Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: kategoryzacja wikipedii - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: kategoryzacja wikipedii

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: kategoryzacja wikipedii

  • Towards Increasing Density of Relations in Category Graphs


    In the chapter we propose methods for identifying new associations between Wikipedia categories. The first method is based on Bag-of-Words (BOW) representation of Wikipedia articles. Using similarity of the articles belonging to different categories allows to calculate the information about categories similarity. The second method is based on average scores given to categories while categorizing documents by our dedicated score-based...

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  • Elgold partial: Automotive blogs

    Dane Badawcze

    The dataset contains 34 English texts scrapped from automotive blogs. In each text, the named entities are marked. Each name entity is linked to the corresponding Wikipedia if possible. All entities were manually verified by at least three people, which makes the dataset a high-quality gold standard for the evaluation of named entity recognition and...

  • Elgold partial: Movie reviews

    Dane Badawcze

    The dataset contains 37 English texts with movie reviews. In each text, the named entities are marked. Each name entity is linked to the corresponding Wikipedia if possible. All entities were manually verified by at least three people, which makes the dataset a high-quality gold standard for the evaluation of named entity recognition and linking algorithms.

  • Elgold partial: Job offers

    Dane Badawcze

    The dataset contains 34 English texts scrapped from the web portals offering job offers. In each text, the named entities are marked. Each name entity is linked to the corresponding Wikipedia if possible. All entities were manually verified by at least three people, which makes the dataset a high-quality gold standard for the evaluation of named entity...

  • Elgold partial: Scientific papers' abstracts

    Dane Badawcze

    The dataset contains 87 Scientific papers' abstracts in English randomly chosen from the folowing scientific disciplines: Biomedicine, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Medicine, Science, Humanities, Social Science.

  • Elgold partial: Amazon product reviews

    Dane Badawcze

    The dataset contains 34 Amazon product reviews in English. In each text, the named entities are marked. Each name entity is linked to the corresponding Wikipedia if possible. All entities were manually verified by at least three people, which makes the dataset a high-quality gold standard for the evaluation of named entity recognition and linking algorithms.

  • Elgold partial: History blogs

    Dane Badawcze

    The dataset contains 13 texts from English history blogs. In each text, the named entities are marked. Each name entity is linked to the corresponding Wikipedia if possible. All entities were manually verified by at least three people, which makes the dataset a high-quality gold standard for the evaluation of named entity recognition and linking algorithms.

  • Elgold intermediate: verified by verification team

    Dane Badawcze

    The dataset contains the texts from Elgold intermediate: annotated raw additionaly verified by the five-person verification team.  arly 25% of the mentions were corrected in some aspect.

  • Usługa oraz model dekompozycji - teoretyczne podstawy usługowego zarządzania organizacją wsparcia IT


    - Rok 2009

    Rozdział omawia fundamentalne dla usługowego modelu zarządzania organizacją IT pojęcie usługi. Opisuje podstawowe typy jej atrybutów oraz wprowadza funkcję wyróżniającą wykorzystaną do kategoryzacji usług. W dalszej części ukazany jest ogólny model dekompozycji usługi i jego wersję bazującą na ograniczeniach implementacji modelu w CMDB. Publikacja podsumowuje otrzymane wyniki i wskazuje dalsze kierunki badań dotyczące w szczególności...

  • Review on Wikification methods


    - AI COMMUNICATIONS - Rok 2019

    The paper reviews methods on automatic annotation of texts with Wikipedia entries. The process, called Wikification aims at building references between concepts identified in the text and Wikipedia articles. Wikification finds many applications, especially in text representation, where it enables one to capture the semantic similarity of the documents. Also, it can be considered as automatic tagging of the text. We describe typical...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Evaluation of Path Based Methods for Conceptual Representation of the Text


    Typical text clustering methods use the bag of words (BoW) representation to describe content of documents. However, this method is known to have several limitations. Employing Wikipedia as the lexical knowledge base has shown an improvement of the text representation for data-mining purposes. Promising extensions of that trend employ hierarchical organization of Wikipedia category system. In this paper we propose three path-based...

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  • Towards Facts Extraction From Texts in Polish Language

    The Polish language differs from English in many ways. It has more complicated conjugation and declination. Because of that automatic facts extraction from texts is difficult. In this paper we present basic differences between those languages. The paper presents an algorithm for extraction of facts from articles from Polish Wikipedia. The algorithm is based on 7 proposed facts schemes that are searched for in the analyzed text....

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Dynamic Semantic Visual Information Management


    - Rok 2010

    Dominant Internet search engines use keywords and therefore are not suited for exploration of new domains of knowledge, when the user does not know specific vocabulary. Browsing through articles in a large encyclopedia, each presenting a small fragment of knowledge, it is hard to map the whole domain, see relevant concepts and their relations. In Wikipedia for example some highly relevant articles are not linked with each other....

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Selecting Features with SVM


    A common problem with feature selection is to establish how many features should be retained at least so that important information is not lost. We describe a method for choosing this number that makes use of Support Vector Machines. The method is based on controlling an angle by which the decision hyperplane is tilt due to feature selection. Experiments were performed on three text datasets generated from a Wikipedia dump. Amount...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Wordventure - cooperative wordnet editor. Architecture for lexical semantic aquisition


    - Rok 2009

    This article presents architecture for acquiring lexical semanticsin a collaborative approach paradigm. The system enablesfunctionality for editing semantic networks in a wikipedia-like style. The core of the system is a user-friendly interface based on interactive graph navigation.It has been used for semantic network presentation,and brings simultaneously modification functionality.

  • WordVenture - COOPERATIVE WordNet EDITOR Architecture for Lexical Semantic Acquisition


    - Rok 2017

    This article presents architecture for acquiring lexical semantics in a collaborative approach paradigm. The system enables functionality for editing semantic networks in a wikipedia-like style. The core of the system is a user-friendly interface based on interactive graph navigation. It has been used for semantic network presentation, and brings simultaneously modification functionality.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • DBpedia As a Formal Knowledge Base – An Evaluation

    DBpedia is widely used by researchers as a mean of accessing Wikipedia in a standardized way. In this paper it is characterized from the point of view of questions answering system. Simple implementation of such system is also presented. The paper also characterizes alternatives to DBpedia in form of OpenCyc and YAGO knowledge bases. A comparison between DBpedia and those knowledge bases is presented.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Self Organizing Maps for Visualization of Categories


    - Rok 2012

    Visualization of Wikipedia categories using Self Organizing Mapsshows an overview of categories and their relations, helping to narrow down search domains. Selecting particular neurons this approach enables retrieval of conceptually similar categories. Evaluation of neural activations indicates that they form coherent patterns that may be useful for building user interfaces for navigation over category structures.

  • Automatyczna budowa taksonomii usług w oparciu o ich głosy w języku naturalnym oraz przy uzyciu zewnętrznych źródeł wiedzy


    - Rok 2009

    Przedstawiono propozycję metody automatycznej budowy taksonomiiusług na podstawie ich opisów w języku naturalnym, w oparciu ometodę analizy formalnych koncepcji (FCA). Dodatkowo przedstawione rozwiązanie przewiduje możliwość skorzystania z zewnętrznych źródeł wiedzy takich jak Wikipedia, Word Net, ConceptNet lub globalnej sieci WWW w celu eliminacji problemu niepełnych danych wejściowych (ang. data sparseness).

  • Cooperative Word Net Editor for Lexical Semantic Acquisition


    - Rok 2011

    The article describes an approach for building Word Net semantic dictionary in a collaborative approach paradigm. The presented system system enables functionality for gathering lexical data in a Wikipedia-like style. The core of the system is a user-friendly interface based on component for interactive graph navigation. The component has been used for Word Net semantic network presentation on web page, and it brings functionalities...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Management of Textual Data at Conceptual Level


    - Rok 2011

    The article presents the approach to the management of a large repository of documents at conceptual level. We describe our approach to representing Wikipedia articles using their categories. The representation has been used to construct groups of similar articles. Proposed approach has been implemented in prototype system that allows to organize articles that are search results for a given query. Constructed clusters allow to...

  • Words context analysis for improvement of information retrieval


    - Rok 2012

    In the article we present an approach to improvement of retrieval informationfrom large text collections using words context vectors. The vectorshave been created analyzing English Wikipedia with Hyperspace Analogue to Language model of words similarity. For test phrases we evaluate retrieval with direct user queries as well as retrieval with context vectors of these queries. The results indicate that the proposed method can not...

  • Thresholding Strategies for Large Scale Multi-Label Text Classifier


    This article presents an overview of thresholding methods for labeling objects given a list of candidate classes’ scores. These methods are essential to multi-label classification tasks, especially when there are a lot of classes which are organized in a hierarchy. Presented techniques are evaluated using the state-of-the-art dedicated classifier on medium scale text corpora extracted from Wikipedia. Obtained results show that the...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Game with a Purpose for Mappings Verification

    Mappings verification is a laborious task. The paper presents a Game with a Purpose based system for verification of automatically generated mappings. General description of idea standing behind the games with the purpose is given. Description of TGame system, a 2D platform mobile game with verification process included in the gameplay, is provided. Additional mechanisms for anti-cheating, increasing player’s motivation and gathering...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Towards Effective Processing of Large Text Collections


    In the article we describe the approach to parallelimplementation of elementary operations for textual data categorization.In the experiments we evaluate parallel computations ofsimilarity matrices and k-means algorithm. The test datasets havebeen prepared as graphs created from Wikipedia articles relatedwith links. When we create the clustering data packages, wecompute pairs of eigenvectors and eigenvalues for visualizationsof...

  • Overview of Scalability and Reliability Problem in SDN Networks

    In the paper an overview of scalability and reliability in the SDN (Software Defined Networks) networks has been presented. Problems and limitations for guaranteeing scalability and reliability in SDN networks have been indicated. Known methods for assuring scalability and reliability in SDN networks have been described. Projects from research communities for resolving issues with scalability and reliability in SDN networks have...

  • External Validation Measures for Nested Clustering of Text Documents


    Abstract. This article handles the problem of validating the results of nested (as opposed to "flat") clusterings. It shows that standard external validation indices used for partitioning clustering validation, like Rand statistics, Hubert Γ statistic or F-measure are not applicable in nested clustering cases. Additionally to the work, where F-measure was adopted to hierarchical classification as hF-measure, here some methods to...

  • Passing from requirements specification to class model using application domain ontology

    The quality of a classic software engineering process depends on the completeness of project documents and on the inter-phase consistency. In this paper, a method for passing from the requirement specification to the class model is proposed. First, a developer browses the text of the requirements, extracts the word sequences, and places them as terms into the glossary. Next, the internal ontology logic for the glossary needs to...

  • Parallel Computations of Text Similarities for Categorization Task


    - Rok 2013

    In this chapter we describe the approach to parallel implementation of similarities in high dimensional spaces. The similarities computation have been used for textual data categorization. A test datasets we create from Wikipedia articles that with their hyper references formed a graph used in our experiments. The similarities based on Euclidean distance and Cosine measure have been used to process the data using k-means algorithm....

  • Jakość i efekty kształcenia, a kolejne etapy procesu Bolońskiego


    Kraje uczestniczące w procesie bolońskim od lat poszukują fundamentalnych wartości i dobrych praktyk związanych z jakością kształcenia. Zapewnienie jakości w szkolnictwie wyższym nie jest problemem wyłącznie europejskim. Na całym świecie obserwuje się coraz większe zainteresowanie tą tematyką, co jest odzwierciedleniem zarówno gwałtownego rozwoju szkolnictwa wyższego, jak i związanych z nim kosztów jakimi obciążone jest z tego...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Modelowanie rozwoju regionalnej sieci połączeń kolejowych z wykorzystaniem metody analitycznego procesu sieciowego


    - Logistyka - Rok 2014

    W artykule przedstawiono wielokryterialny model decyzyjny dla kategoryzacji linii kolejowych w województwie pomorskim z uwagi wymogi użyteczności publicznej. Punktem odniesienia dla analizy był Plan zrównoważonego rozwoju publicznego transportu zbiorowego w województwie pomorskim, w którym z uwagi na niezbędną elastyczność decyzyjną nie dokonano parametryzacji kryteriów decydujących o przypisaniu linii do segmentu użyteczności...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Text Categorization Improvement via User Interaction


    - Rok 2018

    In this paper, we propose an approach to improvement of text categorization using interaction with the user. The quality of categorization has been defined in terms of a distribution of objects related to the classes and projected on the self-organizing maps. For the experiments, we use the articles and categories from the subset of Simple Wikipedia. We test three different approaches for text representation. As a baseline we use...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Selection of Relevant Features for Text Classification with K-NN

    In this paper, we describe five features selection techniques used for a text classification. An information gain, independent significance feature test, chi-squared test, odds ratio test, and frequency filtering have been compared according to the text benchmarks based on Wikipedia. For each method we present the results of classification quality obtained on the test datasets using K-NN based approach. A main advantage of evaluated...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • How Specific Can We Be with k-NN Classifier?


    This paper discusses the possibility of designing a two stage classifier for large-scale hierarchical and multilabel text classification task, that will be a compromise between two common approaches to this task. First of it is called big-bang, where there is only one classifier that aims to do all the job at once. Top-down approach is the second popular option, in which at each node of categories’ hierarchy, there is a flat classifier...

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  • Transponowanie tradycji w architekturze synagog XIX i XX wieku na Podlasiu. - Tom 1, 2

    • P. Trojniel

    - Rok 2013

    Podlasie należy do obszaru kulturowego pogranicza. Spotykało się tu od wieków wiele różnych kultur, narodów, religii. Jego wielokulturowy krajobraz współtworzyła od XVI w. społeczność żydowska. Praca niniejsza dotyczy badań nad architekturą synagog, zbudowanych w XIX i XX w. na Podlasiu. Jej zamierzeniem głównym jest rejestracja, analiza, kategoryzacja typologiczna i ocena wartości dóbr tej architektury, w odniesieniu do obowiązujących kanonów...

  • Wielkoskalowa hierarchiczna klasyfikacja dokumentów tekstowych


    - Rok 2012

    Niniejszy rozdział przedstawia problematykę wielkoskalowej, hie-rarchicznej i wieloetykietowej klasykacji dokumentów tekstowych naprzykładzie problemu automatycznego przyporządkowywania artykułuencyklopedycznego do jednej lub kilku (wieloetykietowość) kategorii,spośród setek tysięcy (wielkoskalowość) kategorii tematycznych Wi-kipedii zorganizowanych hierarchicznie. Praca opisuje różne wariantyrozwiązania zagadnienia, analizując...

  • Improving css-KNN Classification Performance by Shifts in Training Data


    - Rok 2015

    This paper presents a new approach to improve the performance of a css-k-NN classifier for categorization of text documents. The css-k-NN classifier (i.e., a threshold-based variation of a standard k-NN classifier we proposed in [1]) is a lazy-learning instance-based classifier. It does not have parameters associated with features and/or classes of objects, that would be optimized during off-line learning. In this paper we propose...

  • Follow the Light. Where to search for useful research information

    Architectural Lighting Design (ALD) has never been a standalone professional discipline. Rather, it has existed as the combination of art and the science of light. Today, third generation lighting professionals are already creatively intertwining these fields, and the acceleration in scientific, technological and societal studies has only increased the need for reliable multidisciplinary information. Therefore, a thorough re-examination...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Strategie testowania i diagnostyki analogowych układów elektronicznych


    - Rok 2009

    Praca dotyczy testowania i diagnostyki analogowych układów elektronicznych metodami zorientowanymi na uszkodzenia. Omówiono źródła i klasyfikację uszkodzeń, strategie testowania wykorzystujące nadmiarowość analityczną i sprzętową, wewnątrzobwodowe testowanie pakietów elektronicznych oraz zastosowanie algorytmów klasyfikacji obrazów do lokalizacji uszkodzeń. Wynikiem prac w zakresie metod analitycznych jest opracowanie przyspieszonej...

  • Identification of category associations using a multilabel classifier

    Description of the data using categories allows one to describe it on a higher abstraction level. In this way, we can operate on aggregated groups of the information, allowing one to see relationships that do not appear explicit when we analyze the individual objects separately. In this paper we present automatic identification of the associations between categories used for organization of the textual data. As experimental data...

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