wszystkich: 790
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2015
Optically transparent boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond films for spectroelectrochemical measurements on different substrates
PublikacjaFabrication process of optically transparent boron nanocrystalline diamond (BNCD) electrode on silicon and quartz substrate was shown. The B-NCD films were deposited on the substrates using Microwave Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition (MWPACVD) at glass substrate temperature of 475 ºC. A homogenous, continuous and polycrystalline surface morphology with high sp3 content in B-NCD films and film thickness depending from substrate...
Optimization of Polycrystalline CVD Diamond Seeding with the Use of sp³/sp² Raman Band Ratio
PublikacjaThe influence of various nanodiamond colloids used for seeding nondiamond substrates in microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition diamond process was investigated. Colloids based on deionized water, isopropanol alcohol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) were used with different grain size dispersion: 150, 400 and 35 nm, respectively. The influence of growth time was also taken into consideration and bias enhanced nucleation....
Optoelectronic device for hematocrit measurements
PublikacjaAn optoelectronic system for measurements of hematocrit level (HCT) in the whole human blood is presented. Proposed system integrates a dedicated optoelectronic sensor, a microcontroller and a small LCD display in a low cost, battery-powered, handheld device. Chosen method for determining blood hematocrit level is based on optical properties of whole blood in visible and NIR wavelength range. Measurements with the use of proposed...
Polarization interferometer using a Liquid Crystalline Polymer waveplate for wavelength measurement
PublikacjaA two-beam polarization interferometer for measuring wavelength changes of a tunable semiconductor laser was designed, built and tested. This interferometer uses a λ/8 waveplate made from Liquid Crystalline Polymer in order to generate two output signals in quadrature. The λ/8 waveplate can be manufactured either on a beamsplitter face or on the mirror surface, reducing the cost and complexity of the optomechnical assembly. Experiment...
Poly-L-Lysine-modified boron-doped diamond electrodes for the amperometric detection of nucleic acid bases
PublikacjaBoron-doped diamond (BDD) is a very promising supporting material used in the construction of biosensors for molecular recognition. The direct immobilization of structurally-organized huge molecules, such as poly-L-Lysine (PLL) provides the possibility of determining organic molecules, e.g. nucleic acid bases (e.g. adenine, guanine) or peptides and proteins. This paper describes the direct method for chemical and electrochemical...
Raman spectroscopic investigation of blood and related materials
PublikacjaThis paper reports preliminary studies on use of Raman spectroscopy for investigation of blood. High quality blood spectra were recorded in-vitro with excitation wavelengths of 830 nm. Because of complex composition of the blood as well as by light attenuation and scattering in the tissues, spectra set up from wide, low-intensive Raman bands and intensive optical background. To get information about origin of bands in Raman spectra...
Rozpoznawanie elementów elektronicznych w obudowach SOT-23
PublikacjaProdukowane obecnie elementy elektroniczne do montażu powierzchniowego (SMD) mają tak małe obudowy, że producenci nie są w stanie umieszczać na nich dostatecznej ilości oznaczeń umożliwiających ich jednoznaczną identyfikację. Ponadto, podobnie jak w przypadku elementów do montażu przewlekanego, w obudowie jednego typu mogą być zamknięte różne rodzaje elementów. Przykładem takiej obudowy jest obudowa SOT-23 (Small Outline Transistor)....
Selection of physiological parameters for optoelectronic system supporting behavioral therapy of autistic children
PublikacjaIn this article the procedure of selection of physiological parameters for optoelectronic system supporting behavioral therapy of autistic children is proposed. Authors designed and conducted an experiment in which a group of 30 health volunteers (16 females and 14 males) were examined. Under controlled conditions people were exposed to a stressful situation caused by the picture or sound (1kHz constant sound, which was gradually...
Sensing of anesthetic drugs in blood with Raman spectroscopy
PublikacjaA proof-of-concept study of a Raman spectroscopy-based approach for measuring the content of anesthesia drugs in blood is presented. Spectra of spiked blood from several patients exhibit prominent changes in regions associated with the drug.
Simulating coherent light propagation in a random scattering materials using the perturbation expansion
PublikacjaMultiple scattering of a coherent light plays important role in the optical metrology. Probably the most important phenomenon caused by multiple scattering are the speckle patterns present in every optical imaging method based on coherent or partially coherent light illumination. In many cases the speckle patterns are considered as an undesired noise. However, they were found useful in various subsurface imaging methods such as...
Spectral measurement of birefringence using particle swarm optimization analysis
PublikacjaThe measurement of birefringence is useful for the examination of both technical and biological objects. One of the main problems is that the polarization state of light in birefringent media changes periodically. Without the knowledge of the period number, the birefringence of a given medium cannot be determined reliably. We propose to analyse the spectrum of light in order to determine the birefringence. We use a Particle Swarm...
Spectral reflectance modeling of ZnO layers made with Atomic Layer Deposition for application in optical fiber Fabry-Perot interferometric sensors
PublikacjaSuitability of zinc oxide (ZnO) layers grown using Atomic Layer Deposition for operation in optical-fiber extrinsic Fabry-Perot sensors is investigated using a numerical model. Reflectance spectra obtained using the developed model indicate that the application of these layers in optical-fiber extrinsic Fabry-Perot sensors is difficult as it may require a source whose spectrum width is about 300 nm. A series of ZnO layers grown...
Specyfika badań kompatybilności elektromagnetycznej w zakładowych laboratoriach badawczych
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono metodykę badań stosowaną przy rozwiązywaniu zagadnień związanych z szeroko rozumianymi badaniami kompatybilności elektromagnetycznej (EMC) w zakładowych laboratoriach badawczych. Przedstawiono główne różnice w podejściu do prowadzonych badań pomiędzy laboratoriami zakładowymi (ZLB) a zewnętrznymi jednostkami akredytowanymi. Wynikające w głównej mierze z faktu iż laboratoria zakładowe mogą bardziej elastycznie...
Specyfika badań kompatybilności elektromagnetycznej w zakładowych laboratoriach badawczych
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono metodykę postępowania stosowaną przy rozwiązywaniu zagadnień związanych z badaniami kompatybilności elektromagnetycznej (EMC) wykonywanymi w zakładowych laboratoriach badawczych. Przedstawiono podstawowe różnice w metodyce prowadzonych badań powstające między laboratoriami zakładowymi a zewnętrznymi jednostkami akredytowanymi. Odstępstwa od reguł przewidzianych w odnośnych normach wynikają głównej z faktu,...
PublikacjaW artykule opisano zaprojektowany i wykonany system do identyfikacji szumów wybuchowych (RTS – Random Telegraph Signal) występujących w transoptorach typu CNY17. Z metod umożliwiających ocenę parametrów szumów wybuchowych wybrano do realizacji metodę Wzorów Obrazów Szumów – WOS (ang. Noise Scattering Patterns – NSP), która w sposób bardzo prosty pozwala na rozpoznawanie szumów o rozkładach wartości chwilowych gaussowskich i niegaussowskich....
System supporting behavioral therapy for children with autism
PublikacjaIn this paper, a system supporting behavioral therapy for autistic children is presented. The system consists of sensors network, base station and a brooch indicating person's emotional states. The system can be used to measure values of physiological parameters that are associated with changes in the emotional state. In the future, it can be useful to inform the autistic child and the therapist about the emotional state of the...
The use of low-coherence interferometer for sugar content determination
PublikacjaIn this article, the implementation of low-coherence interferometer with signal processing in time domain for sugar content determination in aqueous solution is presented. The elaborated measurement set-up was tested with the use of synthesized source made of two low-coherence sources. The use of two sources with dedicated parameters enabled to obtain a proper metrological parameters of the measurement system. The elaborated low-coherence...
The use of thin diamond films in fiber optic low-coherence interferometers”
PublikacjaIn this paper we present the use of thin diamond films in fiber-optic low-coherence interferometers. Two kinds of diamond surfaces were used: undoped diamond film and boron-doped diamond film. They were deposited on glass plates as well as silicon layers. A conventionally used mirror was used as a reference layer. Diamond films were deposited using Microwave Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (μPE CVD) system. Measurements...
Use of optical skin phantoms for preclinical evaluation of laser efficiency for skin lesion therapy
PublikacjaSkin lesions are commonly treated using laser heating. However, the introduction of new devices into clinical practice requires evaluation of their performance. This study presents the application of optical phantoms for assessment of a newly developed 975-nm pulsed diode laser system for dermatological purposes. Such phantoms closely mimic the absorption and scattering of real human skin (although not precisely in relation to...
Waves in a short cable at low frequencies, or just hand-waving? What does physics say? (Invited paper)
PublikacjaWe address the question of low-frequency signals in a short cable, which are often considered as waves in engineering calculations. Such an assumption violates several laws of physics, but exact calculations can be carried out via linear network theory.
Zastosowanie Komputerów w Nauce i Technice 2015 XXV cykl seminariów zorganizowany przez PTETiS, Oddział w Gdańsku
PublikacjaZaproponowano zastosowanie termografii skokowej (badania nieniszczące) do indywidualnej oceny jakości warystorów. Dla 20 warystorów niskonapięciowych przeprowadzono badania, w ramach których wykonano pomiary parametrów elektrycznych i termicznych przed testami narażeniowymi i po 2 kolejnych cyklach narażeń (dwa poziomy). Testy narażeniowe zastosowano w celu pogorszenia jakości badanych warystorów. Porównano zasady klasyfikacji...
Rok 2014
Algorytmy przetwarzania widm Ramana w procesie detekcji substancji chemicznych
PublikacjaRozprawa przedstawia szczegółowo algorytmy, jakie są stosowane podczas przetwarzania widm Ramana, rejestrowanych przenośnym spektrometrem o skończonej rozdzielczości. Pracę podzielono na osiem rozdziałów. W pierwszym określono cel i tezy pracy. Rozdział drugi opisuje podstawowe pojęcia dotyczące zjawiska Ramana oraz zasady budowy urządzeń do pomiarów widm Ramana. W rozdziale trzecim scharakteryzowano błędy występujące podczas pomiarów...
Anatomy of noise in quantitative biological Raman spectroscopy
PublikacjaRaman spectroscopy is a fundamental form of molecular spectroscopy that is widely used to investigate structures and properties of molecules using their vibrational transitions. It relies on inelastic scattering of monochromatic laser light irradiating the specimen. After appropriate filtering the scattered light is dispersed onto a detector to determine the shift from the excitation wavelength, which appears in the form of...
PublikacjaResistance gas sensors exhibit random phenomena (resistance noise) which can be utilized to improve gas sensitivity and selectivity. That new emerging technique has to be investigated to recognize optimal parameters for gas detection. It means that a measurement system has to have ability of numerous parameters adjustment (e.g., sampling frequency, heater voltage, polarization current, voltage noise amplification). That fact induced...
Autonomiczny sterownik systemu pomiarowego na bazie sieci komputerowej
PublikacjaWspółpraca wielu urządzeń pomiarowych czy długotrwała akwizycja danych napotyka problemy: brak jednolitego interfejsu umożliwiającego użytkownikowi proste zarządzanie zbieraniem danych i przejrzystą ekspozycję danych, zużycie energii komputera nadzorującego ciągłą pracę sieci przyrządów pomiarowych. Rozwiązaniem może być zastosowanie autonomicznego kontrolera procesu akwizycji danych umożliwiającego konfigurację parametrów pracy...
Błędy w przedstawianiu wyników pomiarów i wartości wielkości fizycznych popełniane w pracach studenckich
PublikacjaArtykuł powstał na bazie doświadczeń zdobytych podczas pracy dydaktycznej autora jako wykładowcy i nauczyciela akademickiego prowadzącego zajęcia w Laboratorium Podstaw Metrologii. Przytoczono przykłady nieprawidłowości w przedsta-wianiu wyników pomiarów i wartości wielkości fizycznych pochodzące z prac pisemnych studentów i skonfrontowano je z zaleceniami Międzynarodowego Układu Jednostek Miar (SI), oraz polskimi aktami prawnymi.
Characterization of Optical and Electrical Properties of Transparent Conductive Boron-Doped Diamond thin Films Grown on Fused Silica
PublikacjaA conductive boron-doped diamond (BDD) grown on a fused silica/quartz has been investigated. Diamond thin films were deposited by the microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (MW PECVD). The main parameters of the BDD synthesis, i.e. the methane admixture and the substrate temperature were investigated in detail. Preliminary studies of optical properties were performed to qualify an optimal CVD synthesis and film parameters...
Comment on "Quantitative comparison of analysis methods for spectroscopic optical coherence tomography"
PublikacjaIn a recent paper by Bosschaart et al. [Biomed. Opt. Express 4, 2570 (2013)] various algorithms of time-frequency signal analysis have been tested for their performance in blood analysis with spectroscopic optical coherence tomography sOCT). The measurement of hemoglobin concentration and oxygen saturation based on blood absorption spectra have been considered. Short time Fourier transform (STFT) was found as the best method for...
Demonstrator testera wbudowanego BIST dla układów w pełni różnicowych
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono demonstrator testera wbudowanego, przeznaczony do pracy na stanowisku dydaktycznym w laboratorium z przedmiotu Zaawansowane Metody Pomiarowe i Diagnostyczne. Na stanowisku studenci zapoznają się z technologią BIST (ang. Built-In Self-Test), która jest przykładem wdrożenia strategii projektowania dla testowania.
Detection of Denatonium Benzoate (Bitrex) Remnants in Noncommercial Alcoholic Beverages by Raman Spectroscopy
PublikacjaIllegal alcoholic beverages are often introduced into market using cheap technical alcohol, which is contaminated by denatonium benzoate (Bitrex) of very small concentration. Bitrex is the most bitter chemical compound and has to be removed before alcohol consumption. The home-made methods utilize sodium hypochlorite to disintegrate particles of denatonium benzoate in alcohol and to remove bitter taste before trading. In this experimental...
Determination of refractive index dispersion using fiber-optic low-coherence Fabry–Perot interferometer: implementation and validation
PublikacjaWe present the implementation and validation of low-coherence Fabry–Perot interferometer for refractive index dispersion measurements of liquids. A measurement system has been created with the use of four superluminescent diodes with different optical parameters, a fiber-optic coupler and an optical spectrum analyzer. The Fabry–Perot interferometer cavity has been formed by the fiber-optic end and mirror surfaces mounted on a micromechanical...
Diagnostyka analogowych filtrów wielosekcyjnych oparta na klasyfikato-rach neuronowych z dwucentrowymi funkcjami bazowymi
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem artykułu jest zastosowanie klasyfikatora z dwucentrowymi funkcjami bazowymi do lokalizacji uszkodzeń w wielosekcyjnych torach analogowych elektronicznych systemów wbudowanych sterowanych mikrokontrolerem. Przedstawiono szczegóły procedury pomiarowej oraz metody detekcji i lokalizacji uszkodzeń toru analogowego z wykorzysta-niem klasyfikatora DB zaimplementowanego w postaci algorytmicznej w kodzie programu mikrokontrolera....
Diagnostyka analogowych filtrów wielosekcyjnych oparta na magistrali testującej IEEE1149.1
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono nową koncepcję testera JTAG BIST do samo-testowania torów analogowych opartych na wielosekcyjnych filtrach wyższego rzędu w mieszanych sygnałowo mikrosystemach elektronicznych sterowanych mikrokontrolerami i wyposażonych w magistralę testującą IEEE1149.1 (JTAG). Bazuje ona na metodzie diagnostycznej opartej na przekształce-niu transformującym próbki odpowiedzi czasowych kolejnych sekcji filtra pobudzonego impulsem...
Direct amination of boron-doped diamond by plasma polymerized allylamine film
PublikacjaA novel microwave pulsed-plasma based method for the modification of the hydrogen-terminated polycrystalline boron-doped diamond (BDD) with a thin film of polymerized allylamine (PPAAm) is reported. A modified BDD surface is resistant to hydrolysis and delamination and is characterized by a high density of positively charged amino groups. Pulsed microwave plasma was applied to improve the degree of cross-linking and bonding of...
Distributed wireless sensor for measuring humidity and temperature
PublikacjaHumidity and temperature monitoring is often required in industrial halls and laboratories and can be crucial, because many properties of electrical devices deteriorates under influence of these parameters. There are several useful commercial methods for measuring humidity and temperature, such as commercial hygrometers and humidity recorders. However, they do not allow data acquisition simultaneously from multiple sensors. This...
Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (DEIS) as a Tool for Analyzing Surface Oxidation Processes on Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes
PublikacjaSurface oxidation processes play a key role in understanding electrochemical properties of boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes. The type of surface termination groups, which create the potential window of electrolytic water stability or hydrophobicity, influences such properties. In this study the kinetics of oxidation process under anodic polarization were studied in situ by means of Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy...
Efficiency of gas mixtures detection by resistive gas sensors
PublikacjaResistive gas sensors are very popular and are commonly used to detect various gases and their mixtures. Theeir main disadvantage is very limited selectivity. Practical use of gas sensors in environenmental applications requires determination of concentration of a few mixed gases at the same time. We would like to present recent results of gas detection improvement by utilizing a single gas sensor and additional measurements to...
PublikacjaResistive gas sensors are very popular and are commonly used to detect various gases and their mixtures. Their main disadvantage is very limited selectivity. Practical use of gas sensors in environmental applications (e.g., in sewage systems to protect workers, in air conditioning systems to monitor atmosphere quality) requires determination of concentration of a few mixed gases at the same time. We would like to present recent...
Energooszczędny kontroler systemu pomiarowego na bazie sieci Ethernet
PublikacjaWspółpraca wielu urządzeń pomiarowych czy długotrwała akwizycja danych napotyka problemy: brak jednolitego interfejsu umożliwiającego użytkownikowi proste zarządzanie zbieraniem danych i przejrzystą ekspozycję danych, zużycie energii komputera nadzorującego ciągłą pracę sieci przyrządów pomiarowych. Rozwiązaniem może być zastosowanie autonomicznego kontrolera procesu akwizycji danych umożliwiającego konfigurację parametrów pracy...
Fluctuation enhanced gas sensing using UV irradiated Au-nanoparticle-decorated WO3-nanowire films
PublikacjaWO3 nanowires (WO3-NWs) decorated with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were utilized in resistive gas sensor devices to detect ethanol by use of fluctuation enhanced sensing (FES). The experimental system records both DC resistance and fluctuations of the sensing film. Our data verify that the sensitivity and selectivity of the gas sensor are improved by applying FES when the sensor is stimulated with a combination of UV light and heating....
High-Speed Serial Embedded Deterministic Test for System-on-Chip Designs
PublikacjaThe paper presents a high-speed serial interface between external tester and Embedded Deterministic Test (EDT) compression logic hosted by SoC designs. With only a single bidirectional link, the system is capable of feeding distributed heterogeneous cores with hundreds of test channels. Moreover, it synergistically supports EDT bandwidth management to improve the overall test performance. A detailed study indicates a high potential...
Image projection in Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory
PublikacjaIn recent years, many centers in the world attempted to build a virtual reality laboratory. The main idea of such laboratory is to allow the user to “immerse” into and move in a computer-generated virtual world. In the paper, the underlying principles of the system of virtual reality (VR) are described. The selected implementations constructed by the research centers of the world are also presented. The cave automatic virtual environment...
Innovative Solutions for Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of the work concerning the technical specification of Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory to be opened in late summer 2014 at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland. The person immersed in VR space will be placed in a transparent sphere with a diameter of over 10 feet, supported on rollers and equipped with a motion tracking system....
Investigation of RTS Noise in Reverse Polarized Silicon Carbide Schottky Diodes
PublikacjaOne of the method of electronic device quality and reliability evaluation is observation of its inherent noise. The RTS phenomena usually indicates the presence of large defects in the structure of the material of the device, therefore it can be treated as an indicator of technology quality. In the paper authors present results of RTS investigations in reverse polarized Silicon Carbide Schottky diodes. Devices being studied are...
Launch of the Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory
PublikacjaThe paper presents the concept of Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory, formed at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at Gdańsk University of Technology under the project Gdańsk University of Technology's Modern auditoriums. The basic unit of this laboratory will be cubic CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) enriched with spherical walk simulator. This device will allow the user unlimited walking,...
Local impedance imaging of boron-doped polycrystalline diamond thin films
PublikacjaLocal impedance imaging (LII) was used to visualise surficial deviations of AC impedances in polycrystalline boron-doped diamond (BDD). The BDD thin film electrodes were deposited onto the highly doped silicon substrates via microwave plasma-enhanced CVD. The studied boron dopant concentrations, controlled by the [B]/[C] ratio in plasma, ranged from 1 × 1016 to 2 × 1021 atoms cm−3. The BDD films displayed microcrystalline structure,...
New approaches for improving selectivity and sensitivity of resistive gas sensors: A review
PublikacjaResistive gas sensors are very popular and reliable but suffer from low selectivity and sensitivity. Various methods have been suggested to improve both features without increasing the number of sensors in gas detection systems. Fluctuation enhanced gas sensing was proposed to improve gas detection efficiency by analyzing low-frequency resistance fluctuations, and noise parameters can be more informative than the single DC resistance...
Novel approach to modeling spectral-domain optical coherence tomography with Monte Carlo method
PublikacjaNumerical modeling Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) systems is needed for optical setup optimization, development of new signal processing methods and assessment of impact of different physical phenomena inside the sample on OCT signal. The Monte Carlo method has been often used for modeling Optical Coherence Tomography, as it is a well established tool for simulating light propagation in scattering media. However, in this method...
Novel Functionalization of Boron-Doped Diamond by Microwave Pulsed-Plasma Polymerized Allylamine Film
PublikacjaWe report the novel modification of a hydrogen-terminated polycrystalline boron-doped electrode with a microwave pulsed-plasma polymerized allylamine. Boron-doped diamond (BDD) was coated with a very thin layer of adherent cross-linked, pinhole- and additive-free allylamine plasma polymer (PPAAm) resistant to hydrolysis and delamination and characterized by a high density of positively charged amino groups. The pulsed microwave...
Optical and structural properties of polycrystalline CVD diamond films grown on fused silica optical fibres pre-treated by high-power sonication seeding
PublikacjaIn this paper, the growth of polycrystalline chemical vapour deposition (CVD) diamond thin films on fused silica optical fibres has been investigated. The research results show that the effective substrate seeding process can lower defect nucleation, and it simultaneously increases surface encapsulation. However, the growth process on glass requires high seeding density. The effects of suspension type and ultrasonic power were...