Search results for: REFORMER TUBES
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filtered: 25
Search results for: REFORMER TUBES
Journals -
Fuels and Lubes International
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Journal of Reformed Theology
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DNA Reporter
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Réforme, Humanisme, Renaissance
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Women’s Rights Law Reporter
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Health Systems & Reform
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Journal of Tax Reform
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International Journal of Educational Reform
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Journal of Economic Policy Reform
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Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme
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Agenda-A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform
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Revista del CLAD Reforma y Democracia
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Tidskrift för genusvetenskap (former title : Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift)
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Renleixue Xuebao (former title: Acta Anthropologica Sinica)
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Cuadernos de investigación histórica Brocar = Former title and ISSN
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Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film (former title :Nineteenth Century Theatre)
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Sociolinguistic Studies (former title: "Estudios Sociolinguistica" and ISSN (1576-7418)"
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Hermes - Journal of Language and Communication Studies (former title: Hermes. Journal of Linguistics)
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Reporter of the Priazovskyi State Technical University : Economic sciences
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Existentia: An International Journal of Philosophy (Former title: Existentia - Pro Philosophia Szegediensi Alapítvány, Szeged - megszűnt
Journals -
LSP Journal - Language for special purposes, professional communication, knowledge management and cognition (former title: LSP and Professional Communication)
Journals -
Studium: Tijdschrift voor Wetenschaps- en Universiteits-geschiedenis | Revue d'Histoire des Sciences et des Universités (former title: Gewina: tijdschrift voor de geschiedenis der geneeskunde, natuurwetenschappen, wiskunde en techniek)