Adaptive intelligent speech processing system of medical personnel with the structuring of test results and support of therapeutic process - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


Adaptive intelligent speech processing system of medical personnel with the structuring of test results and support of therapeutic process

The project aims to develop and implement a solution by means of which physicians will be able to voice-recall available diagnostic test results and clinical parameters of patients, fill in disease charts during medical history taking, create radiological descriptions, and prescribe treatment as required. The system to be developed will automatically generate templates for their completion, including medical history, radiology image descriptions, which will be editable by voice, and will also enable dictation of referrals for additional tests, prescriptions, and sick leave. The cloud-based speech recognition system will be built on the basis of the developed corpus of Polish speech extended by the dictionary of medical terms and trade names of medicines, intended to be used primarily by doctors of various specializations, including radiologists, surgeons, doctors working in hospital emergency wards, specialists giving medical advice. The variant of the solution extended with two-way communication, based both on speech recognition and speech synthesis, will be used when a doctor cannot operate a text editor manually. It is assumed that the corpus of recordings will be based on recordings of articulated speech in typical acoustic conditions of doctors' offices and also in surgical masks, in operating theatres and also in conditions that make effective speech recognition difficult, i.e. in the presence of reverberation, interference and simultaneous speech. In particular, to use the system in operating theatres and clinical emergency departments, the constructed hardware solution for speech signal acquisition will be used. An additional application of the system will be to search medical databases and repositories. Hence the repositories will be supplemented with the names of medical conditions and some drug components as well as trade names of popular medical products. Special attention will be paid to training the system for recognition of associated sets of words, elimination of repetitive erroneous terms, dictation of dimensions of radiological lesions, voice correction of entries in referenced templates, ability to read entries using synthetic speech, starting from highlighted cursor positions and replacement of existing fragments with new ones dictated by voice.


Project's acronym:
Financial Program Name:
Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (NCBR) (The National Centre for Research and Development)
INFOSTRATEG4/0003/2022 z dnia 2023-05-04
Realisation period:
2023-04-01 - 2026-03-31
Project manager:
prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Czyżewski
Team members:
Realised in:
Department of Multimedia Systems
External institutions
participating in project:
  • Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny (Poland)
  • E-TRUST Sp. z o.o. (Poland)
Project's value:
8 299 875.00 PLN
Request type:
National Research Programmes
Domestic project
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology


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