[AEiE] Selected topics of electrical engineering - models of electrical machines - e-learning course - Bridge of Knowledge


[AEiE] Selected topics of electrical engineering - models of electrical machines

{mlang pl}

Dyscyplina: automatyka, elektronika i elektrotechnika

Zajęcia fakultatywne dla doktorantów II roku

Prowadzący:  dr hab. inż. Andrzej Wilk, prof. PG, prof. dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Krzemiński

Liczba godzin: 15

Forma zajęć: wykład


{mlang en}

Discipline: control, electronic and electrical engineering

Facultative course for 2nd-year PhD students

Academic teachers: dr hab. inż. Andrzej Wilk, prof. PG, prof. dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Krzemiński

Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours

Course type: lecture


  • Introduction to the basic coordinates for the electrical and mechanical systems, conservative and dissipative lumped elements, and coenergy/energy-state functions.
  • Energy-state functions for a system of inductances and a system of capacitances
  • A restricted form of Lagrange’s equation.
  • Degrees of freedom and generalized coordinates.
  • Formulation of equilibrium equations for electromechanical systems – the Euler-Lagrange equation.
  • Electromagnetic forces and torques from the principle of virtual work.
  • Electromagnetic forces and torques from Lagrange’s equation.
  • Models of electrical machines



https://enauczanie.pg.edu.pl/moodle/course/view.php?id=9733 open in new tab
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Gdańsk University of Technology

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