TEAM RESEARCH PROJECT I & II_2024/25 - e-learning course - Bridge of Knowledge



  1. The aim of a team research project is to conduct a process in which Students will verify the research hypothesis set by the Client. For this purpose, the project may require the creation of a product, e.g. an application, a device and conducting appropriate research, analysis of results, etc. In the event that the University/Client shares confidential information (including data), the Students will be required to sign an undertaking to keep the information provided confidential. The mandatory result of the research project for projects with a research hypothesis is a report in the form of a publication formatted in accordance with the Elsevier template, prepared in English. For application projects, a report in the form of a patent application is also acceptable.
  2. The implementation of the research project is documented in the electronic system Moja PG/ZPB ( by:
    1. Defining the topic and research hypothesis.
    2. Defining the schedule by specifying stages with control dates. The stages should correspond to tasks leading to the verification of the research hypothesis, e.g.: data collection, preparation/normalization/processing of data, design of the algorithm/solution, implementation of the solution, conducting experiments, analysis of results, verification of the hypothesis based on the obtained results, publication/report.
    3. Partial reports documenting the achievement of the stages from the schedule.
    4. Preparation of a poster (English) after the first and second semester informing about the performers, basic tasks and achieved results.
    5. Preparation of a report in the form of a publication according to the template (Elsevier) in English or a report in the form of a patent application.

Course coordinator:

 Dr. Eng. Arch. Anna Orchowska (



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Start date:
Access type:
By teacher
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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