Catalog e-Learning Courses
e-learning courses starting with: D clear
total: 457
Catalog e-Learning Courses
Year -
D. Zalewska 4 Data Engineering 4
e-Learning Courses -
D. Zalewska 5 ACiR i IBM
e-Learning Courses -
D. Zalewska 7 WILIŚ, BUD 1 sem, B2, 2024/25z
e-Learning Courses -
D. Zalewska IMM ZiP BM, Bud, I st V s 24/25z
e-Learning Courses -
D. Zalewska. WILiS, BUD, I st III sem, B2 24/25
e-Learning Courses -
D. Zalewska, WIMIO, TiL, PiBJ ,OiKM, sem 3, B2, 2024/25z
e-Learning Courses -
Danuta Zalewska, BIM ZIP sem V C1 Angielski, 23/24z
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Danuta Zalewska, IMM ZiP BM, Bud, I st IV s 23/24z
e-Learning Courses -
Danuta Zalewska, Inf II stopień, 1 semestr C1
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Danuta Zalewska, Matematyka I stopień 2 semestr B2
e-Learning Courses -
Danuta Zalewska OCE BJ I st III sem 23/24z
e-Learning Courses -
Danuta Zalewska, WCH, BT, I st, 6 sem, 23/24l
e-Learning Courses -
Danuta Zalewska, WCH, I st, 4 sem, 21/22 l
e-Learning Courses -
Danuta Zalewska WCH I st V sem 23/24z
e-Learning Courses -
Danuta Zalewska, WETI, telekomunikacja, I st, 4sem, 21/22l
e-Learning Courses -
Danuta Zalewska, WILiS, Bud, I st I s 23/24z
e-Learning Courses -
Danuta Zalewska, WILiS, Bud, I st II s 23/24z
e-Learning Courses -
Danuta Zalewska, WILiS, Bud, I st III s 23/24z
e-Learning Courses -
Danuta Zalewska, WILiŚ, GiK, I st, 4 sem, 23/24l
e-Learning Courses -
Danuta Zalewska, WIMiO, BM+ZiP, I st 2sem, 21/22l
e-Learning Courses -
Danuta Zalewska, WIMIO, OCEANOTECHNIKA +BJ, I st, 2 sem, 21/22 l
e-Learning Courses -
Danuta Zalewska, ZiE, ID, I st, 4 sem, 23/24l, Fr 11:15
e-Learning Courses -
Danuta Zalewska, ZiE, ZI I st, 2 sem, 23/24, fr 7:30 Upper Int
e-Learning Courses -
e-Learning Courses -
Data analysis - team project 2024
e-Learning Courses -
Data Analysis 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesData Analysisdr inż. Karol Flisikowski, prof. PG - winter semester 2023/24
Data analysis and presentation
e-Learning Courses -
Data Mining 2021/2022
e-Learning CoursesThis is a web page for our course in Data Mining.
Data Mining 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesThis is a web page for our course in Data Mining.
Data Mining 2023/24
e-Learning Courses -
DATA MINING (Field of study: Economic analytics 1st semester) -2022
e-Learning Courses -
Data Mining (for Data Engineering) - Nowy
e-Learning Courses -
e-Learning CoursesNSTAC
e-Learning CoursesNSTAC
Data Mining Path
e-Learning CoursesWithin this path, various issues regarding data mining and their practical application in various systems are discussed. 4 semestr specjalności ISI i ZAD
e-Learning CoursesSTAC
Data quality assurance
e-Learning CoursesThe first lecture: 22.02.2021 at 8:15 on Teams Pierwszy wykład: 22.02.2021 o 8:15 w Teams ---------------------------------------------- Kierunek: Inżynieria danych (WETI) Studia I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, semestr 6
Data quality assurance
e-Learning Courses -
Data quality assurance - 2023
e-Learning CoursesData quality assurance / Zapewnianie jakości danych 2023 Prowadzący: Andrzej Wardziński Wykład: od 13 marca, poniedziałki 13:15 sala NE Audytorium 2 Projekt w drugiej połowie semestru Kod dostępu do przedmiotu w eNauczanie będzie przekazany podczas pierwszego wykładu
Data Quality Assurance 2024
e-Learning CoursesData quality assurance / Zapewnianie jakości danych 2023 Prowadzący: Paweł Weichbroth Wykład: odbywają się zdalnie. Projekt w drugiej połowie semestru Kod dostępu do przedmiotu w eNauczanie będzie przekazany podczas pierwszego wykładu
Data Structures (Doctoral Studies)
e-Learning CoursesThe course covers basic data structures and computer algorithms used in information tehcnology applications.
Data Structures (Doctoral Studies) - New
e-Learning CoursesThe course is designed to provide students with the knowledge regarding basic data structures and associated algorithms used in broad range of applications. Students will also gain knowledge about how to evaluate the quality of algorithms in the context of time and space usage. Additionally, during seminars, students get familiar with biographies of most famous creators of the algorithms.
Data Warehouses DE 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to familiarize students with the development process of data warehouses for BI systems. The course is prepared for students of Data Engineering.
Data Warehouses - Part-time studies - 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesThe curse is led for part-time studies, on the first semester of postgraduate studies.
Data Warehouses - Part-time studies - 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesThe curse is led for part-time studies, on the first semester of postgraduate studies.
Data Warehouses 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to familiarize students with the development process of data warehouses for BI systems. The course is prepared for students of Informatics - 5th semester.
Data Warehouses 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to familiarize students with the development process of data warehouses for BI systems. The course is prepared for students of Data Engineering.
Data warehouses 2026/2027
e-Learning Courses -
Data Warehouses DE 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to familiarize students with the development process of data warehouses for BI systems. The course is prepared for students of Data Engineering.
Database management systems - lecture 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesKurs dedykowany do wykładów prowadzonych wspólnie dla przedmiotu Zarządzanie Systemami Baz Danych na kierunku Informatyka oraz Database management systems na kierunku inżynieria danych.