Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NANOPARTICLE CLUSTERS - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NANOPARTICLE CLUSTERS

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NANOPARTICLE CLUSTERS



    ISSN: 1388-0764 , eISSN: 1572-896X

  • Investigation of the magnetic hyperthermia effect in an aqueous dispersion of colloidosomal nanoparticle clusters



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  • The role of clusters as collective actors in the energy transformation: the case of Mazovia Cluster ICT


    - Competitiveness Review - Rok 2023

    Purpose – In our paper we aim to show the possibilities of implementing the idea of sustainability in the context of energy transformation using the concept of an industrial cluster. The implementation of the idea of sustainability is of particular importance from the perspective of the functioning of the meta-organisations involved in the implementation and promotion of decarbonisation processes. Industrial clusters, as collective...

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  • PVM Web Cluster: integration of PVM clusters using Web services and CORBA.

    Proponujemy nową architekturę i jej implementację PVM Web Cluster, która umożliwia łatwe zrównoleglanie wykonania zadań PVM zarówno na geograficznie rozproszone klastry PVM jak i wewnątrz nich. Uruchamianie zadań jest wykonywane poprzez wywołanie usługi sieciowej (Web service), która negocjuje najlepszy klaster (klastry) dla danego zadania i komunikuje się z klastrami za pomocą standardu CORBA.

  • International Journal of Nanoparticles


    ISSN: 1753-2507

  • Acetate-Induced Disassembly of Spherical Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Clusters into Monodispersed Core−Shell Structures upon Nanoemulsion Fusion

    • A. Kertmen
    • P. Torruella
    • E. Coy
    • L. Yate
    • G. Nowaczyk
    • J. Gapiński
    • C. Vogt
    • M. Toprak
    • S. Estrade
    • F. Peiro... i 3 innych

    - LANGMUIR - Rok 2017

    It has been long known that the physical encapsulation of oleic acid-capped iron oxide nanoparticles (OA−IONPs) with the etyltrimethylammonium (CTA+) surfactant induces the formation of spherical iron oxide nanoparticle clusters (IONPCs). However, the behavior and functional properties of IONPCs in chemical reactions have been largely neglected and are still not well-understood. Herein, we report an unconventional ligand-exchange...

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  • Effective Targeting of Colon Cancer Cells with Piperine Natural Anticancer Prodrug Using Functionalized Clusters of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles

    • K. AbouAitah
    • A. Stefanek
    • I. Higazy
    • M. Janczewska
    • A. Swiderska-Sroda
    • A. Chodara
    • J. Wojnarowicz
    • U. Szałaj
    • S. Shahein
    • A. Aboul-Enein... i 4 innych

    - Pharmaceutics - Rok 2020

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  • Theory of industrial clusters

    • A. Szerenos

    - Rok 2009

    W niniejszym rozdziale zostały przedstawione podstawy teoretyczne klastrów, a w szczególności stosowane definicje i klasyfikacje gron oraz determinanty ich rozwoju. Autorka wyjaśnia również zjawisko powstawania klastrów i przedstawia korzyści płynące ze współpracy w gronie. Obszerną część artykułu stanowi przegląd metod stosowanych w badaniach struktur klastrowych. Autorka zamieściła również charakterystyki wybranych regionów opartych...



    ISSN: 1040-7278 , eISSN: 1572-8862

  • Do clusters help companies to "go green"? Experience of Polish National Key Clusters


    - Rok 2024

    This study aims to explore cluster activity in the field of green transformation, taking into account the green, low-carbon and circular economy. Our intention was to identify the main green practices used by cluster organizations, which we showed through the lens of the attributes of both the cluster and the cluster organization. Through our study, we sought to answer the question: what is the role of cluster organizations in...

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  • Cluster Integration for the Cluster-Based Instance Selection


    - Rok 2010

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  • Challenges of branding and marketing of clusters

    Clusters have proved to be powerful engine s of economic development in the European Union. Clusters and their stakehol ders can derive many benefits fr om a strong cluster brand. However, they face numerous branding and marketing challenges. Specifics of clusters, such as multiple stakeholders, make it difficult to forge a strong brand identity. This paper addresses the need to develop a cluster specific approach to branding and...

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  • The effect of metal cluster deposition route on structure and photocatalytic activity of mono- and bimetallic nanoparticles supported on TiO2 by radiolytic method



    TiO2 (P25) was modified with small and relatively monodisperse mono- and bimetallic clusters (Ag, Pd, Pt, Ag/Pd, Ag/Pt and Pd/Pt) induced by radiolysis to improve its photocatalytic activity. The as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), photoluminescence spectrometry (PL), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), X-ray powder diffractometry (XRD), scanning transition electron microscopy (STEM)...

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    • J. Kočišek
    • J. Lengyel
    • K. Grygoryeva
    • A. Pysanenko
    • M. Zawadzki
    • J. Fedor
    • M. Fárník

    - Rok 2017

    Heterogeneous clusters are unique model species enabling studies of bulk and surface processes by vacuum restricted methods. This is of particular importance for the reactions of low-energy electrons which have extremely short penetration depth in bulk environments. This contribution overviews our recent experiments with low-energy electrons and clusters prepared by different techniques. First, the deposition of molecules on argon...

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  • Dissociation energies of protonated water clusters



    Relative abundances of positively ionized water clusters formed in a low-pressure electrical discharge as function of reduced electric field were obtained by using drift cell and quadrupole mass spectrometer. It was noticed that some clusters say with n = 4 were more abundant than others, at comparable drift conditions. Dissociation energies have been derived from equilibrium conditions for relative clusters abundances. The Hartree-Fock...

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  • Dissociation pathways of protonated water clusters


    - Rok 2003

    Relative abundances of positively ionized water clusters formed in a low-pressure electrical discharge as function of reduced electric field were obtained by using drift cell and quadrupole mass spectrometer. It was noticed that some clusters say with n=4 were more abundant than others, at comparable drift conditions. Dissociation energies have been derived from equilibrium conditions for relative clusters abundances. The Hartree-Fock...

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  • Barriers to inter-company cooperation in clusters

    Clusters have proved to be an important source of competitiveness for the economic development of regions within the European Union. One of the main goals of cluster development is to stimulate cooperation between companies in one or a few related sectors. The stakeholders of a cluster, as well as the local economy, can derive many benefits from such cooperation. However, there are numerous barriers, which make it difficult for...

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  • Structure of Small Platinum Clusters Revised

    W pracy opisano wyniki obliczeń metodą DFT struktury 2-15 atomowych klastrów platyny.

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  • The implementation of green transformation through clusters



    The paper addresses a poorly documented issue in the literature, namely the role of clusters in green transformation, including processes related to green, low-carbon, and circular economies. The purpose was to identify and understand the practices of clusters in this area. The adopted mixed research strategy consisted of both qualitative and quantitative research. Both research phases were conducted in a group of Polish Key National...

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  • A-Team Middleware on a Cluster


    - Rok 2009

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  • Proximity and the Cluster Organization


    - Rok 2023

    Including the category of proximity in theoretical considerations and empirical analyzes in cluster organizations is an attempt to integrate existing approaches to understand and explain the specificity of inter-organizational cooperation developed in geographical proximity. The importance of geographical proximity to create a competitive advantage is emphasized in all theories on the establishment and development of industrial...

  • Proton transfer reactions for ionized water clusters



    Calculations of formation energies of the ionized water clusters and energies of reactions between small (including less than eight water molecules) neutral and positively ionized water clusters are presented. Moreover, we discuss some reaction paths between neutral and positively charged dimers, trimers and tetramers and proton transfer reactions (PTR) between cyclic clusters and H3O+ ions which can appear in beam experiments...

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  • Photocatalytic activity of TiO2 loaded with metal clusters


    TiO2 modyfikowano powierzchniowo klasterami metali: srebra, złota i platyny. Zbadano wpływ rodzaju i ilości wprowadzonej domieszki, oraz matrycy TiO2 na aktywność fotokatalityczną otrzymanych próbek. Fotoaktywność próbek badano w reakcji degradacji fenolu (Co = 0,21 mmol/dm3 ) w zakresie światła Vis lub UV. Najwyższą aktywność zaobserwowano dla fotokatalizatorów zawierających 2%Ag, 1%Au oraz 0,5%Pt. Po 60 min naświetlania światłem...

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  • Roadmap on dynamics of molecules and clusters in the gas phase

    • H. Zettergren
    • A. Domaracka
    • T. Schlathölter
    • P. Bolognesi
    • S. Díaz-Tendero
    • M. Łabuda
    • S. Tosic
    • S. Maclot
    • P. Johnsson
    • A. Steber... i 34 innych


    This roadmap article highlights recent advances, challenges and future prospects in studies of the dynamics of molecules and clusters in the gas phase. It comprises nineteen contributions by scientists with leading expertise in complementary experimental and theoretical techniques to probe the dynamics on timescales spanning twenty orders of magnitudes, from attoseconds to minutes and beyond, and for systems ranging in complexity...

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  • Collaborative development model and strategies of multi-energy industry clusters: Multi-indicators analysis affecting the development of coastal energy clusters


    - ENERGY - Rok 2024

    The paper explores Coastal Energy-Based Industrial Clusters (EBICs) and their role in advancing energy efficiency and sustainability through collaborative innovation. Economic growth theory and energy sustainability have been introduced into industrial clusters to illustrate indicators that have a greater impact on the development of EBICs. This paper proposes an EBICs development model based on the Cobb-Douglas function, in which...

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  • Highly antifouling polymer-nanoparticle-nanoparticle/polymer hybrid membranes

    • V. Vatanpour
    • M. Jouyandeh
    • S. S. Mousavi Khadem
    • S. Paziresh
    • A. Dehghan
    • M. Ganjali
    • H. Moradi
    • S. Mirsadeghi
    • A. Badiei
    • M. T. Munir... i 7 innych


    We introduce highly antifouling Polymer-Nanoparticle-Nanoparticle/Polymer (PNNP) hybrid membranes as multi-functional materials for versatile purification of wastewater. Nitrogen-rich polyethylenimine (PEI)-functionalized halloysite nanotube (HNT-SiO2-PEI) nanoparticles were developed and embedded in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) membranes for protein and dye filtration. Bulk and surface characteristics of the resulting HNT-SiO2-PEI...

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  • Anna Lis dr hab. inż.

    Profesor Politechniki Gdańskiej; wykładowca i badacz w zakresie współpracy międzyorganizacyjnej, zarządzania innowacjami, rozwoju nowych produktów i zarządzania środowiskowego; jej dorobek naukowy obejmuje ponad 80 publikacji; uczestniczyła w licznych projektach badawczych realizowanych w ośrodkach akademickich; była zaangażowana we współpracę międzynarodową - brała udział w programach europejskich (INNET, COSME, ERASMUS, LOCALISED...

  • Water clusters in liquid organic matrices of different polarity

    • P. Maczugowska
    • P. Zawadzka
    • K. Hałagan
    • M. Pastorczak
    • J. Sadlej
    • M. Kozanecki

    - Journal of Molecular Liquids - Rok 2023

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  • Configurations of H 3 + (H2)n clusters and their energies



    The H-3(+) ion plays an important role in low temperature astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. It is considered as the initiator of many ion-molecule chemistries. Also its clusters with H-2 are quite interesting. We study configurations of the H-3(+)(H-2)(n) clusters for n = 1 up to n = 12 as a simple test system. Total energies for these structures, with zero point vibration corrections have been calculated. Stabilization energies...

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  • Study of Icosahedral Clusters in Close-packed Simple Liquids


    - TASK Quarterly - Rok 2012

    The local structure of liquid copper was determined using Steinhardt order parameters, with particular attention paid to icosahedral clusters. The positions of atoms were obtained from three sets of molecular dynamics simulations, with the forces obtained from: the Sutton-Chen (SC) potential, the Naval Research Laboratory total energy tight-binding (NRL-TB) method and the divide-and-conquer learn-on-the-fly (DCLOTF) method, respectively....

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    - Archive of Mechanical Engineering - Rok 2017

    In the paper, the authors discuss the construction of a model of an exemplary urban layout. Numerical simulation has been performed by means of a commercial software Fluent using two different turbulence models: the popular k-ε realizable one, and the Reynolds Stress Model (RSM), which is still being developed. The former is a 2-equations model, while the latter – is a RSM model – that consists of 7 equations. The studies have...

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  • Proximity and Innovation in Clusters: How Close, How Far?

    The concept of proximity, whilst attractive cognitively, is still a poorly explored area in management sciences. The earliest publications on proximity were published at the end of the twentieth century and the development of this concept was strongly influenced by The French School of Proximity (Kirat & Lung, 1999; Rallet & Torre, 1999; Torre & Gilly, 2000; Carrincazeaux et al., 2001; Torre & Rallet, 2005). However, the most influential...

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  • Innovation by proxy – clusters as ecosystems facilitating open innovation

    Open innovation is a concept, whose attributes can be perceived as naturally complementing the proximity-based offer of clusters. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the potential role of clusters as intermediaries of open innovation for cluster members. A literature review and an exploratory study were performed, involving in-depth interviews with experts in the field of innovation and clusters in Poland. This article...

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  • Functionalization of electrode surfaces with monolayers of azocompounds and gold clusters.


    - Rok 2004

    Właściwości monowarstw z azokoron na powierzchni złota były badane przy pomocy woltametrii i STM. Powierzchnia przypadająca na cząsteczkę została wyznaczona przy pomocy woltametrii i wynosi 0,65 nm kwadratowych. Wartość ta jest zgodna z wyznaczoną w oparciu o monowarstwę utworzoną na granicy powietrze-woda techniką Langmir-Blodgett. Tworzenie się klasterów złota i innych struktur obserwowano przy pomocy STM w przypadku gdy złota...

  • Knowledge Flows in Cluster Organizations


    - Rok 2019

    This paper aims to identify knowledge flows in cluster organizations (COs). On the basis of a literature analysis on knowledge flows and cluster organizations, the following research question was formulated: What kind of knowledge flows can be identified in cluster organizations and what is their main characteristics? The paper is based on a literature analysis and Grounded Theory methodology, examining four purposefully selected...

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  • Development of proximity in cluster organizations

    Sustainable development in cluster organizations (COs) is most fully manifested in the synergy effect. In turn, the synergy effect is achieved thanks to the development of proximity among cluster entities. The purpose of the paper is to test two conceptual models reflecting relations between selected dimensions of proximity in cluster organizations. The author reports the findings of a quantitative study conducted in four COs....

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  • Social learning in cluster initiatives


    - Competitiveness Review - Rok 2022

    Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to portray social learning in cluster initiatives (CIs), namely: 1) to explore, with the lens of the communities of practice (CoPs) theory, in what ways social learning occurs in CIs; 2) to discover how various CoPs emerge and evolve in CIs to facilitate a collective journey in their learning process. Subsequently, the authors address the research questions: In what ways does social learning...

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  • The significance of proximity in cluster initiatives


    Purpose – The main aim of this paper is to analyse relations between geographical and competence proximity and development of cooperation in cluster initiatives. Design/methodology/approach – The research was based on an original theoretical concept referring to the trajectory of development of cooperative relations in cluster initiatives. The research was carried out in mid-2017, in four purposefully selected clusterinitiatives....

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  • Modification of titanium dioxide with platinum ions and clusters: application in photocatalysis


    - Journal of Physical Chemistry C - Rok 2008

    W celu polepszenia właściwości fotokatalitycznych, TiO2 (komercyjny-P25 oraz syntezowany metoda zol-żel) był domieszkowany za pomocą jonów lub klasterów [Pt3(CO)6]62- platyny. Własności fizyczne fotokatalizatorów były badane za pomocą elektronowego mikroskopu transmisyjnego (TEM), dyfraktometru rentgenowskiego (XRD) oraz analizatora powierzchni właściwej (BET). Dyfuzyjna spektrometria odbiciowa (DRS) została zastosowana w celu...

  • Supporting the development of clusters in Poland - dillemas faced by public policy

    Clusters have proved to be an important source of competitiveness for the economic development of regions within the European Union. In recent years many countries in the EU and throughout the world have launched policies aimed at supporting the development of clusters. There are many examples of good practices in the field of cluster policy, but there is no single model that can be applied in all countries and regions. This paper...

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  • CeIr3: superconductivity in a phase based on tetragonally close packed clusters



    We present the crystallographic analysis, superconducting and spectroscopic characterization, and theoretical modeling of CeIr3. Lattice parameters a = 5.2945(1) Å and c = 26.219(1) Å are found for the R-3m symmetry crystal structure, which are close to the literature values. CeIr3 is a moderate type-II superconductor (κ GL = 17, λ e–p = 0.65) below 2.5 K. Ce ions exhibit a strongly intermediate valence character as evidenced by...

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  • Circular economy dynamics and country clusters: evidence for European countries


    This study examines trends in circular economy (CE) adoption across 27 European nations from 2012 to 2021. Two key objectives are explored: the evolution of cross-country disparities in CE practices and the identification of clusters with similar CE adoption patterns. Our analysis reveals a gradual convergence in CE adoption, which did not always lead to positive outcomes. Some countries improved recycling rates but saw increased...

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  • The labor market in industrial cluster analysis

    • A. Szerenos

    - Rok 2007

    The paper offers a description of methodologies used in industrial cluster analysis in conjunction with the labor market analysis. The author explores many tools utilized in cluster identi-fication: quantitative methods (LQ, shift-share), qualitative methods (MSQA) and mixed tools (cluster analysis in conjunction with discriminant analysis, spider diagram, GEM model, ne-twork analysis). Each tool is described in terms of its connection...

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  • Physical and Chemical Aspects of the Study of Clusters Nanostructures and Nanomaterials


    ISSN: 2226-4442 , eISSN: 2658-4360

  • BC-MPI: running an mpi application on multiple clusters with beesycluster connectivity


    - Rok 2007

    W artykule zaproponowano nowy pakiet BC-MPI, który umożliwiauruchomienie aplikacji MPI na wielu klastrach z różnymi implementacjami MPI. Wykorzystuje dedykowane implementacje MPIdo komunikacji wewnątrz klastrów oraz tryb MPI THREAD MULTIPLE dokomunikacji pomiędzy klastrami w dodatkowych wątkach aplikacji MPI. Ponadto, aplikacja BC-MPI może być automatycznie skompilowanai uruchomiona przez warstwę pośrednią BeesyCluster. BeesyClusterumożliwia...

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  • How do Clusters Foster Sustainable Development? An Analysis of EU Policies


    - Sustainability - Rok 2020

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  • Formation of Enormously Strongly Bound Anionic Clusters Predicted in Binary Superacids



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  • Solvothermal synthesis and structural characterization of three polyoxotitanium-organic acid clusters


    - RSC Advances - Rok 2021

    Three new titanium oxo-clusters Ti4O2(OiPr)10(OOCPhMe)2 (I), Ti6O4(OEt)8(OOCPhMe)8 (II) and Ti6O6(OEt)6(OOCCHPh2)6 (III) were obtained by easy one-step solvothermal reactions of titanium(IV) isopropoxide, alcohols and carboxylic acids. The three compounds were characterized by single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, TGA/DSC, optical and electron microscopy, and FTIR and NMR spectroscopy. X-ray powder diffraction and spectroscopy...

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  • Creating Acoustic Maps Employing Supercomputing Cluster

    The implemented online urban noise pollution monitoring system is presented with regard to its conceptual assumptions and technical realization. A concept of the noise source parameters dynamic assessment is introduced. The idea of noise modeling, based on noise emission characteristics and emission simulations, was developer and practically utilized in the system. Furthermore, the working system architecture and the data acquisition...

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  • Factors that strengthen and weaken the identity of the cluster structures


    - Rok 2012

    The main aim of this paper is the application of "identity" to the issues related to "clustering process" and particularly - to the cooperation in the clusters and the cluster initiatives. The authors distinguish these factors that have the greatest influence on the formation and maintenance of identity in mentioned networks of cooperation.

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