dr inż. Bartosz Reichel
- Assistant professor at Institute of Physics and Applied Computer Science
Social media
- bartosz.reichel@pg.edu.pl
Assistant professor
- Workplace
- Gmach B pokój 409
- Phone
- (58) 347 15 30
Publication showcase
Mode interaction in few-mode optical fibres with Kerr effect
Uogólnioną metodę rzutowania do ortogonalnej bazy funkcji poprzecznej współrzędnej Bessela stosuje się do wyprowadzania układów równań nieliniowych Schrodingera. Teoria jest ważna dla paczek falowych w światłowodach i kilku modelach.
Analytical Expression for the Time-Domain Green's Function of a Discrete Plane Wave Propagating in the 3-D FDTD Grid
In this paper, a closed-form expression for the time-domain dyadic Green’s function of a discrete plane wave (DPW) propagating in a 3-D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) grid is derived. In order to verify our findings, the time-domain implementation of the DPW-injection technique is developed with the use of the derived expression for 3-D total-field/scattered-field (TFSF) FDTD simulations. This implementation requires computations...
Multimode systems of nonlinear equations: derivation, integrability, and numerical solutions
We consider the propagation of electromagnetic pulses in isotropic media taking a third-order nonlinearityinto account. We develop a method for transforming Maxwell's equations based on a complete set ofprojection operators corresponding to wave-dispersion branches (in a waveguide or in matter) with thepropagation direction taken into account. The most important result of applying the method is a systemof equations describing the...
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