wszystkich: 537
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2025
Dermoscopy of External Ear Melanocytic Lesions: Performance of Selected Dermoscopic Screening Algorithms and Proposal of a New Predictive Model for Malignancy (AuriCheck Dermoscopic Algorithm)
PublikacjaBackground/Objectives: External ear melanocytic lesions (EEMLs) are frequently encountered in clinical practice. EEMLs belong to dermoscopic special site locations and their dermoscopic presentation is poorly characterized. The aims of the study were to determine the dermoscopic features and patterns of EEMLs, to evaluate the performance of selected dermoscopic screening algorithms for EEML and to propose a dedicated site-specific...
Discrete evacuation in graphs with multiple exits
PublikacjaIn this paper, we consider the problem of efficient evacuation of mobile agents from distinct nodes in a graph to multiple exit nodes, while avoiding congestion and bottlenecks, and minimizing the total evacuation time. Each node in the graph can only hold one agent at a time, so the agents must choose their movements based on the locations of other agents to optimize the evacuation process. We consider two scenarios: the centralized...
Impact of clinical factors on accuracy of ovarian cancer detection via platelet RNA profiling
PublikacjaOvarian cancer (OC) presents a diagnostic challenge, often resulting in poor patient outcomes. Platelet RNA sequencing, which reflects host response to disease, shows promise for earlier OC detection. This study examines the impact of sex, age, platelet count, and the training on cancer types other than OC on classification accuracy achieved in the previous platelet-alone training data set. A total of 339 samples from healthy donors...
Noisy (Binary) Searching: Simple, Fast and Correct
PublikacjaThis work considers the problem of the noisy binary search in a sorted array. The noise is modeled by a parameter p that dictates that a comparison can be incorrect with probability p, independently of other queries. We state two types of upper bounds on the number of queries: the worst-case and expected query complexity scenarios. The bounds improve the ones known to date, i.e., our algorithms require fewer queries. Additionally,...
The Impact of 8- and 4-Bit Quantization on the Accuracy and Silicon Area Footprint of Tiny Neural Networks
PublikacjaIn the field of embedded and edge devices, efforts have been made to make deep neural network models smaller due to the limited size of the available memory and the low computational efficiency. Typical model footprints are under 100 KB. However, for some applications, models of this size are too large. In low-voltage sensors, signals must be processed, classified or predicted with an order of magnitude smaller memory. Model downsizing...
Rok 2024
Approximation algorithms for job scheduling with block-type conflict graphs
PublikacjaThe problem of scheduling jobs on parallel machines (identical, uniform, or unrelated), under incompatibility relation modeled as a block graph, under the makespan optimality criterion, is considered in this paper. No two jobs that are in the relation (equivalently in the same block) may be scheduled on the same machine in this model. The presented model stems from a well-established line of research combining scheduling theory...
Bounding conditional entropy of bipartite states with Bell operators
PublikacjaQuantum information theory explores numerous properties that surpass classical paradigms, offering novel applications and benefits. Among these properties, negative conditional von Neumann entropy (CVNE) is particularly significant in entangled quantum systems, serving as an indicator of potential advantages in various information-theoretic tasks, despite its indirect observability. In this paper, we investigate the relationship...
Deep Learning-Based, Multiclass Approach to Cancer Classification on Liquid Biopsy Data
PublikacjaThe field of cancer diagnostics has been revolutionized by liquid biopsies, which offer a bridge between laboratory research and clinical settings. These tests are less invasive than traditional biopsies and more convenient than routine imaging methods. Liquid biopsies allow studying of tumor-derived markers in bodily fluids, enabling the development of more precise cancer diagnostic tests for screening, disease monitoring, and...
Detection of circulating tumor cells by means of machine learning using Smart-Seq2 sequencing
PublikacjaCirculating tumor cells (CTCs) are tumor cells that separate from the solid tumor and enter the bloodstream, which can cause metastasis. Detection and enumeration of CTCs show promising potential as a predictor for prognosis in cancer patients. Furthermore, single-cells sequencing is a technique that provides genetic information from individual cells and allows to classify them precisely and reliably. Sequencing data typically...
Energy Constrained Depth First Search
PublikacjaDepth first search is a natural algorithmic technique for constructing a closed route that visits all vertices of a graph. The length of such a route equals, in an edge-weighted tree, twice the total weight of all edges of the tree and this is asymptotically optimal over all exploration strategies. This paper considers a variant of such search strategies where the length of each route is bounded by a positive integer $B$ (e.g....
Equitable colorings of some variation of corona products of cubic graphs
PublikacjaThe problem of determining the value of equitable chromatic number for multicoronas of cubic graphs is studied. We provide some polynomially solvable cases of cubical multicoronas and give simple linear time algorithms for equitable coloring of such graphs which use almost optimal number of colors in the remaining cases.
Immune escape of B-cell lymphoblastic leukemic cells through a lineage switch to acute myeloid leukemia
PublikacjaAcute leukemia (AL) with a lineage switch (LS) is associated with poor prognosis. The predisposing factors of LS are unknown, apart from KMT2A rearrangements that have been reported to be associated with LS. Herein, we present two cases and review all 104 published cases to identify risk factors for LS. Most of the patients (75.5%) experienced a switch from the lymphoid phenotype to the myeloid phenotype. Eighteen patients (17.0%)...
Improving platelet‐RNA‐based diagnostics: a comparative analysis of machine learning models for cancer detection and multiclass classification
PublikacjaLiquid biopsy demonstrates excellent potential in patient management by providing a minimally invasive and cost-effective approach to detecting and monitoring cancer, even at its early stages. Due to the complexity of liquid biopsy data, machine-learning techniques are increasingly gaining attention in sample analysis, especially for multidimensional data such as RNA expression profiles. Yet, there is no agreement in the community...
Potyczki algorytmiczne, czyli Alicja i Bogdan w nowych sytuacjach
PublikacjaW kolejnym odcinku serii z Alicją i Bogdanem najpierw ilustrujemy problem dominowania w grafach (kratowych): klasyczny i rzymski. Następnie ilustrujemy znany fakt, że zachłanność nie zawsze się opłaca. Pokażemy mianowicie, że algorytmy zachłanne nie gwarantują uzyskania rozwiązania optymalnego, nawet wówczas gdy problem da się rozwiązać w czasie wielomianowym.
Potyczki algorytmiczne, czyli Alicja i Bogdan w nowych sytuacjach. 6. Alicja i Bogdan na działce
PublikacjaEsej ilustruje dwa problemy optymalizacyjne. Pierwszy to dominowanie w grafach (kratowych): klasyczne i rzymskie. Drugi problem to pokrycie wierzchołkowe w grafach 2-dzielnych. W szczególności pokazujemy, że algorytmy zachłanne nie gwarantują uzyskania rozwiązania optymalnego, nawet wówczas gdy problem da się rozwiązać w czasie wielomianowym.
Potyczki algorytmiczne, czyli Alicja i Bogdan w nowych sytuacjach. 7. Alicja i Bogdan na wczasach
PublikacjaW eseju zilustrowano dwa pojęcia. Pierwsze to algorytm online. Drugie to przeszukiwanie wykładnicze w nieznanych przestrzeniach.
Potyczki algorytmiczne, czyli Alicja i Bogdan w nowych sytuacjach. 8. Alicja i Bogdan zostają deweloperami
PublikacjaW eseju zilustrowano 2 problemy optymalizacyjne. Pierwszy to tzw. drzewo Steinera na płaszczyźnie. Drugi to tzw. Art Galery Problem.
Potyczki algorytmiczne, czyli Alicja i Bogdan w nowych sytuacjach. 9. Bogdan w więzieniu
PublikacjaJest to ostatni esej w serii Potyczki algorytmiczne. Poświęcony jest on pewnym problemom kombinatorycznym związanym z logiką i teorią grup.
Quantum strategies for rendezvous and domination tasks on graphs with mobile agents
PublikacjaThis paper explores the application of quantum nonlocality, a renowned and unique phenomenon acknowledged as a valuable resource. Focusing on an alternative application, we demonstrate its quantum advantage for mobile agents engaged in specific distributed tasks without communication. The research addresses the significant challenge of rendezvous on graphs and introduces a distributed task for mobile agents grounded in the graph...
Quantum-assisted rendezvous on graphs: explicit algorithms and quantum computer simulations
PublikacjaWe study quantum advantage in one-step rendezvous games on simple graphs analytically, numerically, and using noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) processors. Our protocols realise the recently discovered (Mironowicz 2023 New J. Phys. 25 013023) optimal bounds for small cycle graphs and cubic graphs. In the case of cycle graphs, we generalise the protocols to arbitrary graph size. The NISQ processor experiments realise the expected...
Semi-definite programming and quantum information
PublikacjaThis paper presents a comprehensive exploration of semi-definite programming (SDP) techniques within the context of quantum information. It examines the mathematical foundations of convex optimization, duality, and SDP formulations, providing a solid theoretical framework for addressing optimization challenges in quantum systems. By leveraging these tools, researchers and practitioners can characterize classical and quantum correlations,...
Sleep alterations in treatment-resistant depression patients undergoing ketamine treatment
PublikacjaBackground This study examines self-reported sleep alterations in treatment-resistant depression (TRD) inpatients following intravenous ketamine administration. Methods This is a post-hoc analysis of a naturalistic observational study, which enrolled 28 inpatients with treatment-resistant major depressive disorder and analyzed self-reported sleep changes (items 1–4; ‘insomnia’, ‘nighttime restlessness’, ‘early morning waking’,...
Teoria grafów wczoraj i dziś
PublikacjaW pracy naszkicowano kamienie milowe teorii grafów poczynając od pierwszego artykułu Eulera na temat mostów w Królewcu z połowy 18. wieku. Następnie opisano słynny problem 4 barw i jego wariacje. Pracę kończy charakterystyka najnowszych wyzwań teorii grafów.
Theoretical modelling of efficient fire safety water networks by certified domination
PublikacjaThis paper explores a new way of designing water supply networks for fire safety using ideas from graph theory, focusing on a method called certified domination. Ensuring a good water supply is crucial for fire safety in communities, this study looks at the rules and problems in Poland for how much water is needed to fight fires in different areas and how this can be achieved at a lowest possible cost. We present a way to plan...
Vehicle type recognition: a case study of MobileNetV2 for an image Classification task
PublikacjaThe goal of the research was to demonstrate the full data science lifecycle through a use case of the MobileNetv2 model for vehicle image Classification task using various validation and test sets, each with different difficulty level. Diverse model variations were employed, each designed to recognize images of ground vehicles and classify them into one of five possible classes: car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, or bus. In terms...
Rok 2023
Complexity Issues on of Secondary Domination Number
PublikacjaIn this paper we study the computational complexity issues of the problem of secondary domination (known also as (1, 2)-domination) in several graph classes. We also study the computational complexity of the problem of determining whether the domination and secondary domination numbers are equal. In particular, we study the influence of triangles and vertices of degree 1 on these numbers. Also, an optimal algorithm for finding...
Edge and Pair Queries-Random Graphs and Complexity
PublikacjaWe investigate two types of query games played on a graph, pair queries and edge queries. We concentrate on investigating the two associated graph parameters for binomial random graphs, and showing that determining any of the two parameters is NP-hard for bounded degree graphs.
Edge coloring of graphs of signed class 1 and 2
PublikacjaRecently, Behr (2020) introduced a notion of the chromatic index of signed graphs and proved that for every signed graph (G, σ) it holds that ∆(G) ≤ χ′(G,σ) ≤ ∆(G) + 1, where ∆(G) is the maximum degree of G and χ′ denotes its chromatic index. In general, the chromatic index of (G, σ) depends on both the underlying graph G and the signature σ. In the paper we study graphs G for which χ′(G, σ) does not depend on σ. To this aim we...
Entangled rendezvous: a possible application of Bell non-locality for mobile agents on networks
PublikacjaRendezvous is an old problem of assuring that two or more parties, initially separated, not knowing the position of each other, and not allowed to communicate, are striving to meet without pre-agreement on the meeting point. This problem has been extensively studied in classical computer science and has vivid importance to modern and future applications. Quantum non-locality, like Bell inequality violation, has shown that in many...
Experimental certification of more than one bit of quantum randomness in the two inputs and two outputs scenario
PublikacjaOne of the striking properties of quantum mechanics is the occurrence of the Bell-type non-locality. They are a fundamental feature of the theory that allows two parties that share an entangled quantum system to observe correlations stronger than possible in classical physics. In addition to their theoretical significance, non-local correlations have practical applications, such as device-independent randomness generation, providing...
Generalization of Phylogenetic Matching Metrics with Experimental Tests of Practical Advantages
PublikacjaThe ability to quantify a dissimilarity of different phylogenetic trees is required in various types of phylogenetic studies, for example, such metrics are used to assess the quality of phylogeny construction methods and to define optimization criteria in supertree building algorithms. In this article, starting from the already described concept of matching metrics, we define three new metrics for rooted phylogenetic trees. One...
Grafo-mania, czyli rzecz o grafach i algorytmach. Gry chromatyczne na grafach.
PublikacjaW minieseju analizujemy grę 2-osobową, polegającą na tym, że Alicja i Bogdan współdziałają by pomalować mapę narysowaną na płaszczyźnie.
Longitudinal drug synergy assessment using convolutional neural network image-decoding of glioblastoma single-spheroid cultures
PublikacjaAbstract Background In recent years, drug combinations have become increasingly popular to improve therapeutic outcomes in various diseases, including difficult to cure cancers such as the brain cancer glioblastoma. Assessing the interaction between drugs over time is critical for predicting drug combination effectiveness and minimizing the risk of therapy resistance. However, as viability readouts of drug combination experiments...
Long-term mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation for aortic stenosis in immunosuppression-treated patients: a propensity-matched multicentre retrospective registry-based analysis
PublikacjaIntroduction Data regarding patients with a previous medical record of immunosuppression treatment who have undergone transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) are limited and extremely inconclusive. Available studies are mostly short term observations; thus there is a lack of evidence on efficacy and safety of TAVI in this specific group of patients. Aim To compare the in-hospital and long-term outcomes between patients...
Modele i algorytmy dla grafowych struktur defensywnych
PublikacjaW niniejszej pracy przeprowadzono analizę złożoności istnienia struktur defensywnych oraz równowag strategicznych w grafach. W przypadku struktur defensywnych badano modele koalicji defensywnych, zbiorów defensywnych i koalicji krawędziowych – każdy z nich w wersji globalnej, tj. z wymogiem dominacji całego grafu. W przypadku modeli równowagi strategicznej badano równowagę strategiczną koalicji defensywnych, równowagę strategiczną...
Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering: Analysis of Possibilities on Diverse Datasets
PublikacjaThis paper continues the work by Wang et al. [17]. Its goal is to verify the robustness of the NGCF (Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering) technique by assessing its ability to generalize across different datasets. To achieve this, we first replicated the experiments conducted by Wang et al. [17] to ensure that their replication package is functional. We received sligthly better results for ndcg@20 and somewhat poorer results for...
Platelet RNA Sequencing Data Through the Lens of Machine Learning
PublikacjaLiquid biopsies offer minimally invasive diagnosis and monitoring of cancer disease. This biosource is often analyzed using sequencing, which generates highly complex data that can be used using machine learning tools. Nevertheless, validating the clinical applications of such methods is challenging. It requires: (a) using data from many patients; (b) verifying potential bias concerning sample collection; and (c) adding interpretability...
Potyczki algorytmiczne, czyli Alicja i Bogdan w nowych sytuacjach. 3. Alicja i Bogdan remontują mieszkanie.
PublikacjaPoniższe zagadki nawiązują z jednej strony do problemu kafelkowania płaszczyzny, który jest nierozstrzygalny, z drugiej do problemu rozkroju wstęgi, który jest NP-trudny. Jednakże przypadki szczególne, które tu rozważamy, nie są tak trudne i mogą być rozwiązane za pomocą algorytmów działających w czasie wielomianowym.
Potyczki algorytmiczne, czyli Alicja i Bogdan w nowych sytuacjach. 4. Alicja i Bogdan w samochodzie.
PublikacjaZilustrowano problem przeszukiwania obiektów w nieznanych przestrzeniach na przykładzie jazdy samochodem.
Potyczki algorytmiczne, czyli Alicja i Bogdan w nowych sytuacjach. 5. Alicja kupuje buty.
PublikacjaNiniejszy miniesej pokazuje, w jaki sposób można efektywnie przeszukiwać uporządkowane tablice 2-wymiarowe oraz, w jaki sposób można radzić sobie (niekiedy) z trudnymi problemami obliczeniowymi.
Potyczki algorytmiczne, czyli Alicja i Bogdan w nowych sytuacjach. Alicja i Bogdan w pizzerii
PublikacjaPowracamy tutaj do zagadki sprzed 4 lat pod tym samym tytułem, którą uzupełniamy nowymi komentarzami i nowymi zagadkami na ten temat. Pozwala to nam zilustrować szerzej zasady działania algorytmu zachłannego.
Rekordowe liczby pierwsze
PublikacjaProblem liczb pierwszych ma długą historię sięgającą czasów starożytnych. W śród liczb całkowitych liczby pierwsze grają rolę analogiczną do pierwiastków w chemii.
Screening of predicted synergistic multi-target therapies in glioblastoma identifies new treatment strategies
PublikacjaAbstract Background IDH-wildtype glioblastoma (GBM) is a highly malignant primary brain tumor with a median survival of 15 months after standard of care, which highlights the need for improved therapy. Personalized combination therapy has shown to be successful in many other tumor types and could be beneficial for GBM patients. Methods We performed the largest drug combination screen to date in GBM, using a high-throughput effort...
Security of Cryptocurrencies: A View on the State-of-the-Art Research and Current Developments
Publikacja[Context] The goal of security is to protect digital assets, devices, and services from being disrupted, exploited or stolen by unauthorized users. It is also about having reliable information available at the right time. [Motivation] Since the inception in 2009 of the first cryptocurrency, few studies have been undertaken to analyze and review the state-of-the-art research and current developments with respect to the security...
Rok 2022
Application of Doubly Connected Dominating Sets to Safe Rectangular Smart Grids
PublikacjaSmart grids, together with the Internet of Things, are considered to be the future of the electric energy world. This is possible through a two-way communication between nodes of the grids and computer processing. It is necessary that the communication is easy and safe, and the distance between a point of demand and supply is short, to reduce the electricity loss. All these requirements should be met at the lowest possible cost....
Efficacy of intralesional bleomycin in treatment resistant viral warts
PublikacjaIntroduction Optimal management of treatment-refractory viral warts caused by human papillomavirus is unknown. One of the treatment methods is intralesional bleomycin solution. Objective To determine risk factors for resistant viral warts (not responding to conventional treatments for ≥ 6 months), to determine the effectiveness and safety of intralesional bleomycin in a group of patients with viral warts resistant to conventional...
Global defensive secure structures
PublikacjaLet S ⊂ V (G) for a given simple non-empty graph G. We define for any nonempty subset X of S the predicate SECG,S(X) = true iff |NG[X]∩S| ≥ |NG[X]\S|. Let H be a non-empty family of graphs such that for each vertex v ∈ V (G) there is a subgraph H of G containing v and isomorphic to a member of H. We introduce the concept of H-alliance extending the concept of global defensive secure structures. By an H-alliance in a graph G we...
Grafo-ania, czyli rzecz o grafach i algorytmach. Drzewa Steinera
PublikacjaProblem: na płaszczyźnie leżą 3 punkty. Znajdź czwarty, taki że jego sumaryczna odległość od 3 pozostałych jest minimalna, Pokazujemy jak rozwiązać ten problem i jego uogólnienie.
Grafo-mania, czyli rzecz o grafach i algorytmach. Liczby Ramseya
PublikacjaZdefiniowano liczby Ramseya i wskazano na trudności obliczeniowe ich wyznaczania już przy niewielkich wartościach takich liczb.
Grafo-mania, czyli rzecz o grafach i algorytmach. Problem 8 hetmanów
PublikacjaW eseju spojrzano na problem 8 hetmanów na szachownicy z punktu widzenia teorii grafów