Katedra Inżynierii Mikrofalowej i Antenowej - Jednostki Administracyjne - MOST Wiedzy


Katedra Inżynierii Mikrofalowej i Antenowej


wszystkich: 580

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Katalog Publikacji

Rok 2018
Rok 2017
Rok 2016
  • A Mesh Deformation Technique Based on Solid Mechanics for Parametric Analysis of High-Frequency Devices With 3-D FEM

    In this paper, a versatile technique for mesh defor- mation is discussed, targeted at the electromagnetic (EM) field simulation of high-frequency devices using the 3-D finite element method (FEM). The approach proposed applies a linear elasticity model to compute the displacements of the internal mesh nodes in 3-D when the structure geometry is changed. The technique is compared with an alternative approach...

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  • A structure and design optimization of novel compact microscrip dual-band rat-race coupler with enhanced bandwidth

    In the letter, a topology of a novel compact wideband dual-band rat-race coupler has been presented along with its computationally efficient design optimization procedure. Reduction of the circuit size has been achieved by meandering transmission lines of the conventional circuit. At the same time, the number of independent geometry parameters has been increased so as to secure sufficient flexibility of the circuit, necessary in...

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  • Akceleracja metody elementów skończonych przy użyciu procesora graficznego

    Artykuł przedstawia rezultaty akceleracji obliczeń metody elementów skończonych z użyciem procesora graficznego. Dzięki zastosowaniu masowo zrównoleglonych obliczeń na procesorze graficznym dwóch najbardziej kosztownych obliczeniowo etapów generacji macierzy współczynników i rozwiązywania układu równań przy użyciu metody gradientów sprzężonych z wielopoziomowym prekondycjonerem o schemacie V udało się pięciokrotnie skrócić czas...

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  • Effect of mesh deformation on the accuracy of 3D FEM electromagnetic analysis

    In this paper, the accuracy of 3D FEM electromagnetic simulations in parametric analysis using mesh deformation techniques is discussed. Mesh deformation techniques allow one to preserve the mesh topology while the geometry is changed. It is shown that the application of mesh deformation can provide accurate simulation results even for very large deformations. On the other hand, it is also shown that the technique has to be used...

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  • Efficient analysis of structures with rotatable elements using model order reduction

    This paper presents a novel full-wave technique which allows for a fast 3D finite element analysis of waveguide structures containing rotatable tuning elements of arbitrary shapes. Rotation of these elements changes the resonant frequencies of the structure, which can be used in the tuning process to obtain the S-characteristics desired for the device. For fast commutations of the response as the tuning elements are rotated, the...

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  • Efficient Complex Root Finding Algorithm for Microwave and Optical Propagation Problems

    - Rok 2016

    Article relates to the use of innovative root finding algorithm (on a complex plane) to study propagation properties of microwave and optical waveguides. Problems of this type occur not only in the analysis of lossy structures, but also in the study of complex and leaky modes (radiation phenomena). The proposed algorithm is simple to implement and can be applied for functions with singularities and branch cuts in the complex plane...

  • Estimation of a single balun parameters on the base of back-to-back measurements

    A method of estimation of a single balun S parameters based on the measured parameters of back-to-back configuration is presented in the paper. Proposed approach is to measure two back-to-back circuits: i) direct connection of baluns and ii) connection with additional transmission line segment between the baluns. Coupling effects in both circuits are calculated from full-wave simulations. Next they are applied to estimate the parameters...

  • Expedited Simulation-Driven Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Quasi-Isotropic Dielectric Resonator Antenna

    - Rok 2016

    Majority of practical engineering design problems require simultaneous handling of several criteria. Although many of design tasks can be turned into single-objective problems using sufficient formulations, in some situations, acquiring comprehensive knowledge about possible trade-offs between conflicting objectives may be necessary. This calls for multi-objective optimization that aims at identifying a set of alternative, Pareto-optimal...

  • Fast Full-Wave Multilevel Zero-Pole Optimization of Microwave Filters

    A new concept is proposed for the full-wave computer-aided design of microwave filters. The method consists of two stages and operates on the zeros and poles of the transfer function and their derivatives. These quantities are evaluated from the response computed by a full-wave electromagnetic solver with two levels of accuracy. The two stages make use of different models that are optimized using a low-accuracy electromagnetic...

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  • Geometry Parametric Model Order Reduction with Randomly Generated Projection Bases

    - Rok 2016

    In this work, a reduced-order model for geometry parameters and fast frequency sweep is proposed. The Finite Element Method is used to solve time-harmonic Maxwell’s equations. Taking into account the electromagnetic field does not arbitrarily vary as a function of frequency and geometry parameters, a low dimension system manifold is identified. Thus, the original Finite Element problem can be approximated by a model of reduced...

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  • GPU-accelerated finite element method

    In this paper the results of the acceleration of computations involved in analysing electromagnetic problems by means of the finite element method (FEM), obtained with graphics processors (GPU), are presented. A 4.7-fold acceleration was achieved thanks to the massive parallelization of the most time-consuming steps of FEM, namely finite-element matrix-generation and the solution of a sparse system of linear equations with the...

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  • Greedy Multipoint Model-Order Reduction Technique for Fast Computation of Scattering Parameters of Electromagnetic Systems

    This paper attempts to develop a new automated multipoint model-order reduction (MOR) technique, based on matching moments of the system input–output function, which would be suited for fast and accurate computation of scattering parameters for electromagnetic (EM) systems over a wide frequency band. To this end, two questions are addressed. Firstly, the cost of the wideband reduced model generation is optimized by automating a...

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  • Kriging Models for Microwave Filters

    - Rok 2016

    Surrogate modeling of microwave filters’ response is discussed. In particular, kriging is used to model either the scattering parameters of the filter or the rational representation of the filter’s characteristics. Surrogate models for these two variants of kriging are validated in solving a microwave filter optimization problem. A clear advantage of surrogate models based on the rational representation over the models based on scattering...

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  • Low-Cost Surrogate Models for Microwave Filters


    A novel low-cost kriging-based multivariable parametric macromodeling technique for microwave filters is presented. Kriging is used to model both the residues and poles of a microwave filter's reflection coefficient, and the zeros of the transmission coefficient. The proposed residue-pole-zero (RPZ) technique is demonstrated to efficiently model a high dimensional (8D) microwave filter with pseudoelliptic characteristics.

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  • Macromodeling techniques for accelerated finite element analysis

    - Rok 2016

    This paper deals with the Model Order Reduction applied locally in the Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis. Due to the reduction process, blocks of FEM system matrices associated with selected subregions of the computational domain are projected onto the subspaces spanned by the vectors of suited orthogonal projection basis. In effect, large and sparse FEM matrices are replaced with small and dense ones, called macromodels. This...

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  • Measurement of distance, velocity and angle of arrival using FMCW-CW combined waveform

    A procedure of tacking small flying object based on a general principle of FMCW and Doppler radar is presented. In order to increase measurement range, this technique uses active signal source on the moving object. For simultaneous measurements of distance, radial velocity and direction (AoA) as well as simplified synchronization a combined FMCW-CW waveform is proposed. The presented measurement system was realized and verified...

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  • Metody redukcji rzędu modelu w analizie elektromagnetycznej metodą elementów skończonych

    - Rok 2016

    Symulacje numeryczne są wykorzystywane w wielu gałęziach inżynierii, jako podstawowe narzędzie do modelowania zjawisk fizycznych. W trzech ostatnich dekadach zdobyły one szczególną popularność w odniesieniu do pól elektromagnetycznych, w ramach tzw. elektrodynamiki obliczeniowej. Są one niezastąpionym narzędziem w procesie projektowania i optymalizacji urządzeń i systemów mikrofalowych. Jedną z najczęściej wykorzystywanych technik...

  • Modal Analysis of Planar Elliptical Resonator Deposited on Unshielded Dielectric Slab

    - Rok 2016

    Modal analysis of isolated open planar elliptical patch placed on dielectric slab is presented in the paper. It applies concept of Illuminating Modes which is formulated for the case of two-side opened structure. The current on patch is expanded in basis functions in form of Mathieu radial and angular functions. The spectrum of excited modes for exemplary planar resonators is presented and discussed using the concept of power of...

  • Nonreciprocal properties of elliptical ferrite coupled line junction

    In this paper the nonreciprocal properties of el-liptical ferrite coupled line (EFCL) junction are examined. In the analysis the technique combining spectral-domain approach (SDA) with coupled-mode method (CMM) is applied. The nu-merical results concerning gyromagnetic coupling coefficient of ferrite coupled lines and scattering matrix of EFCL junction are presented. The obtained results are validated with the use of commercial...

  • On Design Optimization of Miniaturized Microscrip Dual-Band Rat-Race Coupler with Enhanced Bandwidth

    - Rok 2016

    In the paper, a novel topology of a miniaturized wideband dual-band rat-race coupler has been presented. Small size of the circuit has been obtained by meandering transmission lines of the conventional circuit. At the same time, the number of independent geometry parameters has been increased in order to secure sufficient circuit flexibility in the context of its design optimization for dual-band operation. Optimum dimensions of...