Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TETRAHYDROPYRAN
PublikacjaIn the mononuclear title compound, [MoCl3(C4H8O)(C14H15P)2], obtained by the reaction of trichlorotris(tetrahydrofuran)molybdenum(III) and ethyldiphenylphosphine in tetrahydrofuran (THF) solution, the MoIII atom is six-coordinated by one O atom of a THF molecule, two P atoms from two ethyldiphenylphosphine ligands and three Cl atoms in a distorted octahedral geometry. The C atoms of the THF molecule are disordered over two positions...
Dissociative electron attachment of furan, tetrahydrofuran, and fructose
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzono badania wychwytu dysocjacyjnego elektronów w cząsteczkach furanu, tetrahydrofuranu i fruktozy w przedziale energii 0-14eV. Stwierdzono, że w przypadku wychwytu elektronów o energiach poniżej progu wzbudzenia (< 3eV), jedynie fruktoza jest podatna na rozerwanie pierścienia cukrowego. W cząsteczkach furanu i tetrahydrofuranu struktury rezonansowe odpowiadające fragmentom pierścienia pojawiają się dla energii elektronów...
Hydration of tetrahydrofuran derived from FTIR spectroscopy
PublikacjaZbadano hydratację THF na podstawie spektroskopii FTIR drgań HDO oraz H2O. Dane widmowe poddano analizie przy pomocy ilościowej metody widm różnicowych. Ustalono, że w roztworach rozcieńczonych hydratacja THF typu hydrofobowego dominuje nad hydratacją typu elektrofilowego. Scharakteryzowano wodę w otoczce hydratacyjnej THF poprzez jej porównanie z wodą czystą.
Total electron-scattering cross section measurements for tetrahydropyran, (CH2)5O, molecules
PublikacjaZmierzono całkowity przekrój czynny (TCS) na rozproszenie elektronów na drobinach tetrahydropyranu. Pomiary przeprowadzono metodą transmisyjną w zakresie energii zderzenia 1 - 400 eV. Otrzymana zależność energetyczna TCS wskazuje na obecność procesów rezonansowych w zakresie 3 - 15 eV. Wyniki porównano z całkowitymi przekrojami czynnymi dla drobin tetrahydrofuranu i alkoholu alfa-tetrahydrofurfurylowego.
Ionization and ionic fragmentation of tetrahydrofuran molecules by electron collisions
PublikacjaElectron impact ionization and ionic fragmentation of tetrahydrofuran molecules in the gas phase were studied in the energy range from ionization threshold up to 150 eV using the technique of mass spectrometry. The cation mass spectra, ionization and ionic fragmentation efficiencies were measured over this energy range. Well-resolved mass peaks were detected in the mass range 10-72 amu and assigned to corresponding ionic molecular...
Electronic states of tetrahydrofuran molecules studied by electron collisions
PublikacjaElectronic states of tetrahydrofuran molecules were studied in the excitation energy range 5.5-10 eV using the technique of electron energy loss spectroscopy in the gas phase. Excitation from the two conformations, C2 and Cs, of the ground state of the molecule are observed in the measured energy loss spectra. The vertical excitation energies of the 3(no3s) triplet state from the C2 and Cs conformations of the ground state of the...
Absolute total cross-section measurements for electron collision with tetrahydrofuran
PublikacjaZmierzono absolutny, całkowity przekrój czynny na rozpraszanie elektronów na drobinach tetrahydrofuranu (C4H8O) w zakresie energii zderzenia 1-370 eV. Otrzymane wyniki pozostają w dobrej zgodności z sumą obliczonych przekrojów elestycznych i jonizacyjnych. Przeprowadzono porównananie z innymi dostępnymi przekrojami czynnymi.
Vibrational excitation of tetrahydrofuran by electron impact in the low energy range
PublikacjaWzbudzenie oscylacyjne cząsteczki tetrahydrofuranu w zderzeniach z elektronami przeprowadzone było w zakresie energii 5-14 eV w szerokim kącie rozproszenia (20°-180°). Pomiary funkcji wzbudzenia oscylacyjnego modów rozciągających w grupie CH2 (wiązania C-H) wykazują obecność struktur dla energii 6.0, 7.9 i 10.3 eV, którym można przypisać formowanie się stanów rezonansowych jonów ujemnych cząsteczki. W pracy wyznaczono także różniczkowy...
PublikacjaTytułowy związek [Mg(C7H5S2)2(C4H8O)2] został otrzymany w reakcji PhMgBr z nadmiarem CS2. Jest to pierwszy kompleks magnezu zawierający dwa ligandy ditiobenzoesanowe. Kompleks posiada zniekształconą geometrię oktaedryczną.
PublikacjaOtrzymano kompleksowy silanolan chromu: bis(tetrahydrofuran)tris(tri-tert-butoksysiloksy)chrom(III) i wyznaczono strukturę rentgenowską tego związku. Wielościan koordynacyjny atomu chromu ma kształt bipiramidy trygonalnej, w której cząsteczki tetrahydrofuranu zajmują pozycje osiowe.
Synthesis of highly sulfonated polystyrene-based block copolymers soluble in tetrahydrofuran
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Threshold photoelectron spectra of tetrahydrofuran over the energy range 9-29eV
PublikacjaWykonano pomiary fotoelektronowe widm progowych tetrahydrofuranu C4H8O w zakresie energii fotonów 9-29 eV przy użyciu promieniowania synchrotronowego. Zaobserwowano nowe pasma jonizacyjne w zakresie energii 16-26eV
Optical Spectroscopic Studies of Tetrahydrofuran Fragmentation Induced by Collisions with Dihydrogen Cations
PublikacjaCollisions of dihydrogen cations with tetrahydrofuran molecules have been studied. Luminescence spectra and the emission functions of the excited products at projectile energies ranging from 8 to 1000 eV have been measured using collision-induced emission spectroscopy. The recorded spectra are dominated by the atomic lines of the hydrogen Balmer series, whose intensities decrease more quickly than derived by the quantum-theoretical...
Synthesis of disubstituted 1,3,4,9-tetrahydropyrano-[3,4-b]indole-1-acetic acids derivatives
Publikacja1,3,4,9-tetrahydropyrano[3,4-b ]indole-1-acetic acid derivatives are of interest for pharmaceutical research as a core structure for synthesis of biological active substance - Etodolac (selective Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, which belongs to the Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug, NSAID, that shows a clin-ically effective analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity). Here the way of synthesis of two 1,3,4,9-tetrahydropyrano[3,4-b...
Bromo(dithiobenzoato-k2S,S')tris(tetrahydrofuran-kO)magnesium(II): a redetermination
PublikacjaZwiązek [MgBr(C6H5CS2)(C4H8O)3]zawiera ligand ditiobenzoesowy. Dzięki pomiarom rentgenograficznym w niskiej temperaturze została określona struktura tego związku. Kompleks posiada zniekształconą geometrię oktaedryczną.
Measurements of absolute elastic and vibrational cross sections for electron scattering from tetrahydrofuran
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wstępne wyniki pomiaru absolutnych przekrojów czynnych na zderzenie elektronów z drobinami tetrahydrofuranu przy energii 10eV.
Tetrahydrofuran-kO bis(tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolato-k2O,S)chromium(II)
PublikacjaTytułowy związek jest pierwszym silanotiolanowym kompleksem chromu(II). Atom chromu jest koordynowany przez 0,S-chelatujący tri-tert-butoksysilanotiolanowy ligand oraz dodatkowy ligand - czasteczkę tetrahydrofuranu. Geometrię ligandów wokół atomu chromu można opisać jako piramidę o podstawie kwadratu, z czasteczką tetrahydrofuranu w pozycji wierzchołkowej. Związek ten posiada dwukrotną oś symetrii.
PublikacjaThe title chain polymer compound, [GaLi2Br(C3H9OSi)4(C4H8O)2]n, was obtained in the reaction of GaBr3 with Me3SiOLi in toluene/tetrahydrofuran. The GaIII atom, located on a twofold rotation axis, is coordinated by four trimethylsilanolate ligands and has a distorted tetrahedral geometry. The LiI atom is four coordinated by one bridging Br atom located on an inversion centre, two trimethylsilanolate ligands and one tetrahydrofurane...
Photofragmentation of tetrahydrofuran molecules in the vacuum-ultraviolet region via superexcited states studied by fluorescence spectroscopy
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Photofragmentation of tetrahydrofuran molecules in the vacuum-ultraviolet region via superexcited states studied by fluorescence spectroscopy
PublikacjaPhotofragmentation of tetrahydrofuran molecules in the vacuum-ultraviolet region, producing excited atomic and molecular fragments, has been studied over the energy range 14-68 eV using photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. Excited hydrogen atoms H(n), n = 3-11, have been detected by observation of the Hα to Hı lines of the Balmer series. The diatomic CH(A2Δ), CH(B2Σ-) and C2(d3Πg) fragments, which are excited to low vibrational...
Low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase tetrahydrofuran: A quantum treatment of the dynamics and a comparison with experiments
PublikacjaIn this paper we report new quantum calculations of the dynamics for low-energy positrons interacting with gaseous molecules of tetrahydrofuran. The new quantum scattering cross sections are differential and integral cross sections at collision energies between 1.0 and 25.0 eV and include a careful treatment of the additional effects on the scattering process brought about by the permanent dipole moment of the target molecule....
Conformation analysis and semiclassical dynamics study of charge exchange process induced by collision of C2+ ions with tetrahydrofuran
PublikacjaWe present the results of recent investigations of charge transfer processes in the collisions of C²⁺ ions with heterocyclic molecules of tetrahydrofuran.
Fragmentation of Tetrahydrofuran Molecules by H+, C+, and O+ Collisions at the Incident Energy Range of 25–1000 eV
PublikacjaWe have studied fragmentation processes of the gas-phase tetrahydrofuran (THF) molecules in collisions with the H+, C+, and O+ cations. The collision energies have been varied between 25 and 1000 eV and thus covered a velocity range from 10 to 440 km/s. The following excited neutral fragments of THF have been observed: the atomic hydrogen H(n), n = 4–9, carbon atoms in the 2p3s 1P1, 2p4p 1D2, and 2p4p 3P states and vibrationally...
PublikacjaPhoton emission arising during tetrahydrofuran (C4H8O, THF) fragmentation initiated by H3 + ion impact has been studied experimentally. Luminescence fragmentation spectra and the relative emission cross-sections of the excited fragments have been measured using collision-induced emission spectroscopy in the 20–1000 eV energy range. The main features in the spectra are the H Balmer series lines, whose intensities decrease with increasing...
cis-Dichloro(di-tert-butylphosphine-kappa-P)(triphenylphosphine-kappa-P)platinum(II) tetrahydrofuran hemisolvate
PublikacjaTytułowy związek, [cis-(t-Bu2PH)(Ph3P)PtCl2] został otrzymany w reakcji (Ph3P)2PtCl2 z 1,1,3,3-tetra-tert-butylo-2-trimetylosililotrifosfanem. Widmo 31P{1H} NMR wskazuje na tworzenie się tytułowego związku razem ze znacznymi ilościami Ph3P oraz 1,1,3,3-tetra-tert-butylotrifosfanu.
Differential cross sections for low-energy elastic electron scattering from tetrahydrofuran in the angular range 20°-180°
PublikacjaWartości absolutne różniczkowych przekrojów czynnych na rozproszenie sprężyste elektronów o energii 6-20eV na cząsteczce tetrahydrofuranu w zakresie kątów 20°-180°. W pomiarach wykorzystano technikę lokalnego pola magnetycznego. Wyznaczono także całkowity przekrój czynny na rozproszenie sprężyste oraz przekrój czynny na przekazanie pędu poprzez scałkowanie zmierzonych różniczkowych przekrojów czynnych dla wybranych energii.
PublikacjaTytułowy związek [Li(C24H20P3)(C4H8O)]n, został otrzymany w reakcji chlorku bis(trifenylofosfan)platyny(II) z 1,1-difenylo-2-(trimetylosililo)-2-litiadifosfanem, (C6H5)2P-P(SiMe3)Li*3C4H8O. Związek ten powstaje w późniejszym stadium reakcji. Jest to pierwszy polimer koordynacyjny wśród znanych soli litowych trifosfanów.
Modelling charge transfer processes in C2+ -tetrahydrofuran collision for ion-induced radiation damage in DNA building blocks
PublikacjaInvestigations of collision-induced processes involving carbon ions and molecules of biological interest in particular DNA building blocks, are crucial to model the effect of radiation on cells in order to improve medical treatments for cancer therapy. Using carbon ions appears to be one of the most efficient ways to increase biological effectiveness to damage cancerous cells by irradiating deep-seated tumors. Therefore, interest...
(μ2-4,4′-Bipyridyl-κ2N:N′)bis[bis(tri-tert-butoxysilanothiolato-κ2S,O)cadmium(II)] tetrahydrofuran disolvate
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(μ2-4,4'-Bipyridyl-κ2N:N')bis[bis(tri-tert-butoxysilanothiolato- κ2S,O)cadmium(II)] tetrahydrofuran disolvate
PublikacjaW strukturze tytułowego kompleksu znajdują się oddzielne cząsteczki, w których każdy atom kadmu jest koordynowany przez dwa atomy siarki, dwa atomy tlenu i jeden atom azotu. Geometria każdego z atomów kadmu jest pośrednia pomiędzy piramidą o podstawie kwadratu a bipiramidą trygonalną. Dwie jednostki tri-tert-butoksysilanotiolanu kadmu są połączone cząsteczką 4,4'-bipirydylu. Dodaktowo w strukturze kompleksu znajdują się dwie cząsteczki...
Electrical responses of Graphene-Silicon Schottky diodes toward nitrogen dioxide and tetrahydrofuran under irradiation
Dane BadawczeGraphene-Silicon Schottky junctions were utilized as gas sensors toward inorganic (nitrogen dioxide) and organic (tetrahydrofuran) gas qualitative and quantitative detection. The electrical responses of the sensors were collected in the form of current-voltage characteristics and measurements of current in time domain for a selected voltage bias. The...
(μ-Tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolato)bis[(tetrahydrofuran)lithium(I)] and catena-poly[[bis(μ-tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolato)dilithium(I)]-μ-dimethoxyethane]: solvent coordination as the structure-forming factor.
PublikacjaOpisano syntezę oraz wyznaczono strukturę molekularną i krystaliczną dwóch solwatowanych tri-tert-butoksysilanotiolanów litu. W przypadku użycia tetrahydrofuranu obserwuje się tworzenie struktury, zawierającej izolowane dimery. Zastosowanie dimetoksyetanu powoduje utworzenie struktury łańcuchowej, którą można uznać za przykład polimeru koordynacyjnego.
Electrical and noise responses of graphene/AlGaN/GaN field-effect transistor for nitrogen dioxide, teatrahydrofuran, and acetone sensing
Dane BadawczeThis data set consists of raw and modified data concerning current-voltage characteristics and low-frequency noise spectra measured for graphene/AlGaN/GaN field-effect transistor in the ambiance of selected gases (laboratory air, dry and wet synthetic air, nitrogen dioxide, tetrahydrofuran, and acetone). The data show that sensor responses are enhanced...
Electrical and noise responses of graphene back-gated field-effect transistors enhanced by UV light for organic vapors sensing
Dane BadawczeBack-gated field-effect transistors with graphene channels (GFETs) were investigated toward organic vapors sensing. Two methods were used for sensing experiments including DC characteristics measurements and fluctuation-enhanced sensing by low-frequency noise studies. The data set consists of raw and modified data on GFET responses to acetonitrile,...
Organic Vapor Sensing Mechanisms by Large-Area Graphene Back-Gated Field-Effect Transistors under UV Irradiation
PublikacjaThe gas sensing properties of graphene back-gated field-effect transistor (GFET) sensors toward acetonitrile, tetrahydrofuran, and chloroform vapors were investigated with the focus on unfolding possible gas detection mechanisms. The FET configuration of the sensor device enabled gate voltage tuning for enhanced measurements of changes in DC electrical characteristics. Electrical measurements were combined with a fluctuation-enhanced...
Electrical and noise responses of Graphene-Silicon Schottky diodes decorated with Au nanoparticles for light-enhanced sensing of organic gases
Dane BadawczeGraphene-Silicon Schottky junctions decorated with Au nanoparticles were used for light-enhanced detection of organic tetrahydrofuran and chloroform. Au nanoparticles exhibited localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in the range of yellow light; thus yellow LED (wavelength of 592 nm) was utilized to induce the plasmonic effect, that increased the...
Low-frequency noise in Au-decorated graphene–Si Schottky barrier diode at selected ambient gases
PublikacjaWe report results of the current–voltage characteristics and low-frequency noise in Au nanoparticle (AuNP)-decorated graphene–Si Schottky barrier diodes. Measurements were conducted in ambient air with addition of either of two organic vapors, tetrahydrofuran [(CH2)4O; THF] and chloroform (CHCl3), as also during yellow light illumination (592nm), close to the measured particle plasmon polariton frequency of the Au nanoparticle...
Natural deep eutectic solvent based ultrasound assisted liquid-liquid micro-extraction method for methyl violet dye determination in contaminated river water
PublikacjaSimple and green natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) based ultrasound assisted liquid-liquid micro-extraction (UA-LLME) method was developed for extraction and determination of methyl violet dye in contaminated river water samples using UV/Vis spectrophotometry. Choline chloride - decanoic acid based natural deep eutectic solvent was used for extraction. Important analytical parameters like pH, deep eutectic solvent volume/phase...
PublikacjaTytułowy związek otrzymano jako produkt uboczny w reakcji (p-Tol-O)3SiCl z [PhC(S)S]2Mg*2THF (p-Tol oznacza para-tolil, THF to tetrahydrofuran).Czasteczka posiada symetrię własną -3 i jest przykładem związku o kącie walencyjnym Si-O-Si równym 180 stopni. Omówiono i przedyskutowano rozkład wartości tego kąta w obrębie różnych disiloksanów.
VUV photofragmentation of the six-membered heterocyclic molecules containing oxygen
PublikacjaCancer is a significant public health concern worldwide, which results in millions of deaths each year. The standard cure routine for cancer is surgery, and nowadays, radiotherapy or a hadrontherapy. Depending on the type of cancer, patients may undergo additional treatment, including targeted therapy. A combination of radio- or hadron-therapy with proper drug treatment can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells and thus can...
The effects of gas exposure on the graphene/AlGaN/GaN heterostructure under UV irradiation
PublikacjaThis work demonstrates a graphene/AlGaN/GaN sensing device with two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) toward nitrogen dioxide (NO2), tetrahydrofuran, and acetone detection under UV light irradiation. We propose combining measurements of the DC characteristics with a fluctuation-enhanced sensing method to provide insight into the gas detection mechanisms in the synergistic structure of highly stable GaN and gas-sensitive graphene....
HPLC-DAD in identification and quantification of selected coumarins in crude extracts from plant cultures of Ammi majus and Ruta graveolens.
PublikacjaW pracy opisano wyniki badań nad opracowaniem metody rozdzielania, identyfikacji i oznaczania wybranych kumaryn i funarokumaryn w surowych ekstraktach roślinnych z Ammi majus i Ruta graveolens hodowanych pojedynczo lub w kokulturach. Zbadano przydatność trzech głównych składników eluentu, stosowanych w układach faz odwróconych i różnych programów elucji: woda- acetonitryl(ACN)- metanol (MeOH)- tetrahydrofuran (THF). W optymalnej...
Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing of Organic Vapors by Ink-Printed MoS2 Devices under UV Irradiation
PublikacjaThis work presents the results of fluctuationenhanced sensing (FES) of selected organic gases by MoS2 sensor fabricated via a simple ink printing method. We demonstrate that low-frequency noise measured under UV irradiation (275 nm) is more sensitive to different gases than measured in the dark. The noise at 1 Hz under UV light increased 3.3, 3.5, 1.6, and 2.9 times for chloroform, tetrahydrofuran, acetonitrile, and acetone ambiances, respectively....
Activation of the C=P bond in phosphanylphosphaalkenes C=P–P bond system) in the reaction with nucleophilic reagents: MeLi, nBuLi and tBuLi
PublikacjaThree reactions of phosphanylphosphaalkene (1) with nucleophiles were performed to activate the diphosphorus monomer. We observed similar results in the reactions with MeLi and nBuLi, in which the P–P bond is cleavaged and triphosphorus systems [P(Me)2–CH(biph)–CH(biph)–P–(PtBu 2)]- (1a'') and [P(nBu)2–CH(biph)–CH(biph)–P–(PtBu 2)]- (1b''), respectively, are formed depending on the nucleophilic reagent (biph ¼ biphenyl). In the...
Porosity and swelling properties of novel polyurethane–ascorbic acid scaffolds prepared by different procedures for potential use in bone tissue engineering
PublikacjaIn this work, a novel polyurethane (PU) system based on poly(ethylene-butylene) adipate diol, 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate, 1,4-butanediol, and ascorbic acid was used to prepare scaffolds with potential applications in bone tissue engineering. Two fabrication methods to obtain porous materials were chosen: phase separation (PS)/salt particle leaching (PL) and solvent casting (SC)/salt PL. The calculated porosity demonstrated...
Interactions of protons with furan molecules studied by collision-induced emission spectroscopy at the incident energy range of 50–1000 eV
PublikacjaInvestigations of the ion-molecule reactions provide insight into many fields ranging from the stellar wind interaction with interstellar media, up to medicine and industrial applications. Besides the applications, the understanding of these processes is itself a problem of fundamental importance. Thus, interactions of protons with the gas-phase furan molecules have been investigated for the first time in the energy range of 50–1000...
Enhanced gas sensing by graphene-silicon Schottky diodes under UV irradiation
PublikacjaThe effect of ultraviolet (UV) or blue irradiation on graphene/n-doped silicon Schottky junctions toward gas sensing was investigated. Schottky diodes were subjected to oxidizing nitrogen dioxide (NO2, 1–3 ppm) and reducing tetrahydrofuran (THF, 50–200 ppm), showing significantly different responses observed on the currentvoltage (I-V) characteristics, especially under UV light (275 nm). NO2 affected the resistive part of the forward region...
Preparation and characterization of dummy-template molecularly imprinted polymers as potential sorbents for the recognition of selected polybrominated diphenyl ethers
PublikacjaThe main aim of this work was to conduct the preliminary/basic research concerning the preparation process of a new dummy molecularly imprinted polymer (DMIP) materials. Developed DMIPs were proposed as a sorption material in solid-phase extraction (SPE) technique for recognition of selected low mass polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) e PBDE-47 and PBDE-99. Four new DMIPs were synthesized employing bulky polymerization technique...
Influence of technological conditions on optical properties and morphology of spin-coated PPI thin films
PublikacjaPurpose: The aim of this paper is to show technical and chemical parameters influence on opticalproperties and morphology of poly (1,4-phenylenemethylenenitrilo- 1,4-phenylenenitrilomethylene) (PPI)thin films prepared by spin-coating methodDesign/methodology/approach: PPI thin films were prepared by spin-coating method with variousspinning rates and molar concentrations. The monomers, terephthal aledehyde (TPA) and p-phenylenediamine(PPDA),...
Paweł Możejko dr hab.