Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: UTES - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: UTES

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: UTES

  • Web-based 3D processing and dissemination of multibeam sonar data


    The continuous detailed surveys of the various water bodies over time produce a large and ever-increasing volume and density of underwater sounding data. Three-dimensional data, such as those obtained by multibeam sonar systems, are quite complex to manage, and thus their growing numbers increase the pressure on development of new solutions dedicated to processing them. This paper presents a concept system for web-based dissemination...

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  • Active Power Quality Controllers


    - Rok 2008

    Dynamic Static Synchronous Compensator is the most important controller for distribution networks and probably in SEEN. It has been widely used since the 1990s to regulate system voltage precisely, improve voltage profile, reduce voltage harmonics, reduce transient voltage disturbances and load compensation. Rather than using conventional capacitors and inductors combined with fast switches, the D-STATCOM uses a power-electronics...

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  • Design of Intelligent Low-Voltage Load Switch for Remote Control System in Smart Grid


    Current low-voltage load switches do not support remote disconnect/connect and real-time monitoring of a disconnect/connect state. Addressing to these issues, this paper presents a low-voltage load switch for a smart remote control system, which uses a one-chip microcontroller board and a DC step motor drive mechanism and provides the feedback on the switch status also. Arrears disconnect and full-pay connect control is implemented...

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  • Where Did Knowledge Management Go?: A Comprehensive Survey



    Knowledge Management (KM) research outputs have been expanding exponentially in the past years, generating diversified topics, which lack integration and classification. It has been challenging for experts to classify KM because of its versatile open fields, and in our view, it contributes to the technocratic approach remaining behind the organizational approach. This paper highlights a way to classify KM publications through a...

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  • Systems engineering approach to functional safety and cyber security of industrial critical installations


    - Rok 2020

    This chapter addresses the systems engineering approach to integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management regarding selected references, standards and requirements concerning critical installations and their industrial automation and control system (IACS). The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial installations that include the information technology (IT) and the operational technology...

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  • Automatic Rhythm Retrieval from Musical Files


    - Rok 2008

    This paper presents a comparison of the effectiveness of two computational intelligence approaches applied to the task of retrieving rhythmic structure from musical files. The method proposed by the authors of this paper generates rhythmic levels first, and then uses these levels to compose rhythmic hypotheses. Three phases: creating periods, creating simplified hypotheses and creating full hypotheses are examined within this study....

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  • An Automatic Self-Tuning Control System Design for an Inverted Pendulum


    A control problem of an inverted pendulum in the presence of parametric uncertainty has been investigated in this paper. In particular, synthesis and implementation of an automatic self-tuning regulator for a real inverted pendulum have been given. The main cores of the control system are a swing-up control method and a stabilisation regulator. The first one is based on the energy of an inverted pendulum, whereas the second one...

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  • Implementing Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) to Support Product Manufacturing


    - Rok 2019

    This paper illustrates the concept of providing the manufacturing knowledge during early stages of product life cycle to experts working on product development. The aim of this research is to enable a more collaborative product development environment by using Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) system, which is powered by Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA). It enhances the industrial product...

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  • A dynamic vehicle-bridge model based on the modal identification results of an existing EN57 train and bridge spans with non-ballasted tracks

    This paper addresses the methodology of the bridge-vehicle dynamic model definition based on the free response measurements of an existing train and existing bridge spans. In the case of the railway vehicle, the methodology uses the impulse excitations of a single car by means of the wedge method. In the case of the bridge spans, free responses are collected after the passages of trains. The global modal parameters (frequencies...

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  • Verification of safety in low-voltage power systems without nuisance tripping of residual current devices

    Low-voltage power systems require initial and periodical verification to check the effectiveness of protection against electric shock. As a protection in case of fault, automatic disconnection of supply is most often used. To verify such a protection measure, the earth fault loop impedance or resistance is measured. This measurement is easy to perform in circuits without residual current devices. When residual current devices are...

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  • Non-Least Square GNSS Positioning Algorithm for Densely Urbanized Areas


    The paper introduces an essentially new algorithm for calculating the GNSS position as an alternative to the least-square method. The proposed approach can be widely applied to any positioning method that uses multiple position lines for position calculation and is an example ofhow using a numerical solution can improve position accuracy without access to historical data. In essence, the method is based on the adaptation of the...

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  • Determination of vertical displacements by using the hydrostatic levelling systems with the variable location of the reference sensor,

    Abstract: In this paper, the author proposed a new method for determination of vertical displacements with the use of hydrostatic levelling systems. The traditional method of hydrostatic levelling uses a rule in which a position of reference sensor is stable. This assumption was not adapted in the proposed method. Regarding the issue mentioned above, the reference sensor is treated in the same way as the others sensors that measure...

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  • Analytical Estimation of Power Losses in a Dual Active Bridge Converter Controlled with a Single-Phase Shift Switching Scheme


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2022

    Micro-grid solutions around the world rely on the operation of DC/DC power conver- sion systems. The most commonly used solution for these topologies is the use of a dual active bridge (DAB) converter. Increasing the efficiency and reliability of this system contributes to the improvement in the stability of the entire microgrid. This paper discussed an analytical method of energy efficiency and power loss estimation in a single...

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  • Systems engineering approach to functional safety and cyber security of industrial critical installations


    - Rok 2020

    This chapter addresses the systems engineering approach to integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management regarding selected references, standards and requirements concerning critical installations and their industrial automation and control system (IACS). The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial installations that include the information technology (IT) and the operational technology...

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  • High-Speed Binary-to-Residue Converter Design Using 2-Bit Segmentation of the Input Word

    In this paper a new approach to the design of the high-speed binary-to-residue converter is proposed that allows the attaining of high pipelining rates by eliminating memories used in modulo m generators. The converter algorithm uses segmentation of the input binary word into 2-bit segments. The use and effects of the input word segmentation for the synthesis of converters for five-bit moduli are presented. For the number represented...

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  • Nitrogen oxides removal from hydrogen flue gas using corona discharge in marine boilers: Application perspective

    This paper focuses on the combustion of hydrogen in boilers, as it appears to be a more effective method than using fuel cells for heating purposes due to higher boiler efficiency. One of the main disadvantages of hydrogen combustion in air is NOx formation. Therefore, the authors decided to introduce corona discharge as an inno- vative technique to clean hydrogen flue gas by effectively reducing NOx levels. The method involves...

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  • Projektowanie łuków koszowych dostosowane do pomiarów satelitarnych

    W pracy przedstawiono nową metodę projektowania rejonu zmiany kierunku trasy kolejowej, dostosowaną do techniki ciagłych pomiarów satelitarnych. Metoda ta może się okazać szczególnie przydatna podczas projektowania regulacji osi istniejącego toru, kiedy określenie obu kierunków głównych trasy okazuje się niemożliwe. Jedynym rozwiązaniem staje się wówczas wprowadzenie do układu geometrycznego dwóch łuków kołowych o różnym promieniu,...

  • Projektowanie układów geometrycznych toru z zastosowaniem optymalizacji wielokryterialnej


    W pracy przedstawiono metodę projektowania odcinków trasy kolejowej położonych w łuku, dostosowaną do techniki mobilnych pomiarów satelitarnych. Rozwiązanie problemu projektowego wykorzystuje zapis matematyczny i polega na wyznaczeniu uniwersalnych równań opisujących całość układu geometrycznego. Odbywa się to sekwencyjnie, obejmując kolejne fragmenty tegoż układu. Procedura projektowania ma charakter uniwersalny, gdyż w ogólnym...

  • Inwestycja w złoto – bezpieczna przystań, zabezpieczenie czy źródło dywersyfikacji dla polskiego inwestora

    W artykule scharakteryzowano pojęcie inwestycji zabezpieczającej, dywersyfikującej oraz inwestycji określanej jako bezpieczna przystań. Celem opracowania jest zbadanie, czy występują powiązania między stopami zwrotu osiąganymi na polskim rynku akcji a stopami zwrotu z inwestycji w złoto. W pracy zweryfikowano hipotezę: stopa zwrotu z inwestycji w złoto spełnia funkcję inwestycji zabezpieczającej w długim okresie w stosunku do inwestycji...

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  • Ewolucyjne planowanie bezpiecznych trajektorii statków oparte na zmodyfikowanym diagramie Cockcrofta.


    Artykuł przedstawia kontynuację badań autora nad planowaniem bezpiecznych trajektorii statków za pomocą algorytmów ewolucyjnych. Prezentowana metoda poszukuje optymalnego zbioru bezpiecznych trajektorii wszystkich statków biorących udział w spotkaniu. Bieżąca wersja metody zakłada ograniczoną widoczność i obowiązywanie Prawidła 19 Międzynarodowych Przepisów o Zapobieganiu Zderzeniom na Morzu (MPZZM) zamiast Prawideł 11 – 18. Artykuł...

  • Oferta kształcenia a wymogi współczesnego rynku pracy


    Współcześnie zmianom ulegają struktury gospodarek oraz sposoby gospodarowania poszczególnymi zasobami na rynkach. Wpływ na to mają nowoczesne technologie, procesy globalizacji i integracji. Obserwowane dynamiczne zmiany wymuszają włączenie się w proces unowocześniania różnych uczestników rynku. Jednym z nich są instytucje zajmujące się szeroko rozumianym kształceniem, które przygotowują zasoby pracy do wejścia na rynek pracy. Celem...

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  • Bezczujnikowe sterowanie trakcyjnym silnikiem IPMSM małej mocy

    This paper describes an algorithm for estimation of IPMSM angular rotor position. The algorithm uses derivatives of motor phase currents resulting from PWM modulation to obtain the rotor position. Control of the IPMSM electromagnetic torque requires a precise estimation of the rotor angular position throughout the wide speed range. This involves using a set of estimation methods switched with the dependence on the actual rotor...

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  • Knowledge base views


    - Rok 2008

    The paper introduces an extension to the NeeK language. In the current shape NeeK allows for selection of fragments of a given ontology. The selected part is automatically mapped to a database schema by Data Views implementation. Experience with a real system using Data Views has shown that the resulting database schema does not necessarily reflect the needs of the business logic of an application that uses a specific Data View....

  • The use of Kamienna głowa cabbage species for phytoextraction of zinc and cadmium from the soil


    Although traditional technologies for cleaning contaminated soils have proven to be efficient, they are usually expensive, labor intensive, and in the case of soil, they produce severe disturbance. Most recently, the use of plants in metal extraction (phytoremediation) has appeared as a promising alternative in the removal of heavy metal excess from soil. Phytoremediation uses of plant for pollutant stabilization, extraction, degradation,...

  • Monitoring of crosslinking of a DGEBA-PAMAM adhesive in composite/aluminium bonded joint using mechanical and ultra-sound techniques

    • M. Budzik
    • B. Mascaro
    • J. Jumel
    • M. Castaings
    • M. Shanahan


    Adhesive cure is an important and determining aspect of strength and stability of bonded structures. Crosslinking of the polymer leads to the adhesive strength, stiffness and durability. Depending on the resin and curing agent used, cure time can vary from minutes to weeks, even then 100% crosslinking not being guaranteed. Standard methods based on dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) or calorimetric techniques (DSC, DTA) are valuable...

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  • Heavy duty vehicle fuel consumption modelling using artificial neural networks


    - Rok 2019

    In this paper an artificial neural network (ANN) approach to modelling fuel consumption of heavy duty vehicles is presented. The proposed method uses easy accessible data collected via CAN bus of the truck. As a benchmark a conventional method, which is based on polynomial regression model, is used. The fuel consumption is measured in two different tests, performed by using a unique test bench to apply the load to the engine. Firstly,...

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  • Localization of sound sources with dual acoustic vector sensor


    - Rok 2019

    The aim of the work is to estimate the position of sound sources. The proposed method uses a setup of two acoustic vector sensors (AVS). The intersection of azimuth rays from each AVS should indicate the position of a source. In practice, the result of position estimation using this method is an area rather than a point. This is a result of inaccuracy of the individual sensors, but more importantly, of the influence of a source...

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  • Towards Use of OntoClean for Ontology Contextualization


    Ontologies are formal systems of concepts used to describe numerous domains of interest. Ontologies are usually very expressive, but it comes at a price of computationally expensive reasoning over them. In our previous work we discussed the possible performance benefits that can be obtained by decomposing an ontology into contexts. While the benefits are appealing, we discovered that, in our case, the main obstacle against using...

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  • Viability of decisional DNA in robotics


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2014

    The Decisional DNA is an artificial intelligence system that uses prior experiences to shape future decisions. Decisional DNA is written in the Set Of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and is capable of capturing and reusing a broad range of data. Decisional DNA has been implemented in several fields including Alzheimer’s diagnosis, geothermal energy and smart TV. Decisional DNA is well suited to use in robotics due to the...

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  • Operation of the 900 MW power plant with the ORC supplied from three heat sources


    - Rok 2014

    The chapter is aimed at utilisation of waste heat in the reference supercritical power plant in the manner to produce electricity in ORC installation. The waste heat is available in the form of a stream of hot water at 90°C, recovered from the exhaust gases in the amount of 200MW. Such low enthalpy heat source is rather insufficient to produce a good quality vapour to feed the ORC turbine. Therefore an original approach to increase...

  • Bass Enhancement Settings in Portable Devices Based on Music Genre Recognition

    The paper presents a novel approach to the Virtual Bass Synthesis (VBS) applied to mobile devices, called Smart VBS (SVBS). The proposed algorithm uses an intelligent, rule-based setting of bass synthesis parameters adjusted to the particular music genre. Harmonic generation is based on a nonlinear device (NLD) method with the intelligent controlling system adapting to the recognized music genre. To automatically classify music...

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  • Digital fingerprinting for color images based on the quaternion encryption scheme

    In this paper we present a new quaternion-based encryption technique for color images. In the proposed encryption method, images are written as quaternions and are rotated in a three-dimensional space around another quaternion, which is an encryption key. The encryption process uses the cipher block chaining (CBC) mode. Further, this paper shows that our encryption algorithm enables digital fingerprinting as an additional feature....

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  • Genre-Based Music Language Modeling with Latent Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Process Allocation

    In this work we present a new Bayesian topic model: latent hierarchical Pitman-Yor process allocation (LHPYA), which uses hierarchical Pitman-Yor pr ocess priors for both word and topic distributions, and generalizes a few of the existing topic models, including the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), the bi- gram topic model and the hierarchical Pitman-Yor topic model. Using such priors allows for integration of -grams with a topic model,...

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  • Genre-Based Music Language Modeling with Latent Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Process Allocation


    - Rok 2014

    In this work we present a new Bayesian topic model: latent hierarchical Pitman-Yor process allocation (LHPYA), which uses hierarchical Pitman-Yor pr ocess priors for both word and topic distributions, and generalizes a few of the existing topic models, including the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), the bi- gram topic model and the hierarchical Pitman-Yor topic model. Using such priors allows for integration of -grams with a topic...

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  • Experimental economics in business education: Using simple games to achieve multifaceted effects


    - Rok 2014

    Economics differs from other sciences not only because of its normative part, but also because of very limited use of experiments. In this way, economics is often perceived as being methodologically more similar to astronomy or meteorology rather than physics or chemistry. Over last decades, however, experimental economics has been significantly developed. This chapter presents some of the possibilities for academic teachers to...

  • Detection and Mitigation of GPS Spoofing Based on Antenna Array Processing

    In this article authors present an application of spatial processing methods for GPS spoofing detection and mitigation. In the first part of this article, a spoofing detection method, based on phase delay measurements, is proposed. Accuracy and precision of phase delay estimation is assessed for various qualities of received signal. Spoofing detection thresholds are determined. Efficiency of this method is evaluated in terms of...

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  • The development of an underwater telephone for digital communication purposes


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2016

    The underwater telephone HTL-10 has been designed to provide voice and data communication between helicopter and submarines using acoustic waves. It works in a half-duplex mode and uses analogue power-efficient modulation in the form of a single side-band, suppressed carrier, in a wide range of frequencies. It generates the transmitted signal, and processes the received signals. It is implemented with the use of digital signal...

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  • Recovery of silver metallization from damaged silicon cells

    Metallization is one of the key process steps to fabricate solar cells with high performance in a cost-effective way. Majority of photovoltaic solar cell manufacturing uses thick film screen print metallization with Ag containing paste to produce solar cells. The average lifetime of PV modules can be expected to be more than 25 years. The disposal of PV systems will become a problem in view of the continually increasing production...

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  • Multiobjective Aerodynamic Optimization by Variable-Fidelity Models and Response Surface Surrogates


    - AIAA JOURNAL - Rok 2016

    A computationally efficient procedure for multiobjective design optimization with variable-fidelity models and response surface surrogates is presented. The proposed approach uses the multiobjective evolutionary algorithm that works with a fast surrogate model, obtained with kriging interpolation of the low-fidelity model data enhanced by space-mapping correction exploiting a few high-fidelity training points. The initial Pareto...

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  • Sawing Processes as a Way of Determining Fracture Toughness and Shear Yield Stresses of Wood


    - BIORESOURCES - Rok 2015

    A new computational model, based on fracture mechanics, was used to determine cutting forces. Unlike traditional computing methods, which depend on many coefficients reflecting the machining of solid wood, the new model uses two main parameters: fracture toughness and shear yield stresses. The aim of this study was to apply this new method to determine these parameters for the tooth cutting edge principal positions and longitudinal...

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  • On Accuracy Modeling of Gas Turbine Cycles by the In-house COM-GAS Code


    - Rok 2016

    In this paper, a comparison of accuracy modeling of gas turbine cycles between the basic (classical) model and the in-house COM-GAS code has been presented. The basic model uses a semi-perfect gas and well known projecting assumption. On the other hand, the computational flow mechanics (CFM) basis on a real gas by using thermodynamic tables. The thermodynamic analysis of thermal cycles, simply gas cycle GT8C and gas turbine cycle...

  • An improved scalable method of isolating asphaltenes

    A new, improved and scalable procedure of asphaltene fraction isolation is presented and compared to standard test methods. The new procedure uses 1:40 feedstock to solvent (n-heptane) ratio (g/mL), filtration through a cellulosic thimble and extensive washing in a Soxhlet type extractor. The group type composition and purity of the asphaltene fractions have been examined using thin-layer chromatography with flame-ionization detection....

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  • Parametrized Local Reduced-Order Models With Compressed Projection Basis for Fast Parameter-Dependent Finite-Element Analysis

    This paper proposes an automated parametric local model-order reduction scheme for the expedited design of microwave devices using the full-wave finite-element method (FEM). The approach proposed here results in parameterized reduced-order models (ROMs) that account for the geometry and material variation in the selected subregion of the structure. In each subregion, a parameter-dependent projection basis is generated by concatenating...

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  • Benefit of the doubt approach to assessing the research performance of Australian universities

    This paper proposes a benefit of the doubt (BoD) approach to assess the research performance of 37 public Australian universities based on data from 2015. The primary activities of Higher Education institutions are teaching and research, but the prestige of a university depends mainly on the results of its research activities. The BoD method is rooted in the data envelopment analysis methodology, which enables the flexible and...

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  • Practical I-Voting on Stellar Blockchain


    In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving i-voting system based on the public Stellar Blockchain network. We argue that the proposed system satisfies all requirements stated for a robust i-voting system including transparency, verifiability, and voter anonymity. The practical architecture of the system abstracts a voter from blockchain technology used underneath. To keep user privacy, we propose a privacy-first protocol that...

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  • Experience-Based Decisional DNA (DDNA) to Support Product Development



    Knowledge and experience are important requirements for product development. The aim of this paper is to propose a systematic approach for industrial product development. This approach uses smart knowledge management system comprising of Set of Experience Knowledge Structure and Decisional DNA (DDNA) along with Virtual Engineering Tools (Virtual engineering object, Virtual engineering process, and Virtual engineering factory)....

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  • Hybrid Expert System for Computer-Aided Design of Ship Thruster Subsystems


    The article presents an expert system supporting the design of ship's power subsystems, in particular the thruster subsystem. The proposed hybrid expert system uses the results of simulation tests as the additional source of knowledge. The results of system operation are collated in a report which can be used as part of ship design description. The work oriented on developing the expert system is the continuation of the research...

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  • Efficient RSS-Based DoA Estimation for ESPAR Antennas Using Multiplane SDR Calibration Approach


    In this paper, we have introduced a new method to improve overall efficiency of direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation scheme relying on received signal strength (RSS) values measured at the output port of electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna. The proposed approach uses software-defined radio (SDR) setup and power pattern cross-correlation (PPCC) estimator involving multiple calibration planes. By placing...

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  • Fault-tolerant performance of the novel five-phase doubly-fed induction generator

    The article presents the concept of a new design of a multi-phase doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG). The innovative design approach uses a five-phase power supply from the rotor side of the generator with a three-phase classic stator power supply. Modern three-phase doubly-fed induction generators are the dominant choice for Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS). Solutions of this type are sensitive to the loss of at least...

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  • Adaptive Method for Modeling of Temporal Dependencies between Fields of Vision in Multi-Camera Surveillance Systems


    A method of modeling the time of object transition between given pairs of cameras based on the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is proposed in this article. Temporal dependencies modeling is a part of object re-identification based on the multi-camera experimental framework. The previously utilized Expectation-Maximization (EM) approach, requiring setting the number of mixtures arbitrarily as an input parameter, was extended with the...

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