wszystkich: 694
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: inequality aversion
Development and Research of the Text Messages Semantic Clustering Methodology
PublikacjaThe methodology of semantic clustering analysis of customer’s text-opinions collection is developed. The author's version of the mathematical models of formalization and practical realization of short textual messages semantic clustering procedure is proposed, based on the customer’s text-opinions collection Latent Semantic Analysis knowledge extracting method. An algorithm for semantic clustering of the text-opinions is developed,...
Quechers sample preparation method variants for analysis of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables
PublikacjaThis article describes the comparison of different versions of an easy, rapid and low-cost sample preparation approach for the determination of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables by concurrent use of gas and liquid chromatography coupled to MS or ECD for detection. The sample preparation approach is known as QuEChERS, which stands for quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe. It is a combination of liquid-liquid...
Discrete identification of continuous non-linear and non-stationary dynamical systems that is insensitive to noise correlation and measurement outliers
PublikacjaThe paper uses specific parameter estimation methods to identify the coefficients of continuous-time models represented by linear and non-linear ordinary differential equations. The necessary approximation of such systems in discrete time in the form of utility models is achieved by the use of properly tuned `integrating filters' of the FIR type. The resulting discrete-time descriptions retain the original continuous parameterization...
Security Mechanisms in the Comcute System
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is pointing out the basic security problems and mechanisms in the Comcute system - maintenance system of large computing power in the face of critical crisis. Moreover security mechanism and tools useful to apply in laboratory model as well as target version of the Comcute system are presented.
The legal regulations of sewage sludge management
PublikacjaThe growing quantity of sludge, high costs of the altered version, as well as new legal adjustments needs more and more higher qualitative requirements, the necessity of search in sludge economy and new solutions. The paper contributes to the discusion about legal ways of sewage sludge managemant.
Complementarity between entanglement-assisted and quantum distributed random access code
PublikacjaCollaborative communication tasks such as random access codes (RACs) employing quantum resources have manifested great potential in enhancing information processing capabilities beyond the classical limitations. The two quantum variants of RACs, namely, quantum random access code (QRAC) and the entanglement-assisted random access code (EARAC), have demonstrated equal prowess for a number of tasks. However, there do exist specific...
Entangled rendezvous: a possible application of Bell non-locality for mobile agents on networks
PublikacjaRendezvous is an old problem of assuring that two or more parties, initially separated, not knowing the position of each other, and not allowed to communicate, are striving to meet without pre-agreement on the meeting point. This problem has been extensively studied in classical computer science and has vivid importance to modern and future applications. Quantum non-locality, like Bell inequality violation, has shown that in many...
Improved magnitude estimation of complex numbers using alpha max and beta min algorithm
PublikacjaThe paper presents an improved algorithm for calculating the magnitude of complex numbers. This problem, which is a special case of square rooting, occurs for example, in FFT processors and complex FIR filters. The proposed method of magnitude calculation makes use of the modified alpha max and beta min algorithm. The improved version of the algorithm allows to control the maximum magnitude approximation error by using an adequate...
On Some Aspects of Fish Target Strength Estimation in Shallow Waters
PublikacjaThe theory of acoustic surveys for determining fish abundance are well established in fishery acoustics. The origins of the estimation are related to overcoming the problem of unknown position of target in the beam using statistical inversion. Although recently researchers use more sophisticated echosounders that provides more informative data allowing for direct solution it is known that the results are biased due to not ideally...
WiSER – Women in Science and European Research
WydarzeniaPopularyzacja kwestii gender equality w Europie w szkolnictwie wyższym w Polsce.
Which is better in fat times and in lean times: the macho man vs. the nice guy? Study 1 dataset
Dane BadawczeThe dataset from cross-cultural study conducted in Poland and Norway in the area of gender stereotypes. Our study was conducted in two countries differing with regard to gender equality indices relating to the extent to which men are allowed to manifest gender-atypical behavior and influencing mate preferences of women. Polish (N = 106) and Norwegian...
Critical Review on Robust Speed Control Techniques for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) Speed Regulation
PublikacjaThe permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is a highly efficient energy saving machine. Due to its simple structural characteristics, good heat radiation capability, and high efficiency, PMSMs are gradually replacing AC induction motors in many industrial applications. The PMSM has a nonlinear system and lies on parameters that differ over time with complex high-class dynamics. To achieve the excessive performance operation...
Tensile strength test of PE foils modified with zinc oxide and zinc salts
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains the results of PE foils mechanical tests, in which the material was evaluated for strength and extensibility at the moment of breaking and based on the same tests preceded by material fatigue in 50 stretching cycles. The principle of the method is to stretch the test sample placed in the clamps of the stretching apparatus at a...
Shub’s conjecture for smooth longitudinal maps of S^m
PublikacjaLet f be a smooth map of the m-dimensional sphere Sm to itself, preserving the longitudinal foliation. We estimate from below the number of fixed points of the iterates of f , reduce Shub’s conjecture for longitudinal maps to a lower dimensional classical version, and prove the conjecture in case m = 2 and in a weak form for m = 3.
PublikacjaThe title compound, [PdCl2(C9H21P)2], is a centrosymmetric mononuclear palladium(II) complex. The PdII atom, which lies on an inversion center, is in a square-planar geometry.
Local basis function method for identification of nonstationary systems
PublikacjaThis thesis is focused on the basis function method for the identification of nonstationary processes. The first chapter describes a group of models that can be identified using the basis function method. The next chapter describes the basic version of the basis function method, including its algebraic and statistical properties. The following section introduces the local basis function (LBF) method: its properties are described...
Unbounded quantum advantage in communication complexity measured by distinguishability
PublikacjaCommunication complexity is a fundamental aspect of information science, concerned with the amount of communication required to solve a problem distributed among multiple parties. The standard quantification of one-way communication complexity relies on the minimal dimension of the communicated systems. In this paper, we measure the communication complexity of a task by the minimal distinguishability required to accomplish it,...
Jakość oprogramowania w zwinnym podejściu do zarządzania projektami informatycznymi
PublikacjaCel: Celem artykułu jest ocena, czy wykorzystanie podejścia zwinnego Scrum w organizacji podnosi jakość wytwarzanego oprogramowania oraz próba uzyskania odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak nowelizacja Przewodnika po Scrumie (Scrum Guide) z listopada 2020 roku wpłynęła na proces wytwarzania oprogramowania. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Przyjętą metodyką badawczą jest przegląd literatury przedmiotu oraz badania własne autora....
Controlled Random Search Applied to Parameters Estimation of the Longitudinal Solutes Transport Model for Rivers
PublikacjaNumerical computations are presented for the longitudinal transport of passive, conservative solutes in an actual river with the inclusion of geometrical complexities of river channels. A special emphasis is put on the method of the identification of model parameters which is based on a specially designed optimisation procedure using random control search algorithm. Two different situations are considered namely a linear version...
Secure Quaternion Feistel Cipher for DICOM Images
PublikacjaAn improved and extended version of a quaternion-based lossless encryption technique for digital image and communication on medicine (DICOM) images is proposed. We highlight and address several security flaws present in the previous version of the algorithm originally proposed by Dzwonkowski et al. (2015). The newly proposed secure quater- nion Feistel cipher (S-QFC) algorithm...
The market and the fair as a traditional activity of the city
PublikacjaThe modern commercial center with its impersonal form still on the squares and streets appear traditional markets and its annual versions – fairs, which similarly to the historical commerce - gather different activities of the inhabitants.
Chirp Rate and Instantaneous Frequency Estimation: Application to Recursive Vertical Synchrosqueezing
PublikacjaThis letter introduces new chirp rate and instantaneous frequency estimators designed for frequency-modulated signals. These estimators are first investigated from a deterministic point of view, then compared together in terms of statistical efficiency. They are also used to design new recursive versions of the vertically synchrosqueezed short-time Fourier transform, using a previously published method (D. Fourer, F. Auger, and...
The complexity of zero-visibility cops and robber
PublikacjaWe consider the zero-visibility cops & robber game restricted to trees. We produce a characterisation of trees of copnumber k and We consider the computational complexity of the zero-visibility Cops and Robber game. We present a heavily modified version of an already-existing algorithm that computes the zero-visibility copnumber of a tree in linear time and we show that the corresponding decision problem is NP-complete on a nontrivial...
Employment and export specialization patterns versus GDP per capita performance - unifying approach
PublikacjaThis paper analyses the evolution of specialization patterns along the process of economic development. The scope of the paper is twofold: first of all, it aims at understanding if the evolution of employment specialization is reflected in the same manner in trade specialisation patterns. Secondly, it explores the link between the degree of specialization on one side and cross country GDP per capita performance on the other. We...
Device-independent quantum key distribution based on measurement inputs
PublikacjaWe provide an analysis of a family of device-independent quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols that has the following features. (a) The bits used for the secret key do not come from the results of the measurements on an entangled state but from the choices of settings. (b) Instead of a single security parameter (a violation of some Bell inequality) a set of them is used to estimate the level of trust in the secrecy of the key....
Generating optimal paths in dynamic environments using RiverFormation Dynamics algorithm
PublikacjaThe paper presents a comparison of four optimisation algorithms implemented for the purpose of finding the shortest path in static and dynamic environments with obstacles. Two classical graph algorithms –the Dijkstra complete algorithm and A* heuristic algorithm – were compared with metaheuristic River Formation Dynamics swarm algorithm and its newly introduced modified version. Moreover, another swarm algorithm has been compared...
On analog comparators for CMOS digital pixel applications. A comparative study
PublikacjaVoltage comparator is the only – apart from the light-to-voltage converter – analog component in the digital CMOS pixel. In this work, the influence of the analog comparator nonidealities on the performance of the digital pixel has been investigated. In particular, two versions of the digital pixel have been designed in 0.35 μm CMOS technology, each using a different type of analog comparator. The properties of both versions have...
Analiza stateczności walcowego pionowego zbiornika dwupłaszczowego posadowionego na fundamencie gruntowym
PublikacjaOmówiono wpływ nierównomiernego osiadania płaszcza wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego na nośność stalowego zbiornika dwupłaszczowego posadowionego za pośrednictwem podsypki piaskowej na uwarstwionym podłożu gruntowym. Analizę obliczeniową wykonano numerycznie przy zastosowaniu systemu komputerowego MSC Visual Nastran for Windows, version 2001. Stwierdzono, że przy zastosowaniu w obliczeniach podłoża typu Winklera otrzymuje się zbyt duże...
A new prototype of piezoelectric bending resonant transducer for analysis of soft tissues properties
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to a new piezoelectric bending resonant transducer prototype dedicated to the characterization of the mechanical properties of soft tissue. A general description of the actuator’s structure is presented including the basic principles of the measurement. The chosen geometry of the prototype is discussed and compared with the existing version. Constitutive equations are presented for the active and passive layer...
Self-tuning adaptive frequency tracker
PublikacjaAn automatic gain tuning algorithm is proposed for a recently introduced adaptive notch filter. Theoretical analysis and simulations show that, under Gaussian random-walk type assumptions, the proposed extension is capable of adjusting adaptation gains of the filter so as to minimize the mean-squared frequency tracking error without prior knowledge of the true frequency trajectory. A simplified one degree of freedom version of...
FEEDB: A multimodal database of facial expressions and emotions
PublikacjaIn this paper a first version of a multimodal FEEDB database of facial expressions and emotions is presented. The database contains labeled RGB-D recordings of people expressing a specific set of expressions that have been recorded using Microsoft Kinect sensor. Such a database can be used for classifier training and testing in face recognition as well as in recognition of facial expressions and human emotions. Also initial experiences...
Multiscaled Hybrid Features Generation for AdaBoost Object Detection
PublikacjaThis work presents the multiscaled version of modified census features in graphical objects detection with AdaBoost cascade training algorithm. Several experiments with face detector training process demonstrate better performance of such features over ordinal census and Haar-like approaches. The possibilities to join multiscaled census and Haar features in single hybrid cascade of strong classifiers are also elaborated and tested....
On the validation of the LS-DYNA Geo Metro numerical model
PublikacjaThe paper presents experiences gained during work with numerical model of Geo Metro vehicle used for simulations of crash tests with road safety barriers. Attention is drawn to the subject of tire/wheel breakage during collision events. Some methods for improvement of the model are presented in the paper. Several results for the normative vehicle numerical tests are introduced. Simulations were carried out using LS-DYNA finite...
Quantum structure in competing lizard communities
PublikacjaAlmost two decades of research on applications of the mathematical formalism of quantum theory as a modeling tool in domains different from the micro-world has given rise to many successful applications in situations related to human behavior and thought, more specifically in cognitive processes of decision-making and the ways concepts are combined into sentences. In this article, we extend this approach to animal behavior, showing...
Peculiarities associated with testing polyetheretherketone (PEEK) in a model rolling contact
PublikacjaPolyetheretherketone (PEEK) was investigated using a modified version of the four-ball tester in which the upper forth ball was replaced by a cone in such a way that kinematics of the four-ball configuration were fully preserved. Rotation of the cone enforced orbiting and rolling of the ceramic balls around the polymer cup. The results produced some unexpected peculiarities in the wear of ceramic balls which, in principle, should...
Is Digitalization Improving Governance Quality? Correlating Analog and Digital Benchmarks
PublikacjaThe digitalization of public governance and the resulting concept of electronic governance is a characteristic feature of contemporary information society. Both can be defined as the process and outcome of digital transformation: transformation of the “analog” version of governance into “digital” governance. Measuring both versions of governance against typical performance measures of efficiency, effectiveness, equity, openness...
The shape of an ROC curve in the evaluation of credit scoring models
PublikacjaThe AUC, i.e. the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, or its scaled version, the Gini coefficient, are the standard measures of the discriminatory power of credit scoring. Using binormal ROC curve models, we show how the shape of the curves affects the economic benefits of using scoring models with the same AUC. Based on the results, we propose that the shape parameter of the fitted ROC curve is reported...
Effets de variabilite d'adhesion et de viellissement en collage structural
PublikacjaDivers essais peuvent etre employes afin d'evaluer la resistance a la fracture des joints adhesifes. Generalement, ces essais sont symetriques: les substrats sont identiques. Nous avons utilise une version asymetrique, ou un adherend flexible est colle a aderend rigide. Nous discutons ici du comportement d'un joint d'adhesion variable. Des resultats assez surprenants font le sujet prinicpal de cet article.
Similarity Measures for Face Images: An Experimental Study
PublikacjaThis work describes experiments aimed at finding a straightforward but effective way of comparing face images.We discuss properties of the basic concepts, such as the Euclidean, cosine and correlation metrics, test the simplest version of elastic templates, and compare these solutions with distances based on texture descriptors (Local Ternary Patterns). The influence of selected image processing methods (e.g. bilateral ltering)...
Survey of Methodologies, Approaches, and Challenges in Parallel Programming Using High-Performance Computing Systems
PublikacjaThis paper provides a review of contemporary methodologies and APIs for parallel programming, with representative technologies selected in terms of target system type (shared memory, distributed, and hybrid), communication patterns (one-sided and two-sided), and programming abstraction level. We analyze representatives in terms of many aspects including programming model, languages, supported platforms, license, optimization goals,...
Liczby Ramseya on-line dla różnych klas grafów
PublikacjaRozpatrujemy grę rozgrywaną na nieskończonej liczbie wierzchołków, w której każda runda polega na wskazaniu krawędzi przez jednego gracza - Budowniczego oraz pokolorowaniu jej przez drugiego gracza - Malarkę na jeden z dwóch kolorów, czerwony lub niebieski. Celem Budowniczego jest zmuszenie Malarki do stworzenia monochromatycznej kopii wcześniej ustalonego grafu H w jak najmniejszej możliwej liczbie ruchów. Zakładamy, że gracze...
Karol Flisikowski dr inż.
OsobyKarol Flisikowski jest profesorem uczelni w Katedrze Statystyki i Ekonometrii, Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jest odpowiedzialny jest za prowadzenie zajęć ze statystyki opisowej i matematycznej (w języku polskim i angielskim), a także badań naukowych w zakresie statystyki społecznej. Był uczestnikiem wielu konferencji o zasięgu krajowym, jak i międzynarodowym, gdzie prezentował wyniki prowadzonych przez...
Znaczenie płci w procesie zakupu marek własnych sieci handlowych – analiza wielogrupowa
PublikacjaThe purpose of the article is to analyze the differences in the behavior of men and women in the process of purchasing store brands (SBs). Using an established conceptual model, we intended to identify differences, depending on gender of buyers, in the size of the effects of store image and brand price-image on perceived risk and subsequently on store brand purchase intention. A total of 652 respondents participated in the study....
Investigation of tracking systems properties in CAVE-type virtual reality systems
PublikacjaIn recent years, many scientific and industrial centers in the world developed a virtual reality systems or laboratories. One of the most advanced solutions are Immersive 3D Visualization Lab (I3DVL), a CAVE-type (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) laboratory. It contains two CAVE-type installations: six-screen installation arranged in a form of a cube, and four-screen installation, a simplified version of the previous one. The...
Two-spinors, oscillator algebras, and qubits: aspects of manifestly covariant approach to relativistic quantum information
PublikacjaThe first part of the paper reviews applications of 2-spinor methods to relativistic qubits (analogies between tetrads in Minkowski space and 2-qubit states, qubits defined by means of null directions and their role for elimination of the Peres-Scudo-Terno phenomenon, advantages and disadvantages of relativistic polarization operators defined by the Pauli-Lubanski vector, manifestly covariant approach to unitary representations...
Structure and the space vector modulation for a medium-voltage power-electronic-transformer based on two seven-level cascade H-bridge inverters
PublikacjaThis study presents the structure and the space vector pulse-width modulation (SVPWM) for power electronic transformer (PET) based on two seven-level cascade H-bridge (CHB) inverters. The DC links of CHB inverters are coupled with nine dual-active bridge (DAB) converters with medium-frequency transformers. The DC-link voltages are equalised with two methods – through the control of DAB voltages...
Quantumness in Diagnostics of Marine Internal Combustion Engines and Other Ship Power Plant Machines
PublikacjaThe article provides proof that the diagnostics of marine internal combustion engines and other ship power plant machines should take into account the randomness and unpredictability of certain events, such as wear, damage, the variations of mechanical and thermal loads, etc., which take place during machine operation. In the article, the energy E, like the other forms (methods) that it can be converted into (heat and work), is...
Niskonapięciowy filtr analogowy CMOS wykorzystujący konwerter ujemnoimpedancyjny
PublikacjaA low-voltage 3-order low-pass CMOS filter based on the novel current inversion type negative impedance converter (CNIC) is presented. It shows a badwidth of 10 MHz at 400 uW power consumption and 2 V supply voltage when realized in a 0.35 um CMOS process.
Niskonapięciowy filtr analogowy CMOS oparty o konwerter ujemno-impedancyjny
PublikacjaA low-voltage 3-order low-pass CMOS filter based on the novel current inversion type negative impedance converter (CNIC) is presented. It shows a badwidth of 10 MHz at 400 uW power consumption and 2 V supply voltage when realized in a 0.35 um CMOS process.
Identification of Quasi-Periodically Varying Systems Using the Local Basis Function Approach
PublikacjaIn this paper we propose a solution to the problem of tracking quasi-periodically varying systems based on the local basis function (LBF) approach. Within this framework, parameter trajectories are locally approximated using linear combinations of specific functions of time known as basis functions. We derive both bias and variance characteristics of LBF estimators. Additionally, we demonstrate that the computational burden associated...