Modelling Object Behaviour in a Video Surveillnace System Using Pawlak's Flowgraph - Publikacja - MOST Wiedzy


Modelling Object Behaviour in a Video Surveillnace System Using Pawlak's Flowgraph


In this paper, methodology of acquisition and processing of video streams for the purpose of modelling object behaviour is presented. Multilevel contextual video processing was also mentioned. The Pawlak’s flowgraph is used as a container for the knowledge related to the behaviour of objects in the area supervised by a video surveillance system. Spatio-temporal dependencies in transitions between cameras can be easily changed in real-life situations. In order to cope with such fluctuating conditions, an adaptive algorithm is implemented. Consequently, as it was shown the flowgraph reacts faster to the occurring changes.

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Tytuł wydania:
Multimedia Communications, Services and Security strony 122 - 136
Rok wydania:
Opis bibliograficzny:
Lisowski K., Czyżewski A.: Modelling Object Behaviour in a Video Surveillnace System Using Pawlak's Flowgraph// Multimedia Communications, Services and Security/ ed. Andrzej Dziech, Andrzej Czyżewski : Springer International Publishing, 2014, s.122-136
Politechnika Gdańska

wyświetlono 83 razy

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