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Search results for: early modern gdańsk
History of Architecture and Urbanism II_2024/25
e-Learning CoursesThe course covers the study of European Architecture in early modern period , focusing on different styles, architectural creations, and the architects who contributed to the history of architecture. The course also aims to develop students' drawing and analytical skills to prepare them for a career in architecture.
Elective design II Reinventing Gdańsk / Reinventing Gdynia
e-Learning CoursesThe workshop will examine important modern architectural buildings in Gdańsk/ Gdynia in different political, cultural, economic and environmental contexts. The students will be divided into groups. Each group will be led by the curator of the exhibition. They will identify and evaluate the architectural values of the building through analyses, deconstructions and syntheses, focusing on understanding the basic principles of architecture...
Modern Macroeconomics
e-Learning Courses -
☕️Café Lingua Gdańsk Tech
e-Learning Courses -
03 Gdańsk Tech employees :)
e-Learning Courses -
Elective design I: Waterfront Areas in a Changing Climate – Solutions for Gdańsk
e-Learning CoursesElective design I:Waterfront Areas in a Changing Climate – Solutions for Gdańsk for MSc in Arch. Seminars & assignments: 30 hTeacher: Lucyna Nyka, Jakub Szczepański, Justyna Borucka + assist. teacher from Gdańsk Tech Waterfront Areas in a Changing Climate – Solutions for Gdańsk – This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts in waterfront areas, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of...
Selected aspects of modern X-ray structural analysis 2024
e-Learning CoursesSelected Aspects of Modern X-ray Structural Analysis
Selected Aspects of Modern X-ray Structural Analysis 2023
e-Learning CoursesSelected Aspects of Modern X-ray Structural Analysis
Functional Materials
e-Learning CoursesPrerequisites: The course is primarily open to all PhD students at Gdansk University of Technology. This course is compulsory for PhD students assigned to Automation, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Space Technologies tracks at Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology Content During the course students will learn about different classes of intelligent materials and a strong emphasis will be placed on their practical...
Projektowanie urbanistyczne IV Gdańsk Stogi
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Management in modern organizations_2022_2023
e-Learning Courses -
Management in modern organizations_2024_2025
e-Learning Courses -
Management in modern organizations_2023_24
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Modern Macroeconomics (summer 2021_22)
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[IMe] Modern optimisation methods
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Inżynieria Mechaniczna Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący: dr hab. inż. K. Tesch Liczba godzin: 20h Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Mechanical Engineering Obligatory course for 1st year PhD students Academic teacher: dr hab. inż. K. Tesch Total hours of training: 20 teaching hours Course type: lecture {mlang}
Modern Technologies 2021/22
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[IME] Modern optimisation methods
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Inżynieria Mechaniczna Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący: Prof. dr hab. inż. K. Tesch Liczba godzin: 20h Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Mechanical Engineering Obligatory course for 1st year PhD students Academic teacher: Prof. dr hab. inż. K. Tesch Total hours of training: 20 teaching hours Course type: lecture {mlang}
[IMe] Modern optimisation methods
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Inżynieria Mechaniczna Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący: Prof. dr hab. inż. K. Tesch Liczba godzin: 20h Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Mechanical Engineering Obligatory course for 1st year PhD students Academic teacher: Prof. dr hab. inż. K. Tesch Total hours of training: 20 teaching hours Course type: lecture {mlang}
[IMe] Modern optimisation methods
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Inżynieria mechaniczna (PG+IMP PAN) Zajęcia obowiązkowe Prowadzący: dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Tesch, prof. uczelni Liczba godzin: 20 h Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: mechanical engineering (GUT + IFFM PAS) Obligatory course Academic teacher: dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Tesch, prof. uczelni Total hours of training: 20 teaching hours Course type: lecture {mlang}
Social Aspects of Modern Technology
e-Learning Courses -
Modern Techniques in Control Theory
e-Learning Courses -
Selected aspects of modern X-ray structural analysis 2025 kopia 1
e-Learning CoursesSelected Aspects of Modern X-ray Structural Analysis. The aim of the lecture is to provide the PhD students, studying at natural sciences departments, an overview of contemporary X-ray structural analysis. The presented subject is exploited in many distant areas of modern technologies, materials science, crystal engineering, organic or inorganic synthesis of new chemicals, drug design, molecular biology, etc. It becomes necessary...
Podyplomowe Studia Rachunkowości i Finansów Gdańsk - SR60
e-Learning Courses -
[soft skills] Didactic methods in the modern teaching process
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: wszystkie dyscypliny Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów II roku Prowadzący: dr hab. Joanna Mytnik, prof. PG, mgr Alina Guzik, Centrum Nowoczesnej Edukacji Liczba godzin: 15 Forma zajęć: wykład Kurs realizowany w zakładce Centrum Nowoczesnej Edukacji: Na kurs należy zapisać się samodzielnie: Hasło...
Modern Technologies in Construction 2023/24
e-Learning Courses -
Modern Technologies in Construction 2024/25
e-Learning Courses -
International Students Guide: Culture and Studying at Gdańsk Tech
e-Learning Courses -
e-Learning CoursesCultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection in urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and...
Elective design I: Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System - 2022/2023 Project PROMETHEUS
e-Learning CoursesElective design I:Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification Systemfor MSc in Arch. Seminars & assignments: 30 hTeacher: akub Szczepański, Justyna Borucka, Robert Hirsch Piotr Samól, Szymon Kowalski, Joanna Badach + Visiting Prof. Sandro Parrinello (from Pavia University) Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation...
2023/2024_LATO Modern Techniques in Control Theory
e-Learning CoursesWykład i ćwiczenia z przedmiotu Nowoczesne metody teorii sterowania
2021/2022_LATO Modern Techniques in Control Theory
e-Learning CoursesWykład i ćwiczenia z przedmiotu Nowoczesne metody teorii sterowania
2024/2025_LATO Modern Techniques in Control Theory
e-Learning CoursesWykład i ćwiczenia z przedmiotu Nowoczesne metody teorii sterowania
e-Learning Courses -
Elective Project II: MOVABLE HOUSE – the home of a Modern Nomad
e-Learning CoursesAs part of the elective seminar, students working in groups of 3 people will prepare architectural and lighting concept for an international competition: "MOVABLE HOUSE – The Home of a Modern Nomad " organized by the Polish Lighting Industry Association), co-organized by Goczołowie Architekci OVO Grąbczewscy Architects and the SOMA Agency, the organizer of the International LIGHT Fair. More information here about the competition...
2022/2023_LATO Modern Techniques in Control Theory - Nowy
e-Learning CoursesWykład i ćwiczenia z przedmiotu Nowoczesne metody teorii sterowania
[Soft Skills] Didactic methods in the modern teaching process
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: wszystkie dyscypliny Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów II roku ProwadzącA: mgr Olga Ludyga Liczba godzin: 15 Forma zajęć: warsztaty {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: all disciplines Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students Academic teacher: mgr Olga Ludyga Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Course type: workshop {mlang} Soft skills, area II - didactic skills
[Soft Skills] 2022 Didactic methods in the modern teaching process
e-Learning Courses -
[Soft Skills] 2 YEAR Didactic methods in the modern teaching process
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: wszystkie dyscypliny Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów 2 roku Prowadząca: dr hab. Joanna Mytnik, prof. uczelni Liczba godzin: 15 Forma zajęć: warsztaty {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: all disciplines Obligatory course for 2nd-year PhD students Academic teacher: Joanna Mytnik, Ph.D., ass. prof. Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Course type: workshop {mlang} Soft skills, area I - didactic...
Process Diagnostics - summer semester 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesFamiliarization with modern methods of industrial process diagnostics
Library Information Skills - Level 1
e-Learning CoursesThe Gdańsk Tech Library offers Library Information Skills e-course to the students enrolled in English-language degree programmes at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech). It is an obligatory course. There is a test at the end of the e-course. Information skills, or in other words information literacy, means knowing what kind of information a student is looking for, where to find it, how to evaluate, communicate and use...
Nowoczesne systemy radiokomunikacyjne (luty 2023)
e-Learning CoursesJoint course for Modern Radio Communication Systems and Nowoczesne systemy radiokomunikacyjne
Physical Education - winter semester 2020/21
e-Learning CoursesVademecum of Physical Education for Gdańsk University of Technology Students
Technical thermodynamics
e-Learning CoursesTechnical thermodynamics for double degree between Gdańsk Tech and Dezhou University
Nowoczesne systemy radiokomunikacyjne (luty 2022)
e-Learning CoursesKurs wspólny do przedmiotów: Nowoczesne systemy radiokomunikacyjne oraz Modern Radio Communication Systems
Projektowanie urbanistyczne V 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesW ramach projektu studenci przygotowują masterplan dla wybranej dzielnicy Miasta Gdańsk
Computer Aided Manufacturing Systems, PG_00054486, Summer semester 2021/2022
e-Learning CoursesGetting acquainted with the subject of computer-aided manufacturing as well as with the tendencies inmodern manufacturing
Health and safety training for students
e-Learning CoursesHealth and safety training is aimed at all newcoming students of Gdańsk University of Technology.
Prediploma project KAMiPN, KSW, sem.6, 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesThe topics of the classes include issues related to the analysis of conditions resulting from the location, the functional and spatial program and the provisions of the Local Development Plan, technical conditions and construction law. The design covers: plot development, form and function of the building (including an underground garage, if the function and provisions of the local development plan), basic construction and installation...
Information Systems in Manufacturing; group 2; 12.15-13.45; Mechanical Engineering, W, sem. 03, letni 24/25 (PG_00066752)
e-Learning CoursesThe course will provide the students with advanced knowledge in production manufacturing systems, which every company implements today, and they will understand modern block chain technology.
Information Systems in Manufacturing; group 1; 09.15-10.45; Mechanical Engineering, W, sem. 03, letni 24/25 (PG_00066752)
e-Learning CoursesThe course will provide the students with advanced knowledge in production manufacturing systems, which every company implements today, and they will understand modern block chain technology.