Influence of lightweight structures used in swimming pools and water parks objects on their functionality, building form and spatial-visual effects indoors. - Publikacja - MOST Wiedzy


Influence of lightweight structures used in swimming pools and water parks objects on their functionality, building form and spatial-visual effects indoors.


Speaking about architecture of swimming facilities and water parks we have in mind their form, function , design and detail, texture and color. A particularly important element of the architecture of these buildings was and still is the structure.

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publikacja w wydawnictwie zbiorowym recenzowanym (także w materiałach konferencyjnych)
Tytuł wydania:
W : Lightweight Structures In Civil Engineering : Contemporary Problems : XIX LSCE 2013 strony 142 - 149
Rok wydania:
Opis bibliograficzny:
Sztafrowski M.: Influence of lightweight structures used in swimming pools and water parks objects on their functionality, building form and spatial-visual effects indoors.// W : Lightweight Structures In Civil Engineering : Contemporary Problems : XIX LSCE 2013/ Olsztyn: , 2013, s.142-149
Politechnika Gdańska

wyświetlono 91 razy

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