Search results for: HISTORIA HYDRAULIKI
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Search results for: HISTORIA HYDRAULIKI
Dynamis. Acta Hisoanica ad Medicinae Scientarunque Historiam Illustrandam
Journals -
QUINTANA. Revista de estudios del Departamento de Historia del Arte
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Theoria. Revista de teoría, historia y fundamentos de la ciencia
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Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas/Anuario de Historia de América Latina
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Procesos Historicos-Revista Semestral de Historia Arte y Ciencias Sociales
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Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana y Caribeña (HALAC) revista de la Solcha
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Rivista di storia del cristinesimo
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Rivista di storia della filosofia
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Rivista di storia della miniatura
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Bollettino Senese di Storia Patria
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Storiografia. Rivista annuale di storia
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Rivista Italiana di Storia Internazionale
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Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea
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European Review of History - revue européenne d'histoire
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International Journal of History Learning, Teaching and Research
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Icon. Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
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Medizinhistorisches Journal - Medicine and the Life Sciences in History
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Lychnos. Annual of the Swedish History of Science Society
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Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas
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Jahrbuch f. Wirtschaftsgeschichte/Economic History Yearbook
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Studii şi Materiale de Istorie Medie
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American Neptune (the): a Quarterly Journal of Maritime History
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Analele ştinnţifice de Istorie, codrul cosminului
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Philosophia Scientiae - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
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EIDOLA International Journal of Classical Art History
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Studii şi Materiale de Istorie Modernă
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Studies in History and PHilosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
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Saothar: Journal of Irish Labour History Society
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Hippokrates: Journal for the Finnish Society of the History of Medicine
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Cosmos and History-The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy
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Imago Mundi-The International Journal for the History of Cartography
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Epekeina-International Journal of Ontology History and Critics
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Labor-Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas
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Pennsylvania History-A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies
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Nazariyat-Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences
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Terrae Incognitae-The Journal of the Society for the History of Discoveries
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Spontaneous Generations-Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science
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Sanat Tarihi Dergisi-Journal of Art History
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Journal of Art History-Sanat Tarihi Yilligi
Journals -
"Tematy i Konteksty" ("Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Seria Filologiczna. Historia Literatury")
Journals -
Asclepio. Revista de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia
Journals -
Panta Rei-Revista Digital de Ciencia y Didactica de la Historia
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Potestas. Revista de estudios del Mundo Clásico e Historia del Arte
Journals -
Boletín del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana "Doctor Emilio Ravignani"
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Archival and Historical Review
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Studies in 19th and 20th Century Social and Economic History
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Ordines Militares Colloquia Torunensia Historica. Yearbook for the Study of the Military Orders
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Interstitio East European Review of Historical and Cultural Anthropology
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Zprávy památkové péče /Journal of Historical Heritage Preservation