Aleksandra Kopytko - Science profile - Bridge of Knowledge


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Publication showcase

  • The Double Cognitive Bias of Mistakes: A Measurement Method

    - Year 2023

    There is no learning without mistakes. However, making mistakes among knowledge workers is s�ll seeing shameful. There is a clash between posi�ve a�tudes and beliefs regarding the power of gaining new (tacit) knowledge by ac�ng in new contexts and nega�ve a�tudes and beliefs toward accompanying mistakes that are sources of learning. These contradictory a�tudes create a bias that is doubled by the other shared solid belief...

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  • Double Bias of Mistakes: Essence, Consequences, and Measurement Method

    There is no learning without mistakes. However, there is a clash between‘positive attitudes and beliefs’regarding learning processes and the ‘negative attitudes and beliefs’towardthese being accompanied bymistakes. Thisclash exposesa cognitive bias towardmistakesthat might block personal and organizational learning. This study presents an advanced measurement method to assess thebias of mistakes. The essence of it is the...

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  • Gender as a Moderator of the Double Bias of Mistakes – Knowledge Culture and Knowledge Sharing Effects

    - Year 2024

    There is no learning without mistakes. The essence of the double bias of mistakes is the contradiction between an often-declared positive attitude towards learning from mistakes, and negative experiences when mistakes occur. Financial and personal consequences, shame, and blame force desperate employees to hide their mistakes. These adverse outcomes are doubled in organizations by the common belief that managers never make mistakes,...

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