Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Jewish philosophy - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Jewish philosophy

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Jewish philosophy

  • Phosphinophosphoranes: Mixed-Valent Phosphorus Compounds with Ambiphilic Properties

    Herein, we present a simple synthesis of mixed-valent phosphinophosphoranes bearing three- and five-coordinate phosphorus centers. Compounds with phosphorus–phosphorus bonds were synthesized via a reaction of lithium phosphides RR′PLi with cat2PCl (cat = catecholate), whereas derivatives with methylene-linked phosphorus centers were obtained via a reaction of phosphanylmethanides RR′CH2Li with cat2PCl. The presence of accessible...

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  • Realistic noise-tolerant randomness amplification using finite number of devices

    • F. Brandão
    • R. Ramanathan
    • A. Grudka
    • K. Horodecki
    • M. Horodecki
    • P. Horodecki
    • T. Szarek
    • H. Wojewódka

    - Nature Communications - Rok 2016

    Randomness is a fundamental concept, with implications from security of modern data systems, to fundamental laws of nature and even the philosophy of science. Randomness is called certified if it describes events that cannot be pre-determined by an external adversary. It is known that weak certified randomness can be amplified to nearly ideal randomness using quantum-mechanical systems. However, so far, it was unclear whether randomness amplification...

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  • Linux scheduler improvement for time demanding network applications, running on Communication Platform Systems

    Communication Platform Systems as ex. ATCA standard blades located in standardized chassis provides high level communication services between system peripherals. Each ATCA blade brings dedicated functionality to the system but can as well exist as separated host responsible for servicing set of task. According to platform philosophy these parts of system can be quite independent against another solutions provided by competitors....

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  • Qualia: About Personal Emotions Representing Temporal Form of Impressions - Implementation Hypothesis and Application Example


    The aim of this article is to present the new extension of the xEmotion system as a computerized emotional system, part of an Intelligent System of Decision making (ISD) that combines the theories of affective psychology and philosophy of mind. At the same time, the authors try to find a practical impulse or evidence for a general reflection on the treatment of emotions as transitional states, which at some point may lead to the...

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  • Heinrich Rickert als Danziger, Deutscher und Denker


    - Rok 2015

    Die zalreichen deutschen Denker auf dem Gebiet heutigen Polens, wie Heinrich Rickert aus Danzig bilden der Geschichte, die Tradizion der Platze, eine Geschichte mit der man sich auseinandersetzen sollte. Diese Beitrag zeigt wie sich die polnischen Geschichte Philosophen bemuhen, die Auffassungen ausgewahlter deutscher Denker, nach Beispiel Rickerts,und das Verstandnis ihrer Ansichten im Bezug zu deren Weltanschaungen und...

  • The Brick Face of Modernism and Architecture of Gustav Oelsner

    There are many reasons that make the work of Gustav Oelsner worth to present. One of the reasons is comparison of two different ways of development of two cities, Gdynia (an exhibition of work of Gustav Oelsner was presented in Gdynia in April and May of 2011) and Altona, were Oelsner created his architecture. These two cities has grown at the side of their big neighbours, Gdansk and Hamburg. They are harbour cities and their...

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  • Zerowaste Architecture 2022/23

    Kursy Online
    • B. Kapica

    The issues of the classes include design in the spirit of "zerowaste", i.e. maximum use of existing tissue and the use of secondary building materials. In the face of climate change, construction should face the enormity of waste generated by this sector. Minimizing the production of a new substance and maximizing the use of the existing substance in combination with high aesthetic values is a considerable architectural challenge. The...

  • Zerowaste Architecture 2023/24

    Kursy Online
    • B. Kapica

    The issues of the classes include design in the spirit of "zerowaste", i.e. maximum use of existing tissue and the use of secondary building materials. In the face of climate change, construction should face the enormity of waste generated by this sector. Minimizing the production of a new substance and maximizing the use of the existing substance in combination with high aesthetic values is a considerable architectural challenge. The...

  • Optimization of Stabilizing Systems in Protection of Cultural Heritage: The Case of the Historical Retaining Wall in the Wisłoujście Fortress


    The aim of the paper is to propose new quantitative criteria for selecting the optimal method of securing and repairing a historical object, which take into account Structural, Conservation and Architectural aspects (the S–C–A method). Construction works on cultural heritage sites tend to be challenging and require an interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, they are strictly related to the philosophy of sustainable development which...

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  • Agile Commerce in the light of Text Mining

    The survey conducted for this study reveals that more than 84% of respondents have never encountered the term “agile commerce” and do not understand its meaning. At the same time, they are active participants of this strategy. Using digital channels as customers more often than ever before, they have already been included in the agile philosophy. Based on the above, the purpose of the study is to analyse major text sets containing...

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  • Człowiek i jego samochód - relacje w strukturach mieszkaniowych w warunkach zrównoważonego rozwoju. Zapis refleksji


    Jakość środowiska zbudowanego - przekształcanego i tworzonego dla coraz liczniejszych pokoleń mieszkańców jest przedmiotem wieloletniej i narastającej dyskusji zawodowej środowiska architektonicznego.Ludzka potrzeba samorealizacji poprzez codzienną aktywność, działalność zawodową, przyjmowane role społeczne wpływa na kształtowanie indywidualnych modeli codzienności miejskiej, na decyzje o wyborach miejsca zamieszkania, miejsca...

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  • Phosphinoborinium cation: a synthon for cationic B-P bond systems

    Herein, we report access to phosphinoborinium cations via heterolytic cleavage of the boron-bromide bond in bromophosphinoborane. The product of the reaction was isolated as a dimeric dication possessing a planar P2B2 core. Activation of C-H and C-P bonds in the dication led to formation of the borinium-phosphaborene adduct. Reactivity studies revealed that title cation exhibits ambiphilic properties and intramolecular frustrated...

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  • Integration of Lean Manufacturing with ISO Management Systems in Enterprise

    Lean manufacturing [LM], quality management system and environmental management system are clear initiatives with a goal of improving effectiveness and efficiencies of organizations. Many organisations tackle lean philosophy, ISO standards individually but this kind of attempt do not focus on the synergy and the advantage from the potential collaboration. This paper aims to present the possibility of integration Lean Management...

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  • Green Sample Collection


    The term of “green sample collection” is directly associated with both passive and dynamic analytical tools which allow for simultaneous management of the stage of collection and isolation and/or enrichment of a broad spectrum of chemical compounds from environmental samples. The use of passive sampling techniques at the stage of sample collection makes it possible to obtain in a simple yet inexpensive manner an analytical information...

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  • Gender approaches to evolutionary multi-objective optimization using pre-selection of criteria

    A novel idea to perform evolutionary computations (ECs) for solving highly dimensional multi-objective optimization (MOO) problems is proposed. Following the general idea of evolution, it is proposed that information about gender is used to distinguish between various groups of objectives and identify the (aggregate) nature of optimality of individuals (solutions). This identification is drawn out of the fitness of individuals...

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  • Analytical procedures for short chain chlorinated paraffins determination - How to make them greener?


    The aim of the following paper was to gather current scientific information about the analytical protocols dedicated to measuring the content level of short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) in various types of environmental samples. Moreover, the data about the basic validation parameters of applied procedures for SCCPs determination are listed. The main issue which is highlighted in the paper is the possibility of the application...

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  • The Corporate Museum: A New Type of Museum Created as a Component of Marketing Company

    A new type of museum appeared – the corporate museum. The museum institution in this instance has been used as a new marketing device for building corporate identity strategies. Their inception is not based on the existing context of a place, but appears to be integrated with the corporate identity program, exposing the company’s values and philosophy. The corporate museums are thematic, commercial buildings, owned by a particular...

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    34 IMPLEMENTATION OF INOGATE PROGRAMME IN ARMENIA, AZERBAIJAN AND GEORGIA Krystyna Gomółka Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology Ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12, 80 - 233 Gdańsk, Poland Krystyna.Gomolka@zie.pg.gda.pl Abstract INOGATE Programme is one of the instruments designed for the implementation of the energy policy developed by the EU and...

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  • Damian Winczewski dr


  • Easy formation of acyl-Meldrum's acid anhydride


    Acyl Meldrum's acid are usually a good source of ketenes upon definite thermal composition. However we treated acyl-Meldrum's acid with the Lewis acid and we observed formation of 5[[(2,2-dimethyl-4,6-dioxo-1,3-dioxan 5 ylidene)(acyl/arylamino)mathoxy](acyl/arylamino)methylene]-2,2dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4,6 dione which means acyl-Meldrum's acid anhydride. The chemical properities of acyl-Meldrum's acid anhydride were explored.

  • Zarządzanie programami badawczymi z uwzględnieniem filozofii nauki


    - Rok 2013

    Zarządzanie projektami i programami badawczymi powinno być realizowane z zastosowaniem specyficznych metod zarządzania ze względu na specyfikę badań naukowych. W tym rozdziale zaprezentowano wyniki analiz mających na celu lepsze zrozumienie roli zarządzania programem badawczym z następujących perspektyw: analizy rzeczywistości projektów badawczych, zarządzania projektem i programem oraz filozofii nauki. Praktycznym zastosowaniem...

  • Kamil Rajkowski mgr

    Doktorant nauk humanistycznych w dyscyplinie filozofii przy Uniwersytecie Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Absolwent socjologii oraz filozofii na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim. Studiował także na Uniwersytecie Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu oraz Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Krakowie. Pracę magisterską obronił na podstawie dysertacji o koncepcjach antropologicznych i estetycznych w filozofii Emila Ciorana. Współpracuje z Krakowskim...

  • On my way to global science - 1933-2015 memoirs". A volume of memoirs by professor Wiesław Maria Grudzewski

    I wish to express my graditude for the oportunity to read excellent on the life and academic work of Professor Grudzewski, and outstanding scientist and unquestioned authority on economic sciences in the area of management science. Professor Grudzewski had an influence on the events presented in his memoirs through his acquaintances and associates.

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  • Cezary Wąs Profesor


      CEZARY WĄS (ur. 1960), profesor w Instytucie Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. W latach 1986-2021 kustosz Muzeum Architektury we Wrocławiu. Kierownik programów badawczych: „Polska architektura sakralna XX wieku” (1997–2000), „Architektura sakralna XX wieku na Pomorzu, Dolnym i Górnym Śląsku oraz Warmii i Mazurach” (1999–2000). Kierownik polskiej sekcji międzynarodowej wystawy i wydawnictwa „Raum und Religion. Europäische...

  • Positive management of the university


    Purpose: To demonstrate that contemporary universities may be improved by synthesis of strategic antinomies, i.e. seeking the possibility of combining opposite approaches to solving problems concerning university organization and management. Findings: That approach discounts the importance of building positive relationships between members of staff and undertaking activities intended to create a situation where the...

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  • The Urban Mentoring as a New Method of Participatory Urban Planning in Poland

    Twenty-five years after the return of democracy and the beginning of basing the country's economy on neoliberal developmental paradigm, Poland adopted the regulations regarding management of urban policy, which had been wait for over a decade (accession to the EU). The National Urban Policy as well as the Act on revitalization have defined, in a modern manner, the field of cooperation between the local government, the administration...

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  • The energy concept of money

    Purpose: This paper aims to provide the literature review seeking an answer whether energy can be used as a universal equivalent instead of money. Methodology: The author conducted a review of available literature and data sources related to the money theory and energy concept of money. Findings: It was found that the definition of energy as a general equivalent has a contextual and dynamic nature, and this field’s consolidation...

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  • Биополитика согласно Чеславу Милошу


    The paper shows the origins of the transformation of history into biohistory as well as politics into biopolitics in the writings of Miłosz. It takes into account his view of history when he was a child and his social experiences when he was at school. It proves that the fact that Miłosz comprehends the world within the categories of biopolitics results from projecting Darwinism on the historical past, and then projecting on...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Positive management of the university


    - Rok 2015

    Abstract: The prevailing view held at contemporary Polish universities is that their main goal is to achieve effects measured by indicators, which applies to each element of their mission: education, research and the third mission, whereas the means to accomplish this goal consists of increasing the requirements and motivating by the “carrot and stick” approach. That approach discounts the importance of building a positive relationship...

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  • The Large Customer Reactive Power Control Possibilities


    n this paper the authors wish to draw attention to the rationale for, and the possibility of, the use of local reactive power sources by the Transmission Node Master Controller (TNMC). Large Customers (LC) are one of the possible reactive power sources. The paper presents the issues related to the need for coordination between the control systems installed in the LC network, and coordination between control systems of the LC as...

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  • Hussein Annan


    PhD candidate in Architecture and Urban Planning at the Gdansk University of Technology, with a background in Surveying Engineering. I use GIS to manage, visualize, and analyze spatial data. My philosophy focuses on holistic approaches to sustainable development and good governance.I am skilled in geoprocessing, surveying, and GIS software (ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Google Earth, Global Mapper, SketchUp, Erdas)....

  • Paradoksy w zarządzaniu organizacją - wejście do czy wyjście z labiryntu

    W artykule przedstawiono cechy zarządzania współczesną organizacją konstatując, że nieodłącznym elementem każdej organizacji są paradoksy strategiczne. Przedstawiono konstrukcję paradoksu według M. Lewis, na którą składa się identyfikacja: źródeł występujących napięć, przyczyn ich wzmacniania towarzyszących poszukiwaniu rozwiązań lub będących wynikiem reakcji obronnych oraz propozycja wykorzystania paradoksów jako źródła wiedzy...

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  • Analiza bibliometryczna w badaniach dotyczących prognozowania upadłości przedsiębiorstw w Polsce


    - Rok 2020

    Celem opracowania jest ukazanie obrazu piśmiennictwa poświęconego zagadnieniom prognozowania upadłości przedsiębiorstw w Polsce. Jako metodę badawczą zastosowano analizę bibliometryczną. Do analizy wykorzystano bazę Google Scholar oraz narzędzie Publish or Perish 7. Okresem badań objęto lata 1995– 2019. Jako frazy do wyszukiwania publikacji zastosowano: „prognozowanie upadłości”, „prognozowanie zagrożenia finansowego”, „systemy...

  • Żegluga towarowa na Wiśle


    Koncepcje rozwoju drogi wodnej WISŁY.Bariery utrudniaące rozwój transportu wodnego i przesłanki przemawiające za aktywizacją dróg wodnychb w Polsce.Propozycja drogi wodnej na Wiśle jako elementu łańcucha transportowego z terminalami kontenerowymi w porcie Gdańskim, Bydgoszczy,Warszawie oraz docelowo w rejonie Krakowa jako elementu przyszłego kanału Śląskiego. Koncepcja centrum logistycznego w Bydgoszczy

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  • How Machine Learning Contributes to Solve Acoustical Problems

    • M. A. Roch
    • P. Gerstoft
    • B. Kostek
    • Z. Michalopoulou

    - Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - Rok 2021

    Machine learning is the process of learning functional relationships between measured signals (called percepts in the artificial intelligence literature) and some output of interest. In some cases, we wish to learn very specific relationships from signals such as identifying the language of a speaker (e.g. Zissman, 1996) which has direct applications such as in call center routing or performing a music information retrieval task...

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  • The (over)touristification of European historic cities: a relation between urban heritage and short-term rental market demand


    - Rok 2023

    In this chapter, I wish to highlight the critical relationship between heritage management issues and building environment transformation. I argue that such a relationship is directly expressed through the tourism phenomenon, and it should be measured through the economic dimension of the short-term rental market, which introduces this rule of thumb: if there is a lack of demand, the brand of the city is weak; if there is too much...

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  • Reducing the number of periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of a self-map of a simply-connected manifold with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers

    Let f be a smooth self-map of an m-dimensional (m >3) closed connected and simply-connected manifold such that the sequence of the Lefschetz num- bers of its iterations is periodic. For a fixed natural r we wish to minimize, in the smooth homotopy class, the number of periodic points with periods less than or equal to r. The resulting number is given by a topological invariant J[f] which is defned in combinatorial terms and is...

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  • The essence of marine and coastal space – an interdisciplinary perspective


    - EUROPA XXI - Rok 2019

    Sea space has been undergoing a profound transformation. Although it retains its inspirational function in arts, literature and philosophy, it has been gaining new anthropogenic dimensions in eco-nomics and urban planning as a source of satisfying human needs i.e. the provision of harmony, beauty, off-shore energy, and biotech substances. Therefore, in this paper marine space is analyzed from a mul-tidimensional perspective of...

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  • The Contemporary aspects of revitalization of the buildings and the port areas


    - Rok 2017

    Port cities are the forefront of globalization. The continued growth of international trade of goods and services has now played a major role in shaping the economic and social world. Strategies for mutual cooperation and follow-up between countries, cities and regions are increasingly complex. On the one hand it brings profits, on the other leads to destabilization and the need for transformation and constant modernization. Port...

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  • Deepak Gautambhai Vyas PhD Student


    Pursuing Doctoral of Philosophy at Gdansk University of Technology. My research interests are sensorless control, power electronics converter, electrical machine, control system, power system, power system protection and smart grid.

  • Piotr Skurski prof. dr hab.


    Piotr Stanisław Skurski (ur. 25 sierpnia 1969 w Gdańsku) – polski chemik specjalizujący się w chemii kwantowej i fizycznej, profesor nauk chemicznych, profesor zwyczajny Wydziału Chemii Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, kierownik Katedry Chemii Teoretycznej i Pracowni Chemii Kwantowej na tym wydziale, a także Professor of Chemistry w Henry Eyring Center for Theoretical Chemistry na Uniwersytecie Utah w Stanach Zjednoczonych. W latach 2011-2016 członek...

  • Architektura przyszłości – przekraczanie granic poprzez interfejsy


    - Rok 2014

    Architektura przyszłości rozpatrywana jest w kontekście rozwoju technologii cyfrowych, które umożliwiają nadawanie obiektom architektonicznym cech interfejsów. Przekraczanie granic dotyczy więc nadawania architekturze nowych funkcji - funkcjonalności zapożyczonych ze świata wirtualnego, emisji informacji oraz interakcji. W tym ujęciu „interfejs architektoniczny” stanowi płaszczyznę komunikacji pomiędzy obiektem architektonicznym...

  • The potential of urban agriculture in the revitalisation of a metropolis


    - Rok 2019

    In Poland, the topic addressing urban areas of agricultural production and gardening activity is still viewed in two main blocks: 1) a shift of the urbanized zone’s boundaries, causing dispersion of suburban buildings as well as creates conflict zone between the residential area and the production and post-production zones; 2) a socially contentious issue of restructuring the inner-city complexes of former employee allotments....

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  • Evolution of End-User Participation in IT Projects.


    - Rok 2013

    This chapter is aimed at presenting a review of evolutionary design paradigms which determine the end-user’s role in IT (Information Technology) projects across recent decades. This review covers different perspectives starting from technology-oriented sequential software development lifecycles, through user-centred approaches, ending finally in contemporary service design approaches supported by e-business and social media. Finally,...

  • Leveraging Training Strategies of Artificial Neural Network for Classification of Multiday Electromyography Signals

    • M. Akmal
    • S. Khalid
    • M. Moiz
    • M. Abbass
    • M. Qureshi
    • Z. Mushtaq

    - Rok 2022

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  • Synthesis of 5-Substituted 1H-Tetrazoles from Nitriles in the Presence of Heterogeneous Catalyst


    - Rok 2012

    Tetrazoles are five-membered heterocyclic compounds containing in their rings four nitrogen atoms. They have wide applications as corrosion inhibitors, analytical reagents, high-energy materials and gas generating compositions. Tetrazoles also play important role in coordination chemistry as ligands and in medicinal chemistry as metabolically stable surrogates for carboxylic acids. In recent years, investigation of new method of...

  • Construction solutions for historical object foundations in the context of changing their functional use

    Properly executed renovation and adaptation of a grade listed property not only ensures its constructional safety, but may also highlight the object’s historical value. Taking into consideration various factors, such as divergence of interests, or technical and legal determinants, it is safe to say that the renovation and adaptation of grade listed properties for new purposes is a complex process. The authors of the paper wish...

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  • Sfrustrowane pary Lewisa (FLP): nowa klasa związków fosforu z zastosowaniem w syntezie i katalizie.


    Kierownik projektu: dr hab. inż. Rafał Grubba   Program finansujący: OPUS

    Projekt realizowany w Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej zgodnie z porozumieniem UMO-2016/21/B/ST5/03088 z dnia 2017-07-19

  • Socioeconomic and gender inequalities in home learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: examining the roles of the home environment, parent supervision, and educational provisions


    - Educational and Developmental Psychologist - Rok 2023

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  • Influence of Installation Effects on Pile Bearing Capacity in Cohesive Soils – Large Deformation Analysis Via Finite Element Method

    In this paper, the whole process of pile construction and performance during loading is modelled via large deformation finite element methods such as Coupled Eulerian Lagrangian (CEL) and Updated Lagrangian (UL). Numerical study consists of installation process, consolidation phase and following pile static load test (SLT). The Poznań site is chosen as the reference location for the numerical analysis, where series of pile SLTs...

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