dr inż. Wojciech Artichowicz
- Adiunkt w Katedra Geotechniki i Inżynierii Wodnej
Obszary badawcze
wszystkich: 34
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2025
Fluvial ecology disasters: the impact of the Gliwice Canal on the ecological crisis in the Oder River basin, Poland (2022)
PublikacjaIn August 2022, the Oder River experienced an ecological disaster, resulting in the extinction of hundreds of aquatic organ- isms. Mass fsh deaths also occurred during that time in the Gliwice Canal, located in southern Poland, which connects to the upper section of the Oder River. The aim of the article was to assess the impact of the waters from the Gliwice Canal on the water quality changes in the Oder River, as expressed by...
Rok 2024
Drinking water safety evaluation in the selected sub-Saharan African countries: A case study of Madagascar, Uganda and Rwanda
PublikacjaIn the sub-Saharan region of Africa, access to safe drinking water remains limited in many countries. This study provides an overview of the quality of surface water and groundwater in rural and peri-urban areas of Madagascar, Uganda, and Rwanda. Selected physico-chemical parameters, inorganic species (including inorganic ions), and organic pollution indicators, such as total organic carbon, non-ionic surfactants, cationic surfactants, anionic...
Electrochemical Oxidation of Selected Micropollutants from Environment Matrices Using Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes: Process Efficiency and Transformation Product Detection
PublikacjaBisphenol A (BPA) and diclofenac (DCF) are among the most prevalent micropollutants in aquatic environments, with concentrations reaching up to several hundred μg/L. These compounds pose significant risks to biodiversity and environmental health, necessitating the development of effective removal methods. However, both BPA and DCF can be resistant to conventional treatment technologies, highlighting the need for innovative approaches....
Experimental study on ice drift under the wind effect
PublikacjaThis study aims at wind and free ice drift interaction, which is an important aspect in sea ice, and low flow inland waters. Ice drift is caused by dynamic balance of water drag, gravitational acceleration, resistance force and wind drag. To have a clear point of view on wind to ice interaction, the external forces for this experimental study were limited to wind effect. The experiments were conducted in the Institute of Hydro-Engineering...
Occurrence of specific pollutants in a mixture of sewage and rainwater from an urbanized area
PublikacjaUrban runoff appears to be a pathway for transferring new emerging pollutants from land-based sources to the aquatic environment. This paper aimed to identify and describe the groups of pollutants present in rainwater surface runoff as well as their mixture with wastewater in the combined sewer system from urbanized catchments and to determine the correlations between these pollutants. Four leading groups of new emerging pollutants...
Summary of the 27th IAHR International Symposium on Ice
PublikacjaThe 27th IAHR International Symposium on Ice, held in Gdańsk, Poland, between 9 and 13 June 2024, gathered 153 scientists and industry professionals from 14 countries. Organized by Gdańsk University of Technology, the event focused on key global ice-related challenges, including ice mechanics, ice-structure interactions, climate change impacts on the cryosphere, and offshore wind development in the Baltic Sea. With 93 papers in...
Rok 2023
Biochemical assays of intensified methane content in biogas from low-temperature processing of waste activated sludge
PublikacjaAnaerobic digestion (AD) is implemented as an important ‘waste to energy’ approach for converting organic-rich byproducts such as sewage sludge into biogas and nutrient-rich digestate. Sewage sludge consists of primary sludge and waste activated sludge (WAS), and low biodegradability of WAS limits methane production. This study presents the influence of the low-temperature pretreatment (LT-PT) of WAS on the efficiency of AD. Different...
Rok 2022
Data Analysis in Bridge of Data
PublikacjaThe chapter presents the data analysis aspects of the Bridge of Data project. The software framework used, Jupyter, and its configuration are presented. The solution’s architecture, including the TRYTON supercomputer as the underlying infrastructure, is described. The use case templates provided by the Stat-reducer application are presented, including data analysis related to spatial points’ cloud-, audio- and wind-related research.
Rok 2021
Analysis of the Water Level Variation in the Polish Part of the Vistula Lagoon (Baltic Sea) and Estimation of Water Inflow and Outflow Transport through the Strait of Baltiysk in the Years 2008–2017
PublikacjaThe Vistula Lagoon is located in both Poland and Russia along the southern coast of the Baltic Sea. It is connected to the Baltic Sea in the Russian part by the Strait of Baltiysk. The purpose of the paper is to identify the dominant factors underlying the water level variation mechanism at Tolkmicko in the Vistula Lagoon, revealed by a statistical analysis of the measured data and a discussion on the inflow and outflow transport...
Biomass in biogas production: Pretreatment and codigestion
PublikacjaGlobally, there is increasing awareness that the implementation of ‘waste to energy’ technology is one of the best means to achieve sustainable energy development. The most popular approach is the conversion of organic-rich compounds into clean and renewable products by anaerobic digestion (AD). Biogas can be produced from agricultural residues, municipal/industrial biowastes, and sustainable biomass, especially materials that...
Towards Rational Biosurfactant Design—Predicting Solubilization in Rhamnolipid Solutions
PublikacjaThe efficiency of micellar solubilization is dictated inter alia by the properties of the solubilizate, the type of surfactant, and environmental conditions of the process. We, therefore, hypothesized that using the descriptors of the aforementioned features we can predict the solubilization efficiency, expressed as molar solubilization ratio (MSR). In other words, we aimed at creating a model to find the optimal surfactant and...
Rok 2020
Analysis of the radiation dose in UV-disinfection flow reactors.
PublikacjaTheoretical considerations devoted to the variation of UV radiation doses in flow disinfection reactors are presented. The minimal time required by the fluid to pass the reactor was determined and combined with the radiation intensity. The active zones of the reactor were determined.
Concept of a swirling diffuser in batch blending tanks
PublikacjaThe mixing of two or more components belongs to the category of the most common unit operations, both in technology and in nature. One particular version is homogenization (blending), the effectivity of which is strongly related to the blending time. Among many differentiated individual solutions of mixing systems used in blenders, one should distinguish the class of agitators with diffusers. An analysis of the character of the...
Heavy Metals in a High Arctic Fiord and Their Introduction with the Wastewater: A Case Study of Adventfjorden-Longyearbyen System, Svalbard
PublikacjaLongyearbyen is the largest settlement on Svalbard archipelago, with 2400 permanent residents and approximately 150,000 tourists visiting every year. The city annually releases approximately 285,000 m3 of untreated wastewater to the nearby Adventfjorden. To date, the environmental impact of this continuous input has been studied mainly regarding the sediments and benthic fauna in the fiord. Here, we present results from a study...
Microencapsulation of fish oil – determination of optimal wall material and encapsulation methodology
PublikacjaFor the first time, we present a meta-analysis of experimental and literature data to determine which microencapsulation methodology, and which wall material are best suited to protect fish oil. Our analysis covered a period of several decades of research (1984–2018). The analysis was conducted on 196 literature data-points, and 16 data-points determined experimentally for this publication. PLS regression was used to determine...
Substancje biogenne i inne problemy w zarządzaniu wodami opadowymi w portach
PublikacjaDo niedawna uważano, że substancjami zanieczyszczającymi wody portowe są głównie substancje ropopochodne. Ich rozlewy powstawały najczęściej w wyniku awarii, nieuwagi lub np. zatonięcia statku. W ostatnich latach jednak organizacja HELCOM w roboczych dokumentach pt.: „Draft Report on potentialsources of nutrientinputs: Baltic Sea portshandlingfertilizers” (HOD 52-2017) oraz „Results of the questionnaire on fertilizer cargo handling...
Rok 2019
Computationally Effcient Solution of a 2D Diffusive Wave Equation Used for Flood Inundation Problems
PublikacjaThis paper presents a study dealing with increasing the computational efficiency in modeling floodplain inundation using a two-dimensional diffusive wave equation. To this end, the domain decomposition technique was used. The resulting one-dimensional diffusion equations were approximated in space with the modified finite element scheme, whereas time integration was carried out using the implicit two-level scheme. The proposed...
PublikacjaThe article presents an algorithm for calculating the distribution of flow in a junction of open channel network under steady flow conditions. The article presents a simplified calculation algorithm used to estimate the distribution of flow in a network of channels under steady flow conditions. The presented algorithm is based on the continuity equation and a simplified energy equation. To describe the relationship between the...
In Situ Verification of Numerical Model of Water Hammer in Slurries
PublikacjaThis paper presents a numerical model of transient flow in a pressure slurry pipeline network with verification based on in situ measurements. The model, primarily verified in laboratory conditions, has been extended and applied to the case of a large and complex slurry pipeline network in Poland. In the model, the equivalent density concept was applied. In situ experiments were performed for various unsteady flow episodes, caused by...
Rok 2018
Numerical Analysis of Steady Gradually Varied Flow in Open Channel Networks with Hydraulic Structures
PublikacjaIn this paper, a method for numerical analysis of steady gradually varied fl ow in channel networks with hydraulic structures is considered. For this purpose, a boundary problem for the system of ordinary differential equations consisting of energy equation and mass conservation equations is formulated. The boundary problem is solved using fi nite difference technique which leads to the system of non-linear algebraic equations....
Verification of baffle factor for straight pipe flow
PublikacjaDuring the water disinfection devices designing, it is often assumed that the baffle factor for a straight pipe reactors is equal to one. It would be possible only for the plug flow, which is a simplified model of the flow and does not appear in real situations. The paper contains an equation which enables calculation of the real value of the baffle factor for the pipe flow.
Rok 2017
Determination of Mechanical Energy Loss in Steady Flow by Means of Dissipation Power
PublikacjaWhen systems of simple geometry like pipes or regular channels are considered, the mechan- ical energy loss of the fluid flow can be expressed by local and longitudinal empirical energy loss coefficients. However, in the case of large spatially distributed objects, there are no simple approaches to this task. In practice, general recommendations addressing different types of objects are used, but they usually provide very coarse...
Multicomponent ionic liquid CMC prediction
PublikacjaWe created a model to predict CMC of ILs based on 704 experimental values published in 43 publications since 2000. Our model was able to predict CMC of variety of ILs in binary or ternary system in a presence of salt or alcohol. The molecular volume of IL (Vm), solvent-accessible surface (Sˆ), solvation enthalpy (DsolvGN), concentration of salt (Cs) or alcohol (Ca) and their molecular volumes (Vms and Vma, respectively) were chosen...
Rok 2016
PublikacjaZjawisko propagacji fali powodziowej na terenie zalewowym można modelować za pomocą równań płytkiej wody. W związku z tym, że w fazie początkowej napływu wód teren zalewowy nie jest pokryty wodą, równania płytkiej wody muszą być rozwiązywane w obszarze o zmiennej w czasie geometrii. W konsekwencji obszar ten jest ograniczony przez linię czoła propagującej fali, która oddziela teren suchy od zajętego przez wodę. W takiej sytuacji...
Modelowanie przepływu ustalonego niejednostajnego w sieciach kanałów otwartych z uwzględnieniem obiektów hydrotechnicznych
PublikacjaW pracy sformułowano zagadnienie brzegowe dla równania energii opisującego przepływ ustalony niejednostajny i przedstawiono sposób jego rozwiązania przy pomocy metody różnicowej. Zaproponowana metoda obliczeń nadaje się do analizy przepływu w dendrycznych i pierścieniowych sieciach kanałów otwartych. Ponadto na przykładzie przelewu prostokątnego zaproponowano metodę uwzględnienia w obliczeniach zabudowy hydrotechnicznej. Słowa...
Rok 2015
Antimicrobial resistance of Pseudomonas spp. isolated from wastewater and wastewater-impacted marine coastal zone
PublikacjaIn this study, species distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility of cultivated Pseudomonas spp. were studied in influent (INF), effluent (EFF), and marine outfall (MOut) of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The susceptibility was tested against 8 antimicrobial classes, active against Pseudomonas spp.: aminoglycosides, carbapenems, broad-spectrum cephalosporins from the 3rd and 4th generation, extended-spectrum penicillins,...
Impact of Energy Slope Averaging Methods on Numerical Solution of 1D Steady Gradually Varied Flow
PublikacjaIn this paper, energy slope averaging in the one-dimensional steady gradually varied flow model is considered. For this purpose, different methods of averaging the energy slope between cross-sections are used. The most popular are arithmetic, geometric, harmonic and hydraulic means. However, from the formal viewpoint, the application of different averaging formulas results in different numerical integration formulas. This study...
Rok 2014
Comparison of Average Energy Slope Estimation Formulas for One-dimensional Steady Gradually Varied Flow
PublikacjaTo find the steady flow water surface profile, it is possible to use Bernoulli’s equation, which is a discrete form of the differential energy equation. Such an approach requires the average energy slope between cross-sections to be estimated. In the literature, many methods are proposed for estimating the average energy slope in this case, such as the arithmetic mean, resulting in the standard step method, the harmonic mean and...
Computational issues of solving the 1D steady gradually varied flow equation
PublikacjaIn this paper a problem of multiple solutions of steady gradually varied flow equation in the form of the ordinary differential energy equation is discussed from the viewpoint of its numerical solution. Using the Lipschitz theorem dealing with the uniqueness of solution of an initial value problem for the ordinary differential equation it was shown that the steady gradually varied flow equation can have more than one solution....
Rok 2013
PublikacjaIn this paper properties of discrete forms of one dimensional steady gradually varied flow equations are discussed. Such forms of flow equations are obtained as a result of approximation of their differential forms, which is required to solve them numerically. For such purpose explicit or implicit numerical approximation schemes for ordinary differential equations can be applied. It turns out that dependently on the chosen approximation...
Rok 2011
Numerical analysis of open channel steady gradually varied flow using the simplified saint-venant equations
PublikacjaFor one-dimensional open-channel flow modeling, the energy equation is usually used. There exist numerous approaches using the energy equation for open-channel flow computations, which resulted in the development of several very efficient methods for solving this problem applied to channel networks. However, the dynamic equation can be used for this purpose as well. This paper introduces a method for solving a system of non-linear...
Occurrence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in environment and the statistical analysis of this phenomenon
PublikacjaIntroduction: In this study the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance patterns among fecal indicators (Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp.) was analyzed in water and wastewater samples. The trends in antimicrobial resistance were analyzed using basic statistical methods. Methods: Samples were obtained from two local watercourses (Oliwski Stream and Reda River) as well as from the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) Gdansk - Wschod....
Rok 2010
Analysis of antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from the Reda River and the Oliwski Stream using basic statistical methods = Zastosowanie metod ststystycznych do analizy antybiotykoodporności bakterii wskaźnikowych pochodzących z rzeki Redy i Potoku Oliwskiego
PublikacjaIn this study distribution of antimicrobial resistance patterns among fecal indicator bacteria (Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp.) was examined in two watercourses. The susceptibility analyses were carried out against the antimicrobial agents, important in treating human E. coli and enterococcal infection. Water samples were obtained from the Oliwski Stream and from the Reda River. On each watercourse the five representative...
Rok 2009
Inverse Integration of the Open Channel Flow Equations
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono metodę obliczeń umożliwiającą całkowanie równań przepływu nieustalonego w kanałach otwartych (równań de Saint Venanta) wstecz. Dyskutowano także przydatność równania retencji w zagadnieniu sterowania przepływem.
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