Search results for: (Roman) Law and Literature - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: (Roman) Law and Literature


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Search results for: (Roman) Law and Literature

  • Roman Beger


  • Roman Mazur


  • Roman Rynkiewicz


  • Roman Pastewski dr inż.


  • Roman Szczepański


  • Roman Ponczkowski


  • Roman Marks dr hab.


  • Julita Wasilczuk dr hab.

    Born on 5th of April, 1965 in Gdansk. In 1987-1991 studied the economics of transport, at the University of Gdansk. At 1993 she started to work at the Faculty of Management and Economics. In 1997 received a PhD at the faculty, in 2006 habilitation at the Faculty of Management, University of Gdansk. Since 2009 Associate Professor at Gdansk University of Technology. In 2010-2012 Associate Professor of Humanistic High School at Gdansk. The...

  • Carlos Dimeo dr hab


    Prof. Carlos Dimeo is a scholar whose principal research and teaching interests lie in contemporary Latin American Theatre and European Theatre. Mainly is interested in performance, which he studies from the research methodologies of Cultural Studies and Performances Studies. Dimeo develops a transdisciplinary research space that includes theatre, literature, writing and directing theatre, which combines beside other very diverse...

  • Beata Koper dr


    Beata Koper - Ph.D., assistant professor at the University of Opole. Digital Humanities Specialist at the Literary Research Infrastructure Laboratory (Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences), information and documentation specialist, UX designer, and last but not least team member of the Digital Humanities Center at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Co-author of the "Polish...

  • Jan Ostoj dr hab.


    Prof. Assoc. dr hab. Jan Ostoj – rector of the Bielsko-Biała School of Finances and Law between 1999 and 2020, currently head of Banking and Finances Department at the same school, lecturer and researcher in the area of economics and finances with more than 40 years of experience. Co-creator of two faculties of the school managed and two off-campus teaching centres. Previously employed at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University...

  • Klaudia Skelnik dr


    dr Klaudia Skelnik Prodziekan Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku, doktor nauk społecznych w dyscyplinie nauki o bezpieczeństwie, absolwent studiów MBA zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem, mgr politologii w specjalizacji ustrojowo-samorządowej, posiadająca podyplomowe wykształcenie wyższe w zakresie prawa Unii Europejskiej, Edukacji dla bezpieczeństwa, Bezpieczeństwa i Higiena Pracy oraz szereg kursów i szkoleń...

  • Jaroslaw Spychala dr


    Oprócz bardzo dobrego wykształcenia osoba posiada również wieloletnie doświadczenie zawodowe, które jest poświadczeniem tego, że potrafi wykorzystać swoją wiedzę teoretyczną w praktycznych działaniach. Doświadczenie zawodowe jest bardzo bogate i rozbudowane. Ze względu na nabyte całkiem nowe umiejętności zwiększa się atrakcyjność doświadczonego pracownika. Są to między innymi kreatywne myślenie, zorientowanie na cel, odporność...

  • Emilia Miszewska dr inż.

    Emilia Miszewska was born in 1986 in Gdańsk. She graduated from Primary School No. 17 in Gdańsk with sports classes specializing in swimming and Janusz Kusociński Sports Secondary School No. 11 in Gdańsk. In 2005, she started uniform master's studies at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, which she completed in 2011, defending her diploma thesis entitled "Analysis and development of fire protection guidelines and...

  • Ouahmiche Ghania Professor


    Prof Ouahmiche Ghania is a full Professor of Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, and Language Sciences at the University of Oran 2, in the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of English. She holds two Ph. Ds—one in Sociolinguistics and Language Planning and another in French Didactics and Language Sciences—and a Licence in Theology and Religious Studies. With over 26 years of experience teaching English at the University...

  • Adam Palion doktor teologi z zakresu ekumenizmu


    PALION Adam (1977–) Priest of the Katowice Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church, doctor of theology in the field of ecumenical theology He was born on December 2, 1977 in Katowice. In 1998 he joined the Higher Silesian Theological Seminary in Katowice. In 2004 he obtained a master's degree in theology at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Silesia (Implementation of the recommendations of the Synod of the Diocese...