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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ROCK AGGREGATES
Influence of Rock Dust Additives as Fine Aggregate Replacement on Properties of Cement Composites—A Review
PublikacjaConcrete production consumes enormous amounts of fossil fuels, raw materials, and is energy intensive. Therefore, scientific research is being conducted worldwide regarding the possibility of using by-products in the production of concrete. The objective is not only to identify substitutes for cement clinker, but also to identify materials that can be used as aggregate in mortar and concrete productions. Among the potential alternative...
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Potential use of granite waste sourced from rock processing for the application as coarse aggregate in high-performance self-compacting concrete
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Fibrillar aggregates in powdered milk
PublikacjaThis research paper addresses the hypothesis that powdered milk may contain amyloid fibrils. Amyloids are fibrillar aggregates of proteins. Up to this time, research on the presence of amyloids in food products are scarce. To check the hypothesis we performed thioflavin T fluorescence assay, X-ray powder diffraction, atomic force microscopy and fluorescence microscopy imaging. Our preliminary results show that commercially available...
Muscle strength and endurance in high-level rock climbers
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Wettability of shale rock as an indicator of fracturing fluid composition
PublikacjaShales have become one of the main unconventional gas resources in the world. However, physicochemical properties of rocks are still at the center of research. There have been conducted major researches in wettability of shales by fluids and advances in understanding and control of shale rock wettability. Also influence of interfacial phenomena on a production capacity of reservoirs have been made. The aim of this study is to find...
Kerogen to bitumen transformation with respect to host rock environment
PublikacjaResearch focuses on analyzing the role of rock constituents in kerogen transformation. It includes mineral and organic matter characterization, kerogen and bitumen isolation, quantification, and determination of the critical factors of transformation ratio concerning generating mobile versus less mobile hydrocarbons. The results indicate that the ratio mainly depends on the distribution and type of kerogen in the basin, and secondly...
Rock Art Research
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Rock and Soil Mechanics
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Rock Music Studies
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Ecological floating dock
PublikacjaZaprezentowano efekt końcowy projektu europejskiego grupy EUREKA pn. ''Przyjazne środowiskowo doki pływające''. Przedstawiono konsorcjum realizacyjne projektu, scharakteryzowano zagrożenia ekologiczne, wskazano najważniejsze uregulowania prawne oraz scharakteryzowano projekt proekologicznego doku pływającego SINE 212CD i koncepcję przebudowy doku istniejącego SINE 126 CD. Artykuł zawiera też kompletną bibliografię prac wykonanych...
Thorium and Uranium in the Rock Raw Materials Used For the Production of Building Materials
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Evaluation of Balance and Muscle Strength of Upper and Lower Limbs in Rock Climbers
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Simulation of damage process of containership's side structure due to collision with a rock
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki uproszczonego modelowania numerycznego procesu kolizji burty kontenerowca ze skałą. Analiza wyników modelowania pozwala wyciągnąć wnioski o charakterze zjawiska jak również określić obszar i głębokość uszkodzenia wywołanego przez penetrującą skałę w celu doboru wymiarów geometrii i wypełniacza dla drugiej bariery ochronnej.
The Impact of Crushed Rock Spoil on Pitting Corrosion of Selected Stainless Steel
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of the pitting resistance investigations of selected stainless steels in the chloride environment and the simultaneous impact of erosive factors using the cyclic polarization technique. Additionally, using electrochemical techniques, ie: electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and measurement of corrosion potential, the behavior of the passive layer of selected stainless steels in the environment...
Utilization of shale cuttings in production of lightweight aggregates
PublikacjaThe development of technologies for unconventional hydrocarbon exploration requires designing procedures to manage drilling waste that are consistent with the waste management hierarchy. In view of this, the possibility to apply shale drill cuttings as a prospective additive (replacing bentonite) to fly ash used for the production of lightweight aggregates (LWAs) was investigated. Moreover, a facile, waste-free method of LWAs production...
Modeling of a rock fall using the discrete element method and study of the seismic signal
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono opis fal sejsmicznych, zastosowanie dyskretnej metody elementów do opisu obrywu skalnego, opis programów obliczeniowych oraz obliczenia numeryczne wg. podanych programów obliczeniowych.
Modeling of a rock fall using the discrete element method and study of the seismic signal
PublikacjaMechanizm dużego spadającego bloku skalnego lub lawiny pozostaje nadal słabo rozpoznany zarówno w zakresie pęknięć jak i procesów propagacji. Jedynie ilościowe dane, które aktualnie są mierzone i uchwytne podczas spadania skały, zarejestrowane są jako sejsmiczne sygnały przez szereg sejsmografów. Właściwości sygnału (amplituda, trwanie, częstotliwość) są wyraźnie powiązane z cechami spadania (masa, wysokość spadania, odległość...
Design of a smart lock system
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Use of Sustainable Fine-Grain Aggregates in Cement Composites
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Influence of aggregates angularity on the locking point of asphalt mixtures
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Platelet–Leucocyte Aggregates as Novel Biomarkers in Cardiovascular Diseases
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Soils and Rocks
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Static and dynamic concrete calculations: Breakable aggregates in DEM model
PublikacjaThe paper deals with the calculations of a 3-point bending beam under static and dynamic loads. The real microstructure was obtained from laboratory tests using micro-tomography images. The quasi-static results were compared directly with experimental data at both macro and micro levels. Subsequently, higher strain rates were applied to investigate dynamic effects. The study focused on the influence of dynamic loading on the macroscopic...
Manufacturing of Lightweight Aggregates as an Auspicious Method of Sewage Sludge Utilization
Publikacja: Sewage sludge is a high-volume and low-cost waste commonly generated worldwide, so its utilization is a vital issue. The application of this waste in the manufacturing of lightweight aggregates was investigated. The process was performed using intensive mixers with volumes of 5 and 30 L, as well as the industrial 500 L mixer. Then, granulates were sintered in a tube furnace. The influence of composition and mixer size on the...
Study of a plate modelling a dock gate
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Gaze pattern lock for elders and disabled
Rock salt ordered-type double perovskite anode materials for solid oxide fuel cells
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Robust identification of glass breaks acoustic signals based on Wavelet transformation and Rock Solid Attributes.
PublikacjaStosowane w systemach alarmowych współczesne metody detekcji zbicia szyby, wykorzystują zwykle analizę sygnałów akustycznych towarzyszących temu procesowi. Podstawową metodą identyfikacji jest detekcja kilku charakterystycznych częstotliwości, niestety takie podejście wprowadza możliwość zafałszowania wyniku detekcji przez sygnały fałszywe, które mają zbliżaną charakterystykę widmową. Znacznie lepsze rezultaty osiągnąć można stosując...
Influence of the particle size of carbonate-siliceous rock on the efficiency of phosphorous removal from domestic wastewater
PublikacjatThe aim of the study was to determine the influence of the particle size of carbonate–silica rock (opoka)used in rock filters on the efficiency of phosphorus removal from domestic wastewater. The investigationswere carried out in a laboratory using a model consisting of three vertical flow filters with carbonate–silicarock of different particle sizes (G1= 1–2 mm; G2= 2–5 mm; G3= 5–10 mm). The tested rock was subjectedto decarbonising...
Price convergence in the EU-an aggregate and disaggregate approach
PublikacjaThis article examines the price dispersion in the European Union (EU) over 15 years (1990-2005). An extensive overview of the literature offers inconclusive results with the half-lives of price shocks from 2.8 to 282 months. Until now, most of the empirical research has been either micro or macro based. In contrast, we conducted a complex analysis utilizing both aggregate and disaggregate price data. The macro approach is based...
Seawater-mixed concretes containing natural and sea sand aggregates – A review
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Laboratory Investigations of Frost Susceptibility of Aggregates Applied to Road Base Courses
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The control of the mass of an aggregates deliveries and its impact on the effectiveness of earthworks execution
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Surface Plasmon-Coupled Emission of Rhodamine 110 Aggregates in a Silica Nanolayer
PublikacjaFirst analysis of strong directional surface plasmon-coupled emission(SPCE) of ground-state formed intermolecular aggregates of Rhodamine 110 (R110) insilica nanofilms deposited on silver nanolayers is reported. Until now, the processes ofenergy transport and its trapping due to aggregate formation have not been studied in the presence of SPCE. A new approach to multicomponent systems with weakly and strongly fluorescent centers...
Interplay of hydrogen bonding and aryl-perfluoroaryl interactions in construction of supramolecular aggregates
PublikacjaThe stacking between aryl and perfluoroaryl units is an important class of the aromatic – aromatic interactions that has attracted rapidly growing interest in recent years. Continuing interest of our group in this subject it had been prepared three new complexes of pentafluorobenzoic acid with benzyl alcohol, 4-methylbenzyl alcohol and 4-tert-butylbenzyl alcohol and in the next step investigated their self-assembly modes by...
Influence of the Addition of Recycled Aggregates and Polymer Fibers on the Properties of Pervious Concrete
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to check the possibility of reusing aggregate from recycled concrete waste and rubber granules from car tires as partial substitution of natural aggregate. The main objective was to investigate the effects of recycled waste aggregate modified with polymer fibers on the compressive and flexural strength, modulus of elasticity and permeability of pervious concrete. Fibers with a multifilament structure and...
Strenght analysis of the floating dock-ship system.
PublikacjaOmówiono krytycznie wymagania przepisów towarzystw klasyfikacyjnych dotyczące wytrzymałości doków pływających. Przedstawiono wyniki analizy MES sił wewnętrznych i naprężeń w kadłubie doku o długości podporowej 255m, obciążonego ciężarem masowca o długości między pionami 252m i masie 20900 ton. Pokazano wpływ na wartość sił redukcji w kilblokach i naprężenia takich czynników jak: rozłożenie balastu wyrównwczego w zbiornikach doku,...
Application of Rock Solid Attributes for robust identyfication of glass breaks acoustic signals via wavelet transformation
PublikacjaWspółczesne metody detekcji zbicia szyby stosowane w systemach alarmowych, wykorzystują analizę sygnałów akustycznych (ze względu na osiągi i koszty). Często używane metody analizy bazują na detekcji kilku charakterystycznych częstotliwości, jednak nie są to metody odporne na sygnały fałszywe. Jak wskazują niektóre pozycje literatury, zastosowanie metod JTFA może być bardziej użyteczne do analizy tego rodzaju sygnałów. Aby opracować...
Simulations of hydro-fracking in rock mass at meso-scale using fully coupled DEM/CFD approach
PublikacjaThe paper deals with two-dimensional (2D) numerical modelling of hydro-fracking (hydraulic fracturing) in rocks at the meso-scale. A numerical model was developed to characterize the properties of fluid-driven fractures in rocks by combining the discrete element method (DEM) with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The mechanical behaviour of the rock matrix was simulated with DEM and the behaviour of the fracturing fluid flow...
Aggregate formation of imidazolium ionic liquids in aqueous solution
PublikacjaCiecze jonowe (ILs) stanowią nową klasę związków o szerokich możliwościach przemysłowego zastosowania. Z przeglądu dostępnej literatury wynika, że niektóre ciecze jonowe tworzą agregaty w roztworach wodnych. Zrozumienie oddziaływań międzycząsteczkowych cieczy jonowych w środowisku wodnym jest niezbędne dla prawidłowego projektowania, przewidywania i kontroli ich właściwości jako współ-rozpuszczalników, a w konsekwencji procesów...
Trade competitiveness and the aggregate returns in global stock markets
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Modification of Lightweight Aggregate Concretes with Silica Nanoparticles—A Review
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The Effect of Aggregate Shape on the Properties of Concretes with Silica Fume
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On the Transcendental Philosophy in the Light of the Kantian Aggregate - System Opposition
PublikacjaTh e article represents an attempt to determine the essence of critical philosophy in the light of Kantian distinction between aggregate and system. In order to achieve this, the article harks back to Kant’s work and to accomplishments of Marburg School of neo-Kantianism and particularly to Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy. Discrimination between aggregate and system as two possible types of knowledge representation rests on the precedent...
Determination of binder-aggregate adhesion by contact angle measurement
PublikacjaThe key factor in asphalt pavement durability, especially in the presence of water, is adhesion of the bituminous binder to mineral aggregates. There are currently no standard laboratory test procedures that can quickly and accurately measure the strength of the interaction (bond) between the binder and aggregate. In this regard, to evaluate the adhesion force measurements based on the contact angle between the binder and the aggregate...
The effect of elevated temperature on the properties of cement mortars containing nanosilica and heavyweight aggregates
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Flow coefficient of the aggregates as a parameter characterizing the suitability of non-cohesive soils for earthworks