Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: mecenat artystyczny - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: mecenat artystyczny

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: mecenat artystyczny

  • Biocatalytic Functionalities of Lignin Peroxidase‑Based Systems in Lignin Depolymerization and Pollutants Removal from Environmental Matrices

    Purpose of Review In the presented review, we have summarized and highlighted recent developments in the use of lignin peroxidase (LiP) to remove a variety of pollutants from water matrices. The high redox potential of LiP is underlined by its excellent catalytic functionalities in the elimination of pharmaceuticals, phenolics, dyes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), and other miscellaneous...

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  • Biocatalytic Functionalities of Lignin Peroxidase-Based Systems in Lignin Depolymerization and Pollutants Removal from Environmental Matrices


    - Current Pollution Reports - Rok 2024

    Purpose of Review In the presented review, we have summarized and highlighted recent developments in the use of lignin peroxidase (LiP) to remove a variety of pollutants from water matrices. The high redox potential of LiP is underlined by its excellent catalytic functionalities in the elimination of pharmaceuticals, phenolics, dyes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), and other miscellaneous...

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  • Interaction Design in Agile IT Projects


    - Rok 2021

    In recent years, interactive systems, such as various types of software, online services or mobile applications, have become an integral part of everyday life. Interactive systems and digital services should be easy to use and provide a positive User Experience (UX). For this reason, interaction design has recently emerged as a distinct professional area of information technology (IT). Easy interaction and user experience (UX)...

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  • Bioavailability of Tannins and Other Oligomeric Polyphenols: a Still to Be Studied Phenomenon


    - Current Pharmacology Reports - Rok 2020

    Purpose of Review Polyphenols are a group of plant secondary metabolites characterized with the presence ofmultiples of phenol structural units. Tannins are plant originated phenolic substances, which play an important role in plant defense system as well as have found applications in medicine, industry, and other fields of human activity. Despite these, the mechanisms of bioavailability of these substances are poorly studied and...

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  • Zastosowanie analiz i prognoz ruchu w programowaniu, planowaniu i projektowaniu inwestycji transportowych


    W artykule zostanie przedstawiona charakterystyka procesu planowania i realizacji inwestycji transportowych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem roli analiz i prognoz ruchu. Przedstawione fazy planowania, projektowania i realizacji inwestycji transportowych omówiono na przykładach wielu inwestycji prowadzonych w ostatnich latach na obszarze miasta Gdańska i województwa pomorskiego. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono roli analiz i prognoz ruchu...

  • Rewitalizacja zespołow fortyfikacji nowożytnych - ograniczenia i możliwości

    Fortyfikacjenowożytne stanowią w Polsce liczną grupę zabytków, trudną do utrzymywania i zarządzania co powoduję ich postępującą degradację. Wskutek zmian polityczno-ekonomicznych w ostatnich dekadach, powstał problem chaotycznych i agresywnych działań inwestycyjnych, zagrażających zabytkowym fortyfikacjom. Tekst omawia fortyfikacje jako część dziedzictwa kulturowego, sprzecznośći pomiędzy pojęciami "rewitalizacji" i "rewaloryzacji"...

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  • XXXVII Wieczór z Ekonomią


    29-04-2021 18:00 - 29-04-2021 21:00

    Zapraszamy na spotkanie naukowe online: Wieczór z Ekonomią, organizowany przez prof. Piotra Dominiaka. Gośćmi najbliższego spotkania będą: dr Dagmara Nikulin oraz prof. Ewa Lechman z WZiE PG.

  • Application of multisine nanoscale impedance microscopy to heterogeneous alloy surface investigations

    In the recent years atomic force microscopy is recognized as valuable tool for investigation of surficial features of construction materials. It concerns, among other things, studies of changes caused by such phenomena as galvanic corrosion, passivation associated with the growth of oxide layers, or sensitization of austenitic steels with the formation of carbide phases. In addition, atomic forcemicroscopy allows easy coupling...

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  • Application of smart glasses for fast and automatic color correction in health care


    In recent years different applications of smart glasses in health care have been proposed. In this paper we present the experiments related to automatic color correction using smart glasses platform developed within the eGlasses project. The color pattern is proposed and tested enabling the automatic detection of the pattern and automatic correction of colors. Additionally, the method for encoding and decoding of patient ID in...

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  • Application of different modes of nanoscale impedance microscopy in materials research


    In recent years, there is noticeable interest in application of various types of scanning probe microscopy in material science research. One of them is contact atomic force microscopy combined with local impedance measurements, known as nanoscale impedance microscopy. Literature references present its application in investigations of new materials, microelectronics diagnostics, or research of protective coatings performance. In...

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  • Multilevel Converters


    The newest Special Section is intended to focus on recent research and trends in application of multilevel converters. Multilevel converters have been extensively developed over the last two decades and show several important advantages of power electronic circuits, such as: operation at high voltages, harmonics reduction, higher efficiency, modularity, smaller size and lower cost. Also, thanks to increasing interest in renewable...

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  • Selection of energy storage units by genetic algorithm for mitigating voltage deviations


    In recent years, energy storage units have become very popular. They are applied both for economic and technical purposes. Unfortunately, the cost of such devices is still high and selecting their proper location and rated power have to be performed precisely. In this paper, a Genetic-Algorithm-based optimization method for selecting the best configuration of energy storage units in the power network is proposed. The presented...

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  • Microscopic traffic simulation models for connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) – state-of-the-art

    • P. Gora
    • C. Kartakazas
    • A. Drabicki
    • F. Islam
    • P. Ostaszewski

    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2020

    Research on connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) has been gaining substantial momentum in recent years. However, thevast amount of literature sources results in a wide range of applied tools and datasets, assumed methodology to investigate thepotential impacts of future CAVs traffic, and, consequently, differences in the obtained findings. This limits the scope of theircomparability and applicability and calls for a proper standardization...

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  • Accuracy of Trajectory Tracking Based on Nonlinear Guidance Logic for Hydrographic Unmanned Surface Vessels


    - SENSORS - Rok 2020

    A new trend in recent years for hydrographic measurement in water bodies is the use of unmanned surface vehicles (USVs). In the process of navigation by USVs, it is particularly important to control position precisely on the measuring profile. Precise navigation with respect to the measuring profile avoids registration of redundant data and thus saves time and survey costs. This article addresses the issue of precise navigation...

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  • Spike patterns and chaos in a map-based neuron model

    The work studies the well-known map-based model of neuronal dynamics introduced in 2007 by Courbage, Nekorkin and Vdovin, important due to various medical applications. We also review and extend some of the existing results concerning β-transformations and (expanding) Lorenz mappings. Then we apply them for deducing important properties of spike-trains generated by the CNV model and explain their implications for neuron behaviour....

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  • Ruch w architekturze


    - Rok 2016

    Jakkolwiek budynek powszechnie jest uznawany za dzieło statyczne, to jednak kinematyka w architekturze nie jest zjawiskiem nowym. W pracy wykazano, że już od starożytności filozofowie formułowali takie koncepcje przestrzeni, których nie można było opisać bez odwołania się do fenomenu ruchu. Jednocześnie, już w ostatnich dekadach XIX wieku powstawały pierwsze fotograficzne zapisy ruchu. W pracy wykazano, że stały się one inspiracją...

  • Metaheuristic algorithms for optimization of resilient overlay computing systems

    • K. Walkowiak
    • W. Charewicz
    • M. Donajski
    • J. Rak

    - Logic journal of the IGPL - Rok 2014

    The idea of distributed computing systems has been gaining much interest in recent years owing to the growing amount of data to be processed for both industrial and academic purposes. However, similar to other systems, also distributed computing systems are vulnerable to failures. Due to strict QoS requirements, survivability guarantees are necessary for provisioning of uninterrupted service. In this article, we focus on reliability...

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  • Nanoparticles: Taking a Unique Position in Medicine


    - Nanomaterials - Rok 2023

    The human nature of curiosity, wonder, and ingenuity date back to the age of humankind. In parallel with our history of civilization, interest in scientific approaches to unravel mechanisms underlying natural phenomena has been developing. Recent years have witnessed unprecedented growth in research in the area of pharmaceuticals and medicine. The optimism that nanotechnology (NT) applied to medicine and drugs is taking serious...

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  • Pyrolysis of Waste Biomass: Technical and Process Achievements, and Future Development-A Review


    - Rok 2023

    Pyrolysis has been applied in the human economy for many years, and it has become a significant alternative to the production of chemical compounds, including biofuels. The article fo-cuses mostly on recent achievements in the technical and processing aspects of pyrolysis. The aim of the review is to present the latest research on the process of waste biomass pyrolysis to fuel production. The paper describes the mechanisms of...

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  • An overview of the cognitive and biological effects of city nighttime illumination including a London case study

    Current scientific research demonstrates how critical the effects of city nighttime illumination are upon cognitive and biological health1 – which needs to be adequately acknowledged, understood and addressed by conscious cities and the plans they develop. Until recent decades, the design of nighttime lighting was determined mostly by electrical engineers who often applied technical standards to meet the requirements of vehicle-focused...

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  • Flame-Retardant Polymer Materials Developed by Reactive Extrusion: Present Status and Future Perspectives

    • H. Vahabi
    • F. Laoutid
    • K. Formela
    • M. Saeb
    • P. Dubois

    - Polymer Reviews - Rok 2022

    The development of flame retardant polymer materials has two roots, one in materials design, and the other in materials processing. Over recent decades, different types and classes of flame retardant polymer materials have been commercialized to meet safety requirements in the construction, automotive, and coatings industries. In the vast majority of cases, the design and fabrication of new materials presenting low fire hazards...

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  • Exploring the Role of Social Media Use Motives, Psychological Well-Being, Self-Esteem, and Affect in Problematic Social Media Use


    - Frontiers in Psychology - Rok 2020

    Given recent advances in technology, connectivity, and the popularity of social media platforms, recent literature has devoted great attention to problematic Facebook use. However, exploring the potential predictors of problematic social media use beyond Facebook use has become paramount given the increasing popularity of multiple alternative platforms. In this study, a sample of 584 social media users (Mage = 32.28 years; 67.81%...

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  • Analytical applications of smartphones for agricultural soil analysis

    Soil is one of the most important farming resources. Appropriate managing of its quality promotes productive and sustainable agriculture. The valuable farm practice in soil quality managing is based on regular soil analysis with the aim to determine the exact amount of nutrients or other chemical, physical and biological soil properties. Soil analysis usually requires samples collection at desired sampling depth following by samples...

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  • Strony WWW bibliotek jako element promocji i narzędzie komunikacji z użytkownikiem

    W artykule przedstawiono zasady tworzenia stron WWW bibliotek, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem bibliotek kościelnych. Zwrócono uwagę na elementy interfejsu i narzędzia służące informacji o zbiorach i usługach, a także promocji działalności biblioteki. Omówiono narzędzia z obszaru Web 2.0, służące komunikacji z użytkownikami w przestrzeni wirtualnej w czasie rzeczywistym (takie jak komunikatory, czaty, formularze zapytań) na przykładzie...

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  • Problems of collisions between adjacent steel structures under earthquake excitation


    Nowadays, the high level of urbanization forces the designers to design closely-separated structures and to take into account many factors influencing the response of these structures, which may collide due to insufficient separation distance during moderate to strong ground motions. Recent observations as well as numerical and experimental investigations have confirmed that the interactions between structures may lead to significant...

  • Indykatory dla modelu społeczeństwa informacyjnego.


    - Rok 2004

    W dobie postępującej informatyzacji, w czasach nazywanych często trzecią rewolucją technologiczną, synonimem ich jest społeczeństwo informacyjne IS (Information Society). Najpopularniejszy obecnie sposób, służący do szeregowania społeczeństw według ich stopnia rozwoju, jest oparty na HDI (Human Development Index). HDI jest wyliczany jako kombinacja trzech wyznaczników: longevity, knowledge, and a decent standard of living. Postanowiono,...

  • Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Mixtures: Sustainable Solvents for Extraction Processes


    - CHEMSUSCHEM - Rok 2014

    In recent years, ionic liquids and deep eutectic mixtures have demonstrated great potential in extraction processes relevant to several scientific and technological activities. This review focuses on the applicability of these sustainable solvents in a variety of extraction techniques, including but not limited to liquid- and solid-phase (micro) extraction, microwave-assisted extraction, ultrasound-assisted extraction and pressurized...

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  • Greener organic solvents in analytical chemistry

    The paper presents the most recent advances in analytical applications of greener organic solvents. Substitution of problematic solvents with more benign organic ones is much easier than shifting to technique applying alternative solvents, such as ionic liquids or supercritical fluids. In the area of liquid chromatography greener mobile phases, much attention is given to application ethanol or acetone instead of acetonitrile. Solvent-based...

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  • SOLAP GIS in maritime research


    Multidimensional Geographical Information System is a system especially designed to acquire, distribute, analyze and visualize complicated spatio-temporal data. Modern Geographical Information System technology can provide easy-to-use, near real-time solutions to many problems from different areas of research. In the article, authors summarize recent works on Spatial Online Analytical Processing (SOLAP) and multidimensional Geographical...

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  • Formation of OH Radicals as Evidence of Intramolecular Hydrogen Migration in Cation-Induced Dissociation of Furan Molecules


    We present the experimental results on a hydrogen atom migration preceding fragmentation of the furan molecules induced by the H3+ and C+ impact. The excited OH(A2Σ+) radical has been detected among the furan decomposition products using collision-induced emission spectroscopy. However, the OH moiety is absent in the furan ring skeleton, so detecting the OH(A2Σ+→X2Π) luminescence indicates the intramolecular H atom relocation prior...

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  • A Review on Deactivation and Regeneration of Catalysts for Dimethyl Ether Synthesis

    he deactivation of catalysts and their regeneration are two very important challenges that need to be addressed for many industrial processes. The most quoted reasons for the deterioration of dimethyl ether synthesis (DME) concern the sintering and the hydrothermal leaching of copper particles, their migration to acid sites, the partial formation of copper and zinc hydroxycarbonates, the formation of carbon deposits, and surface...

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  • Design and implementation of the driver system for Hamamatsu C12880MA microspectrometer

    Recent miniaturization developments in devices for spectroscopy have reduced greatly their costs and increased their availability for a wide range of users and applications. This paper presents the design and implementation of a driver system for a Hamamatsu C12880MA microspectrometer. The system implementation was carried out and compared using two independent microcontroller modules: Arduino Uno and STM32F411RE Nucleo. We assessed...

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  • The Maslov index and the spectral flow—revisited


    We give an elementary proof of a celebrated theorem of Cappell, Lee and Miller which relates the Maslov index of a pair of paths of Lagrangian subspaces to the spectral flow of an associated path of self-adjoint first-order operators. We particularly pay attention to the continuity of the latter path of operators, where we consider the gap-metric on the set of all closed operators on a Hilbert space. Finally, we obtain from Cappell,...

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  • Standards on Cyber Security Assessment of Smart Grid

    Security evaluation of communication systems in smart grid poses a great challenge to the developers and operators. In recent years many new smart grid standards were proposed, which paradoxically results in the difficulty in finding a relevant publication in this plethora of literature. This paper presents the results of a systematic analysis which aimed at addressing this issue by identifying standards that present sound security...

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  • Selected organophosphorus compounds with biological activity. Applications in medicine

    The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the latest applications of organophosphorus compounds (OPs) that exhibit biological activity. A large family of OPs have become popular in recent years. The practical application of OPs in modern medicine has been attributed to their unique properties. In this article, the methods used to select these compounds will be emphasized. This paper will first outline the findings...

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  • Die Sandgrube „Köplitz“ – ein interessanter geologischer Aufschluss am Nordwestrand der Schmiedeberger Stauchendmoräne


    - Mauritiana - Rok 2019

    Die Kiessandgrube Köplitz ermöglicht einen Einblick in die komplizierten, durch glazidynamische Überprägung gekennzeichneten geologischen Lagerungsverhältnisse im Bereich der Schmiedeberger Stauchendmoräne. Anhand neuer Geländedokumentationen wird ein kleiner Eindruck vom komplizierten injektiven „Fließfalten-Schuppenbau“ der Stauchendmoräne vermittelt. Die steil aufgerichteten, aus tertiären (Untermiozän bis Oligozän) und quartären...

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  • Massive surveillance data processing with supercomputing cluster

    In recent years, increasingly complex algorithms for automated analysis of surveillance data are being developed. The rapid growth in the number of monitoring installations and higher expectations of the quality parameters of the captured data result in an enormous computational cost of analyzing the massive volume of data. In this paper a new model of online processing of surveillance data streams is proposed, which assumes the...

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  • In silico approaches for better understanding cysteine cathepsin-glycosaminoglycan interactions



    Cysteine cathepsins constitute the largest cathepsin family, with 11 proteases in human that are present primarily within acidic endosomal and lysosomal compartments. They are involved in the turnover of intracellular and extracellular proteins. They are synthesized as inactive procathepsins that are converted to mature active forms. Cathepsins play important roles in physiological and pathological processes and, therefore, receive...

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  • Modelling of heat and mass transfer through wooden buildings

    The aim of this review paper is to examine the most recent available studies dealing with theoretical, numerical and experimental aspects related to modelling of heat and mass transfer through wooden buildings. The main thermophysical, mechanical and hygrometric properties of wood are firstly discussed. Then, the basic governing equations of heat and mass transfer phenomena are presented. A detailed description of the physical...

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  • Lifelong Learning Idea in Architectural Education

    The recent advances in IT and technology are forcing changes in the approach to educating society. In the 20th century, life-long learning was understood as educating adults in order to improve their occupational qualifications. Life-long learning allows the needs of the present-day world to be addressed through providing the individual with education at every stage of his/her life various forms. The search for a new model...

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  • Theoretical study of highly-excited states of KRb molecule

    Semi-empirical adiabatic potential energy curves of highly excited states of the KRb molecule are calculated as a function of the internuclear distance R over a wide range from 3 to 150 a0. The diatomic molecule is treated as an effective two-electron system by using the large core pseudopotentials and core polarization potentials. All calculations are performed by using the nonrelativistic CASSCF/MRCI method with accurate basis...

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  • Relevance of Urban Freight Transport Modelling Towards the Challenges of Urban Freight Policy


    - Rok 2017

    The main objective of this paper is to investigate how recent trends in urban freight transport analysis and modelling are related to urban freight measures set out in Gdynia’s 2016 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. Building on the literature a review framework was defined including 1) stakeholders, 2) descriptors, 3) objectives and 4) solution approach applied in freight modelling efforts. It was clear that the implementation...

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  • Dehydration converts DsbG crystal diffraction from low to high resolution

    • B. Heras
    • M. A. Edeling
    • K. A. Byriel
    • A. Jones
    • S. Raina
    • J. L. Martin

    - STRUCTURE - Rok 2003

    Diffraction quality crystals are essential for crystallographic studies of protein structure, and the production of poorly diffracting crystals is often regarded as a dead end in the process. Here we show a dramatic improvement of poorly diffracting DsbG crystals allowing high-resolution diffraction data measurement. Before dehydration, the crystals are fragile and the diffraction pattern is streaky, extending to 10 Å resolution....

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  • Roadmap on dynamics of molecules and clusters in the gas phase

    • H. Zettergren
    • A. Domaracka
    • T. Schlathölter
    • P. Bolognesi
    • S. Díaz-Tendero
    • M. Łabuda
    • S. Tosic
    • S. Maclot
    • P. Johnsson
    • A. Steber... i 34 innych


    This roadmap article highlights recent advances, challenges and future prospects in studies of the dynamics of molecules and clusters in the gas phase. It comprises nineteen contributions by scientists with leading expertise in complementary experimental and theoretical techniques to probe the dynamics on timescales spanning twenty orders of magnitudes, from attoseconds to minutes and beyond, and for systems ranging in complexity...

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  • Sulfonamides with hydroxyphenyl moiety: Synthesis, structure, physicochemical properties, and ability to form complexes with Rh(III) ion


    - POLYHEDRON - Rok 2022

    Sulfonamides are the first successfully synthesized antimicrobial drugs. The mechanism of sulfonamides’ antimicrobial action involves competitive inhibition of folic acid synthesis and prevention of the growth and reproduction of bacteria. Even though they have been applied in therapy for more than 75 years, sulfonamides are still the drugs of choice for the treatment of various diseases. The aim of this work was to synthesize...

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  • Reactive Processing and Functionalization of Ground Tire Rubber


    - Rok 2020

    The dynamic development of the automotive industry resulted in a sig- nificant increase in rubber wastes, especially end-of-life tires, which are a serious threat to the natural environment and human health. This situation has enforced the industry and academic research groups to search new and cost-effective methods for recycling waste tires. In this field of research, reactive processing and functionaliza- tion seem to be a...

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  • Towards semantic-rich word embeddings


    - Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems - Rok 2019

    In recent years, word embeddings have been shown to improve the performance in NLP tasks such as syntactic parsing or sentiment analysis. While useful, they are problematic in representing ambiguous words with multiple meanings, since they keep a single representation for each word in the vocabulary. Constructing separate embeddings for meanings of ambiguous words could be useful for solving the Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD)...

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  • CSR in Polish SMEs: From Perception to Love: Examples of Socially Engaged Firms from Pomeranian Region


    - Rok 2017

    Notwithstanding the worldwide increasing awareness of the importance of social issues in nowadays business management, Polish small and medium enterprises seem to remain in the group of followers, certainly not leaders of corporate social responsibility (CSR) movement, and this despite an important dissemination efforts by numerous institutions. The aim of this paper is to present the bumpy road to the implementation, still incomplete,...

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  • Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from Air: Focus on Biotrickling Filtration and Process Modeling


    - Processes - Rok 2022

    Biotrickling filtration is a well-established technology for the treatment of air polluted with odorous and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Besides dozens of successful industrial applications of this technology, there are still gaps in a full understanding and description of the mechanisms of biotrickling filtration. This review focuses on recent research results on biotrickling filtration of air polluted with single and multiple...

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  • High frequency oscillations in human memory and cognition: a neurophysiological substrate of engrams?


    - Brain: A Journal of Neurology - Rok 2024

    Despite advances in understanding the cellular and molecular processes underlying memory and cognition, and recent successful modulation of cognitive performance in brain disorders, the neurophysiological mechanisms remain underexplored. High frequency oscillations beyond the classic electroencephalogram spectrum have emerged as a potential neural correlate of fundamental cognitive processes. High frequency oscillations are detected...

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