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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: INTERCEPTION LOSSES
Graph classes generated by Mycielskians
PublikacjaIn this paper we use the classical notion of weak Mycielskian M'(G) of a graph G and the following sequence: M'_{0}(G) =G, M'_{1}(G)=M'(G), and M'_{n}(G)=M'(M'_{n−1}(G)), to show that if G is a complete graph oforder p, then the above sequence is a generator of the class of p-colorable graphs. Similarly, using Mycielskian M(G) we show that analogously defined sequence is a generator of the class consisting of graphs for which the...
Aspects of the biomonitoring studies using mosses and lichens as indicatorsof metal pollution.
PublikacjaWykazano, wbrew wszelkim ograniczeniom, że mchy i porosty są dobrymi narzędziami służącymi do monitorowania zanieczyszczenia powietrza. Najlepsze rezultaty przynoszą badania w których stosuje się zarówno mchy jak i porosty łącznie, ponieważ rośliny te różnią się retencją i przyswajalnością metali.W pracy przedstawiono pasywną oraz aktywną formę monitoringu z wykorzystaniem biowskaźników i omówiono zalety oraz ograniczenia...
J-lossless and extended J-lossless factorisations approach for delta do main Hinf control.
Evolutionary history of mental glands in turtles reveals a single origin in an aquatic ancestor and recurrent losses independent of macrohabitat
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Energy losses in hydrostatic drive:Drive investigation method compatible with diagram of power increase opposite to the direction of power flow
PublikacjaEnergy losses and efficiency of drive motor must be presented as functions of physical quantities independent of losses in the motor. Such quantities are speed and load required by the driven device, changing in the drive operating field. Speed and load decide of the useful power and, in differentiated way, of kinds and values of losses in the motor. But energy losses and efficiency of drive motors are evaluated as functions of...
Analysis of Induced Voltages and Power Losses in High Voltage Power Cables for Selected Methods of Cables Sheaths Bonding
PublikacjaPower is increasingly supplied to city centres with 110 kV cable lines. This is a convenient way to supply power, and practically the only one possible in areas of dense urban development. A high-voltage cable contains a coaxial metallic sheath, in which in normal operation and in fault conditions (during short-circuits) significant line-to-earth voltages can be induced, which threatens electric shock and/or damage to the cable’s...
Analytical Estimation of Power Losses in a Dual Active Bridge Converter Controlled with a Single-Phase Shift Switching Scheme
PublikacjaMicro-grid solutions around the world rely on the operation of DC/DC power conver- sion systems. The most commonly used solution for these topologies is the use of a dual active bridge (DAB) converter. Increasing the efficiency and reliability of this system contributes to the improvement in the stability of the entire microgrid. This paper discussed an analytical method of energy efficiency and power loss estimation in a single...
Early Intervention in Psychiatry
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Dietary intervention with red beet juice ameliorates side effects resulting from oxidative stress during cancer chemotherapy with doxorubicin
PublikacjaChemoterapia nowotworów wiąże się ze stymulacją stresu oksydacyjnego, wywołującego niekorzystne efekty uboczne w organizmie. Panuje pogląd, że wprowadzenie do terapii przeciwutleniaczy może te niekorzystne efekty uboczne zmniejszyć. W naszych badaniach jako źródło utleniaczy wykorzystaliśmy sok z buraka ćwikłowego. Pokazaliśmy, że jego zastosowanie w kombinacji z lekiem przeciwnowotworowym doksorubicyną znacznie poprawia efekty...
Algebraic periods and minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of 1-connected 4-manifolds with definite intersection forms
PublikacjaLet M be a closed 1-connected smooth 4-manifolds, and let r be a non-negative integer. We study the problem of finding minimal number of r-periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of a given map f: M-->M. This task is related to determining a topological invariant D^4_r[f], defined in Graff and Jezierski (Forum Math 21(3):491–509, 2009), expressed in terms of Lefschetz numbers of iterations and local fixed point indices of...
Therapeutic intervention by the simultaneous inhibition of DNA repair and type I or type II DNA topoisomerases: one strategy, many outcomes
PublikacjaMany anticancer drugs reduce the integrity of DNA, forming strand breaks. This can cause mutations and cancer or cell death if the lesions are not repaired. Interestingly, DNA repair-deficient cancer cells (e.g., those with BRCA1/2 mutations) have been shown to exhibit increased sensitivity to chemotherapy. Based on this observation, a new therapeutic approach termed 'synthetic lethality' has been developed, in which radiation...
Customers Perspective on Mass-customization of Houses
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Interlinguistic crosses and transextuality in María Rosal
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Ionic conductivity in bismuth silicate glasses.
PublikacjaZbadano właściwości elektryczne szkieł krzemianowo- bizmutowych zawierających 55 mol% tlenku bizmutu. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają jonowy charakter przewodnictwa, za które odpowiedzialne są jony tlenu.
Electronic and ionic relaxations in oxide glasses
PublikacjaDokonano przeglądu procesów relaksacyjnych w szkłach wykazujących elektronowy i elektronowo-jonowy charakter przewodnictwa elektrycznego. Na podstawie badań impedancyjnych przedstawiono klasyfikację szkieł o mieszanym elektronowo-jonowym przewodnictwie. Wskazano na zalety metody tarcia wewnętrznego do badań procesów relaksacyjnych w szkłach tlenkowych.
The Aerophytic Diatom Assemblages Developed on Mosses Covering the Bark of Populus alba L.
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Journal of Candido Tostes Dairy Institute
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The Health Outcomes Prevention and Evaluation 4 (HOPE 4) project: A successful community-based intervention to lower cardiovascular risk in people with hypertension
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Real-time, ultrasound-guided infraclavicular axillary vein cannulation for renal replacement therapy in the critical care unit—A prospective intervention study
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Crisis – The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention
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Journal of Occupational Therapy Schools and Early Intervention
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European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies-Intervention
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Comparison of the powers of energy losses in a variable capacity displacement pump determined without or with taking into account the power of hydraulic oil compression
PublikacjaPowers of energy losses in a variable capacity displacement pump are compared with or without taking into account the power of hydraulic oil compression. Evaluation of power of liquid compression in the pump was made possible by the use of method, proposed by the Author, of determining the degree of liquid aeration in the pump. In the method of determining the liquid aeration in the pump and of powers of volumetric losses of liquid...
Spectroscopic properties of the Ce-doped borate glasses
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Luminescence properties of aluminosilicate glasses doped with neodymium
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Interactive design system for provisioning of customized houses
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Genetic characterization of horses in Early Medieval Poland
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Thermal lenses caused by any acoustic source.
PublikacjaNieliniowe straty energii fali akustycznej doprowadzają do powstania obszarów ogrzanych, to znaczy obszarów o innej prędkości fali akustycznej niż pozostała przestrzeń. Soczewki termiczne wywoływane przez propagację fal akustycznych okresowych i nieokresowych są rozpatrywane. Przedstawiono ilustrację obliczeń numerycznych.
Electrical conductivity of reduced lead-germanate glasses
PublikacjaPewna grupa szkieł tlenkowych poddana procesowi redukcji w atmosferze gorącego wodoru wykazuje gwałtowne zmiany swoich właściwości elektrycznych i optycznych. Szkła ołowiowo-germanianowe, którym poświęcona jest niniejsza praca należą do takich szkieł i charakteryzują się szczególnymi redukcyjnie indukowanymi właściwościami. Wystarczająco długie wygrzewanie prowadzi bowiem do wzrostu przewodnictwa elektrycznego nawet o 12 rzędów...
Classification of homotopy classes of equivariant gradient maps
PublikacjaNiech V będzie ortogonalną reprezentacją zwartej grupy Liego Gi niech S(V),D(V) oznaczają sferę jednostkową i kulę jednostkową V.Jeżeli F jest G-niezmienniczą funkcją rzeczywistą klasy C^1 na Vto mówimy, że grad F (gradient F) jest dopuszczalny, jeżeli(grad F)(x) jest różny od zera dla x należących do S(V). Pracapoświęcona jest homotopijnej klasyfikacji dopuszczalnychG-niezmienniczych odwzorowań gradientowych.
A Noether theorem for stochastic operators on Schatten classes
PublikacjaWe prove that a stochastic (Markov) operator S acting on a Schatten class C_1 satisfies the Noether condition S'(A) = A and S'(A^2) = A^2, where A is a Hermitian bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space H, if and only if, S(E(G)XE(G)) = E(G)S(X)E(G) holds true for every Borel subset G of the real line R, where E(G) denotes the orthogonal projection coming from the spectral resolution of A. Similar results are obtained...
Interactions with recognized patients using smart glasses
PublikacjaRecently, different smart glasses solutions have been proposed on the market. The rapid development of this wearable technology has led to several research projects related to applications of smart glasses in healthcare. In this paper we propose a general architecture of the system enabling data integration for the recognized person. In the proposed system smart glasses integrates data obtained for the recognized patient from health...
Elimination of excretion of ibuprofen and its metabolites in horses
PublikacjaAnalytical procedure based on application of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) at the step of detection, identification and quantitation of ibuprofen (IBU) and detection of its metabolites – 1-hydroxyibuprofen (1-OH IBU) and carboxyibuprofen (CBX IBU) in horse urine by selected ion monitoring mode after sample preparation covering extraction at pH 3-4 and methylation has been used. The ions at m/z 161, 220 (methylated...
Investigation of noises in the EPN weekly time series
PublikacjaThe constantly growing needs of permanent stati ons’ velocities users cause their stability level to increase. To this research we included more than 150 stations located across Europe operating within the EUREF Permanent Network (EPN) w ith weekly changes in the ITRF2005 reference frame. The obvious long-range dependencies in the stochastic part of GPS time series were p roven by Ljung-Box...
Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of Barium-vanadate Glasses
PublikacjaThe ac and dc conductivity in barium-vanadate glasses was investigated as a function of temperature and frequency with the use of impedance spectroscopy. The topography and microstructure of glasses were investigated by the means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) methods. The XRD results show that all samples are amorphous but microscopy investigation reveals that glasses with greater amount of V2O5...
Microstructure and electrical properties of manganese borosilicate glasses
PublikacjaThe structure, optical and electrical properties of manganese borosilicate glasses of the composition xMnO–(80 − x)SiO 2 –20B 2 O 3 (x = 40, 50, and 60 mol%) were investigated. The dependence of the glass structure on its composition was discussed and related to electrical properties. A separation of two amorphous phases was observed. It was suggested that one phase is MnO-rich and the other is SiO 2 -rich. It was found that...
IR and Raman study of oxy-nitride glasses
PublikacjaVarious silicate and phosphate glasses with and without nitride addition were structurally characterized by IR and Raman spectroscopy. The studied glass systems include Na-Ca-P-O-N (1), AE-Si-O-N (with AE=Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba)(2), La-Si-O-N (3) as well as the Na-(Li)-Be-O-(N) (4,5) system. The samples were prepared by different techniques such as remelting of pre-prepared glass samples of the oxide systems with Mg and/or Si3N4 powders...
Properties of LiMnBO3 glasses and nanostructured glass-ceramics
PublikacjaPolycrystalline LiMnBO3 is a promising cathode material for Li-ion batteries. In this work, we investigated the thermal, structural and electrical properties of glassy and nanocrystallized materials having the same chemical composition. The original glass was obtained via a standard melt-quenching method. SEM and 7Li solid-state NMR indicate that it contains a mixture of two distinct glassy phases. The results suggest that the...
Electronic Noses and Electronic Tongues
PublikacjaChapter 7 reports the achievements on the field of artificial senses, such as electronic nose and electronic tongue. It examines multivariate data processing methods and demonstrates a promising potential for rapid routine analysis. Main attention is focused on detailed description of sensor used, construction and principle of operation of these systems. A brief review about the progress in the field of artificial senses and future trends...
Electronic Noses in Medical Diagnostics
PublikacjaElectronic nose technology is being developed in order to identify aromas in a way parallel to the biologic olfaction. When applied to the field of medicine, such device should be able to identify and discriminate between different diseases. In recent years this kind of approach finds application in medical diagnostics, and especially in disease screening. Despite the fact that devices utilizing chemical sensor arrays are not routinely...
Wpływ właściwości czynników chłodniczych na straty egzergii w pompie ciepła (Influence of Refrigerants Properties for Exergy Losses in Heat Pump)
PublikacjaArtykuł poświęcony jest wpływowi występujących w pompie ciepła strat egzergii na jej efektywność energetyczną, a co za tym idzie koszty funkcjonowania instalacji. Autorzy prezentują tu metodologię obliczeniową, która może być zastosowana w procesach projektowania układów cieplno-przepływowych. Obliczenia zostały wykonane na podstawie typowego układu powietrznej pompy ciepła pracującej w klimacie środkowo-europejskim. Ponadto w...
Illness Crisis and Loss
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Selected aspects of traction transformer diagnosis based on analysis of power looses in windings and the iron core
PublikacjaW rozdziale przedstawiono metodę diagnostyki detekcji uszkodzeń wewnętrznych uzwojeń transformatora trakcyjnego oparta na analizie strat mocy rozpraszanej wewnątrz transformatora. Straty mocy są powiekszane o szereg czynników świadczacych o uszkodzeniu transformatora takich jak: zwarcia zwojowe, asymetria uzwojeń, relaksacja naprężeń na stykach połaczeń, uszkodzenie izolacji pomiedzy blachami rdzenia itp. Proponowana metoda dokonuje...
Mean platelet volume as a simple marker of repeated coronary artery intervention after off-pump technique (OPCAB) procedures – initial report. Authors’ reply
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Wild bees along an urban gradient: winners and losers
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Spectroscopic Properties of Yb3+/Tb3+Doped Germanate Glasses
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Spectroscopic properties of rare earth doped germanate glasses
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Active glasses as the luminescent sources of radiation for sensor applications
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Two classes of capillary optical fibers: refractive and photonic