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Search results for: HYDROSTATIC GEAR
Hydro and marine civil engineering
e-Learning CoursesKurs realizowany na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska (WILiŚ) Politechniki Gdańskiej. Studia: II stopnia - magisterskie, stacjonarne Kierunek: Budownictwo Semestr: 1 (letni) Presentation of basic hydro and marine civil engineering structures together with basic computational procedures for determining environmental forces acting on a structure (vertical-wall breakwater, rubble mound breakwater, submarine pipelines...
Hydro and marine civil engineering (2020-2021)
e-Learning CoursesKurs realizowany na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska (WILiŚ) Politechniki Gdańskiej. Studia: II stopnia - magisterskie, stacjonarne Kierunek: Budownictwo Semestr: 1 (letni) Presentation of basic hydro and marine civil engineering structures together with basic computational procedures for determining environmental forces acting on a structure (vertical-wall breakwater, rubble mound breakwater, submarine pipelines...
Hydro and marine civil engineering (2021-2022)
e-Learning CoursesKurs realizowany na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska (WILiŚ) Politechniki Gdańskiej. Studia: II stopnia - magisterskie, stacjonarne Kierunek: Budownictwo Semestr: 1 (letni) Presentation of basic hydro and marine civil engineering structures together with basic computational procedures for determining environmental forces acting on a structure (vertical-wall breakwater, rubble mound breakwater, submarine pipelines...
[15.02.2024] Information meeting for 2nd year PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 15.02.2024 2nd year PhD students
[24.02.2025] Information meeting for 2nd year PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 24.02.2025 2nd year PhD students
[25.11.2021] Information meeting for 1-st year PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 25.11.2021 1st-year PhD students
[18.12.2023] Information meeting for 1-st year PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 18.12.2023 1st-year PhD students
[15.03.2023] Information meeting for 4-th year PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 15.03.2023 4th-year PhD students
[25.10.2022] Information meeting for 1-st year PhD students - Nowy
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 25.10.2022 1st-year PhD students
[Soft Skills] 2 YEAR Didactic methods in the modern teaching process
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: wszystkie dyscypliny Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów 2 roku Prowadząca: dr hab. Joanna Mytnik, prof. uczelni Liczba godzin: 15 Forma zajęć: warsztaty {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: all disciplines Obligatory course for 2nd-year PhD students Academic teacher: Joanna Mytnik, Ph.D., ass. prof. Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Course type: workshop {mlang} Soft skills, area I - didactic...
[31.01.2024] Information meeting for 3rd and 4-th year PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 31.01.2024 3rd and 4th-year PhD students
[03.03.2025] Information meeting for 3rd and 4-th year PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 03.03.2025 3rd and 4th-year PhD students
Fluid Mechanics, L/L/E, DaPE, sem. 04, summer 21/22 (PG_00050282)
e-Learning CoursesLECTURES Introduction and basic definitions. Properties of fluids. Models of fluids. Fluids in equilibrium. Determination of hydrostatic forces. Archimedes" law. Methods of fluid flow description. General motion of fluid. Deformation of fluid element. Vortex motion of fluid. Principles of conservation of mass, momentum and energy. Balance of entropy. Navier-Stokes equation. Bernoulli equation. Similarity of flow phenomena. Potential...
[22.06.2021] Mid-term evaluation - Information Meeting for 2nd year PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 22.06.2021 2nd-year PhD students
[27.04.2022] Mid-term evaluation - Information Meeting for 2nd year PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 27.04.2022 2nd-year PhD students
[16.03.2023] Mid-term evaluation - Information Meeting for 2nd year PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 16.03.2023 2nd-year PhD students
PG_00042018 Physics 1 24/25
e-Learning CoursesPhysics 1 for stutents of Power Engineering, 2nd semester of the first year of study
Essentials of computer science for Bachelor in Management students
e-Learning CoursesVarious resources accompanying "Essentials of computer science" classes for Bachelor in Management 1st year students.
Physics II
e-Learning CoursesSecond part of physcics course for DaPE students, 2nd semester of the first year, 2024/25
Ogrzewnictwo 2023/2024 IŚ studia stacjonarne sem. VI lato
e-Learning CoursesHeating students of Environmental Engineering full-time engineer. sem. 6 Heating 2023/2024 supporting course for the subject Heating (PG_00043392) intended for students: Field of study: Environmental Engineering Level of education: 1st degree - engineering Academic year of course implementation: 2023/2024 Form of studies: full-time Year of study: 3 Semester: 6 (summer)
Information meeting for PhD students 23
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 18.12.2023 1st-year PhD students
PG_00042018_ PHYSICS I - ET- 2021/22
e-Learning CoursesPhysics I lecture for students from both faculties, course number PG_00042018 Lecture runs on 2021/22 academic year
PG_00042018_ PHYSICS I - ET- 2022/23
e-Learning CoursesPhysics I lecture for students from both faculties, course number PG_00042018 Lecture runs on 2022/23 academic year
PG_00042018_ PHYSICS I - ET- 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesPhysics I lecture for students from both faculties, course number PG_00042018 Lecture runs on 2023/24 academic year
Library Information Skills | Primo catalogue
e-Learning Coursese-Course for students enrolled in English-language degree programmes at Gdańsk University of Technology. Training for the 2024/2025 academic year.
Information Systems Security 2023
e-Learning CoursesThe e-learning course for the Information Systems Security, in the field of Electronics and Telecommunications in the II degree studies (2nd year of studies, 3rd semester).
Information Systems Security 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesThe e-learning course for the Information Systems Security, in the field of Electronics and Telecommunications in the II degree studies (2nd year of studies, 3rd semester).
Matematyka aktuarialna 2024
e-Learning CoursesWykłady z matematyki aktuarialnej w semestrze letnim roku akademickiego 2023/2024 Lectures in Actuarial Mathematics in the summer term of the 2023/2024 academic year
Algorytmy Optymalizacji Dyskretnej - ed. 2021/2022
e-Learning CoursesIn real-world applications, many important practical problems are NP-hard, therefore it is expedient to consider not only the optimal solutions of NP-hard optimization problems, but also the solutions which are “close” to them (near-optimal solutions). So, we can try to design an approximation algorithm that efficiently produces a near-optimal solution for the NP-hard problem. In many cases we can even design approximation algorithms...
Physics I for GT 2024/25
e-Learning CoursesThe course is designed for Students of the Faculty of Chemistry, field of study Green Technologies sem. 1, academic year 2024/25. It contains materials for tutorials and the laboratory in physics.
PG_00040165_ PHYSICS II - DaPE- 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesPhysics II lecture for students of DAPE, course number PG_00040165 Lecture runs in academic year 2023/24
Niezawodność i Diagnostyka
e-Learning CoursesKierunek: Elektronika i telekomunikacja Electronics and Telecommunication Studia magisterskie (II stopnia)M.Sc. studies Rok 2Year 2Semestr 3 Semester 3
Niezawodność i Diagnostyka 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesKierunek: Elektronika i telekomunikacja Electronics and Telecommunication Studia magisterskie (II stopnia)M.Sc. studies Rok 2Year 2Semestr 3 Semester 3
[19.11.2020] Information meeting for PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 19.11.2020 1st and 2nd-year PhD students
Niezawodność i Diagnostyka 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesKierunek: Elektronika i telekomunikacja Electronics and Telecommunication Studia magisterskie (II stopnia)M.Sc. studies Rok 2Year 2Semestr 3 Semester 3
Niezawodność i Diagnostyka 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesKierunek: Elektronika i telekomunikacja Electronics and Telecommunication Studia magisterskie (II stopnia)M.Sc. studies Rok 2Year 2Semestr 3 Semester 3
PG_00055087_ PHYSICS II - DaPE- 2022/23
e-Learning CoursesPhysics II lecture for students of DAPE, course number PG_00055087 Lecture runs in academic year 2022/23
PG_00042031_ PHYSICS 2 - ET- 2022/23
e-Learning CoursesPhysics 2 lab for students of ET, course number PG_00042031 lab runs on academic year 2022/23
PG_00042018_ PHYSICS I - DaPE- 2022/23
e-Learning CoursesPhysics I lecture for students of DAPE, course number PG_00055087 Lecture runs on academic year 2022/23
PG_00042031 PHYSICS 2-ET- 23/24
e-Learning CoursesPhysics 2 lab for students of ET, course number PG_00042031 lab runs on academic year 2022/23
PG_00055087_ PHYSICS I - DaPE- 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesPhysics I lecture for students of DAPE, course number PG_00055087 Lecture runs in academic year 2023/24
PG_00042031 PHYSICS 2-ET- 24/25
e-Learning CoursesPhysics 2 lab for students of ET, course number PG_00042031 lab runs in academic year 2024/25
Sports QUIZ
e-Learning CoursesSPORTS QUIZ is addressed to current students of the Gdańsk University of Technology who, in the summer semester of the 2019/20 academic year, had compulsory physical education classes. To get credit you must get at least 50% of points. SPORTS QUIZ contains 52 questions about knowledge of 28 sports. The questions may take the form of single-choice or multiple-choice questions. In matters related to the completion of physical...
[Soft Skills] Academic writing gr. 4
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: soft skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku, fakultatywne dla doktorantów II roku Prowadzący: dr Iwona Mokwa-Tarnowska Liczba godzin: 30 Forma zajęć: {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: soft skills Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students, facultative for 2nd-year PhD students Academic teacher: dr Iwona Mokwa - Tarnowska Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours Course type: {mlang}
[Soft Skills] Academic writing gr. 3
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: soft skills Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku, fakultatywne dla doktorantów II roku Prowadzący: dr Iwona Mokwa-Tarnowska Liczba godzin: 30 Forma zajęć: {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: soft skills Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students, facultative for 2nd-year PhD students Academic teacher: dr Iwona Mokwa - Tarnowska Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours Course type: {mlang}
PG_00055087 & PG_00055138_ PHYSICS - DaPE- 2024/25
e-Learning CoursesPhysics I (PG_00055087) and Introduction to Higher Physics (PG_00055138) for students of DAPE Courses run in academic year 2024/25
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics EE Msc sem. I r.a. 22/23
e-Learning CoursesBasic definitions. Physical properties of liquids. Forces acting on fluids. Hydrostatics - basic equations. Pressure on a flat and curved wall. Buoyancy. Archimedes' law. Balance of submerged bodies. The balance of floating bodies. Hydrodynamics. Hydrodynamic quantities. Continuity equation for the liquid stream. Bernoulli equation. Basic laws of hydrodynamics. Equation of mass behavior, preservation of the amount of motion, Bernoulli's...
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics EE Msc sem. I r.a. 23/24
e-Learning CoursesBasic definitions. Physical properties of liquids. Forces acting on fluids. Hydrostatics - basic equations. Pressure on a flat and curved wall. Buoyancy. Archimedes' law. Balance of submerged bodies. The balance of floating bodies. Hydrodynamics. Hydrodynamic quantities. Continuity equation for the liquid stream. Bernoulli equation. Basic laws of hydrodynamics. Equation of mass behavior, preservation of the amount of motion, Bernoulli's...
Group project (NT2-eng. sem.3) - 2022
e-Learning CoursesCourse for 2nd degree Students of Nanotechnology, sem. 3, academic year 2022/2023. The aim of the course is to prepare students for teamwork by implementing a project involving the analysis of the problem by the team, presenting a proposal to solve the problem, conducting research/tests and preparing a report.
Konsultacje: Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz
e-Learning CoursesKonsultacje w semestrze zimowym 2020/2021 odbywają się w formie e-konsultacji za pomocą platformy zoom. Office hours during the winter semester of 2020/2021 academic year are organized through webinars at zoom.