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Katedra Mechatroniki Morskiej


wszystkich: 302

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Katalog Publikacji

Rok 2017
Rok 2016
  • An analysis of domain-based ship collision risk parameters

    According to a lot of contemporary research on ship collision avoidance the classic approach parameters – distance at closest point of approach (DCPA) and time to the closest point of approach (TCPA) – are not sufficient for estimating ship collision risk and for planning evasive manoeuvres. Consequently new measures are introduced, often utilizing the concept of a ship domain. Their drawback, up to this point, was the lack of...

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  • Analiza konstrukcji ramy nośnej wyczynowego roweru wodnego Rektor na przykładzie wybranego węzła

    - Mechanik - Rok 2016

    W pracy poruszono problem zmniejszenia masy wyczynowego roweru wodnego Rektor bez utraty jego wytrzymałości. W tym celu przeprowadzone zostały wieloetapowe obliczenia wybra- nego węzła konstrukcyjnego. Ponadto omówiono technologię wykonania rur kompozytowych. Podczas analizy sprawdzono trzy przypadki różniące się materiałem, z którego wykonano ramę, odpowiednio: z aluminium, laminatu zbrojonego włóknem szklanym oraz laminatu zbrojonego...

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  • Developing Methodology for Model Tests of Floating Platforms in Low -Depth Towing Tank

    The paper presents two different methods of physical modeling of semi-submersible platform mooring system for research in low depth towing tank. The tested model was made in the scale of 1:100 resembling the "Thunder Horse" platform moored in the Gulf of Mexico at a depth of 1,920 m. Its mooring system consisted of 16 semi-taut mooring lines (chain-wire-chain) spaced starshape and attached at the bottom to suction piles. The tests...

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  • Efektywna metoda wyznaczania trasy statków żaglowych

    - Rok 2016

    Zaproponowano metodę wyznaczania suboptymalnej trasy statków żaglowych poruszających się w ograniczonym akwenie morskim. Uwzględniono przy tym dynamikę tego środowiska w tym warunki pogodowe oraz charakterystyki prędkościowe statków żaglowych. Jako kryterium optymalizacji przyjęto czas żeglugi T oraz liczbę wykonanych manewrów ω. Zaprojektowano heurystyczny algorytm oraz odpowiednią aplikację wyznaczania trasy dla ustalonych punktów...

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  • Energy losses in hydrostatic drive:Drive investigation method compatible with diagram of power increase opposite to the direction of power flow

    - Rok 2016

    Energy losses and efficiency of drive motor must be presented as functions of physical quantities independent of losses in the motor. Such quantities are speed and load required by the driven device, changing in the drive operating field. Speed and load decide of the useful power and, in differentiated way, of kinds and values of losses in the motor. But energy losses and efficiency of drive motors are evaluated as functions of...

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  • Experimental research on water lubricated marine stern tube bearings in conditions of improper lubrication and cooling causing rapid bush wear

    Water lubricated bearings are popular in sliding bearings of marine propeller shafts, turbines and pump shafts. Such popularity is partly due to their simple construction which also means a relatively affordable price. In practical experience one may also observe cases of rapid wear or even malfunctions of this bearings, some of which may be caused by insufficient flow of lubricant leading to overheating. The conducted...

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  • Influence of local bush wear on water lubricated sliding bearing load carrying capacity

    One of main problems concerning water-lubricated bearings is their durability. There are known cases of bearings with life time measured in decades, and some, whose refurbishment was necessary just days after start-up. Obtaining stable fluid film friction plays key role in the durability of these bearings. Unfortunately, their load-carrying capacity is limited due to water's low-viscosity. The conducted experimental...

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  • Method of sum of power losses as a way for determining the ki coefficients of energy losses in hydraulic motor

    This paper shows application of the method of sum of power losses to determining energy losses which occur in hydraulic rotary motor in situation when not all laboratory data are at one’s disposal or when no use is made of data contained in catalogue charts. The method makes it possible to determine the coefficients ,ki , of energy losses occurring in the motor. The method of sum of power losses is based on the approach proposed...

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  • O strumieniu mocy w silniku lub w układzie napędowym

    W silniku lub w układzie napędowym wielkość strumienia mocy rośnie w kierunku przeciwnym do kierunku przepływu mocy. Straty energetyczne i sprawność energetyczna silnika lub układu napędowego powinny być przedstawiane jako funkcje wielkości fizycznych niezależnych od strat. Takimi wielkościami są prędkość i obciążenie silnika. Jednakże obraz strumienia mocy w silniku lub w układzie napędowym jest przedstawiany w literaturze w formie...

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  • On power stream in motor or drive system

    In a motor or in a drive system the quantity of power increases in the direction opposite to the direction of power flow. Energy losses and energy efficiency of a motor or a drive system must be presented as functions of physical quantities independent of losses. Such quantities are speed and load. But the picture of power stream in a motor or in a drive system is presented in the literature in the form of traditional Sankey...

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  • Simplified method of water cooled exhaust system design.

    - Journal of Polish CIMEEAC - Rok 2016

    The water cooled exhaust systems are not often used onboard ships. Prime goal is to lower temperature of exhaust gas from main propulsion and auxiliary engines to the defined limit. The design of such systems require detailed analysis of propulsion system operational parameters to meet designer expectations. The paper outlines the cooled exhaust system design problems in specific application. The simplified method of evaluation...

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    - Rok 2016

    Water lubricated sliding bearings are increasingly popular in marine and hydro power industry. Such popularity is partly due to their simple construction which also means a relatively affordable price. Properly designed and installed water lubricated bearings may well last for over a decade. During the last decade their traditional range has been expanded with new, modern products like three layer bearing bush. The work presents...

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Rok 2015
Rok 2014