![Zdjęcie profilowe: dr inż. Wojciech Wojnowski](/assets/wojciech-wojnowski,174235-1/photo.png)
dr inż. Wojciech Wojnowski
- post-doc w University of Oslo, Department of Chemistry
- Adiunkt w Katedra Chemii Analitycznej
- 2019 - present w Wydział Chemiczny
AGREEPrep Calculator
![Ilustracja publikacji](https://cdn.mostwiedzy.pl/thumbor/pVpppgumVpHc7gIpcRpDMeyM_bk=/fit-in/1260x0/97/9b/1a/ac/0_202110212203388317621_FME/banner.png)
AGREEprep is a metric tool for assessing the greenness of the sample preparation stage of an analytical procedure. It is accompanied by an open-source GUI-based software that is intended to facilitate the assessment by guiding the user through the 10 criteria and allowing to easily generate the result either as a graph or in the form of a detailed report.
The most recent version of the code is available at git.pg.edu.pl/p174235/agreeprep.
For further details see:
W.Wojnowski, M.Tobiszewski, F.Pena-Pereira, E.Psillakis, AGREEprep - Analytical Greenness Metric for Sample Preparation, TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry (2022), doi.org/10.1016/j.trac.2022.116553
Please download the compiled version using the links below.
Note, that the downloaded file might trigger an anti-malware warning which can be safely ignored.
We are testing a web app version of the tool: agreeprep.anvil.app.
An emulated Linux desktop preview is available online. Follow this link to see a short video on how to use this online replit.
The software is currently compiled for MS Windows, and Mac users are advised to use the above-mentioned emulated version for the time being.
Direct download:
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