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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MYTHOS
A convenient method for the preparation of functionalized N-acylsulfenamides from primary amides.
PublikacjaWe have developed a convenient method for the synthesis of functionalized N-acylsulfenamides under mild conditions and in moderate to good yields. The designed method is based on the reaction of (5,5-dimethyl-2-thioxo-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinan-2-yl)-disulfanyl derivatives with nitrogen nucleophiles generated from primary amides or imides and sodium hydride. The developed method allows for the preparation of N-acylsulfenamides bearing...
Bearing capacity of working platform using distinct layout optimization method
PublikacjaBearing capacity of the working platforms from sandy soil resting on NC and OC clays was analyzed using LimitState GEO program. Different failure modes are considered using distinct layout optimization (DLO) method, which forms the upper bound solution of limit state analysis. Different mechanisms of failure were observed as a function of the platform thickness, angle of internal friction of the platform material and undrained...
The Effect Fabrication Method of Cobalt Base Clad Layer On Air Oxidation
PublikacjaNapawane warstwy ze stopu kobaltu zostały wykonane za pomocą napawania plazmowego (PTA) oraz laserowego. Zostały one poddane utlenia niu w temperarurze 1100 stopni celsiusza prze 200 godzin. Przeprowadzono badania mikrostruktury i składu chemicznego warstwy tlenkowej oraz głębszych warstw napoiny. Nie stwierdzono wpływu metody wytwarzania na skutki procesu utleniania.
Determination of estrogenic endocrine disruptors in environmental samples - a review of chromatographic methods
PublikacjaWśród związków endokrynnych to estrogeny zarówno naturalne jak i syntetyczne zostały wskazane i opisane jako związki niosące ze sobą największy potencjał aktywności estrogennej. Wysoki potencjał estrogenny jaki posiadają związki z grupy hormonów płciowych potwierdziły badania przeprowadzone zarówno in vitro jak i in vivo. W dużej części (50-95%) próbek ścieków pochodzących z oczyszczalni ścieków zostały wykryte związki z grupy...
Searching of the buried objects into the sea bottom by means of nonlinear acouctic methods
PublikacjaThe main goal of this paper is to introduce the methodology of preparing the area for investigations that will be carried out at the sea. As the first step there is recognition of the basic method both in the theory as well as experimental investigation. There were taken into account the nonlinear methods. These ones are very promising methods that have very interesting features, very convenient for examinations of the seabed structure....
A self-testing method of large analog circuits in electronic embedded systems
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono metodę samotestowania filtrów wyższych rzędów składających się z łańcucha pierwszego lub drugiego rzędu filtrów (bloków) zaimplementowanych w mieszanych sygnałowo elektronicznych systemach wbudowanych sterowanych mikrokontrolerami lub procesorami sygnałowymi.Idea metody bazuje na fakcie, iż odpowiedź danego bloku jest traktowana jako sygnał pobudzenia kolejnego bloku. Dzięki temu rozwiązaniu rekonfigurowalny układ...
Verification of the Parameterization Methods in the Context of Automatic Recognition of Sounds Related to Danger
PublikacjaW artykule opisano aplikację, która automatycznie wykrywa zdarzenia dźwiękowe takie jak: rozbita szyba, wystrzał, wybuch i krzyk. Opisany system składa się z bloku parametryzacji i klasyfikatora. W artykule dokonano porównania parametrów dedykowanych dla tego zastosowania oraz standardowych deskryptorów MPEG-7. Porównano też dwa klasyfikatory: Jeden oparty o Percetron (sieci neuronowe) i drugi oparty o Maszynę wektorów wspierających....
Thermal Stability of Multicomponent Layers Created with the Hybrid Method on Aluminium Base
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono skład fazowy, mikrostrukturę oraz graficzny i matematyczny opis kinetyki utleniania wieloskładnikowych warstw powierzchniowych wytworzonych na aluminiowym podłożu.
The prediction method of the shear angle in the cutting zone during wood sawing
PublikacjaW artykule opisano metodę przewidywania kąta ścinania w strefie skrawania dla przypadku przecinania drewna. Kąt ścinania był określany z wykorzystaniem współczesnej mechaniki pękania. Nieliniowe równanie opisujące tą wielkość było rozwiązywane numerycznie za pomocą metody iteracyjnej Newton-Raphson. Otrzymane wyniki obliczeń wykazują możliwość rozszerzenia obszaru modelowania efektów energetycznych procesu przecinania drewna nawet...
Preliminary designing method of external pressure vessels for sea subsurface aplications
PublikacjaThis paper describes a unique engineering method intended for the preliminary designing of marine subsurface buoy mooring systems. The solved designing problem consists in determining geometrical parameters and selecting structural materials for a vessel of a buoyancy necessary to contain measuring instruments of a given mass, as well as its maximum dimensions and operational submersion depth. The assumed variability range of...
Improvement of Fingerprinting Method based on Hill Cipher by using Frequency Domain
PublikacjaThe main goal of this paper is to present the advantages of a digital fingerprinting in a frequency domain over a pixel domain, in case of VoD services (Video on Demand). The paper presents basic issues of a multimedia data protection by digital fingerprinting. It also describes threats to embedded fingerprints from both collusion attacks and from a transmission itself. Possible solution was presented on the example of the DCT...
Determining diffusible hydrogen amounts using the mercury method. Welding International
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono szczegółową charakterystykę procedury oznaczania ilości wodoru dyfundującego metodą rtęciową na tle innych metod badawczych i aktualnego stanu wiedzy dotyczącego rozpatrywanego zagadnienia. Omówiono klasyfikację wodoru występującego w złączu spawanym oraz metody oznaczania ilości wodoru dyfundującego w stopiwie ze zwróceniem szczególnej uwagi na metodę rtęciową jako metodę podstawową. Zestawiono zależności...
Infiltration - an alternative method to prepare composites for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono różne techniki nasączania pozwalające na uzyskanie materiałów o mieszanym przewodnictwie jonowo-elektronowym do zastosowań w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych
Thin Layer Deposition Methods in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Technology
Publikacja -
Mean Crossover in evolutionary path planning method for maritime collision avoidance
PublikacjaAbstract: This paper presents the use of mean crossover genetic operator for path planning using evolutionary algorithm for collision avoidance on sea. Mean crossover ensures widening of the possible solutions' set that can be achieved in comparison to exchange crossover variant. The research shown, that the mean crossover allows to achieve results independent from the initial generation and quicker transition of thealgorithm from...
A comparative study of different methods for heat transfer enhanced by the use of TVG
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy badań eksperymentalnych i numerycznych intensyfikacji wymiany ciepła w modelowym wymienniku ciepła z turbulizatorami przepływu dla różnej geometrii turbulizatorów. Do badań eksperymentalnych wykorzystano termografię ciekłokrystaliczną a modelowanie fizyczne wykonano za pomocą kodu komputerowego FLUENT.
Dirichlet-to-Neumann and Neumann-to-Dirichlet methods for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono dwie metody służące do znajdowania wartości własnych i funkcji własnych równania Helmholtza w ograniczonej dziedzinie. Punktem wyjścia była konstrukcja zasad wariacyjnych uwzględniających możliwość stosowania nieciągłych funkcji próbnych (lub funkcji próbnych o nieciągłych pochodnych normalnych). Następny etap to wykorzystanie powierzchniowych operatorów całkowych typu DtN i NtD. Efektywność metod przetestowano na...
Fast High-Impedance Spectroscopy Method Using SINC Signal Excitation
PublikacjaIn this paper the method of fast impedance spectroscopy of technical objects with high impedance (|Zx| > 1 Gohm) is evaluated by means of simulation and practical experiment. The method is based on excitation of an object with a sinc signal and sampling response signals proportional to current flowing through and voltage across the measured impedance. The object impedance spectrum is obtained with use of continuous Fourier transform...
Method of lines for nonlinear first order partial functional differential equations.
PublikacjaClassical solutions of initial problems for nonlinear functional differential equations of Hamilton--Jacobi type are approximated by solutions of associated differential difference systems. A method of quasilinearization is adopted. Sufficient conditions for the convergence of the method of lines and error estimates for approximate solutions are given. Nonlinear estimates of the Perron type with respect to functional variables...
Equivalent temperature for design of airport pavements using mechanistic-empirical methods
PublikacjaThe paper presents implementation of equivalent temperature for design of airport asphalt pavements. The calculation methods of equivalent temperature: the Shell method, the French method and method that use the Asphalt Institute fatique criteria were presented. An example of calculations of equivalent temperature for Gdansk Airport was introduced and discussed. It was shown that methods of calculation of equivalent temperature...
The contactless method of chip-to-chip high-speed data transmission monitoring
PublikacjaThis paper presents a technique of decoupling differential signals transmitted in a pair of microstrip lines on a printed circuit board (PCB), using dedicated coupler for high speed data transmission monitoring in chip-to-chip interconnections. The coupler used for signal probing is overlayed on the pair of microstrip lines under test, and provides a signal to the next blocks of the measurement system without disturbing transmission...
Comment on "Quantitative comparison of analysis methods for spectroscopic optical coherence tomography"
PublikacjaIn a recent paper by Bosschaart et al. [Biomed. Opt. Express 4, 2570 (2013)] various algorithms of time-frequency signal analysis have been tested for their performance in blood analysis with spectroscopic optical coherence tomography sOCT). The measurement of hemoglobin concentration and oxygen saturation based on blood absorption spectra have been considered. Short time Fourier transform (STFT) was found as the best method for...
Method of selecting the LS-SVM algorithm parameters in gas detection process
PublikacjaIn this paper we showed the method of resistive gas sensors data processing. The UV irradiation and temperature modulation was applied to improve gas sensors’ selectivity and sensitivity. Noise voltage across the sensor’s terminals (proportional to its resistance fluctuations) was recorded to estimate power spectral density. This function was an input data vector for LS-SVM (least squares – support vector machine) algorithm, which...
Adaptive Method of Adjusting Flowgraph for Route Reconstruction in Video Surveillance Systems
PublikacjaPawlak’s flowgraph has been applied as a suitable data structure for description and anal- ysis of human behaviour in the area supervised with multicamera video surveillance system. Infor- mation contained in the flowgraph can be easily used to predict consecutive movements of a partic- ular object. Moreover, utilization of the flowgraph can support reconstructing object route from the past video images. However, such a flowgraph with...
Applications of the discrete green's function in the finite-difference time-domain method
PublikacjaIn this paper, applications of the discrete Green's function (DGF) in the three-dimensional (3-D) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method are presented. The FDTD method on disjoint domains was developed employing DGF to couple the subdomains as well as to compute the electromagnetic field outside these subdomains. Hence, source and scatterer are simulated in separate subdomains and updating of vacuum cells, being of little...
Novel method of lung area extraction in chest perfusion computed tomography
PublikacjaChest perfusion computed tomography (pCT) is a useful technique in the medical diagnosis of how organs function. Perfusion CT scans are used to calculate perfusion parameters. In the case of automated methods of lung perfusion parameters calculation, the prior extraction of the lung area is desired to avoid unnecessary calculation in an area outside the lung cross-section and to avoid wasting time on processing signals of no diagnostic...
A new diagnostic IR-thermal imaging method for evaluation of cardiosurgery procedures
PublikacjaTwo methods for monitoring the state of the myocardium during cardiosurgical interventions based on thermal IR imaging are presented below. These methods, called static thermography and active dynamic thermography (ADT), use information about the distribution of temperature on the surface, and an external excitation source to induce thermal transient processes in a tested object. Recording the time series of thermograms allows...
Operation evaluation method for marine turbine combustion engines in terms of energetics
PublikacjaAn evaluation proposal (quantitative determination) of an y combustion turbine engine operation has been presented , wherein the impact energy occurs at a given time due to Energy conversion. The fact has been taken into account that in this type of internal combustion engines the energy conversion occurs first in the combustion chambers and in the spaces between the blade of the turbine engine. It was assumed that in the combustion...
Gains selection of non-proportional observers of an induction motor with dyadic methods
PublikacjaThe paper presents issues related to calculation of gains of non-proportional observers of magnetic fluxes of an induction motor. A transformation is discussed, based on dyadic matrices, that affords possibility of applying well-known methods used in single-output systems to observers of multi-output systems. The impact of dyadic transformation on possibility of poles placement of the observer is analyzed....
Modelling and simulations in time-fractional electrodynamics based on control engineering methods
PublikacjaIn this paper, control engineering methods are presented with regard to modelling and simulations of signal propagation in time-fractional (TF) electrodynamics. That is, signal propagation is simulated in electromagnetic media described by Maxwell’s equations with fractional-order constitutive relations in the time domain. We demonstrate that such equations in TF electrodynamics can be considered as a continuous-time system of...
Estimation of Synchronous Generator and AVR Parameters Based on Gradient and Genetic Methods
PublikacjaThe author present a method for the estimation of selected synchronous generator model and AVR parameters using a gradient and a genetic algorithm. The paper shows an example of model parameter estimation for a turbogenerator, based on the generator voltage time responses obtained during an active and reactive power rejection test
Optimizing Construction Engineering Management Using Metaheuristic Methods and Bayesian Networks
PublikacjaThe construction of buildings invariably involves time and costs, and disruptions impact ongoing construction projects. Crisis situations in management strategies, structural confusion, and finan-cial miscalculations often arise due to misguided decision-making. This article proposes a method that combines the learning of Bayesian Networks and heuristic techniques to optimize deci-sion-making processes in construction scheduling....
The Impact of Different Drying Methods on the Metabolomic and Lipidomic Profiles of Arthrospira platensis
PublikacjaDrying is an inseparable part of industrial microalgae production. In this work, the impacts of eight different drying methods on the metabolome and lipidome of Arthrospira platensis were investigated. The studied drying methods were freeze drying (FD), sun drying (SD), air drying at 40 and 75 °C (AD′ and AD″), infrared drying at 40 and 75 °C (IRD′ and IRD″), and vacuum drying at 40 and 75 °C (VD′ and VD″). Results gathered by...
Contemporary and Conventional Passive Methods of Intensifying Convective Heat Transfer—A Review
PublikacjaThe ever-increasing demand for effective heat dissipation and temperature control in industrial and everyday applications highlights a critical research problem. The need for development is not only in terms of providing thermal comfort to humans but also forms the basis for the efficient operation of machines and equipment. Cooling of industrial machinery and household electronic equipment is a crucial element in any manufacturing...
An Efficient PEEC-Based Method for Full-Wave Analysis of Microstrip Structures
PublikacjaThis article introduces an efficient method for the equivalent circuit characterization and full-wave analysis of microstrip structures, leveraging the full-wave partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC). In particular, the multilayered Green's function is evaluated using the discrete complex-image method (DCIM) and employed to establish the mixed potential integral equations. The proposed strategy considers time delays for the...
Efficiency of Artificial Intelligence Methods for Hearing Loss Type Classification: an Evaluation
PublikacjaThe evaluation of hearing loss is primarily conducted by pure tone audiometry testing, which is often regarded as golden standard for assessing auditory function. If the presence of hearing loss is determined, it is possible to differentiate between three types of hearing loss: sensorineural, conductive, and mixed. This study presents a comprehensive comparison of a variety of AI classification models, performed on 4007 pure tone...
Study the impact of design method preference on the usefulness of concrete and on CO2 emissions
PublikacjaPurpose – The research investigates the impact of concrete design methods on performance, emphasizing environmental sustainability. The study compares the modified Bolomey method and Abrams’ law in designing concretes. Significant differences in cement consumption and subsequent CO2 emissions are revealed. The research advocates for a comprehensive life cycle assessment, considering factors like compressive strength, carbonation...
Studies of the Interaction Dynamics in Albumin-Chondroitin Sulfate Systems by Recurrence Method
PublikacjaThe physicochemical basis of lubrication of articular cartilage is still not fully understood. However, the synergy between components of the synovial fluid can be a crucial factor that could explain this phenomenon. This work presents a nonlinear data analysis technique named the recurrence method, applied to the system involving two components of synovial fluid: albumin and chondroitin sulfate (CS) immersed in a water environment....
On the Business Analyst's Responsibilities in an Agile Software Project - A Multi-Method Study
Publikacja[Context] Agile methods are now used in the majority of software projects, but the definitions of such methods rarely include the role of a business analyst (BA). [Objective] This paper investigates the responsibilities assigned to BAs participating in agile software projects. [Method] We identified potential responsibilities through a systematic literature review (3 databases) and interviews with 6 practitioners. The most commonly...
Method of Forming Road Surface Replicas Using 3D Printing Technology
PublikacjaRolling resistance is a critical factor that influences vehicle energy consumption, emissions, and overall performance. It directly impacts fuel efficiency, tire longevity, and driving dynamics. Traditional rolling resistance tests are conducted on smooth steel drums, which fail to replicate real-world road surface textures, potentially skewing results. This article presents the process of designing surface replicas using 3D printing...
Comparison of various flow maldistribution quantification methods in mini heat exchangers
PublikacjaThe aim of study is to compare various flow maldistribution quantification methods, using velocity, mass flow rate, pressure, and temperature. An experimentally validated numerical study has been prepared and a heat exchanger with 34 semi-circular channels with a diameter of 3.1 mm has been tested. The minichannels were heated from the bottom with a heat flux of 50, 60, 70, and 80 kW/m2. The cases for various inlet velocities of...
Asynchronous Method of Simultaneous Object Position and Orientation Estimation with Two Transmitters
PublikacjaThis paper proposes an object location method for all types of applications, including the Internet of Things. The proposed method enables estimations of the position and orientation of an object on a plane or in space, especially during motion, by means of location signals transmitted simultaneously from two transmitters placed on the object at a known distance from each other. A mathematical analysis of the proposed method and...
A review of methods of blood supply to organs of the gastrointestinal tract. State of art
PublikacjaThe correct assessment of blood supply is essential to eliminate possible postoperative complications. Re-anastomosis of the gastrointestinal tract after its resection must be preceded by the analysis of blood supply to the anastomosed fragments. It is important that the blood supply assessment procedure is reliable but also non-absorbing and, if possible, short. It should also be possible to repeat the procedure due to the need...
The potential of computational methods for the categorization of architectural objects on the example of media architecture
PublikacjaThe paper presents an example of the categorization of architectural objects and assessment of the characteristics of urban space, based on the analysis of specific features of architectural objects and urban landscape. The conducted analysis refers to media architecture and is presented in the complex context of the development of media solutions. The field of influence of IT on architecture is also stressed, both on the architect’s...
A method to synthesise groove cam Geneva mechanisms with increased dwell period
PublikacjaThe present study develops a method to synthesise the groove cam Geneva mechanism with increased dwell period. The main condition of the synthesis is to provide the desired law of motion of the wheel. Additional synthesis conditions are the limitation of the maximum pressure angle and the limitation of the minimum curvature radius of the cam profile. Unlike the conventional Geneva mechanisms, the synthesised groove cam Geneva mechanisms...
PublikacjaDesign documentation of glued-laminated timber roof girders is in many cases very general, does not contain details and design solutions, and the contractors do not have experience in the implementation of this type of structure. Design and execution errors, including those related to glued laminated timber roof girders, not only affect the safety and durability of the structure of the facility in which they were built in, but...
Multi-core and Multiprocessor Implementation of Numerical Integration in Finite Element Method
PublikacjaThe paper presents techniques for accelerating a numerical integration process which appears in the Finite Element Method. The acceleration is achieved by taking advantages of multi-core and multiprocessor devices. It is shown that using multi-core implementation with OpenMP and a GPU acceleration using CUDA architecture allows one to achieve the speedups by a factor of 5 and 10 on a CPU and GPUs, respectively.
A Review of Reduction Methods of Impact of Common-Mode Voltage on Electric Drives.
PublikacjaIn this survey paper, typical solutions that focus on the reduction in negative effects resulting from the common-mode voltage influence in AC motor drive applications are re-examined. The critical effectiveness evaluation of the considered methods is based on experimental results of tests performed in a laboratory setup with an induction machine fed by an inverter. The capacity of a common-mode voltage level reduction and voltage...
Method of Decision-Making Logic Discovery in the Business Process Textual Data
PublikacjaGrowing amount of complexity and enterprise data creates a need for novel business process (BP) analysis methods to assess the process optimization opportunities. This paper proposes a method of BP analysis while extracting the knowledge about Decision-Making Logic (DML) in a form of taxonomy. In this taxonomy, researchers consider the routine, semi-cognitive and cognitive DML levels as functions of BP conceptual aspects of Resources,...
Method of selecting programming practices for the safety-critical software development projects
PublikacjaIn recent years a plan-driven approach traditionally used in safety-critical software development has been put to a test by rapidly changing technologies, more diverse group of clients and volatile market requirements. The need to deliver good quality systems, faster and at lower cost in comparison to competitors encouraged companies to look for more efficient solutions. Agile methodologies are known to successfully address these...