mgr Anna Okonowicz
- annokono@student.pg.edu.pl
Publication showcase
Fertility rebound and economic growth. New evidence for 18 countries over the period 1970-2011.
Long-run impact of economic growth on fertility trends is ambiguous and sensitive for in-time variations. Noticeably, over last decades, economic growth has led in many countries to significant falls in total fertility rates. However, recently, in high-income economies a kind of ‘fertility rebound’ emerged (Goldstein, 2009; Luci and Thevenon, 2011; Day, 2012), which supports the hypothesis that reversal trends in total fertility...
Are women importanf for economic development? Women`s participation in the labor market and their contribution to economic growth in 83 countries.
Artykuł przedstawia ilościowe zależności między partycypacją kobiet w rynku pracy a wzrostem i rozwojem gospodarczym. Analiza została przeprowadzona dla 83 krajów świata w latach 1990-2011.
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