Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SCHIFF CONDENSATION - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SCHIFF CONDENSATION

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SCHIFF CONDENSATION

  • Organy/struktury sui generis w obszarze Przestrzeni Wolności, Bezpieczeństwa i Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej


    - Rok 2015

    W przeszłości współpraca państw europejskich w zakresie bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego ograniczona była rygorystyczne przestrzegana zasadą suwerenno0ści. Tytuł V TFUE reguluje zagadnienia dotyczące Przestrzeni Wolności, Bezpieczeństwa i Sprawiedliwości. W jej ramach funkcjonują organy i struktury sui generis m. in. COSI, SCIFA, FRONTEX, EASO, Eurojust, EJN, OLAF, Europol, CEPOL a także działają w ramach swoich kompetencji ogólne instytucje...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Optical properties of boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond films studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry


    The optical properties of boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond films, coated using Microwave Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (μPE CVD) system, were analyzed by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Diamond films were deposited on silicon substrates. The ellipsometry data (refractive index (n(λ)), extinction coefficient (k(λ)) were modeled using dedicated software. Evolution of the optical structure with boron doping was observed...

  • Peer assessment as a method for measuring harmful internet use

    • W. W. Koczkodaj
    • A. Kowalczyk
    • M. Mazurek
    • W. Pedrycz
    • G. Redlarski
    • E. Rogalska
    • D. Strzałka
    • A. Szymańska
    • A. Wilinski
    • S. Xue

    - MethodsX - Rok 2023

    Harmful Internet use (HIU) describes unintended use of the Internet. It could be both self-harm and harming others. Our research goal is to develop a more accurate method for measuring HIU by this novel peer assessment. As such, it may become, with our call for more research, a paradigm shift supplementing every rating scale or other type of Internet use assessment. In addition to classic statistical analysis, structural equations...

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  • Performance of Coherent Modulation Scheme Used in Acoustic Underwater Communication System

    The development of an acoustic underwater communication system for shallow waters is still a big scientificand construction challenge. Currently, non-coherent modulations in combination with strong channel coding are used to achieve reliable communication with low rate in such a channel. To obtain transmission with a higher transmission rate, it is required to use coherent modulation. This paper presents the assumptions of such...

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  • CSR in Polish SMEs: From Perception to Love: Examples of Socially Engaged Firms from Pomeranian Region


    - Rok 2017

    Notwithstanding the worldwide increasing awareness of the importance of social issues in nowadays business management, Polish small and medium enterprises seem to remain in the group of followers, certainly not leaders of corporate social responsibility (CSR) movement, and this despite an important dissemination efforts by numerous institutions. The aim of this paper is to present the bumpy road to the implementation, still incomplete,...

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  • 237Np Mössbauer effect study on NpFeAsO

    • P. Gaczyński
    • T. Klimczuk
    • H. Walker
    • R. Springell
    • E. Colineau
    • R. Eloirdi
    • J. Griveau
    • R. Caciuffo


    We report 237Np Mössbauer measurements on NpFeAsO. The Np atoms were found to occupy only one crystallographic site. The value of the isomer shift (δ ∼ 9.1 mm s−1 versus NpAl2) indicates a 5f4 electronic configuration (Np3+ ions). The magnetic ordering of the Np sublattice below 60 K is established and the saturated ordered magnetic moment is determined to be 1.73μB at 3.6 K. The unique set of hyperfine parameters exclude a modulated...

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  • Shaking table experimental study on pounding between adjacent structures founded on different soil types


    The aim of this study is to extensively investigate the effect of the soil type on the response of colliding structures based on shaking table experimental tests. Two single-storey models of steel buildings with different dynamic parameters were considered in this study. Three pounding scenarios were taken into account by applying different seismic gaps (0.5 cm, 1 cm and 1.5 cm as well as the no pounding case). First, the effect...

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  • Spin-Resolved Band Structure of Hoffman Clathrate [Fe(pz)2Pt(CN)4] as an Essential Tool to Predict Optical Spectra of Metal–Organic Frameworks


    - ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces - Rok 2023

    Paramount spin-crossover properties of the 3D-Hoffman metalorganic framework (MOF) [Fe(pz)2Pt(CN)4] are generally described on the basis of the ligand field theory, which provides adequate insight into theoretical and simulation analysis of spintronic complexes. However, the ligand field approximation does not take into account the 3D periodicity of the actual complex lattice and surface effects and therefore cannot predict a full-scale...

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  • Decentralized energy systems. Social aspects of energy production and use (10h, 2 ECTS credits)

    Kursy Online
    • M. Galik
    • A. Klej
    • A. Augusiak

    The main aim of the course is to introduce students to the socio-political aspects of the decentralization of energy systems. The motivation behind these changes is not only due to technological developments or economic issues. The main driving force are wider social and political trends. Many energy supply projects that are being developed and implemented today assume an active role for consumers in energy production, who become...

  • Configurational and Conformational Preferences in Stereoselective Acylations of N-Methyl-1,3-diaminopropane with Acyl Chlorides

    Evidence for a stereoinduction profile of the reaction of N-methyl-1,3-diaminopropane with acyl chlorides was provided.  A possibility to engage in intramol. CH2···HN and Cl···H-N interactions and the proton migration process to the methylamino group leads to the E secondary amides carrying the N···H+···N or N-H···N bridges, that show unusual spectroscopic images.  Empirical relations between the ΔδC chem. shift differences,...

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  • Probability distribution of flicker noise in AuNPdecorated graphene–Si Schottky barrier diode


    - Rok 2023

    We present results of the probability distribution analysis of flicker noise generated in Au nanoparticle (AuNP) decorated graphene–Si Schottky barrier diodes with and without yellow light illumination (592 nm), close to the localized surface plasmon resonance in the AuNPs (586 nm). The AuNPs occupy imperfections in the single-layer graphene and reduce the flicker noise intensity generated in the graphene layer. The estimated probability...

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  • State of the Art of Automated Buses

    • J. Ainsalu
    • V. Arffman
    • M. Bellone
    • M. Ellner
    • T. Haapamäki
    • N. Haavisto
    • E. Josefson
    • A. Ismailogullari
    • E. Pilli-sihvola
    • O. Madland... i 13 innych

    - Sustainability - Rok 2018

    Urban transportation in the next few decades will shift worldwide towards electrification and automation, with the final aim of increasing energy efficiency and safety for passengers. Such a big change requires strong collaboration and efforts among public administration, research and stakeholders in developing, testing and promoting these technologies in the public transportation. Working in this direction, this work provides...

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  • Airborne and mobile laser scanning in measurements of sea cliffs on the southern Baltic

    Measurements of sea cliffs performed using periodic surveying based on laser scanning is currently one of the fastest and most accurate solutions. Supported with the technology of satellite measurements using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) positioning and photographic measurements with the use of aerial vehicle, they enable an effective monitoring of the sea cliffs affected by the erosion. In case of the coast of southern...

  • CSR in Polish SMEs- from perception to infatuation. Examples of socially engaged firms from Pomeranian Region

    Despite the increasing worldwide awareness of the importance of social issues in con-temporary business management, Polish small and medium-sized enterprises seem to re-main in the group of followers, certainly not leaders, of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) movement, and this despite important dissemination efforts by numerous institu-tions. The aim of this paper is to present the bumpy road to the (still incomplete)...

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  • A 0.5-V bulk-driven voltage follower / DC level shifter and its application in class AB output stage

    A simple realization of a 0.5-V bulk-driven voltage follower/DC level shifter, designed in a 0.18um CMOS technology is presented in the paper. The circuit is characterized by large input and output voltage swings, and a DC voltage gain close to unity. The DC voltage shift between input and output terminals can be regulated in a certain interval around zero, by means of biasing current sinks. An application of the proposed voltage...

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  • Nabywanie nieruchomości przeznaczonych pod drogi publiczne


    - Logistyka - Rok 2015

    Nabywanie nieruchomości przeznaczonych pod drogi publiczne. Polska na rozwój dróg krajowych w latach 2007 - 2013 otrzymała ponad 10 mld euro unijnego wsparcia. W efekcie powstało prawie 1500 km nowych dróg ekspresowych i autostrad. Należałoby przeanalizować przebieg procesu inwestycyjnego i procedur administracyjnych, aby osiągnąć jeszcze lepsze rezultaty i efektywniej wykorzystywać dotacje przeznaczone na...

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  • Effects of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+ substitutions on the microstructure and electrical properties of GdCoO3 ceramics



    GdCoO3-δ, Gd0.975Na0.025CoO3-δ, Gd0.98K0.02CoO3-δ, Gd0.98Ca0.02CoO3-δ, and GdCo0.99Mg0.01O3-δ ceramics were prepared via a solid-state reaction route. Among the dopants studied, substitution with Ca2+ slightly enhanced the densfication of GdCoO3 ceramics. All the lattice parameters of the doped ceramics were larger than those of pure GdCoO3-δ ceramic (a = 5.223 Å, b = 5.389 Å and c = 7.451 Å), and their cell volumes increased by...

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  • Simulations of flows in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The study area is located in the Southern Baltic, within Polish Marine Areas, adjacent to the coastline in the vicinity of Lubiatowo village, where The Coastal Research Station (CRS) – a field laboratory of the Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBW PAN) –is situated. The numerical reconstruction of the coastal flow was...

  • Terahertz Dual-Band Metamaterial Biosensor for Cervical-Cancer Diagnostics

    • M. Hamza
    • M. Alibakhshikenari
    • B. S. Virdee
    • M. Hamad
    • S. Khan
    • S. Kozieł
    • E. Limiti

    - IEEE Photonics Journal - Rok 2024

    This study highlights the potential of employing terahertz metamaterial structures as dual-band biosensors for the early detection of cancerous biological tissue. The fundamental principle leveraged here is the alteration of the effective dielectric constant of biological tissue by cancerous cells. The change in the dielectric constant, in turn, induces a shift in the resonance frequency of the metamaterial sensor. One notable...

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  • Dataset Characteristics and Their Impact on Offline Policy Learning of Contextual Multi-Armed Bandits


    The Contextual Multi-Armed Bandits (CMAB) framework is pivotal for learning to make decisions. However, due to challenges in deploying online algorithms, there is a shift towards offline policy learning, which relies on pre-existing datasets. This study examines the relationship between the quality of these datasets and the performance of offline policy learning algorithms, specifically, Neural Greedy and NeuraLCB. Our results...

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  • Temperature Fiber-Optic Sensor with ZnO ALD Coating


    This study presents a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor with a ZnO Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) coating thickness of 100 nm for temperature measurements. Metrological properties of the sensor were investigated over the temperature range of 100 °C to 300 °C, with a 10 °C step. An interferometric signal is used to control whether the microstructure is whole. Spectrum shift of a reflected signal is used to ascertain changes in...

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  • Sensorless induction motor drive with voltage inverter and sine-wave filter


    - Rok 2013

    This paper presents a speed sensorless control system of an induction motor with an output LC filter. It is known that the parameters design of the filter gives sine wave motor supply voltage but complicates control and estimation process. The reason is that the voltage drop and phase shift between filter input and output signals are imposed, and hence the motor voltages and currents differ from the inverter output waveforms. To...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • A Note on Fractional Curl Operator

    In this letter, we demonstrate that the fractional curl operator, widely used in electromagnetics since 1998, is essentially a rotation operation of components of the complex Riemann–Silberstein vector representing the electromagnetic field. It occurs that after the wave decomposition into circular polarisations, the standard duality rotation with the angle depending on the fractional order is applied to the left-handed basis vector...

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  • Are We Facing a Tsunami of Vaccine Hesitancy or Outdated Pandemic Policy in Times of Omicron? Analyzing Changes of COVID-19 Vaccination Trends in Poland


    - Vaccines - Rok 2023

    In this study, we analyzed Polish COVID-19 vaccination data until January 2023 from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control to understand individual decision making during the milder Omicron wave. Our findings show a general decline in subsequent vaccine uptake. As the number of government-provided doses increased, completion rates among certain low-risk groups dropped to less than 1%. Elderly individuals, especially...

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  • Dorota Dominika Kamrowska-Załuska dr hab. inż. arch.

    Dr hab. inż. arch. Dorota Kamrowska-Załuska, profesorka Politechniki Gdańskiej, jest od 2002 roku związana z Katedrą Urbanistyki i Planowania Regionalnego na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. Wieloletnia Kierowniczka Studiów Podyplomowych Urbanistyki i Gospodarki Przestrzennej „Projektowanie przestrzeni i zarządzanie”, odbyła staże badawcze w kilku instytucjach badawczych w tym Massachusetts Institute of Technology...

  • Low-Loss Mechanically Tunable Resonator and Phase Shifters in Groove Gap Waveguide Technology

    This research is focused on the design and realization of high-performance high-power variable phase shifters in groove gap waveguide technology. Specifically, it is shown that the unique characteristic of groove gap waveguides, which is its proper operation without the need for electrical connection between the top and bottom sections of the waveguide, can be used to design mechanically tunable devices. Using the proposed method,...

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  • Can Grand Design Doctrines Go Well with Locally Reinvented Urbanisms? Notes from Polish Cities in Transition


    - Rok 2014

    The text explores how New Urbanism ideas, a comprehensive global design doctrine, transgress into the context of Polish planning practice. New Urbanism is considered through the perspective of the decentralization of a discussion on a planning policy and a modernization of a State, resulting form its post-Socialist urban change. In the text, New Urbanism is understood as a neotraditionalist movement i.e. drawing from the pre-modernist...

  • The Doppler effect in a bistatic system for determining the position of moving targets


    The article presents the theoretical analysis and the results of numerical calculations of the Doppler effect it occurs in a system designed to determine the position and speed of a moving target. The transmitter is the source of the signal and it emits a sinusoidal, acoustic and continuous wave. Signal reflected off a moving target is received by four hydrophones. Based on the signals, four Doppler shifts are determined and inserted...

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  • Od zrównoważonego rozwoju do dewzrostu - paradygmaty krytyczne wobec wzrostu i ich implikacje dla planowania przestrzennego



    Pomimo ponad trzech dekad wdrażania koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju środowisko Ziemi ulega dalszej degradacji i destabilizacji. Sytuacja ta przekłada się na ożywienie antycypowanej już w latach 70. XX w. krytyki założeń leżących u podstaw koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju – spośród których kluczowe wydaje się założenie możliwości rozłączenia (decoupling) wzrostu gospodarczego i negatywnego oddziaływania na środowisko. W niniejszym...

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    Nakłady inwestycyjne przedsiębiorstw traktowane są jako jeden z głównych czynników wzrostu gospodarczego. Ich wielkość i dynamika mogą mieć wpływ na zmiany w poziomie zatrudnienia. Światowy kryzys finansowy przyczynił się do spowolnienia dynamiki wzrostu oraz gwałtownego spadku w 2009 roku PKB w większości gospodarek świata. We wspomnianym okresie w Polsce zaobserwowano spowolnienie gospodarcze, które miało wpływ na decyzje...

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  • Rafal Kaminski dr hab. n. med.


  • Superresolution algorithm to video surveillance system


    - Rok 2010

    An application of a multiframe SR (superresolution) algorithm applied to video monitoring is described. The video signal generated by various types of video cameras with different parameters and signal distortions which may be very problematic for superresolution algorithms. The paper focuses on disadvantages in video signal which occur in video surveillance systems. Especially motion estimation and its influence on superresolution...

  • Experimental and numerical analysis of an aluminum cantilevered beam with polymer adhesive

    In this paper, experimental and numerical investigation on a composite cantilevered aluminum beam has been conducted. The subject of the study consists of two plain aluminum elements bonded with polymer adhesive of different thickness. It has been proven in the previous study that this kind of material has high damping properties. During an experimental investigation, value of damping ratios have been obtained. The aim of a numerical...

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  • Sprawiedliwość agrarna

    prawiedliwość agrarna została napisana z intencją zreformowania stosunków społeczno-politycznych. Tekst opiera się na założeniu wywodzącym się z tradycji prawnonaturalnej, które brzmi, iż pierwotnie każdy był współwłaścicielem powierzchni Ziemi. Powstanie prywatnej własności ziemskiej (czyli, eo ipso, wywłaszczenie większości ludzi) należy zakwalifikować jako akt bezprawia, kumulujący się w historycznie nawarstwionych nierównościach...

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  • Analysis of pounding between adjacent buildings founded on different soil types

    Earthquake-induced pounding was experienced in many previous earthquakes and it was found to be a critical issue. This study investigates the effect of pounding between buildings founded on the same and different soil types. Three 3-D buildings with 4, 6 and 8 storeys were considered in this study. Three pounding scenarios were taken into account, i.e. pounding between 4-storey and 6-storey buildings, between 4-storey and 8-storey...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Nutrient transport and acquisition by diatom chains in a moving fluid



    The role of fluid motion in delivery of nutrients to phytoplankton cells is a fundamental question in biological and chemical oceanography. In the study of mass transfer to phytoplankton, diatoms are of particular interest. They are non-motile, are often the most abundant components in aggregates and often form chains, so they are the ones expected to benefit most from enhancement of nutrient flux due to dissipating turbulence....

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  • A novel approach in wood waste utilization for manufacturing of catalyst-free polyurethane-wood composites (PU-WC)

    In recent decades, due to the increase in environmental awareness and noticeable environmental degradation, the area of wood waste management has attracted increasing attention. The purpose of this study is to develop a new type of highly filled polyurethane wood-composite (PU-WC) by the utilization of large amount of wood wastes without addition of a catalyst. Although wood-plastic composites (WPCs) are widely known, there is...

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  • Julita Wasilczuk dr hab.

    Urodzona 5 kwietnia 1965 roku w Gdańsku. W latach 1987–1991 odbyła studia na Wydziale Ekonomiki Transportu Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego (obecnie Wydział Ekonomii). Od 1993 roku zatrudniona na nowo utworzonym Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii, Politechniki Gdańskiej, na stanowisku asystenta. W 1997 roku uzyskała stopień doktora nauk ekonomicznych na WZiE, a w 2006 doktora habilitowanego nauk ekonomicznych w dyscyplinie nauki o zarządzaniu,...

  • Resonant ultrasonic spectroscopy in high-voltage varistor spectroscopy


    - Rok 2008

    Resonant spectroscopy is an effective non-destructive testing method focused on defects in tested objects. The testing procedure, based on the resonant pattern, allows rejection of the tested samples with defects which do not fit the pattern. A sweeping frequency method has been used to measure the spectrum of resonances in high-voltage varistors. As a result we can observe resonances that depend directly on inhomogeneity of the...

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  • Highly sensitive microwave sensors based on open complementary square split-ring resonator for sensing liquid materials


    - SENSORS - Rok 2024

    This paper presents high-sensitivity sensors based on open complementary square split-ring resonator and modified open complementary split-ring resonator operating at 4.5 GHz and 3.4 GHz, respectively. The sensors are designed for the detection of multiple liquid materials, including distilled water, methanol, and ethanol. The liquid under test is filled in a glass container loaded using a pipette. Compared to the conventional...

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  • Airstrip Ground Improvement Works by Blasting Charge Technique and Dredged-Ash Material Mixture

    Soil improvement by blasting charge technique is known in geotechnics as one of the efficient and inexpensive method. It can be used in preparing of underground to found road construction and buildings as well. The technique proves usefulness especially when dynamic load is applied. It is because of non-stiff or rather resilient type soil after improvement. In noncohesive or organic soil, blasting charge...

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  • Numerical simulation of natural convection of Glycol-Al2O3 nanofluids from a horizontal cylinder



    This paper deals with natural convection around a circular cylinder with constant heat flux in a cavity using computational fluid dynamics. As fluids ethylene glycol and a mixture of ethylene glycol with Al2O3 nanoparticles (mass concentrations of nanoparticles: 0.1% and 1%) are chosen. Rayleigh number ranges from 3104 to 3105. The nanofluids are modeled with single-phase approach. For the investigated range of nanoparticle concentration, the...

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  • Receiver of Doppler multistatic system for moving target detection and tracking


    The article presents a method for solving major structural problems that occur in the receiver used in the multistatic Doppler system, aimed at determination of the trajectory and velocity of a moving target. In the system two transmitters emit acoustic continuous sinusoidal waves at different frequencies. The signals, scattered from a moving target are received by four hydrophones. Beside of the echoes, much larger signals coming...

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  • Response of a fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer to refractive index and absorption changes – modelling and experiments


    This paper describes how the refractive index and the absorption of investigated substances change the spectrum of the optical radiation at the output of the fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer. The modeling of the operation of the interferometer takes into account not only the spectra of the refractive index and the absorption of the medium that is inside the cavity, but also spectra of the refractive indices of the core and...

  • Universal and contextualized public services: Digital public service innovation framework



    In view of the rising social and economic inequalities, public service delivery should be both universal, i.e. independent of the recipients' social or economic status, and contextualized, i.e. able to compensate for different local needs and conditions. Reconciling both properties requires various forms of innovations, chief among them innovations in digital public services. Building upon the four-stage model underpinning the...

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  • Modelowanie procesu wrzenia i kondensacji w rozszerzonym zakresie ciśnień zredukowanych


    - Rok 2018

    Niniejsza rozprawa doktorska ma na celu pokazanie wpływu uwzględnienia ciśnienia zredukowanego w analizowanym modelu opisują-cym współczynnik przejmowania ciepła na zbieżność z danymi eksperymentalnymi.Przedmiotem analizy jest półempiryczny model Mikielewicza w zastosowaniu do danych eksperymentalnych w kanałach konwencjonalnych i o małej średnicy płynów uznanych za perspektywiczne.W ramach realizowanych prac badawczych pozyskano...


    Purpose: This paper aims at providing comparative analysis of the influence of cultural determinants on the managers’ perceptions of human resources management practices, as a factor conditioning application of evidence-based management. Design/methodology/approach: This article presents the study of 121 managers in Poland, on their perception of HRM practices and analyses the consistency of findings with the Hofstede cultural...

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  • Smart city and data management foundations

    Kursy Online
    • M. Krzyżanowski
    • W. Drapiński
    • J. Sudakowska
    • A. Guzik
    • K. Dytrych
    • A. Modrzejewska
    • A. Orłowski

    This e-learning course, specifically designed for individuals aiming to establish startups, those proficient in technology yet unsure of how to leverage and market it, and students aspiring to further their studies in data analysis, transportation, IT management, or data engineering. This course serves as an entry point for roles such as Smart City Specialist and Chief Data Officer in municipal settings. Participants will gain...

  • Bartosz Jakub Myśliwiec dr n. med i n. o zdr.

    My name is Bartosz Jakub Myśliwiec. I am a doctor - doctor of medical sciences and health sciences - specialist in the field of internal diseases.Since 2022 I have been the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences and the Head of the Department of Nursing at the Academy of Entrepreneurship Prince Kazimierz Kujawski in Inowrocław.In addition, since 2019 I have been acting as the deputy director for medical treatment - chief...

  • Wykorzystanie zespolonej pulsacji chwilowej do ślepej synchronizacji symbolowej sygnałów QPSK


    - Rok 2010

    Izochronicznie nadawane i synchronicznie odbierane sygnały QPSK (z ang. Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying) dominują w dzisiejszej radiowej i przewodowej telekomunikacji cyfrowej. Poprawne działanie odbiornika sygnałów QPSK wymaga skomplikowanego systemu synchronizacji poszczególnych etapów odbioru. W skład systemu synchronizacji odbiornika wchodzi odtwarzanie częstotliwości i fazy sinusoidy (fali) nośnej oraz wyznaczanie chwil próbkowania...