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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: WELDING METALLURGY
Remote learning among students with and without reading difficulties during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic
PublikacjaThis article presents the results of a survey on yet under-researched aspects of remote learning and learning difficulties in higher education during the initial stage (March – June 2020) of the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 2182 students from University of Warsaw in Poland completed a two-part questionnaire regarding academic achievements in the academic year 2019/2020, living conditions and stress related to learning and pandemic,...
DSC Melting Profile of Cold-Pressed Hemp Seed Oil as an Authenticity Fingerprint Influenced by Scanning Rate
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Human movement analysis in evaluation of the risk of falls in younger and older workers while wearing protective footwear
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Evaluation of Surface Topography after Face Turning of CoCr Alloys Fabricated by Casting and Selective Laser Melting
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Behavioural responses to potential dispersal cues in two economically important species of cereal-feeding eriophyid mites
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Measuring the host specificity of plant-feeding mites based on field data — a case study of the Aceria species
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Energy-Saving Mechatronic System for Fatigue Tests of Materials under Variable-Amplitude Proportional Bending and Torsion
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Folding kinetics of WW domains with the united residue force field for bridging microscopic motions and experimental measurements
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Energy-based fatigue failure characteristics of materials under random bending loading in elastic-plastic range
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Big fat Assyrian/Syriac weddings: rituals and marriage traditions among Middle Eastern Christians in Sweden
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A strategy of minimal torque modifications in a question of actuation strategy for an over-actuated system of a planar walking robot
PublikacjaPraca opisuje zagadnienia modelowania i napędzania robotów kroczących. Na pewnych etapach ruchu, konstrukcje takie są układami napędzanymi nadmiarowo (liczba napędów/silników jest większa niż liczba stopni swobody układu). Dzieje się tak z uwagi na więzy jednostronne występujące w układzie. Dla układów płaskich, po pojawieniu się kontaktu koła i odnóża, układ o sześciu stopniach swobody przechodzi w układ o trzech stopniach swobody....
Study of prototype multi-pole non-salient field winding for high speed brushless synchronous generator
PublikacjaIn this paper a non-salient field winding for a brushless synchronous generator working with high speed in an autonomous energy generation system (e.g. airplane power grid) has been presented. A conception of a six-pole cylindrical-rotor with distributed field winding has been proposed. Comparison study of salient and prototype non-salient field winding has been carried out. Chosen simulation and measurement results of the generator...
On a fully three-dimensional bending analysis of very thick smart composite cube-like bulk structures
PublikacjaHere we discuss the behaviour of very thick composite plates considering electro-magneto-elastic coupling of various types using fully three-dimensional (3D) kinematics. Published research highlights a lack of studies on the 3D mechanics of smart composite plates that integrate both higher-order (flexoelectric/flexomagnetic) and lower-order (piezoelectric/piezomagnetic) multiple physical fields (electro-magneto-elastic). The common...
Process [Intellectual Output 2] Guidelines for a design process leading to a high-quality Baukultur in the digital age
PublikacjaThe main aim of the intellectual output “Process” is to identify, explore and evaluate new design processes for shaping the built environment, which are informed, collaborative, and adaptable, allow customization and are generally enabled by the application of digital tools. Further, it aims at creating methodological guidelines for future-oriented design processes leading to a high-quality Baukultur in the digital age. The guidelines...
Textile reinforced concrete members subjected to tension, bending, and in-plane loads: Experimental study and numerical analyses
PublikacjaTextile reinforced concrete has raised increasing research interest during the last years, mainly due to its potential to be used for freeform shell structures involving complex load situations. Yet, most experimental work has focused on test setups with primarily uniaxial loading. In the current work, such setups are complemented with a novel test setup of deep beams, including in-plane bending and shear. Further, nonlinear finite...
Bending and buckling formulation of graphene sheets based on nonlocal simple first-order shear deformation theory
PublikacjaThis paper presents a formulation based on simple first-order shear deformation theory (S-FSDT) for large deflection and buckling of orthotropic single-layered graphene sheets (SLGSs). The S-FSDT has many advantages compared to the classical plate theory (CPT) and conventional FSDT such as needless of shear correction factor, containing less number of unknowns than the existing FSDT and strong similarities with the CPT. Governing...
Winding function approach based design of novel five-phase brushless doubly fed induction generator
PublikacjaThe paper presents the concept of the new design of the five-phase brushless doubly fed induction generator. The generator is dedicated to the modern wind turbine. The innovative design approach uses a five-phase power supply from the stator control winding side of the generator with a stator three-phase classic power winding. The research results presented indicate that the electromagnetic coupling between the control and power...
Post-comatose patients with minimal consciousness tend to preserve reading comprehension skills but neglect syntax and spelling
PublikacjaModern eye tracking technology provides a means for communication with patients suffering from disorders of consciousness (DoC) or remaining in locked-in-state. However, being able to use an eye tracker for controlling text-based contents by such patients requires preserved reading ability in the first place. To our knowledge, this aspect, although of great social importance, so far has seemed to be neglected. In the paper, we...
Evolution of magnetic and transport properties in (Cr1−xMnx)2AlC MAX-phase synthesized by arc melting technique
PublikacjaHerein we initiate a comeback to the arc melting technique to produce MAX-phase solid solutions. Bulk samples of (Cr1−xMnx)2AlC MAX-phase with X = 0, 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1 were synthesized and studied by means of X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy in combination with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Samples were established to be homogeneous with an incorporation of Cr7C3, AlCr2 and Al2O3 secondary phases which...
Synthesis, structural characterization, and thermal properties of Ca‐ and La‐doped soda‐lime glasses by laser melting
PublikacjaLaser melting techniques have been used in the preparation of unconventional glass compositions with high melting temperatures. Thus, we wanted to test the feasibility of using a CO2 laser in the preparation of nitrogen-rich oxynitride glasses and nitride silicate glasses. Melting from oxides and metallic raw materials, we wanted to study first glass formation and possible evaporation losses of the glass components. Two glass series...
Determinants of the surface quality, density and dimensional correctness in selective laser melting of the Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy
PublikacjaSelective laser melting is widely used for custom-designed elements. Successful manufacturing depends on laser treatment parameters and material features. This research aimed to determine the effects of laser power, scan time and hatch distance on surface quality, relative density and dimensional precision for cuboids made of the Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy. The influence of energy density, energy flux and pre-heating was seen to be decisive...
Rotational molding of polylactide (PLA) composites filled with copper slag as a waste filler from metallurgical industry
PublikacjaThe research work carried out so far indicates the ever wider possibilities and demand for shaping composite products in the rotational molding technology. This trend was the main reason to use waste-based filler from the metallurgical process as a filler for manufacturing polylactide (PLA)-based remolded composites. Copper slag (CS) was introduced in the single-step processing method to PLA matrix at 5, 10, 20, and 35 wt%. The...
The impact of surface slope and calculation resolution on the fractal dimension for fractures of steels after bending-torsion fatigue
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of the fractal dimension measurements on the fatigue fracture surfaces of 10HNAP and S355J2 steels specimens after combined bending-torsion fatigue. For smooth and ring-notched specimens, three loading conditions were analyzed: (1) bending; (2) bending-torsion; and (3) torsion fatigue. Post-failure surface topography measurements were carried out on the entire fracture surfaces using an optical...
PublikacjaThe influence of defect features on fatigue behaviour is a complex trivial issue. Although the important advances over the last decades, the dialectical relationship between the defect orientation and durability is not clearly understood. The paper aims at studying the influence of the orientation of elliptical defects on the durability of samples made of C45 steel. Three types of samples with elliptical defects were subjected...
Correlation between Fractal Dimension and Areal Surface Parameters for Fracture Analysis after Bending-Torsion Fatigue
PublikacjaThis paper investigates the fracture surface topography of two steel and aluminum alloys subject to bending-torsion fatigue loadings, as well as their susceptibility to fatigue performance and failure mechanisms. Using fracture surface topography data analysis, elements with different geometries were elaborated. A correlation between the fractal dimension, other selected parameters of surface topography such as areal Sx, and...
A new anisotropic bending model for nonlinear shells: Comparison with existing models and isogeometric finite element implementation
PublikacjaA new nonlinear hyperelastic bending model for shells formulated directly in surface form is presented, and compared to four existing prominent bending models. Through an essential set of elementary nonlinear bending test cases, the membrane and bending stresses of each model are examined analytically. Only the proposed bending model passes all the test cases, while the other bending models either fail or only pass the test cases for...
Wideband High Efficiency Slot Array Antenna Based on Gap Waveguide Single-Layer Feeding Network
PublikacjaA single-layer, full metal, wideband and high efficiency slot array antenna operating in V-band (50-75 GHz) is proposed using single corporate-feeding network based on gap waveguide (GW) technology. Compared with conventional multi layered slot array antenna, the proposed antenna utilizes only one waveguide feeding layer excites the radiation slots, therefore the assembly complexity of multi-layer waveguide and manufacturing cost...
Four-state measurement method for direct-reading noise figure measurement of low-gain two-ports.
PublikacjaOmówiono problemy techniczne pomiaru współczynnika szumu dwuwrotników o małym wzmocnieniu mocy dysponowanej realizowanych przy stosowaniu znanych metod pomiaru współczynnika szumu. Przedstawiono nową czterostanową metodę pomiaru umożliwiającą uniezależnienie wskazań automatycznego miernika współczynnika szumu zarówno od wartośći wzmocnienia dwuwrotnika badanego jak i współczynnika szumu odbiornika pomiarowego. Wyprowadzone zależności...
Calculations of fracture process zones on meso-scale in notched concrete beams subjected to three-point bending.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numeryczne MES modelowanie belek betonowych z nacięciem na poziomie skali mezo. Beton został opisany na poziomie skali mezo jako stochastyczny materiał 3-składnikowy złożony z kruszywa, zaczynu cementowego oraz stref kontaktu. Obliczenia wykonano przy wykorzystaniu modelu degradacji sztywności z nielokalnym osłabieniem. Zbadano wpływ stochastycznego rozkładu kruszywa, średnicy, kształtu oraz zagęszczenia...
Parametric FE studies on a coupled energetic-statistical size effect in plain concrete beams under bending
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono wyniki połączonego deterministyczno-statystycznego efektu skali w betonowych belkach podczas zginania. Obliczenia wykonano stosując MES w zakresie sprężysto-plastyczności z nielokalnym osłabieniem. Obliczenia wykonano dla różnych długości korelacji i współczynnika zmienności.
Investigations on fracture in reinforced concrete beams in 3-point bending using continuous micro-CT scanning
PublikacjaThis study explores a fracture process in rectangular reinforced concrete (RC) beams subjected to quasi-static three-point bending. RC beams were short and long with included longitudinal reinforcement in the form of a steel or basalt bar. The ratio of the shear span to the effective depth was 1.5 and 0.75. The focus was on the load–deflection diagram and crack formation. Three-dimensional (3D) analyses of the size and distribution...
Finite element analysis on failure of reinforced concrete corner in sewage tank under opening bending moment
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono mechanizm uszkodzenia żelbetowego zbiornika ściekowego w narożniku ściany, który uległ uszkodzeniu podczas próby wypełnienia na skutek nadmiernych przemieszczeń poziomych ścian pod wpływem otwierającego momentu zginającego. Aby wyjaśnić przyczyny awarii, przeprowadzono kompleksowe obliczenia metodą elementów skończonych (MES) żelbetowego zbiornika w warunkach odkształcenia płaskiego. Beton zamodelowano za pomocą...
Zgrzewanie tarciowe z mieszaniem wewnętrznym zgrzeiny stopów aluminium AW7075-T651 i AW6082-T6 = Friction stir welding of aluminium alloys AW-7075-t651 and AW-6082-t6
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawione są wyniki badań nad złączami doczołowymi zgrzewanymi przy użyciu technologii Friction Stir Welding (FSW), wykonanymi z wysokowytrzymałego stopu Al-Zn (AW-7075-T651) oraz stopu Al-Mg2Si (AW-6082-T6) o wysokiej odporności na korozję. Stop AW-7075-T651 okazał się bardziej podatny na obniżenie własności mechanicznych w odniesieniu do materiału rodzimego. Złącza ze stopu AW-6082-T6 wykazały się lepszą plastycznością....
Funtai Oyobi Fummatsu Yakin/Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy
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Izvestiya Vuzov. Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya i Funktsional'nye Pokrytiya
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Gender and Body-Fat Status as Predictors of Parental Feeding Styles and Children’s Nutritional Knowledge, Eating Habits and Behaviours
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Effects of Three-Month Feeding High Fat Diets with Different Fatty Acid Composition on Myocardial Proteome in Mice
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Feeding milk replacer instead of whole milk affects blood plasma proteome and lipid profile in preruminant calves
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Managing Toe Walking, a Treatment Side Effect, in a Child With T-Cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma: A Case Report
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Managing Toe Walking, a Treatment Side Effect, in a Child With T-Cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma: A Case Report
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Real-time mask-wearing detection in video streams using deep convolutional neural networks for face recognition
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The Effect of Freezing Sheep’s Milk on the Meltability, Texture, Melting and Fat Crystallization Profiles of Fresh Pasta Filata Cheese
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Rural Dwelling and Temporal Trends in Relation to Childhood Asthma and Related Conditions in Belarus: A Repeated Cross-sectional Survey
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Nonlocal nonlinear bending of rectangular nanoscale plate including central hole via complex differential quadrature method
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Impact of orthostatic hypotension and antihypertensive drug treatment on total and cardiovascular mortality in a very elderly community-dwelling population
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Nordic Walking at Maximal Fat Oxidation Intensity Decreases Circulating Asprosin and Visceral Obesity in Women With Metabolic Disorders
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Influence of Wood Moisture on Strength and Elastic Modulus for Pine and Fir Wood Subjected to 4-point Bending Tests
PublikacjaThe main purpose of this research paper was to determine the influence of the wood moisture on the strength and elastic modulus of pine and fir wood specimens subjected to the 4-point bending tests. Six bending tests for each wood species and for two different moisture level have been performed. Then, the advanced statistical analysis of the results has been carried out. On the basis of the obtained results, it has been noted that...
PublikacjaWater lubricated bearings find increasingly wide application in shipbuilding or hydro–power industry, the popularity stemming from their numerous advantages. Unfortunately, as it turns out, water lubricated bearings do not always meet expectations, as on occasion they become subject to intense, premature wear which requires costly repair. One of the still unexplained phenomena is the process of excessive bearing wear, in particular...
Inhomogeneity of low-noise wearing courses evaluated by tire/road noise measurements using the close-proximity method
PublikacjaPerforming numerous analyses of tire/road noise measurements on low-noise pavements during the last several years, the authors observed significant inhomogeneity of the wearing course in numerous cases, while similar problems were almost non-existent when dense pavements were measured. Three main causes of low-noise pavement inhomogeneity can be defined. The first one is imperfections in the technology used for asphalt mix production...