnienia...

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  • Quality prediction of foil capacitors by acoustic emission signals


    - Rok 2010

    Jakość i trwałość kondensatorów foliowych jest zależna od ich warunków pracy (np. nadmiarowego napięcia pracy, temperatury, wilgotności) oraz od potencjalnych defektów wprowadzonych na różnych etapach wytwarzania kondensatorów. Nieustanny nacisk na wzrost jakości wytwarzanych elementów przy jednoczesnej redukcji kosztów wytwarzania oznacza, że nowe, tanie i szybkie metody predykcji jakości tych elementów są mocno poszukiwane. W...

  • Consumer Bankruptcy Prediction Using Balanced and Imbalanced Data


    - Risks - Rok 2022

    This paper examines the usefulness of logit regression in forecasting the consumer bankruptcy of households using an imbalanced dataset. The research on consumer bankruptcy prediction is of paramount importance as it aims to build statistical models that can identify consumers in a difficult financial situation that may lead to consumer bankruptcy. In the face of the current global pandemic crisis, the future of household finances...

  • Personal bankruptcy prediction using machine learning techniques


    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Tool Wear Prediction in Single-Sided Lapping Process


    - Machines - Rok 2020

    Single-sided lapping is one of the most effective planarization technologies. The process has relatively complex kinematics and it is determined by a number of inputs parameters. It has been noted that prediction of the tool wear during the process is critical for product quality control. To determine the profile wear of the lapping plate, a computer model which simulates abrasive grains trajectories was developed in MATLAB. Moreover,...

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  • Vibro piles performance prediction using result of CPT

    Vibro piles belong to the group of full displacement piles with an expanded base, characterised by a very high load capacity, especially in non-cohesive soils. The problem is to adopt a reliable method for the determination of full load–settlement (Q–s) curve. A frequent difficulty is the determination of the load capacity limit based on the static load test because the course of the load–settlement curve is of a linear nature....

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  • Injury Prediction Models for Onshore Road Network Development

    Integrating different modes of transport (road, rail, air and water) is important for port cities. To accommodate this need, new transport hubs must be built such as airports or sea ports. If ports are to grow, they must be accessible, a feature which is best achieved by building new roads, including fast roads. Poland must develop a network of fast roads that will provide good access to ports. What is equally important is to upgrade...

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  • Intelligent Decision Forest Models for Customer Churn Prediction

    • F. E. Usman-Hamzah
    • A. O. Balogun
    • L. F. Capretz
    • H. A. Mojeed
    • S. Mahamad
    • S. A. Salihu
    • A. G. Akintola
    • S. Basri
    • R. T. Amosa
    • N. K. Salahdeen

    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Rok 2022

    Customer churn is a critical issue impacting enterprises and organizations, particularly in the emerging and highly competitive telecommunications industry. It is important to researchers and industry analysts interested in projecting customer behavior to separate churn from non‐churn consumers. The fundamental incentive is a firm’s intent desire to keep current consumers, along with the exorbitant expense of gaining new ones....

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  • Algorithms for Ship Movement Prediction for Location Data Compression

    Due to safety reasons, the movement of ships on the sea, especially near the coast should be tracked, recorded and stored. However, the amount of vessels which trajectories should be tracked by authorized institutions, often in real time, is usually huge. What is more, many sources of vessels position data (radars, AIS) produces thousands of records describing route of each tracked object, but lots of that records are correlated...

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  • ECG-based prediction of ventricular fibrillation by means of the PCA


    - Rok 2014

    A Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) is a death resulting from cardiac failure with no significant symptoms earlier than one hour before occurrence. It is the cause of for approximately 400000 deaths per year in United States and millions of deaths worldwide. The proposed system, including two-stage algorithm and wearable diagnostic device allows for SCD risk estimation and continuous monitoring of high risk patients. A single channel...

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  • Prediction of ringing frequencies in DC-DC boost converter


    - Rok 2016

    In the paper ringing phenomena in a DC-DC boost converter is presented. The ringing frequency is calculated using an analytical formula. The necessary wide band models of MOSFET transistor, passive and parasitics are described. The calculation results are verified in simulation and laboratory tests.

  • Shales Leaching Modelling for Prediction of Flowback Fluid Composition


    The object of the paper is the prediction of flowback fluid composition at a laboratory scale, for which a new approach is described. The authors define leaching as a flowback fluid generation related to the shale processing. In the first step shale rock was characterized using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, X-ray diractometry and laboratory analysis. It was proven that shale rock samples taken from the selected sections of horizontal...

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  • Mass transfer in Spinning Fluids Reactor — Measurement and prediction

    Specific mass transfer area (a) and overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa) are mass transfer parameters commonly used in the description and comparison of various chemical reactors’ constructions. Determination of these was performed for Spinning Fluids Reactor (SFR). Sodium sulfite oxidation in the presence of cobalt ion catalyst was used for the determination of a and kLa. The a and kLa were successful predicted....

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  • Consumer Bankruptcy Prediction Using Balanced and Imbalanced Data


    - Risks - Rok 2022

    This paper examines the usefulness of logit regression in forecasting the consumer bankruptcy of households using an imbalanced dataset. The research on consumer bankruptcy prediction is of paramount importance as it aims to build statistical models that can identify consumers in a difficult financial situation that may lead to consumer bankruptcy. In the face of the current global pandemic crisis, the future of household finances...

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  • Parametric method of preliminary prediction of the ship operating costs.


    - Rok 2004

    Praca zawiera rezultaty badań dotyczących parametrycznej metody prognozowania kosztów eksploatacji statku - przydatnej w metodyce projektowania wstępnego okrętów. Przedstawiono założenia koncepcyjne i teoretyczne metody, dokonano identyfikacji czynników istotnie wpływających na koszt eksploatacji statku, z uwzględnieniem czasowej wartości pieniądza. Opracowano wzory służące do wyznaczania składników kosztów eksploatacji statku...

  • Parametric method of preliminary prediction of the ship building costs


    - Rok 2005

    Przedstawiono założenia koncepcyjne i teoretyczne metody, opracowano wzory aproksymacyjne służące odpowiednio do wyznaczania jednostkowych kosztów budowy: kadłuba, wyposażenia okrętowego oraz siłowni z układem napędowym. Utylitarny charakter metody zilustrowano przykadami prognoz kosztów budowy czterech różnych typów statków zaprojektowanych w ramach projektu EUREKA BALTECOLOGICALSHIP E!3065.

  • A simple method for prediction of hydrodynamics forces on a pod propulsor


    - Rok 2005

    Referat przedstawia prostą metodę teoretyczną wyznaczania sił hydrodynamicznych na pędniku podowym przy różnych współczynnikach posuwu i kątach dryfu. Metoda jest oparta na elementarnej teorii płatów nośnych i na teorii pędnika idealnego. metoda ta jest podstawą dla programu komputerowego pozwalającego wyznaczać napór, siłę boczną i moment dla pędnika o znanej geometrii i znanych parametrach pracy. Rezultaty obliczeń są porównane...

  • Prediction of the motion stability of three-wheel mobile robot


    W pracy rozważa się projektowanie i realizację trajektorii ruchu 3-kołowego robota mobilnego, z uwzględnieniem jego kinematyki i dynamiki. Kołowe roboty mobilne zaliczane są do układów nieholonomicznych, w przypadku których przyjęte ograniczenia (więzy) dotyczą chwilowych prędkości punktów charakterystycznych układu. Model matematyczny obiektu przedstawiono w postaci skończonej liczby nieliniowych równań różniczkowych kinematyki...

  • Personal bankruptcy prediction using machine learning techniques

    It has become crucial to have an early prediction model that provides accurate assurance for users about the financial situation of consumers. Recent studies have focused on predicting corporate bankruptcies and credit defaults, not personal bankruptcies. Due to this situation, the present study fills the literature gap by comparing different machine learning algorithms to predict personal bankruptcy. The main objective of the...

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  • Systematic Literature Review on Click Through Rate Prediction

    The ability to anticipate whether a user will click on an item is one of the most crucial aspects of operating an e-commerce business, and clickthrough rate prediction is an attempt to provide an answer to this question. Beginning with the simplest multilayer perceptrons and progressing to the most sophisticated attention networks, researchers employ a variety of methods to solve this issue. In this paper, we present the findings...

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  • EMS world


    ISSN: 1946-4967

  • The delocalization of production to Poland


    - Production Engineering Archives - Rok 2019

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  • Nanobiocatalysis for biofuel production

    • F. Khan
    • N. Hussain
    • H. M. Iqbal
    • J. Fernández-Lucas
    • J. Zdarta
    • T. Jesionowski
    • M. Bilal

    - Rok 2023

    The human race is relied on the use of conventional and non-renewable energy resources like fossil fuels for centuries. With the rising environmental issues linked with the use of these conventional energy resources, the trend soon shifted towards more robust and sustainable energy resources. In this regard, the different generations of biofuels have revolutionized the industrial sector by ensuring an eco-friendly and more economical...

  • Harm Reduction Journal


    ISSN: 1477-7517

  • Robust effectiveness behavior of synthesized cobalt doped Prussian blue graphene oxide ferrite against EMI shielding

    • M. Ali
    • A. Aslam
    • T. Zeeshan
    • R. Mubaraka
    • S. Bukhari
    • M. Shoaib
    • M. Amami
    • I. Farhat
    • S. Ahmed
    • J. Abdelhak... i 2 innych


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  • Experimental EMI study of a 3-phase 100kW 1200V Dual Active Bridge Converter using SiC MOSFETs

    • H. Geramirad
    • F. Morel
    • P. Dworakowski
    • P. Camail
    • B. Lefebvre
    • T. Lagier
    • C. Vollaire

    - Rok 2020

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  • EM-Driven Size Reduction and Multi-Criterial Optimization of Broadband Circularly-Polarized Antennas Using Pareto Front Traversing and Design Extrapolation


    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2022

    Maintaining small size has become an important consideration in the design of contemporary antenna structures. In the case of broadband circularly polarized (CP) antennas, miniaturization is a challenging process due to the necessity of simultaneous handling of electrical and field properties (reflection, axial ratio, gain), as well as ensuring sufficient frequency range of operation, especially at the lower edge of the antenna...

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