Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: UBER - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: UBER

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: UBER

  • Long Distance Vital Signs Monitoring with Person Identification for Smart Home Solutions


    - Rok 2018

    Abstract— Imaging photoplethysmography has already been proved to be successful in short distance (below 1m). However, most of the real-life use cases of measuring vital signs require the system to work at longer distances, to be both more reliable and convenient for the user. The possible scenarios that system designers must have in mind include monitoring of the vital signs of residents in nursing homes, disabled people, who...

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  • Metodyka tworzenia materiałów multimedialnych dla e-edukacji− propozycje autorskie


    W artykule przedstawiono metodykę tworzenia i wykorzystania akademickich podreczników multimedialnych przeznaczonych do udostępniania w sieci. Opisana metodyka określana jest mianem UCD (User Centered Design). Sczegółowo omówiono trzy etapy procesu, a mianowicie: analizę, projektowanie i testowanie. Przedstawione przykłady szczegółowych rozwiazań funkcjonalnych i graficznych pochodzą z autorskich pdręczników stworzonych w technologii...

  • Knowledge Management Challenges in Collaborative Design of a Virtual Call Centre

    This paper presents the analysis of knowledge management issues for an user interface consulting project relevant during the development of a Virtual Call Centre. Experiences gathered by the team of designers and team of usability consultants have been described and evaluated from the knowledge management viewpoint. A concept of a knowledge-based system, potentially supporting usability consulting in subsequent IT projects has...

  • Cooperative Word Net Editor for Lexical Semantic Acquisition


    - Rok 2011

    The article describes an approach for building Word Net semantic dictionary in a collaborative approach paradigm. The presented system system enables functionality for gathering lexical data in a Wikipedia-like style. The core of the system is a user-friendly interface based on component for interactive graph navigation. The component has been used for Word Net semantic network presentation on web page, and it brings functionalities...

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  • Accelerometer-based Human Activity Recognition and the Impact of the Sample Size


    The presented study focused on the recognition of eight user activities (e.g. walking, lying, climbing stairs) basing on the measurements from an accelerometer embedded in a mobile device. It is assumed that the device is carried in a specific location of the user’s clothing. Three types of classifiers were tested on different sizes of the samples. The influence of the time window (the duration of a single trial) on selected activities...

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  • Design for all

    Kursy Online
    • J. M. Kowalewska

    The aim of the course is to increase awareness of the needs of people with special needs and the idea of universal design. The subject is to introduce the social and legal conditions of the profession of architect, focused on the needs of all vulnerable user groups, including people with disabilities and the elderly. Knowledge of solutions related to Design for All is necessary due to the implementation of directives and standards...

  • Theory of architectural design V. Design for all

    Kursy Online
    • A. Gębczyńska-Janowicz
    • K. Zielińska-Dąbkowska
    • M. Wysocki
    • J. M. Kowalewska
    • M. Kwasek
    • J. Kołodziejczak

    The aim of the course is to increase awareness of the needs of people with special needs and the idea of universal design. The subject is to introduce the social and legal conditions of the profession of architect, focused on the needs of all vulnerable user groups, including people with disabilities and the elderly. Knowledge of solutions related to Design for All is necessary due to the implementation of directives and standards...

  • GIS Solution for Weather Forecast Data Analysis


    In this paper authors present the GIS system for the analysis of the numerical weather prediction data. This kind of data has multidimensional character (three dimensions and time) and its analysis should consider all the available factors. Proposed GIS system consists of RASDAMAN application with implemented OLAP cube mechanism, which enables the user to process data in the spatial-time domain. It also simplifies the meteorological...

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  • Możliwości integracji projektów sztuki nowych mediów w procesy odnowy przestrzeni miejskiej


    - Rok 2023

    Zadaniem badawczym podjętym w rozprawie było wykazanie możliwość integracji projektów sztuki nowych mediów w procesy odnowy przestrzeni miejskiej. Wyodrębniono cztery etapy procesów odnowy miast: diagnozę, planowanie, realizację oraz ewaluację. Wskazano, że na etapie diagnozy sztuka nowych mediów może między innymi wspierać proces zbierania i wizualizacji danych, informować mieszkańców o stanie środowiska miejskiego. Na etapie...

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  • Investigation on Mode I Fracture Behavior of Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Geopolymer Composites

    • N. P. Asrani
    • G. Murali
    • H. Abdelgader
    • K. Parthiban
    • M. K. Haridharan
    • K. Karthikeyan


    Recent reports in the literature have shown that fber-reinforced geopolymer composites (FRGC) made with monofbers exhibit a signifcant enhancement in fracture energy. However, many aspects of the fracture performance of hybrid fberreinforced geopolymer composites (HFRGC) remain largely unexploited, and these are predominant for the structures. For the frst time, the mode I fracture energy of HFRGC is investigated. The mode I behavior...

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  • Investigation of optical properties of Infitec and Active Stereo stereoscopic techniques for CAVE-type virtual reality systems

    In recent years, many scientific and industrial centres in the world developed virtual reality systems or laboratories. At present, among the most advanced virtual reality systems are CAVE-type (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) installations. Such systems usually consist of four, five, or six projection screens arranged in the form of a closed or hemi-closed space. The basic task of such systems is to ensure the effect of user...

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  • Quality Expectations of Mobile Subscribers

    Mobile systems, by nature, have finite resources. Radio spectrum is limited, expensive and shared between many users and services. Mobile broadband networks must support multiple applications of voice, video and data on a single IP-based infrastructure. These converged services each have unique traffic holding and quality requirements. A positive user experience must be obtained through efficient partitioning of the available wireless...

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    Any SBAS system should deliver to the user corrections to pseudoranges as well as information about the system integrity. In theory, as soon as the system is permanently monitored by RIMS stations, it is impossible to deliver the fault information to the user. However many observations shows that accuracy of EGNOS service in the same time are different in different places, which shows the influence of local conditions on them....

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  • Modelling Of Commercial Websites. A New Perspective On Usability And Customer Relation

    From an economic point of view, a critical aspect of online services is their ability to retain customers. The aim of presented study was the use of a layered model VIPR (Visual - Interaction - Process - Relation ) for commercial services online. The indicator of trust and establishing lasting relationships were assessment achieved from experienced users of commercial online services (n = 207), obtained by means of Web Credibility...

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  • Lighting Design for the 21st Century Applied research in lighting practice

    For those who are unfamiliar with research, it’s important to know there are two categories. Fundamental (or basic) research and applied research. Basic research often discusses scientific ideas/theories, whereas, applied research explores testing these ideas in practice to develop technology or techniques. It’s applied research which most interests lighting practitioners. Great lighting design that creates a pleasant and beneficial...

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  • Hardware accelerated thin client for virtual reality applications

    Thin client applications often make minimal use of hardware available at the client side. This article focuses on the problem of creating portable thin client application for virtual reality applications, which allows use of client graphics hardware to aid rendering process. Some already available potential solutions are presented and entirely new protocol for client-server communication is presented to allow fast and reliable...

  • Management of Textual Data at Conceptual Level


    - Rok 2011

    The article presents the approach to the management of a large repository of documents at conceptual level. We describe our approach to representing Wikipedia articles using their categories. The representation has been used to construct groups of similar articles. Proposed approach has been implemented in prototype system that allows to organize articles that are search results for a given query. Constructed clusters allow to...

  • Computer-aided analysis of signals from a low-coherence Fabry-Perot interferometer used for measurements of biological samples


    The aim of the study was to develop an automated computer-aided system for analysis of spectrograms obtained from measurements of biological samples performed with a low-coherence Fabry-Pérot interferometer. Information necessary to determine dispersion characteristics of measured materials can be calculated from the positions of the maxima and minima that are present in their spectra. The main challenge faced during the development...

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  • Comparison of active proximity radars for the wearable devices


    - Rok 2015

    Two methods of object position and movement estimation in relation to the user of smart glasses were investigated. An active infrared and ultrasonic methods of the obstacle detection were presented and compared. Application of these methods depend on active transducers type (physical medium used), geometry and surface properties of detected objects and their movement direction and speed. In the article properties of both detectors...

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  • For Your Eyes Only – Biometric Protection of PDF Documents


    The paper introduces a concept of a digital document content encryption/decryption with facial biometric data coming from a legitimate user. Access to the document content is simple and straightforward, especially during collaborative work with mobile devices equipped with cameras. Various contexts of document exchange are presented with regard to the next generation pro-active digital documents proposed by authors. An important...

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  • Estymacja parametrów kanału NB-IoT w łączu w dół.

    Artykuł dotyczy doboru metody estymacji parametrów kanału, odpowiedniej do zastosowania w terminalu wąskopasmowego Internetu Rzeczy. Przedstawiono strukturę sygnału pilotowego NRS, używanego do wyznaczenia współczynników kanału w LTE-NB. Zaproponowano cztery warianty metody wyznaczenia współczynników kanału dla całej ramki transmisyjnej. Dokonano oceny tych wariantów w oparciu o dwa wskaźniki jakościowe skojarzone z błędem odtworzonych...

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  • Modelling the context of use for Intranet portals design


    - Rok 2007

    Intranet portals in contemporary enterprises affect the way how people work, communicate and build relationships within teams and organizations. Developing high usability in Intranet projects requires analysing context of use and including many additional organizational and cultural factors, normally not present in regular software projects. A modelling framework presented in this paper is useful for analysing context of use for...

  • Badania systemów powstrzymujących pojazd przed wypadnięciem z drogi - cz. I

    Transportation systems are designed and used so as to effectively and safely relocate people, goods and services. Despite this there are numerous hazards that disrupt or damage these systems. Risks such as extreme weather conditions, terrorist threats, landsliders or earthquakes are difficult to predict, manage and mitigate. One of the hazards for transportation systems are accidents, and their impact on the transport functioning...

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  • Self diagnostics using smart glasses - preliminary study

    n this preliminary study we analyzed the possibility of the reliable measurement of biomedical signals with some potential hardware extensions of smart glasses. Using specially designed experimental prototypes four category of biomedical signals were measured: electrocardiograms, electromyograms, electroencephalograms and respiration waveforms. Experi- ments with volunteers proved that using even simple construc- tion of sensors...

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  • A navigation device utilizing body communication channel for mobile wearable systems


    - Rok 2017

    A novel touch sensor utilizing a body communication technology is presented in the paper. The proposed device accepts orders (gestures) only from a person wearing it. Moreover, when comparing it to a similar, however an optical one, it appears as a less power consumable. Preliminary results of its properties examination are presented and discussed. Additionally, the developed sensor allows to measure a human body the electrical...

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  • Contextualizing a Knowledge Base by Approximation – A Case Study

    Modular knowledge bases give their users opportunity to store and access knowledge at different levels of generality. In this paper we present how to organize a modular knowledge bases organized into contexts in which a user can express their knowledge in much simplified way, yet without losing its precision. The work is centered around the notion of approximation - i.e. reducing the arity of predicates used. The presentation is...

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  • Comparison of modelling and measurement results of spectra emitted by a programmable lamp

    Nowadays artificial light with an optimized spectrum is used in many different applications. For instance, it is widely used in museums and exhibitions to illuminate the art. Moreover, such light stimulates the growth of plants, or can be applied in industry and healthcare. To achieve the best results for each application, the adjusting of a dedicated spectrum is required, which is a complicated task. The ongoing research is focused...

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  • Architektura przyszłości – przekraczanie granic poprzez interfejsy


    - Rok 2014

    Architektura przyszłości rozpatrywana jest w kontekście rozwoju technologii cyfrowych, które umożliwiają nadawanie obiektom architektonicznym cech interfejsów. Przekraczanie granic dotyczy więc nadawania architekturze nowych funkcji - funkcjonalności zapożyczonych ze świata wirtualnego, emisji informacji oraz interakcji. W tym ujęciu „interfejs architektoniczny” stanowi płaszczyznę komunikacji pomiędzy obiektem architektonicznym...

  • Investigation of tracking systems properties in CAVE-type virtual reality systems


    In recent years, many scientific and industrial centers in the world developed a virtual reality systems or laboratories. One of the most advanced solutions are Immersive 3D Visualization Lab (I3DVL), a CAVE-type (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) laboratory. It contains two CAVE-type installations: six-screen installation arranged in a form of a cube, and four-screen installation, a simplified version of the previous one. The...

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  • Aspect-Oriented Management of Service Requests for Assurance of High Performance and Dependability

    A new approach to service requests management in case of insufficient hardware resources is proposed. It is based on wide aspects of requests analysis and it assures reliable and fast access to priority services. Requests are analyzed for, among others, time of occurrence, category of user who made the request, type of service, current system load and hardware utilization. Deterministic but dynamic rules help to manage system load...

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  • Heuristic Method of Safe Manoeuvre Selection Based on Collision Threat Parameters Areas

    This paper is a continuation of papers dedicated to a radar-based CTPA (Collision Threat Parameters Area) display designed to support safe manoeuvre selection. The display visualizes all the ships in an encounter and presents situational overview from the own ship’s point of view. It calculates and displays information on unsafe or unrealistic own ship’s course & speed allowing a user to select a safe manoeuvre. So far only the...

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  • Face detection algorithms evaluation for the bank client verification


    Results of investigation of face detection algorithms in the video sequences are presented in the paper. The recordings were made with a miniature industrial USB camera in real conditions met in three bank operating rooms. The aim of the experiments was to check the practical usability of the face detection method in the biometric bank client verification system. The main assumption was to provide as much as possible user interaction...

  • Color Processing for Color-Blind Individuals Using Smart Glasses

    In this paper we investigated image processing methods for color-blind individuals. In particular we experimentally verified color naming procedure, generation of maps with color perception differences for average observers and for dichromats, and two color transformation methods. In experiments 7 mobile devices were used: 3 smart glasses and 4 smartphones. User studies were performed with 38 average observers and 9 dichromats....

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  • Towards Emotion Acquisition in IT Usability Evaluation Context


    - Rok 2015

    The paper concerns extension of IT usability studies with automatic analysis of the emotional state of a user. Affect recognition methods and emotion representation models are reviewed and evaluated for applicability in usability testing procedures. Accuracy of emotion recognition, susceptibility to disturbances, independence on human will and interference with usability testing procedures are...

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  • Fitting the mobile device characteristics to the user's hearing preferences

    A method for fitting the mobile computer audio characteristics to the user's hearing preferences is proposed. The process consists of two stages: calibration and dynamics processing. During the calibration phase the user performs a loudness scaling test giving their response regarding the perceived loudness. The dynamics processing made on above basis sets the loudness to the most comfortable level. The processing accounts both...

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  • Retrieval with Semantic Sieve


    The article presents an algorithm we called Semantic Sieve applied for refining search results in text documents repository. The algorithm calculates socalled conceptual directions that enables interaction with the user and allows to narrow the set of results to the most relevant ones. We present the system where the algorithm has been implemented. The system also offers in the presentation layer clustering of the results into...

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  • Detection of person presence and its activity in the bathtub

    A practical application of a bioimpedance technique for a detection of a bathing person is presented in the paper. It addresses the possibility of supervising people in the bathtub without voiding of their intimacy. The measurement system installed in a fiber-glass or a plastic bathtub is able to detect a presence of the bathing person, to estimate its activity and thus to detect potentially dangerous events. In the paper a principle...

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  • Systematic Literature Review on Click Through Rate Prediction

    The ability to anticipate whether a user will click on an item is one of the most crucial aspects of operating an e-commerce business, and clickthrough rate prediction is an attempt to provide an answer to this question. Beginning with the simplest multilayer perceptrons and progressing to the most sophisticated attention networks, researchers employ a variety of methods to solve this issue. In this paper, we present the findings...

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  • Rafał Leszczyna dr hab. inż.

    Dr hab. inż. Rafał Leszczyna jest profesorem uczelni na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. W lipcu 2020 r., na podstawie osiągnięcia naukowego w obszarze zarządzania cyberbezpieczeństwem infrastruktur krytycznych w sektorze elektroenergetycznym, uzyskał stopień doktora habilitowanego w dziedzinie nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych, dyscyplina informatyka techniczna i telekomunikacja. W latach 2004–2008 pracował...

  • Nadzeya Sabatini dr

    Nadzeya Sabatini is Assistant Professor in Digital Transformation at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdansk, Poland), its Department of Informatics in Management (Faculty of Management and Economics). Nadzeya is lecturer at USI – Università della Svizzera italiana (Lugano, Switzerland), a research fellow at the Institute of Digital Technologies for Communication of the same university, and coordinator of MSc in Digital Fashion...

  • Preference-based evolutionary multi-objective optimization in ship weather routing

    In evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO) the aim is to find a set of Pareto-optimal solutions. Such approach may be applied to multiple real-life problems, including weather routing (WR) of ships. The route should be optimal in terms of passage time, fuel consumption and safety of crew and cargo while taking into account dynamically changing weather conditions. Additionally it must not violate any navigational constraints...

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  • Evaluation of multimedia applications in a cluster oriented environment

    In the age of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Web and the Internet have changed significantly the way applications are developed, deployed and used. One of recent trends is modern design of web-applications based on SOA. This process is based on the composition of existing web services into a single scenario from the point of view of a particular user or client. This allows IT companies to shorten product time-to-market....

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  • Just Let Me Think: Designing Against Acquired Illiteracy.


    - Rok 2014

    This article concerns the relatively new problem of illiteracy relating to persons previously being literate, which is caused by too intensive using of so-called digital media (TV, computers, tablets, smartphones, e-book readers, portable media players, etc.). The problem has been observed for several years mainly in countries with high economic and technological development. The widespread use of digital media and the ease of...

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  • A novel architecture of Web-GIS for mapping and analysis of echinococcosis in Poland


    - Applied Geomatics - Rok 2022

    Echinococcosis is an infectious disease transferred through ingestion of food or water which have been contaminated with eggs of the Echinococcus tapeworm, which are spread by intermediate parasite hosts. Because the latter are primarily territorial, research related to diagnosis and prevention of echinococcosis requires investigation of environmental factors, which can be supported with the use of a Geographical Information System...

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  • Universal autonomous control and management system for multipurpose unmanned surface vessel

    The paper presents design, structure and architecture of the Universal Autonomous Control and Management System (UACAMS) for multipurpose unmanned surface vessel. The system was designed, installed and implemented on the multipurpose platform - unmanned surface vessel named HydroDron. The platform is designed to execute hydrographic survey missions with multi-variant configuration of the survey system (payload? ) including multi-beam...

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  • Interactive Query Expansion with the Use of Clustering by Directions Algorithm

    This paper concerns Clustering by Directions algorithm. The algorithm introduces a novel approach to interactive query expansion. It is designed to support users of search engines in forming web search queries. When a user executes a query, the algorithm shows potential directions in which the search can be continued. This paper describes the algorithm and it presents an enhancement which reduces the computational complexity of...

  • Smart Innovation Management in Product Life Cycle


    The present paper proposes a framework for smart innovation management of the product using a Smart Knowledge Management System comprising Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA. This proposed system will allow the entrepreneurs and organizations to perform the innovation process technically and quickly as this framework will store knowledge as well as experiences of the past innovations done in various...

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  • Big Data Processing by Volunteer Computing Supported by Intelligent Agents


    In this paper, volunteer computing systems have been proposed for big data processing. Moreover, intelligent agents have been developed to efficiency improvement of a grid middleware layer. In consequence, an intelligent volunteer grid has been equipped with agents that belong to five sets. The first one consists of some user tasks. Furthermore, two kinds of semi-intelligent tasks have been introduced to implement a middleware...

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  • Decoherence-free communication over multiaccess quantum channels

    In this paper we consider decoherence-free communication over multiple access and k-user quantum channels. First, we concentrate on a hermitian unitary noise model U for a two-access bi-unitary channel and show that in this case a decoherence-free code exists if the space of Schmidt matrices of an eigensubspace of U exhibits certain properties of decomposability. Then, we show that our technique is also applicable for generic random unitary...

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  • Launch of the Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory

    The paper presents the concept of Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory, formed at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at Gdańsk University of Technology under the project Gdańsk University of Technology's Modern auditoriums. The basic unit of this laboratory will be cubic CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) enriched with spherical walk simulator. This device will allow the user unlimited walking,...