Search results for: URBAN BLUE SPACE - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: URBAN BLUE SPACE

Search results for: URBAN BLUE SPACE

  • Art Workshop I 2024/2025

    e-Learning Courses
    • Ł. Ławrynowicz
    • D. Krechowicz

     Drawing classes for first-year students of the Faculty of Architecture are aimed at developing basic drawing skills (learning composition, studying proportions, directions and contrasts, mutual relations of objects and chiaroscuro problems) based on the following topics: still life sketches, still life study, figure sketches in motion, character study. Classes are based on the observation of nature, which is an important element...

  • Spatial and Regional Planning Studies

    e-Learning Courses
    • I. Haxhiaj
    • Ł. Pancewicz

    The course objective is to teach the basic, practical skills of planning for the architects. Three aspects of planning will be taught during the course: building control, regulatory planning and operational planning. The students will explore the role of planning in granting the building permissions, how to prepare the planning (zoning) regulations and finally what are urban design tools, which can be used to coordinate the development...


    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Sasin

    Komponent modułu przedmiot Kompozycja - koordynator modułu: prof. Krzysztof Wróblewski Prowadzący: dr hab. Janusz Tkaczuk, prof. uczelni  mgr Paweł Sasin  english version below Kompozycja rzeźbiarska w przestrzeni: zaprojektowanie rzeźbiarskiego układu jednej lub kilku form abstrakcyjnych wynikających z inspiracji sztuką land art’u. Miejscem zbudowania kompozycji jest środowisko naturalne. Punkt wyjścia to określenie wzajemnej...

  • Architectural project V. Design for all 2022/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Sędzicki
    • M. Gawdzik

    SEMESTER V - ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/23 ARCHITECTURAL PROJECT V CHAIR OF URBAN ARCHITECTURE AND WATERSCAPES The course is design by : Dr. eng. arch. Marek Gawdzik   & MSc. eng.arch. Dominik Sędzicki TOPIC The subject of the semester project is the revitalization of one of the post-shipyard hall (No. 38 A) located at the Imperial Shipyard...

  • GIS for planning practice

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. M. Mazurkiewicz
    • J. Kabrońska

    Kurs skierowany jest do nauczycieli i nauczycielek akademickich pracujących w obszarze architektury i planowania przestrzennego i obejmuje podstawowe zagadnienia związane ze środowiskiem GIS. Obejmuje treści takie jak: wykorzystanie podstawowych i zaawansowanych narzędzi geoprocessingu, tworzenie kartogramów i kartodiagramów, wykonywanie analiz sieciowych i space syntax, zastosowanie narzędzi do geolokalizacji i georeferencji, tworzenie...

  • Functional Materials

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Jasiński
    • R. Bogdanowicz
    • M. Sobaszek
    • K. Cysewska
    • S. Molin

    Prerequisites: The course is primarily open to all PhD students at Gdansk University of Technology. This course is compulsory for PhD students assigned to Automation, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Space Technologies tracks at Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology Content During the course students will learn about different classes of intelligent materials and a strong emphasis will be placed on their practical...

  • Topic 1: Transformations / Spatial form design, scale 1:1

    e-Learning Courses
    • E. Urwanowicz
    • K. Wróblewski
    • P. Różycki

    Brief description: The subject matter of the spatial form design classes is transformation. First, a black square becomes a flat graphic composition, which is then converted to color. The final stage of the transformation process is a spatial object, which is by assumption devoid of any utilitarian functions. Course content / classes schedule:   1. Graphic. The task is to create an achromatic flat composition in the contrast...

  • Elective Seminar: Loft - Before and Nowadays - Creative Contest for Architects and Designers

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Zielińska-Dąbkowska
    • M. Gawdzik
    • A. Zdanowicz

      As part of the elective seminar, students working in groups of 3 people will prepare architectural and lighting concept for an international competition: "LOFT-BEFORE AND NOWADAYS" organized by the Polish Lighting Industry Association), co-organized by Goczołowie Architekci OVO Grąbczewscy Architects and the SOMA Agency, the organizer of the International LIGHT Fair. More information here about the competition here: The...

  • Elective Project II: MOVABLE HOUSE – the home of a Modern Nomad

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Zielińska-Dąbkowska
    • M. Gawdzik

      As part of the elective seminar, students working in groups of 3 people will prepare architectural and lighting concept for an international competition: "MOVABLE HOUSE – The Home of a Modern Nomad " organized by the Polish Lighting Industry Association), co-organized by Goczołowie Architekci OVO Grąbczewscy Architects and the SOMA Agency, the organizer of the International LIGHT Fair. More information here about the competition...

  • GIS I - Geograficzne systemy informacyjne 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. M. Mazurkiewicz
    • J. Wieczerzak

    Program realizacji zajęć dydaktycznych – semestr letni 2023/2024 Katedra Urbanistyki i Planowania Regionalnego, Wydział Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej// GUT urban GIS lab Studia dzienne I stopnia na kierunku GOSPODARKA PRZESTRZENNA, rok II, semestr IV Forma zajęć:  1/ Wykład  (15h/sem) = teoria zawarta w tutorialach– 1,5h tutoriale otrzymywane co dwa tygodnie (dostępne na e-nauczaniu) - zadania z tutorialu do wykonania...


    e-Learning Courses
    • Ł. Ławrynowicz
    • K. Wróblewski

    Brief description: The subject matter of the spatial form design classes is transformation. First, a black square becomes a flat graphic composition, which is then converted to color. The final stage of the transformation process is a spatial object, which is by assumption devoid of any utilitarian functions. Course content / classes schedule:   1. Graphic. The task is to create an achromatic flat composition in the contrast...