Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: POVIATS
Cut-off points for Polish-language versions of depression screening tools among patients with Type 2 diabetes
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Metoda Historycznych Kodów Przestrzennych w diagnozie stanu ochrony krajobrazu w aspekcie planowania przestrzennego na przykładzie powiatu poznańskiego
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Novel Vision Monitoring Method Based on Multi Light Points for Space-Time Analysis of Overhead Contact Line Displacements
PublikacjaThe article presents an innovative vision monitoring method of overhead contact line (OCL) displacement, which utilizes a set of LED light points installed along it. A light point is an, LED fed from a battery. Displacements of the LED points, recorded by a camera, are interpreted as a change of OCL shape in time and space. The vision system comprises a camera, properly situated with respect to the OCL, which is capable of capturing...
Accidents, victims and risk levels on regional roads in pomorskie voivodeship, 2019 - Poviat areas
Dane BadawczeData contain the number of accidents, victims, accident costs divided on poviat areas (16 areas) on regional roads (voivodeship roads) in pomorskie voivodeship in 2019. Measures used to assess the level of social risk are (5 classes low, low to medium, medium, medium to high, high):
Zagrożenia oraz bariery w rozwoju społeczno-ekonomicznym jednostki samorządu terytorialnego - na przykładzie wybranej gminy na terenie powiatu kwidzyńskiego
PublikacjaArtykuł jest (częściowym) wynikiem badań (ilościowych i jakościowych) prowadzonych w 2017 r. na terenie jednej z gmin powiatu kwidzyńskiego (woj. pomorskie). Skupiam się tu na wynikach i opisie badań nad barierami oraz zagrożeniami w rozwoju społ.-ekonomicznym. Badania pokazują, iż występuje wiele barier, w różnych obszarach życia społeczno-ekonomicznego gminy, które powinny być redukowane...
Reducing the number of periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of a self-map of a simply-connected manifold with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers
PublikacjaLet f be a smooth self-map of an m-dimensional (m >3) closed connected and simply-connected manifold such that the sequence of the Lefschetz num- bers of its iterations is periodic. For a fixed natural r we wish to minimize, in the smooth homotopy class, the number of periodic points with periods less than or equal to r. The resulting number is given by a topological invariant J[f] which is defned in combinatorial terms and is...
Algebraic periods and minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of 1-connected 4-manifolds with definite intersection forms
PublikacjaLet M be a closed 1-connected smooth 4-manifolds, and let r be a non-negative integer. We study the problem of finding minimal number of r-periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of a given map f: M-->M. This task is related to determining a topological invariant D^4_r[f], defined in Graff and Jezierski (Forum Math 21(3):491–509, 2009), expressed in terms of Lefschetz numbers of iterations and local fixed point indices of...
The influence of the grid density of measurement points on damage detection in an isotropic plate by the use of elastic waves and laser scanning Doppler vibrometry
PublikacjaDamage detection in structural components, especially in mechanical engineering, is an 2 important element of engineering practice. There are many methods of damage detection, in which 3 changes in various parameters caused by the presence of damage are analysed. Recently, methods 4 based on the analysis of changes in dynamic parameters of structures, i.e. frequencies or mode shapes 5 of natural vibrations, as well as changes in...
Minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of simply-connected manifolds
Dane BadawczeThe problem of finding the minimal number of periodic points in a given class of self-maps of a space is one of the central questions in periodic point theory. We consider a closed smooth connected and simply-connected manifold of dimension at least 4 and its self-map f. The topological invariant D_r[f] is equal to the minimal number of r-periodic points...
Karol Grębowski dr inż.
OsobyKarol Grębowski (dr inż.) pracuje jako adiunkt w Katedrze Technicznych Podstaw Projektowania Architektonicznego na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jego badania naukowe dotyczą zjawisk szybkozmiennych zachodzących podczas drgań konstrukcji budowlanych, obiektów mostowych (trzęsienia ziemi) oraz badania w zakresie metodologii projektowania budynków stanowiących system ochrony pasywnej (SOP) odpornych na uderzenia pojazdów...
Estimates for minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of simply-connected manifolds
Dane BadawczeWe consider a closed smooth connected and simply-connected manifold of dimension at least 4 and its self-map f. The topological invariant Dr[f] is equal to the minimal number of r-periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of f. We assume that r is odd and all coefficients b(k) of so-called periodic expansion of Lefschetz numbers of iterations are...
Robert Hirsch dr hab. inż. arch.
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Parameters of land reference points in the Gdynia region and the Free-air anomaly grid of the South Baltic
Dane BadawczeThe data was registered during the campaign to verify the catalog value of the absolute point coordinates [point 5403 (POLREF-GORA DONAS)] of the national gravimetric control network. The data was recorded in two three-hour stationary measurement campaigns at the following points: Rozewie of the EUREF-POL network, Góra Donas POLREF, and mareograph points...
Justyna Płotka-Wasylka dr hab. inż.
OsobyUrodziła się w Słupsku (24.03.1986).W 2005 roku ukończyła I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Jana II Sobieskiego w Wejherowie i rozpoczęła studia na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej. Po ich ukończeniu w 2010 rozpoczęła pracę naukową na tej uczelni, uzyskując w 2014 roku stopień doktora nauk chemicznych. Tematem jej rozprawy doktorskiej, wykonywanej pod kierunkiem prof. Marka Biziuka oraz dr Caluma Morrisona (Uniwersytet w...
Data points of structures of R1233zd(E) flowing in a circular minichannel at low, medium and high values of saturation pressure
Dane BadawczeDatabase present structures of two-phase flow of R1233zd(E) in 3 mm vertical channel. Database contains datapoints which contain information of reduced pressure (ratio of saturation pressure and critical pressure), quality and mass velocity. 4 two phase structures are distinguished: bubbly flow, slug flow, intermittent flow and annular flow.
Katarzyna Kołecka dr hab. inż.
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Does source matter? Generation of investment expenditures by different types of local government revenues
PublikacjaThe purpose of the article was to investigate the impact of the three fundamental statutory categories of budget revenues, i.e. own revenues, general subsidies and specific grants on the size of investments made by local government units in Poland. The subject scope included the local government subsector in its entirety, as well as divided into 4 groups: communes (gminas), cities with powiat rights, districts (powiats) and province...
System wynagradzania nauczycieli w Polsce – skutki dla lokalnych budżetów
PublikacjaArtykuł podejmuje problematykę systemu wynagradzania nauczycieli w Polsce. W pierwszej części przedstawiono oświatę jako zadanie publiczne polskich gmin, powiatów i województw oraz miast na prawach powiatu, które wypełniają zadania zarówno gmin, jak i powiatów. W kolejnej części omówiono kryteria (zwłaszcza dotyczące nauczycieli) podziału części oświatowej subwencji ogólnej z budżetu państwa pomiędzy jednostki samorządu terytorialnego....
Strategie miast powiatowych na obszarze peryferyjnym województwa pomorskiego.
PublikacjaArtykuł nawiązuje do badań problemów rozwoju obszarów peryferyjnych (czyli poza obszarami metropolitalnymi) prowadzonych przez autora od 2009 r. Postawił on hipotezę, że rozwój miast powiatowych może zaktywizować gospodarczo ich otoczenie. W 2013 r. zbadał czynniki rozwojowe wskazane w planach strategicznych miast powiatowych na obszarze peryferyjnym województwa pomorskiego, obecnie - strategie tych miast w części dotyczącej rozwoju...
Highlighting interlanguage phoneme differences based on similarity matrices and convolutional neural network
PublikacjaThe goal of this research is to find a way of highlighting the acoustic differences between consonant phonemes of the Polish and Lithuanian languages. For this purpose, similarity matrices are employed based on speech acoustic parameters combined with a convolutional neural network (CNN). In the first experiment, we compare the effectiveness of the similarity matrices applied to discerning acoustic differences between consonant...
PublikacjaThe Lombard effect is an involuntary increase in the speaker’s pitch, intensity, and duration in the presence of noise. It makes it possible to communicate in noisy environments more effectively. This study aims to investigate an efficient method for detecting the Lombard effect in uttered speech. The influence of interfering noise, room type, and the gender of the person on the detection process is examined. First, acoustic parameters...
Applying the Lombard Effect to Speech-in-Noise Communication
PublikacjaThis study explored how the Lombard effect, a natural or artificial increase in speech loudness in noisy environments, can improve speech-in-noise communication. This study consisted of several experiments that measured the impact of different types of noise on synthesizing the Lombard effect. The main steps were as follows: first, a dataset of speech samples with and without the Lombard effect was collected in a controlled setting;...
Investigating Noise Interference on Speech Towards Applying the Lombard Effect Automatically
PublikacjaThe aim of this study is two-fold. First, we perform a series of experiments to examine the interference of different noises on speech processing. For that purpose, we concentrate on the Lombard effect, an involuntary tendency to raise speech level in the presence of background noise. Then, we apply this knowledge to detecting speech with the Lombard effect. This is for preparing a dataset for training a machine learning-based...
Minimal number of periodic points with the periods less or equal to r in the smooth homotopy class of simply-connected manifolds of dimension 4 and homology groups with the sum of ranks less or equal to10
Dane BadawczeAn important problem in periodic point theory is minimization of the number of periodic points with periods <= r in a given class of self-maps of a space. A closed smooth and simply-connected manifolds of dimension 4 and its self-maps f with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers are considered. The topological invariant Jr[f] is equal to the minimal...
Minimal number of periodic points with the periods less or equal to r in the smooth homotopy class of simply-connected manifolds of dimension 6 and homology groups with the sum of ranks less or equal to10
Dane BadawczeAn important problem in periodic point theory is minimization of the number of periodic points with periods <= r in a given class of self-maps of a space. A closed smooth and simply-connected manifolds of dimension 6 and its self-maps f with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers are considered. The topological invariant Jr[f] is equal to the minimal...
Minimal number of periodic points with the periods less or equal to r in the smooth homotopy class of simply-connected manifolds of dimension 5 and homology groups with the sum of ranks less or equal to10
Dane BadawczeAn important problem in periodic point theory is minimization of the number of periodic points with periods <= r in a given class of self-maps of a space. A closed smooth and simply-connected manifolds of dimension 5 and its self-maps f with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers are considered. The topological invariant Jr[f] is equal to the minimal...
Minimal number of periodic points with the periods less or equal to r in the smooth homotopy class of simply-connected manifolds of dimension 8 and homology groups with the sum of ranks less or equal to 10
Dane BadawczeAn important problem in periodic point theory is minimization of the number of periodic points with periods <= r in a given class of self-maps of a space. A closed smooth and simply-connected manifolds of dimension 8 and its self-maps f with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers are considered. The topological invariant Jr[f] is equal to the minimal...
Minimal number of periodic points with the periods less or equal to r in the smooth homotopy class of simply-connected manifolds of dimension 7 and homology groups with the sum of ranks less or equal to10
Dane BadawczeAn important problem in periodic point theory is minimization of the number of periodic points with periods <= r in a given class of self-maps of a space. A closed smooth and simply-connected manifolds of dimension 7 and its self-maps f with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers are considered. The topological invariant Jr[f] is equal to the minimal...
Anna Sobieraj-Żłobińska dr inż.
OsobyAnna Sobieraj-Żłobińska (ur. 1977 w Przasnyszu) ukończyła Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Przasnyszu. Od 1996 kontynuowała naukę na Wydziale Geodezji i Gospodarki Przestrzennej na Akademii Rolniczo-Technicznej im. Michała Oczapowskiego w Olsztynie. W 2001 zdobyła tytuł magistra inżyniera na Uniwersytecie Warmińsko-Mazurskim w Olsztynie (temat pracy dyplomowej „Określenie modelu regresji wielokrotnej do...
Analysis of 2D Feature Spaces for Deep Learning-based Speech Recognition
Publikacjaconvolutional neural network (CNN) which is a class of deep, feed-forward artificial neural network. We decided to analyze audio signal feature maps, namely spectrograms, linear and Mel-scale cepstrograms, and chromagrams. The choice was made upon the fact that CNN performs well in 2D data-oriented processing contexts. Feature maps were employed in the Lithuanian word recognition task. The spectral analysis led to the highest word...
Investigating Feature Spaces for Isolated Word Recognition
PublikacjaMuch attention is given by researchers to the speech processing task in automatic speech recognition (ASR) over the past decades. The study addresses the issue related to the investigation of the appropriateness of a two-dimensional representation of speech feature spaces for speech recognition tasks based on deep learning techniques. The approach combines Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and timefrequency signal representation...
Investigating Feature Spaces for Isolated Word Recognition
PublikacjaThe study addresses the issues related to the appropriateness of a two-dimensional representation of speech signal for speech recognition tasks based on deep learning techniques. The approach combines Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and time-frequency signal representation converted to the investigated feature spaces. In particular, waveforms and fractal dimension features of the signal were chosen for the time domain, and...
Analiza przestrzenna branży transportu lądowego w Polsce
PublikacjaCelem opracowania było określenie zróżnicowania rozkładu przestrzennego branży transportu lądowego w Polsce oraz czynników wpływających na jej rozmiary. Analizę przeprowadzono na szczeblu wojewódzkim oraz powiatowym, na podstawie danych za lata 2009 i 2012. Wykorzystano analizę lokalizacji, obliczono i zinterpretowano autokorelację przestrzenną, skontruowano i oszacowano także model regresji przestrzennej. Stwierdzono, że na szczeblu...
Paweł Bykowski dr
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Gdańsk 2019 Jana z Kolna street - video data
Dane BadawczeGdańsk 2019 Jana z Kolna street - video data
Measurement file of stainless stell shaft LSS1 and LSS2 with diameter 95,995 with 3d measurment device
Dane Badawcze3d point cloud consist of measured points on new stainless steel shaft used during testing hydrodynamic journal PEEK bearing.
The Use of Free Adjustment and Msplit-Estimation for Determination of the Vertical Displacements in Unstable Reference System
PublikacjaThe problem of the determining of the displacements of engineering objects and their surroundings is the current and important issue in the field of engineering geodesy. Most control measurements are made in relation to reference points (stable points). On the other hand, sometimes it happens that it is not possible perform the measurements with reference to the stable points or identification of stable points is difficult. Therefore,...
The analysis of the accuracy of spatial models using photogrammetric software: Agisoft Photoscan and Pix4D
PublikacjaThis article was created as a result of research conducted within the master thesis. The purpose of the measurements was to analyze the accuracy of the positioning of points by computer programs. Selected software was a specialized computer software dedicated to photogrammetric work. For comparative purposes it was decided to use tools with similar functionality. As the basic parameters that affect the results selected the resolution...
Electronics for Mechanical Engineering (2023)
Kursy OnlineName of the course: Electronics (M:32011W0)Specialization: Design and Production Engineering (WM), 1st degree - bachelor/eng., stationary, 2018/2019 - winter semester (currently sem. 4) Number of hours: 30hECTS points: 2 Teacher (lecture/laboratories): Piotr Kurgan
Terrestrial Laser Scan and Survey Images - 3D Model - Submarine Kobben - Canon - Reigl
Dane BadawczeDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric and terresttial laser scaning survey. Object: Submarine Kobben - decomisionedLocation: Gdynia, Pomorskie, PolandDrone type: n/a (Teresstrial images)Flight plan: Free - walk arround the objectTarget Product: 3D ModelDate: 05.07.2017Direct georeferencing: noMetadata data: NoGCP: N0 - some targets on...
A Study of Cross-Linguistic Speech Emotion Recognition Based on 2D Feature Spaces
PublikacjaIn this research, a study of cross-linguistic speech emotion recognition is performed. For this purpose, emotional data of different languages (English, Lithuanian, German, Spanish, Serbian, and Polish) are collected, resulting in a cross-linguistic speech emotion dataset with the size of more than 10.000 emotional utterances. Despite the bi-modal character of the databases gathered, our focus is on the acoustic representation...
The geodetic monitoring of the engineering structure – a practical solution of the problem in 3D space
PublikacjaThe study raises the issues concerning the automatic system designed for the monitoring of movement of controlled points, located on the roof covering of the Forest Opera in Sopot. It presents the calculation algorithm proposed by authors. It takes into account the specific design and location of the test object. High forest stand makes it difficult to use distant reference points. Hence the reference points used to study the stability...
Reduced-cost surrogate modeling of input characteristics and design optimization of dual-band antennas using response features
PublikacjaIn this article, a procedure for low-cost surrogate modeling of input characteristics of dual-band antennas has been discussed. The number of training data required for construction of an accurate model has been reduced by representing the antenna reflection response to the level of suitably defined feature points. The points are allocated to capture the critical features of the reflection characteristic, such as the frequencies...
A Simulative Comparison of Ship Domains and Their Polygonal Approximations
PublikacjaThe paper investigates the impact of a precise ship domain shape on the size of collision avoidance manoeuvres. The considered collision avoidance manoeuvres include both course and speed alterations. Various ship domains are compared with their polygonal approximations, which vary in the number of points of a domain contour and placement of these points. The best of all considered approximations is determined in the course of...
An Enhanced Reduced Basis Method for Wideband Finite Element Method Simulations
PublikacjaIn this paper, we present a novel strategy for selecting expansion points in the reduced basis method. A single computation of the error estimator is used to select a few expansion points in the multi-parameter space simultaneously. The number of selected points is determined adaptively, based on the accuracy of the current reduced model. The reliability and efficiency of this proposed approach are illustrated by numerical tests...
Accuracy Analysis of Determination the Vertical Displacements in Unstable Reference System
PublikacjaMeasurements of horizontal and vertical displacements are carried out mostly based on reference points identified as fixed. In surveying practice there may be some situations in which there is not possible to perform the measurements with reference to stable points or the difficulties in identification of points’ stability may arise. Accuracy analysis based on the covariance matrices have a special role in this process. In presented...
Global Trends 2024-25
Kursy OnlineThe course will discuss the main trands of the global economy in the 21st century. It will focus on the most relevant dynamics of the world econoy considering both the most important countries (USA, EU, China, Russia, etc.) and the key economic actors, the big firms as well as the multinationals. Tis approach should permit to consider different points of vew, including the world of workers in the advanced economies as well as in...
Paweł Wysocki dr inż.
OsobyW roku 1995 zdał maturę i ukończył Technikum Elektroniczne w Zespole Szkół Technicznych w Suwałkach. Następnie studiował na kierunku Geodezja i Kartografia w zakresie geodezji i systemów informacji przestrzennej na Uniwersytecie Warmińsko-Mazurskim w Olsztynie, gdzie w 2001 roku obronił dyplom magisterski. Tam też ukończył studia podyplomowe w zakresie szacowania nieruchomości. Od 2001 roku był uczestnikiem dziennych studiów doktoranckich...
A non-linear direct peridynamics plate theory
PublikacjaIn this paper a direct non-local peridynamics theory for thin plates is developed. Peridynamic points are assumed to behave like rigid bodies with independent translation and finite rotation degrees of freedom. The non-local mechanical interaction between points is characterized by force and moment vectors. The balance equations including the linear momentum, the angular momentum and the energy are presented. Peridynamic deformation...
Shoreline Extraction Based on LiDAR Data Obtained Using an USV
PublikacjaThis article explores the use of Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) derived point clouds to extract the shoreline of the Lake Kłodno (Poland), based on their geometry properties. The data collection was performed using the Velodyne VLP‐16 laser scanner, which was mounted on the HydroDron Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV). A modified version of the shoreline extraction method proposed by Xu et al. was employed, comprising of the following...